05-13-98 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING May 13, 1998 Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Uli Sacchet, Maureen Farrell, Andrew Leith, Jo Mueller, Dotti Shay, Clay Smith, Jack Atkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Susan Morgan, Susan Markert STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: no minutes were approved. APPLICANT INTRODUCTIONS: Clay Smith, Dotti Shay, and Jo Mueller and the current commissioners introduced themselves. It was suggested a new member list be sent to all. ARBOR DAY REVIEW: Attendance was less than last year, perhaps because flyers weren’t sent to schools as they were in 1997. The small evergreen tree sales were a hit and should be continued next year. 200 trees were sold. Ideas for next year: ? Band - perhaps local jazz band (Valley Jazz) ? Face painting ? the Pillsbury Dough Boy or Elmer the Elm tree ? Time change - earlier or later ? Advertise in schools - target certain classes to involve them in forestry projects, class presentations to promote Arbor Day ? Farmer’s Market or fair ? School competition - class environmental projects to be presented on Arbor Day ? Boy/Girl scout projects for merit badges ? Forestry education workshop/classes such as how to plant a tree, pruning, diseases, etc. ? Environmental Awards - residential, commercial, etc. - present at celebration Further discussion tabled due to time constraints. COULTER BLVD. UPDATE: Uli presented background information about the issue including the park property, proposed road, park & rec. and engineering viewpoints, the environmental commission joint meeting, and the letter sent to City Council. He felt that the issue could be used as a catapult for future endeavors. The Commission was informed that the Council approved the road 5-0 and discussed the process and current plans for the road. It was stated that the wetlands through which the road will pass are of low quality therefore it is easier to justify putting the road through instead of a restoration project. GENERAL DISCUSSION: ? Summer (june, july, august) will remain the same - second Wednesday of the month. ? Maureen felt that the Commission should become familiar with the Bluff Creek Management Plan. Copies of the plan should be distributed to commissioners. A motion was made by Maureen and seconded by Dotti. The Commission will educate themselves on the Plan and then pass on that education to residents. Meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair g:/plan/js/ec/5-13-98MIN