07-10-02 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (EC) REGULAR MEETING July 10, 2002 Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Deborah Yungner, Kim Hankins, Jo Mueller, Kim Grant, Ron Olsen, Steve Nalefski MEMBERS ABSENT: Dotti Shay STAFF PRESENT: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator, Sharmin Al-Jaff, Senior Planner COUNCIL PRESENT: none APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June minutes were approved with start time change. STRATEGIC PLAN: Sharmin explained the background: The commission developed the plan and a mission statement five years ago and that it should be updated every 5 years. There are two options for doing that: 1. go through whole process (3-6 mos.) 2. go line by line and edit. Kim H. thought it would be more empowering with a new board to come up with an entirely new plan. Steve stated that it’s important to build on what past member have done and recognize the history of the commission. He wondered if EMS is still important; he would defer to Dotti. Sharmin explained that strategic plan question are given to members in advance and they are asked to work on them before coming to the meeting. Ron doesn’t think the commission needs to reinvent the wheel. Kim H. agreed and said that going line by line would be ok. Deborah suggested that the plan be elaborated on and expanded, that line-by-line is ok, that the commission should focus on the technology piece and the commission’s relational aspect with the state. It was decided that the commission would start working on it in December and finish by the end of March. A motion was made and approved to add the plan to the December agenda. WATER QUALITY EDUCATION PROGRAM: The Commission discussed projects with Lori. Suggestions included: sending a newsletter in the mail to each resident that promotes the city’s web page as a resource for information; adding information to the welcome packets for new residents and/or making a connection with the Welcome Wagon for distribution, making an effort for more public outreach such as presentations to cub scouts, schools, etc. The Commission with review the information as get back to Lori by mid-August. MnOEA: Deborah said that environmental calendars from the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance would be available prior to the State Fair. Lori or Jill will get a couple hundred of them for distribution with the Blue Sky Guides. BLUE SKY GUIDE: The Commission decided to deliver the guides in person in order to talk to the residents. Commissioners will pair up for distribution. A letter from the EC will be given with the guide along with other items such as the OEA calendars, lake atlases, and lawn care brochures. There should be an article in the Villager about the distribution and also invite a reporter to come with to some of the visits. Distribution will begin in September. Perhaps the EC should follow up with a survey or questionnaire, six months or later. Kim H. volunteered to get residents list (June – Sept.) and split people into teams. CAR WORKSHOP: Kim G. update the EC on the recycling workshop. She said there were 35 people there and she found out that Chanhassen is the only community with a volunteer Environmental Commission. TRADE FAIR DISPLAY: Kim H. said the event went well; there was lots of traffic by the table. Ron thinks some tote bags were swiped because they were sitting out and people thought they were free, but he did sell 3-5 bags. EC handed out a few volunteer brochures. Someone wondered if there was a grant available to cover the costs of the tote bags. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Steve will prepare waste hauler information, which he will bring to the September ? meeting. Lori announced that Pulte will be beginning a construction waste recycling project at the ? Arboretum Village development. They will be grinding and using cement blocks, sheetrock and lumber. The Chanhassen Rotary added environmental as a part of their charter. ? EC should look to the senior center and garden club for assistance in promoting ? lakescaping. Pollution Prevention Week: EC should get articles to the Villager and city newsletter by ? the end of August. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\PLAN\JS\EC\EC02\07-10-02MIN.doc