09-13-00 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING September 13, 2000 Meeting called to order by Dotti Shay at 7:10 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dotti Shay, Clay Smith, Sharon Beduhn, Susan McAllister, Jo Mueller MEMBERS ABSENT: Jack Atkins, Peder Otterson STAFF PRESENT: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the July 12 meeting were approved. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARD PROGRAM: Dotti reported that she and Jo met with Villager staff regarding the article and advertisement. Dotti added that applications for the award were distributed at the July 3 Trade Fair. Susan proposed that the developer for the northeast corner of Highways 5 and 41 (Pulte Homes) be encouraged to apply for the Environmental Excellence Award Program in the future. Lori provided the commission with some background on the natural resource issues surrounding development of that property. Dotti noted that the commission should make it a priority to get individuals and businesses to apply for the award. Sharon suggested the commission mail a letter to Chanhassen businesses to encourage them to apply. Dotti inquired about the status of the window clings. Susan indicated she would design the clings and check on pricing. Jo suggested the commission encourage individual Scouts or Scout troops to apply for awards. PILOT NEIGHBORHOOD WETLAND BUFFER PROJECT: Jo stated that an article on pond scum was submitted to the Longacres Homeowner’s Association President to be included in the next newsletter. Jo suggested the commission do some sort of follow-up, such as a mailing to residents directly adjacent to ponds or wetlands, after the article appears in the newsletter. REVIEW/DEVELOP 2001 WORK PLAN: Dotti inquired about the status of the commission’s budget. Lori replied that the City’s 2001 budget had not yet been finalized. The commission agreed to copy its work plan for 2000 in 2001. Dotti suggested adding one item: researching City and County requirements of solid waste and/or recycling haulers. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Clay will write an article for the Villager on Christmas tree disposal. Dotti will write a letter to the editor on ways to reduce holiday waste. Susan will contact the Villager regarding the placement of the final ad for the Environmental Excellence Award. Dotti noted that a representative from Plunkett’s Pest Control would be at the October meeting to discuss integrated pest management in schools. Dotti inquired as to which City staff member would be presenting the hauler services report at the October meeting. Lori indicated that she would speak with other City staff and find a staff person to present the report. Jo asked if the commission had anything planned for “America Recycles Day.” Dotti will write a letter to the editor about the company she works for and how recycling helps them. Jo asked if the Environmental Excellence Award application and supporting information were on the City’s web page. Dotti indicated that she would check into it. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Lori Haak G:\PLAN\JS\EC\EC00\9-13-00MIN.doc