09-18-02 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (EC) REGULAR MEETING September 18, 2002 Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Deborah Yungner, Kim Grant, Ron Olsen, Dotti Shay MEMBERS ABSENT: Kim Hankins, Jo Mueller, Steve Nalefski STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist COUNCIL PRESENT: none APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July minutes were approved. BLUE SKY GUIDE PROJECT: The Commission was divided into groups based on their location of residence. Each ‘team’ will cover 1/3 of the new residents to Chanhassen (June – August). An introduction letter will be developed for residents who are not at home when the guide is delivered. It will include a welcome and who, what, when, where. Information on the EC web page will be included. Jill will divide the books, print letters and gather the materials for a ‘new residents packet’. Ron wondered whether or not to include voter registration cards. WATER QUALITY EDUCATION PROGRAM: Discussion of the program is postponed until October. Jill will check with Lori regarding the details. WASTE HAULERS: Due to Steve’s absence, discussion will be postponed until October. WATER TREATMENT: The Commission will be looking to Kim Hankins for guidance in this area. Dotti requested that she be put on the task force mailing/email list regarding meeting notices from the city engineer. Deborah thought EC should start education of public by explaining the standards for water quality and what’s happening at the state legislature level. Dotti would like someone from the consulting firm to come to a EC meeting and update the commission on current progress, what the EC can do to help, and the status of annual water tests. There are 70 chemicals that need to be tested for in city water, according to Deborah, and the city needs to be accountable for the water quality. The EC needs to find out how many elements need to be tested and how many are currently tested. It was requested that Jill get materials from Engineering on task force and find out what the meeting schedule is. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Halloween treat bags. The commission will order paper treat bags to be used at the city ? Halloween party. Deborah and Ron offered to volunteer at the event. The commission would like to find out how often the EC books are checked out. Jill will ? contact the library. Holiday waste article needs to be prepared for the Villager and newsletter. Deborah will ? work on it. Jill will email her past articles. Ron would like to be on the Community Center task force. Jill will look into it. ? Ron suggested meeting at member’s houses as an alternative. He volunteered his. ? Deborah suggested the EC do a holiday get-together, perhaps a ‘retreat’ for the December meeting. Jill will check to see if there is money available. The EC would like a separate meeting in December to discuss the Strategic Plan. ? Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\PLAN\JS\EC\EC02\07-10-02MIN.doc