06-12-02 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 12, 2002 Meeting called to order by Dotti Shay at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dotti Shay, Kim Hankins, Jo Mueller, Kim Grant, Ron Olsen, Steve Nalefski MEMBERS ABSENT: Deborah Yungner STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Coordinator COUNCIL PRESENT: Bob Ayotte APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May minutes were approved after motion and approval of by- laws. TRADE FAIR DISPLAY: The Commission decided they would like to have a table for the Trade Fair where they could sell the tote bags, give out magnets and information on the new county recycling center, display information about the commission, etc. Handouts could include recycling guides, phosphorous-free info, burning ordinance info, cups. Volunteers for the tables were: Ron, Kim H., Kim G. WATER QUALITY EDUCATION PROGRAM: Commission decided that a full discussion of the topic should wait until Lori Haak was available to guide the members in developing the program. In the meantime, commissioners brainstormed ways to get the information out: presentations at Neighborhood Night Outs and block parties. Suggested neighborhoods include: Near Mountain/Trapper’s Pass, Longacres, Creekside and Stone Creek. BLUE SKY GUIDE: The commission decided to pursue this project and purchase the guides for new residents. Councilman Ayotte suggested the commission prepare a report with information on costs, quantities and program and present it to the council. It was questioned as to whether the guides will be purchased only for next year or if some will be available for this year as well. It seems to depend on the expiration date on the coupons in the book. Dotti suggested taking the books door-to-door rather than relying on the Welcome Wagon to distribute them. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Councilman Ayotte announced that the Water Treatment Task Force meeting will be on ? June 19. He suggested that members of the commission attend to see how the commission can help. The commission wondered if the contractor could come to a meeting and give them ideas on how/what to educate residents about. Tote bags should be sold at library, front desk, County Environmental Center, Lake Ann, ? Rec Center. Kim H. offered to help distribute them. Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\PLAN\JS\EC\EC02\06-12-02MIN.doc