11-10-99 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING November 10, 1999 Meeting called to order by Jack Atkins at 7:15 p..m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Jack Atkins, Jo Mueller, Andy Leith, Sue Markert MEMBERS ABSENT: Clay Smith, Dotti Shay, Uli Sacchet STAFF PRESENT: Phillip Elkin, Water Resources Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes were approved. ITEMS: ? A demonstration/education on NURP ponds. Phillip Elkin was guest speaker speaking about NURP ponds; their function; their history; future of NURP ponds; maintenance; any questions that the group had about NURP ponds. ? Discussion on dog droppings issue. Commissioners reviewed handout on what other cities are doing as far as dog droppings and how they combat the issue. Jack Atkins moved to table the discussion until next meeting; seconded by Jo Mueller. ? Review the calendar. There was a question about the presentation from Carver County whether they were going to ask Carver County to come and present the group or whether the request has been made and Carver County will actually make the presentation in January. They will ask Jill and get back to the other members. All items were approved. GENERAL DISCUSSION: Sue Markert brought up the issue of the Pulte Homes Development going in at the northeast intersection of TH 41and Highway 5. Sue was concerned that a similar situation at Coulter Drive would be create when utilities to service this site would go through and cut down trees and take out natural resources. Jo Mueller also expressed concerns about building so close to headwaters of the Bluff Creek. We'll continue this discussion at future meetings. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. and motioned by Sue Markert; Any Leith seconded. Prepared and Submitted by Phillip Elkin \\cfs1\vol2\eng\phillip\ec\11-10-99min.doc