04-14-04 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (EC) REGULAR MEETING April 14, 2004 Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kim Grant, Ron Olsen, Jo Mueller, Marcus Zbinden MEMBERS ABSENT: Deborah Yungner, Dottie Shay STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist GUESTS PRESENT: Sheldon Swensen, Rudy Zbinden, Logan Jensen APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March minutes were approved. GUEST PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION: Sheldon, from Waste Management (WM), visited the commission to re-address the subject of single-sort (SS) recycling. He brought information based on last year’s collection. WM is proposing SS because it’s more consumer-friendly and convenient. WM has found that participation increases because of convenience. The city has to amend the ordinance to allow bi-weekly instead of weekly collection. Sheldon argued that bi- weekly is safer for neighborhoods and the drivers, there’s less wear and tear on the roads and there’s increased participation. The last benefit is the best outcome of SS and WM can meet the 5% residual rate. WM has sent out survey to all residential customers after 9 days with the new service. The negative comments received were about the bigger carts and the bi-weekly pick-up. The material is sorted like 2-sort at the MRF. In 2003, 27K tons of glass was collected; it was used as landfill cover as well as recycled. 95% of recyclables collected go on to end markers. Broken glass can only be sorted with optical sorting equipment. 70% of the glass delivered to the facility is broken. Most recyclables collected in Carver County go to the NYA transfer station and then to the Mnpls MRF. The commission is concerned that only 30% of the glass is really recycled. Sheldon said the recycling materials rate is affected by a cost-benefit ratio. Plastic bags and ‘peanuts’ aren’t recycled because it costs too much to separate. The sub- committee that reviewed the issue wanted to insure that WM is meeting the 95% recycling rate. EC is not convinced that WM can meet the rate if landfill glass is taken out of the recycling numbers. Sheldon said that the rate for broken glass is the same for SS or 2-sort. Jo said it’s an issue either way then and she’s also concerned that there’s no cost savings for the consumer with the new service. Sheldon said the equipment investment is significant and the saving is put into the equipment and infrastructure. Safety is also important – one less death because the trucks are out less is a huge savings. WM savings will show up on less wear and tear on the streets. The issues will go before the city council on April 26. BY-LAWS: The meeting start time will be changed to 6:30 pm. The by-laws were adopted. ELECTION OF CHAIR/VICE-CHAIR: Marcus was nominated and elected to be chair. Kim was nominated and elected to be vice-chair. ARBOR DAY: Dotti, Jo, Ron and Kim will be there to help on May 1. STRATEGIC PLAN: The issues were tabled until the May meeting. JULY 4 PARADE: The commission invited the high school Env. club to participate in the parade with them. Logan will check with the group. A sub-committee will plan the parade – Ron, Dave, Jo, Dotti, Kim. They will meet on April 28, 6 pm at the CC env. Center to discuss plans. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Jo suggested launching an ‘adopt-a-street/park’ program next year near Earth Day. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\MINUTES\ENV\04-14-04MIN.doc