10-09-02 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (EC) REGULAR MEETING October 9, 2002 Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Deborah Yungner, Dotti Shay, Kim Hankins, Jo Mueller, Steve Nalefski MEMBERS ABSENT: Kim Grant, Ron Olsen STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist COUNCIL PRESENT: none APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September minutes were approved with the following change: over 100 “There are 70 chemicals that need to be tested for in city water, according to Deborah, and the city needs to be accountable for the water quality.” BLUE SKY GUIDE PROJECT: Ron gets the gold star for completing his distribution of the guides. All other commissioners plan on completing their lists this month. Kim H. reported that the residents she spoke with were really excited about the guide and information. Jo said she a few experiences when it was difficult to get the resident’s attention and so wasn’t sure how well the message was received. Brochures for the recycling center will be included in all future deliveries. New residents who moved in September will be added to the distribution for October. Jill will make the necessary preparations. WATER QUALITY EDUCATION PROGRAM: Lori is applying for a state grant to fund a project next year. She would like to enlist the help of the commission for demonstration yards or as neighborhood contacts. WASTE HAULERS: Steve will try to compile information on where the waste is going, whether or not recycling is working, etc. It was suggested that a questionnaire be prepared for the haulers and invite them to a meeting to answer them. Steve will talk with Bob Generous and prepare a list of questions. Education of the issue should be done through the city’s web site, articles in the Villager and a brochure that could be given to new residents. America Recycles Day is November 15 and Deborah suggested that there should be an article in the Villager about it and waste issues in Chanhassen. The commission will work with Melissa on it and Deborah will call her to set up a meeting. Dotti and Steve will do some research for the article. A suggestion was made to contact the banks and Merit to see if they could advertise the day on their sign boards. Dotti will contact the haulers to see if they could send out recycling information to their Chanhassen customers. WATER TREATMENT: The Commission would like the consulting firm to come to a meeting to find out how the commission can help. GENERAL DISCUSSION: The strategic plan meeting will be Jan. 15, in addition to the regular January meeting on ? th the 8. Steve will check with the cub scouts to see if they’re interested in doing the Christmas tree ? recycling project. Jill will ask Ron if he’d like to host the December meeting at his house. ? Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\PLAN\JS\EC\EC02\10-09-02MIN.doc