09-14-98 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING September 14, 1998 Meeting called to order by Maureen Farrell at 7:10 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dotti Shay, Clay Smith, Andy Leith, Uli Sacchet, Maureen Farrell, Jo Mueller MEMBERS ABSENT: Jack Atkins, Susan Markert STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the Aug. 12 meeting were approved. WEB PAGE: Clay Smith will work on the EC page and can get a page together in very little time if he’s given ideas and suggestions. Link ideas included Field of Dreams, BFI, PCA, and Pillsbury. Information listed on the page could include recycling dates, PPW information if applicable, and the Bluff Creek Watershed Plan and maps. clay would still like to contact a kid for input on a natural resources computer game that can be added to the site. Maureen suggested contacting Club Mid (sp?) at the jr. high for help and input from the computer club members. JOINT MEETING WITH CITY COUNCIL: Monday, Sept. 21 in the Courtyard Conference Room. Maureen has a scheduling conflict and won’t be able to make it. The Commission talked about possible topics of discussion for the council. It was decided that a list of accomplishments/projects will be prepared by Jill for distribution to the council. Members will also prepare questions for the council. STRATEGIC PLAN: The Strategic Plan will be started at the Oct. 14 meeting. GENERAL DISCUSSION: ? Next meeting: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 7:00 P.M. ? E-MAIL CORRECTIONS: Correct addresses for Jo and Andy - ? j.mueller@mpls-synod.org ? leith01@sprynet.com Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair g:/plan/js/ec/9-14-98MIN