01-21-98 Minutes
January 21, 1998
Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:10 p.m.
Andrew Leith, Uli Sacchet, Bill Coldwell, Maureen Farrell, Jack
Atkins, and Susan Markert
Susan Wright, Susan Morgan, and Greg Havlik
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
December 10, 1997 minutes were approved.
Unanimous opinion of the magnet design was that is
was great. Ms. Sinclair reported that the magnets were ordered in December and should arrive by
Mon., Jan. 26. Inserting the magnets in the newsletter won’t be able to be done with the sticky
glue, but rather with 2-sided tape. Jill said she had mailed a sample newsletter with a magnet
taped inside to a fellow staff member and it arrived still intact. Commissioners will need to
volunteer an evening, once the newsletter arrives at city hall, to insert magnets into 6,000
newsletters. The target date for doing so is Feb. 23. Commissioners wondered if the insertion
had to be done during the day which would be difficult since everyone works. A suggestion was
made that Jill find out if commissioners could work on the newsletters on an evening and mail
everything out the next day. Jill said she would find out.
Uli handed out a sample phone line narrative. It was very thorough, but Jill said it needed to be
pared down since the phone line should be simple. One branch and one answer is all that the
phone consultant said should be allowed. The narrative developed by Uli will be used in full on
the web page with adaptation for the site and possible additional information. Andy will simplify
the narrative for the phone line by next month’s meeting. Both the phone line and web page will
have to be developed and implemented by the time the newsletter is mailed.
: Postponed until Feb. or Mar.
Planning for the event started with a discussion about location. After much
debate, the front lawn of city hall was chosen for its central location and good visibility. The date
will be April 25, from noon to 3 p.m. Volunteer groups will clean parks in the morning and be
provided with a luncheon at 11a.m. The mayor will give a speech at noon and plant the
ceremonial tree (somewhere). Discussion then turned to presenter/event invites and the following
will be asked to come: seedling give-away, birdhouse kit sales, raptor center, wildlife rehab and
release, master gardeners, watershed district, u of m arboretum, DNR - forestry, mycological
society, lotus lawn and garden, halla nursery, public safety display, susan markert’s animals.
Additions for ’98 include: watershed partners, herpetological society, Stan tiekala, carver cty.
Environ. Serv., field of dreams recycling center. A suggestion was made to get a bigger tent.
Jill asked commissioners which city council joint meeting dates
would work. March 16 wasn’t good, but April 6 may work. Jill will ask city council next and let
the env. comm. know at the February meeting.
Terms up this year are Jack, Bill, Sue W. these seats plus the seat left vacant by Greg’s
resignation will be advertised in the Villager. New member will start in April.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair