03-13-02 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING March 13, 2002 Meeting called to order by Dotti Shay at 7:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dotti Shay, Jo Mueller, Kim Hankins, Susan McAllister, Steve Nalefski, Deborah Yungner, Ron Olsen MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Coordinator, Bob Ayotte, City Council liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January minutes were approved. ANNUAL WORK PLAN: Changes to plan included coordinating county promotion of burning ban with city adoption of revised ordinance and adding a prairie restoration project in the fall. Work plan was approved. ARBOR DAY: Sinclair explained that library construction will be underway at the time of the event so the tent for the luncheon will be up on the field behind city hall. For this reason, scaling back on the presenters would be appropriate because the tent will not be very visible. Instead the event will be held in the lower level of city hall and directly outside. Creature Encounters will be doing a one hour program in the council chambers, potted spruce trees will be for sale, free seedlings will be given away, ‘Charlie’ the raccoon will be there again. The commission will also sell the shopping bags at the event. Sinclair will look into purchasing shirts with the Environmental Commission logo for the commissioners. SHOPPING BAG/AD POSTER PROJECT: Hankins submitted a grant request to the county for the project. A presentation summarizing the project is required at the March 21 Solid Waste Advisory Board meeting. Nalefski followed up with the schools after the letter requesting poster submittals was sent. Six schools confirmed that they will be submitting entries. He will call again to let the schools know about the bag project. Hankins said she may be able to get mugs and lunch bags to give to the kids and teachers. It was suggested that all the posters be put up in the council chambers for the presentation on April 22. The commission will convene on Tues, April 2, 5:30 pm, at the General Mills plant to judge the poster entries. GENERAL DISCUSSION: The commission liaison to the media will be expected to look for opportunities to promote ? environmental awareness. Yungner agreed to act as liaison and requested that commissioners contact her if they have newsworthy items. Blue Sky Guide. Yungner passed out copies of the guide and also has enough to give to ? council. Commission would like to partner with Chamber to purchase and distribute the guide to residents. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\PLAN\JS\EC\EC02\03-13-02MIN.doc