05-23-01 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING May 23, 2001 Meeting called to order by Dotti Shay at 7:12 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dotti Shay, Jo Mueller, Susan McAllister, Sharon Beduhn, Kim Hankins MEMBERS ABSENT: Clay Smith STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist, Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator GUESTS: Bob Ayotte, City Council liaison APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No minutes were approved. NEW COMMISSIONER INTERVIEW: Jeanne Burke was interviewed by the commission. She will be interviewed by the City Council as soon as possible and they will make the final decision. LIBRARY BOOKS: Kim went through the recommended book list from the library and recommended that some other environmental books be added or even replace the suggestions made by the library. The commission decided the goal should be compiling a list of the best ones until the $3000 limit is reached. Kim will keep working on the list and bring it back to the commission. ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2001: The Commission reviewed all the applications. The following selections were made: Category A (residential, community or educational groups): Sub-category: 1.Landscaping or Land Management: Mark and Kay Halla 2.Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Marcus and Jennifer Zbinden 3.Stewardship: River Bluff Girl Scout Troop 1894 4.Other: Sunrise Hills Neighborhood Category B (business or commercial): Sub-category: 1.Landscaping or Land Mgt.: Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 2.Reduce, Reuse and Recycle: Chanhassen Child Dev. Center 3.Stewardship: St. Hubert’s School/Fifth Graders There were no applications for Category C (builders and developers). Discussion ensued concerning the prizes for the categories. Birdhouses or kitchen compost buckets from Williams-Sonoma appear to be good choices for category A. All winners should receive window cling decals displaying the EE logo. Jo suggested bulk wildflower seed mix for category A winners. Also suggested was money as an incentive for starting another project. The decision came down to birdhouses or money. It was decided that it would be $50. Categories B and C will receive plaques made of recycled material. A cover letter will be written that asks the recipient to let the EC know what project the money was spent on. GENERAL DISCUSSION: ? The commission discussed an environmental audit of city hall. How could the city improve its recycling and environmentally preferable purchasing? It should set an example for other businesses and maybe develop a checklist. ? The Longacres project is about to get started. Jo, Kim and Lori will keep the Commission posted on its progress. Meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\PLAN\JS\EC\EC01\05-23-01MIN.doc