05-15-00 Minutes SUMMARY MINUTES JOINT MEETING CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION – CITY COUNCIL May 15, 2000 Meeting began at 6:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dotti Shay, Jack Atkins, Jo Mueller, Clay Smith, Susan McAllister, Sharon Beduhn CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Mancino, Councilwoman Jansen, Councilman Senn, Councilman Lablatt STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Chairperson Dotti Shay reviewed the goals, accomplishments and 2000 work plan of the Commission. She gave a brief overview of the Environmental Excellence Award program and requested a budget for 2001. Mayor Mancino commended the Environmental Commission on the good job they are doing. She commented that they seem very well organized and focused and that the hard work shows. She suggested that perhaps they could be involved in the water tower project happening in July and August. The tower is being shut down and repainted and there will be watering restrictions, so the commission could put together suggestions for caring for plants during a water ban. Included would be steps to take to prepare for the ban. The commission could check into what is the city policy on drought/watering bans. Councilman Lablatt inquired as to whether or not the Commission had produced or is thinking about producing any aquatic vegetation educational programs. Councilwoman Jansen said the breadth of information covered by the Environmental Commission impressed her. She commended them on their great efforts. A suggestion was made to add a release form to the EE Award application so that the city may give out addresses for a tour of the winners. Councilman Senn had no comments. Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair g:/plan/js/ec00/5-15-00MIN