03-10-99 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING March 10, 1999 Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:15 p.m., quorum formed at 7:25 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dotti Shay, Jack Atkins, Uli Sacchet, Jo Mueller MEMBERS ABSENT: Clay Smith, Susan Markert, Andy Leith STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist, Sharmin Al-Jaff, Senior Planner, guest appearance by Phil Elkin, Water Resources Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No minutes were approved. GENERAL DISCUSSION: The lack of quorum until 7:25 p.m. prompted a discussion by the Commissioners present regarding the amount of commitment shown by members. The high rate of absenteeism is of concern and members present offered some suggestions as to how the commission could create a higher level of commitment from members. A suggestion to contact each member and inquire as to their level of interest in the commission was made. Perhaps, a new procedure of calling each member to remind them of the meeting in addition to the regular agenda notice that is mailed could be begun. Lastly, a change of meeting dates, times and places may help to ‘spice’ it up and create more interest. At the April meeting, the by-laws will be reviewed and amended to reflect any changes the commission would like to make. Jill Sinclair updated the commission on the following items: the number of members is going to be reduced from 9 to 7 to be consistent with other city commissions. Since there were two current vacancies the reduction does not affect any present members. The number needed to make a quorum will also be reduced, from 5 to 4. A copy of the by-laws will be sent with the April agenda for review by commissioners. Additionally, at the April meeting, a new chair and vice-chair will need to be elected. STRATEGIC PLAN: Sharmin asked for feedback on the plan so far. Any changes, additions or deletions, were made. The commission reviewed about half the plan. Changes will be made and a revised plan will be sent with the April agenda. ARBOR DAY: Update: ? face painters for kids and doughboy are confirmed (Dotti) ? wildlife rehab. and release still not confirmed. may need to call sue morgan for help. (jill) ? reptile display confirmed (uli) ? carver county environmental services confirmed (jill) ? SKB to be asked (dotti) ? riley-purgatory-bluff creek watershed district still not confirmed (jill) ? SW metro transit confirmed (sharmin) Advertising will be a priority. Need to contact Sue Markert to confirm poster will be done in time for publicity. EDUCATION: No presentation was given due to lack of time. GENERAL: ? Next meeting: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 7:00 P.M. Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair g:/plan/js/ec/3-10-99MIN