02-10-99 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING February 10, 1999 Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:10 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dotti Shay, Clay Smith, Uli Sacchet, Susan Markert MEMBERS ABSENT: Jack Atkins, Maureen Farrell, Jo Mueller, Andy Leith STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist, Sharmin Al-Jaff, Senior Planner APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No minutes were approved. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Due to lack of quorum, no action was taken on the strategic plan. Discussion about the by-law quorum rules led to an agreement that the by-laws should be changed to read that a quorum will consist of 4 members and if less than that are present then the meeting is still held as a work session, although no action would be taken on agenda items. Dotti said she is working on the awards program and has a good start. She is wondering if there is a deadline for when it should be done. Susan spoke with Mayor Mancino about last month’s meeting which was canceled. The mayor had shown up to sit in on the meeting, but no one was there. She suggested that from now on, signs stating the meeting is canceled should be posted on the city hall doors if there is no meeting that night. ARBOR DAY: Saturday, May 8, noon to 3 p.m. at City Hall. Event will be organized much the same as last year. Suggested presenters included: ? wildlife display by Susan Markert ? face painters for kids (Dotti) ? Pillsbury dough boy (could raise money for projects by offering pictures with dough for $1) ? wildlife rehab. and release (jill) ? reptile display (uli) ? carver county environmental services - burning barrel display, field of dreams, radon kits, compost buckets, spray bottles, etc. (jill) ? composting display - Biocorp for bags or SKB (dotti) ? Plunkett’s - safe pest control (dotti) ? All Metal Recyclables (dotti) ? set up computer with EPA homepage (jill/rick) ? develop survey on recycling, env. issues ? city engineering dept./phil - drinking water, waste water reduction (sharmin) ? friends of the MN river valley (jill) ? riley-purgatory-bluff creek watershed district (jill) ? SW metro transit (sharmin) ? Met. council env. services (dotti?) Already contacted and confirmed: Raptor center, chan. hort. club. Advertising: schools, Villager, Lakeshore news, chan bank sign, merit letter board, carver cty. courthouse, chaska comm. center, chamber of commerce. Schools need to be contacted at least 2 weeks before event; Susan will make a poster by April 1 that will be inserted in the kids packet. To further encourage the kids’ attendance, a suggestion was made to contact the school principles and see if extra credit could be given for attending the event. STRATEGIC PLAN: No action was taken on the strategic plan. EDUCATION: Sharmin presented a current subdivision application as an example of how city ordinances protecting Bluff Creek affect development. In this case, ‘cluster’ development was applied to the subdivision in order to protect open space in the primary corridor of Bluff Creek. GENERAL DISCUSSION: ? Next meeting: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 7:00 P.M. ? Maureen Farrell’s term has expired and she will not be re-applying. All agreed she will be missed. ? An open invitation to attend the Greening Conference was made. ? Commission members present affirmed that education and projects will be the focus of the group. Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair g:/plan/js/ec/2-10-99MIN