01-14-04 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (EC) REGULAR MEETING January 14, 2004 Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kim Grant, Ron Olsen, Marcus Zbinden, Jo Mueller, Steve Nalefski MEMBERS ABSENT: Deborah Yungner, Dottie Shay STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist COUNCIL PRESENT: none APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December minutes were approved. GUEST SPEAKER, SHELDON SWENSEN, WASTE MANAGEMENT: Sheldon introduced himself and gave a brief description of his background, including that he has worked in ‘garbage’ for 13 years. His previous employer was Quality Waste which was bought by Waste Management. Typically that is what happens to small haulers. They are bought out by large companies like Waste Management. Over the last four years Waste Management has acquired at least 6 companies in the west metro. Sheldon handles all the contracts in Savage, south and west metro and St. Cloud. Waste Management, based in Houston, is the largest recycler in the world. It recently built a recycling facility for sorting recyclables. Recycling has increased 15-20% in volume with the single-sort customers in the Twin Cities. Of the amount collected, 95% is recycled with 5% residual, most of which is contaminated newspaper. Waste Management wants Chanhassen to change its ordinance to allow for bi-weekly collection of recyclables. Brooklyn Park did a report and analysis of single-sort and found the advantages were more materials recycled, less waste on the streets. Waste Management would like to implement single-sort recycling for Chanhassen residents by April 1. Single-sort recycling is a cost-savings for WM; however, customers do not receive a reduction in their fees. Monthly recycling reports would still be available and given to the city. Even if Chanhassen does not revise its ordinance WM will implement single-sort in other towns in Carver County. At the WM facility machines are able to separate 90% of broken glass from the other materials. More than 50% of the glass collected is broken. Sheldon recommended that the commission take a tour of the facility. He said the facility cost $8 million to build. One of the commissioners asked Sheldon where Chan garbage goes. He said that typically it goes to a landfill near Glenwood. Approximately 1/3 of the homes in Chan use WM. The commission agreed that a tour of the facility would be a good idea. A date in the next 2-3 weeks will be set. Jill will contact Sheldon to arrange it. ENVIRONEMTNAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS: The commission reviewed the two applications received for the Award. Marcus Ellson, a high school student applied with his storm drain decal project and Chanhassen Elementary applied for their new recycling program at the school. The commission voted to award both applications. Chanhassen Elementary will receive a plaque and $50 Chan bucks. Marcus will receive a certificate and $50 Chan bucks. The applications will be reviewed by the City Council on January 26. If approved, the presentation will occur at the Feb. 9 City Council meeting. ARBORETUM CLASSES: A full schedule of the classes will be printed in the city newsletter. Ads for the classes will also be stuffed in utility bills and an ad will be placed in the Chan Villager. The commission approved the final draft of the class program. 2004 WORK PLAN: The commission reviewed the work plan. The following changes were made: openings for the commission will be post in JAN., Arbor Day planning will be added to JAN. The plan was approved with those revisions. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Steve suggested that the Rotary be asked about planting trees for Arbor Day. Marcus could be scheduled to talk to them. Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\MINUTES\ENV\01-14-04MIN.doc