02-11-04 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (EC) REGULAR MEETING February 11, 2004 Meeting called to order at 6:45 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kim Grant, Ron Olsen, Marcus Zbinden, Jo Mueller, Deborah Yungner, Dottie Shay MEMBERS ABSENT: Steve Nalefski STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist COUNCIL PRESENT: none APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January minutes were approved. WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY TOUR: The Commission will tour the Materials Recovery Facility on Friday, February 13. The Commission is concerned about the amount of residual generated. Jo suggested that the public needs to be educated on where and what is happening to the recycled material. She also wondered if the city ordinance included ‘source- separated’ language. If it does, then that would also have to be changed in order to meet WM’s request. The commission will discuss the tour at next month’s meeting. ARBOR DAY: Jill mailed out poster contest letters to all the city elementary schools. Marcus will make follow-up calls to the principals. Someone suggested that the pictures should be hung at the community center after they’re received by the city and they should be included in an ad about the contest. Someone should write an article about the event for the paper. Deborah volunteered to do that. For Arbor Day: Dotti will try to get brownies for lunch; Marcus will check on giveaway items for the volunteers; Jo will look for a chainsaw artist; Ron will look into getting a green building display. The commission thinks that signs should be posted for the lunch that say ‘volunteers only’ in order to avoid serving to the general public and running out of food. They debated as to whether or not they should sell food at the event. STRATEGIC PLAN: The commission discussed revising the strategic plan. Many changes needed to happen to make the plan more concise and efficient. Jo said it was important to keep the plan in order to serve as a reminder of goals that have been forgotten. A subcommittee was formed to decide what to do with the plan. Deb, Dotti and Jo will meet to discuss the plan. Ron will edit the plan and give it to the subcommittee. Deb thinks it’s good to have the plan in case arguments arise as to what the commission should be doing or to serve as something to fall back on. She added that it was a living document. The subcommittee will have a revised plan by the March meeting. 2004 NEWSPAPER LIAISON: Marcus Zbinden GENERAL DISCUSSION: Deborah suggested that the City Council or commission appoint a high school student. The commission wouldn’t need to change the by-laws. The student would not be a voting member, but, rather, a liaison. Ron will call the high school to invite someone to the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\MINUTES\ENV\02-11-04MIN.doc