10-11-00 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING October 11, 2000 Meeting called to order by Dotti Shay at 7:10 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sharon Beduhn, Susan McAllister, Jo Mueller, Peder Otterson, Dotti Shay, Clay Smith MEMBERS ABSENT: Jack Atkins STAFF PRESENT: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator GUESTS PRESENT: Jay Bruesch, Plunkett’s Pest Control PRESENTATION: PEST CONTROL IN SCHOOLS: Jay provided an overview of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) services provided to Chanhassen schools by Plunkett’s Pest Control. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the September 13 meeting were approved. ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE AWARD PROGRAM: Sharon presented the commission with a draft of a letter to Chanhassen schools and businesses to encourage them to apply. Jo indicated that she had a list of people to contact at each of the schools in Chanhassen. Lori agreed to obtain a list of large businesses, churches, developers and landscapers so they could receive the mailing as well. Dotti indicated that she would try to get another presentation before the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce to encourage those businesses to apply. Lori agreed to check with City Manager Scott Botcher to see if the Commission could use City letterhead for the letter. PILOT NEIGHBORHOOD WETLAND BUFFER PROJECT: Jo indicated that she had not yet received the HOA newsletter. Jo stated that she was attempting to contact the Longacres Homeowners Association President Matt Mesenburg to find out when to expect distribution of the newsletter, but had been unsuccessful. DISCUSSION OF HAULER SERVICES: Dotti indicated that this item was included in the agenda so the Commission could become more educated about solid waste within the City and evaluate the Commission’s role as it pertains to solid waste. Dotti stated that she saw a goal of the Commission, and therefore the City, should be to reduce the amount of landfilled waste by analyzing the composition of the waste and finding ways to decrease waste. Dotti noted that haulers would not necessarily be cooperative in waste reduction measures since some haulers own landfills or have interests in landfills. Lori stated that she would obtain more information on solid waste and recycling volumes and present it to the Commission at a later date. Lori made the Commission aware of an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing seminar that was available to the Commissioners and City staff at no cost. Dotti suggested several City staff people attend, including the staff member who purchases office supplies. Lori indicated she would register several City staff members. DISCUSSION OF ORGANIC COMPOSTING PILOT PROGRAM: Due to time constraints, the Commission postponed discussion of this item. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Susan requested the Commission discuss Pulte Homes/Arboretum Village and the Commission’s role in the process. Susan stated that her intent in recommending the Commission address the Planning Commission on the project was to educate the public on how clustering benefits the community. Jo stated that clustering housing was often more of an issue of affordable housing versus environmental benefits. Jo added that she did not know that clustering always preserved green space. Dotti stated that Susan could address the Planning Commission as a resident and adjacent landowner, but that the Environmental Commission needed to refrain from reviewing proposed projects in any way. Dotti noted that the Environmental Commission had run into problems in the past for going beyond the purposes for which it was established. Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Lori Haak G:\PLAN\JS\EC\EC00\10-11-00MIN.doc