11-13-02 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (EC) REGULAR MEETING November 13, 2002 Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kim Grant, Dotti Shay, Kim Hankins, Jo Mueller MEMBERS ABSENT: Deborah Yungner, Ron Olsen, Steve Nalefski STAFF PRESENT: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator COUNCIL PRESENT: none APPROVAL OF MINUTES: October minutes were approved. BLUE SKY GUIDE PROJECT: The Welcome Wagon will deliver Blue Sky Guides to new residents during the winter months. The commission will resume deliveries in the spring. VILLAGER INTERVIEW: Jo informed the group that the discussion with Melissa from the Villager went well and that she was receptive to their topics and ideas. She said Melissa envisioned more than one article. The topic ideas were to follow the recycling journey of an aluminum can, promote Christmas tree recycling options, touch on a few of the complex issues surrounding garbage hauling in Chanhassen, and encourage reducing waste during the holidays. Dotti said Melissa would like to continue to keep in touch with the commission. 2003 WORK PLAN: Dotti recommended tabling the item until next month. She would like the 2002 work plan included in the December packet. HAULER ISSUES: The commission is not sure where to go with the issue. Dotti wants to keep it back there and keep up on the latest information. Education of the people is key, she said. Jo agreed and added that the newspaper is helping by working on it and that Steve is doing research on where waste is going. The commission does need to keep up on it and get the information to the Villager so haulers can be held accountable. Dotti thinks that the commission needs to stick to the topics in little bites to get the point across. Kim H. said that Merit Heating has the “America Recycles” information up now and that the bank will be running it on their sign too. GENERAL DISCUSSION: The strategic plan will be sent to the Mayor and city council for their comments. ? Lori informed the commission that the Met Council staff has recommended approval for a ? $10,000 grant to the city for a water quality education project. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\PLAN\JS\EC\EC02\11-13-02MIN.doc