07-08-98 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING July 8, 1998 Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Uli Sacchet, Dotti Shay, Jack Atkins, Susan Markert MEMBERS ABSENT: Andrew Leith, Jo Mueller, Clay Smith STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June minutes were approved. POLLUTION PREVENTION WEEK: Dotti Shay gave an overview of Pollution Prevention Week which will be September 21-27. Information packets provided by the EPA were handed out to commissioners. The activities are different than America Recycling Day or Earth Day, according to Dotti. Reducing, more that recycling or reusing, is stressed. The EPA maintains a website for the event and the City could provide a link to the site in order to promote it. Dotti proposes the Environmental commission get in touch with businesses and link up with Carver County in their activities for the week. She suggested going to small businesses, a list of which could be provided by Joe or Marcus at the County, who could use help in pollution prevention. Information will be targeted at homeowners and businesses. The City would have to commit to promoting and participating in the week. The Commissioners unanimously voted to approach the City Council about promoting it. Information and speakers for the week could be provided by the state and the EC could organize speakers for schools or the Rec. Center. Jack Atkins thought the week should be focused on something specific rather than generalized intangible information. Dotti said she will contact the Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible and go before the City Council. Sue Markert said she will call the Mayor and see if she can mention the week in her newsletter address to the city. Jill Sinclair said she’ll put a brief notice about it in the fall newsletter. GOLF CENTER: A general discussion about the status and description of the application was held. It was agreed that the appropriate authorities have been notified about the Center and its environmental ramifications and the Commission wouldn’t take any action. STRATEGIC PLAN: Jill handed out Strategic Plan packets and requested that Commissioners read through the packet and answer the questions before the next meeting. The Plan will be started at the August meeting in hopes of having a general plan by the September joint meeting with the City Council. GENERAL DISCUSSION: ? Sue Morgan’s resignation from the Commission was announced. ? Next meeting: August 12 Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair g:/plan/js/ec/7-8-98MIN