11-08-00 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 8, 2000 Meeting called to order by Dotti Shay at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Atkins, Jo Mueller, Dotti Shay, Clay Smith MEMBERS ABSENT: Sharon Beduhn, Susan McAllister, Peder Otterson STAFF PRESENT: Lori Haak, Water Resources Coordinator GUESTS PRESENT: Christy Anderson and Laura Knight, Chaska High School Environmental Club; Colleen Hetzel, Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance (MOEA) GUESTS: CHASKA HIGH SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTAL CLUB: Christy and Laura described the projects being done by the club. The Commission encouraged them to employ staff, the Commission and the MOEA as resources. GUEST: WASTE-FREE FRIDAYS: Colleen explained the Waste-Free Friday program that was started by the MOEA. Waste-Free Fridays is a program in which businesses provide incentives on Fridays for using reusable items (i.e., bags, mugs). Colleen indicated that local governments become involved in the program by promoting the program, assisting in program implementation and tracking progress. The Commission discussed having a waste assessment done for City government in an attempt to make the waste assessment portion of the program less threatening to local businesses. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the October 11 meeting were approved. ENVIRONMENTAL EXCELLENCE AWARD PROGRAM: Lori provided the Commission with a list of businesses, churches, developers and landscapers so they could review and edit the list. Dotti indicated that she would try to get another presentation before the Chanhassen Chamber of Commerce to encourage those businesses to apply. Lori stated that she would print the letter and the labels and call the Commission when envelopes needed to be stuffed. The Commission discussed having local businesses used recycled products to create awards that incorporated the phrase “Working Toward Environmental Excellence in Chanhassen” and the year. Lori indicated that she would work with a representative from the Chanhassen Villager on an article that would be run in the same issue as the award advertisement. The Commission agreed that the Commission’s focus at this point should be on encouraging applications. PILOT NEIGHBORHOOD WETLAND BUFFER PROJECT: Jo indicated the Longacres newsletter had gone out. Jo stated that she would obtain a copy of the newsletter and have it included in the next packet. DISCUSSION OF HAULER SERVICES: Lori stated that she recently received information from the County and she would compile the information for the next meeting. DISCUSSION OF ORGANIC COMPOSTING PILOT PROGRAM: The Commission asked if a speaker was available on this topic. Lori replied that she would check. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Lori summarized the Hydrologic/Hydraulic and Pollutant Loading Model of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed and asked if anyone from the Commission would be willing to serve on the regional team. Clay indicated he was interested. Lori stated that she would probably provide the watershed district with Peder’s name as well. Lori distributed copies of the environmentally-related materials requested by Kathy Perschmann of the Chanhassen Library. The Commission discussed potential donors for books and/or funds. The Commission agreed that someone should ask Sharon to talk to Target about donating some of the books. Lori indicated that some funding for water-related materials might be available through the Surface Water Management Plan fund. Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Lori Haak G:\PLAN\JS\EC\EC00\10-11-00MIN.doc