09-05-96 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING September 5, 1996 Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Havlik, Susan Morgan, Susan Markert, Maureen Farrell, Bill Coldwell, Uli Sacchet, Andrew Leith, Charlie Eiler, and Susan Wright MEMBERS ABSENT: none STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Coordinator, Phillip Elkin, Water Resources Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There was no discussion of minutes. Bill Coldwell motioned to approve Commission minutes from August 1, 1996. Charlie Eiler seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously. COMMISSIONER PRESENTATION: Sue Morgan passed out a new and updated storm pond/algae article for the Villager and took comments. Ms. Morgan then presented her findings from research done on storm drain ponds and algae. Included in the presentation were the facts that only three types of algae cause problems: plankton, filamentous, and musk grass. Duckweed is not algae, but, in fact, the smallest herbaceous plant in North America. Storm ponds reach a maximum depth of 10 feet and a minimum of 4 feet. It takes approximately 15 days for sediment to settle to the bottom of a pond. Copper sulfate has been recommended by the DNR for treating algae in storm ponds. Mr. Sacchet summarized the Commission’s plans as follows: ? Need an educational component ? Need ordinance and policy formation ? Strongly discourage chemical treatment ? There should be some form of notification to the neighbors; need a channel to distribute educational materials ? Form a sub-committee to discuss position. Volunteers included: Sue Morgan, Charlie Eiler, and Susan Wright. They will draft a policy for review at the next meeting. Review of Villager article included the following comments: add the suggestion of residents getting soil tests done, add the suggestion as item 7 to use biodegradable soap to wash cars. Article was then approved unanimously. Environmental Commission Minutes September 5, 1996 Page 2 ARTICLES FOR VILLAGER: Mr. Coldwell is scheduled to write the next Villager article and have it reviewed at he next meeting. Greg will follow with the article regarding deer in Chanhassen. GENERAL DISCUSSION : Maureen Farrell announced classes offered at the Arboretum in the next month: ? Management of aquatic plant nuisances in Minnesota lakes. Wednesday, October 9, 10:00 a.m. - noon. ? Wetland wonders. Thursday, October 10, 10:00 a.m. - noon (*See Jill Sinclair about possible sponsorship of classes by the city) Articles to be discussed at the next meeting will be by: Sue Morgan, Bill Coldwell, and Greg Havlik. Mr. Sacchet tallied the education goals and found the number one goal was water quality issues and second was a tie between wildlife and landscaping issues. Ms. Morgan will gather information on storm drain ponds and put it into a brochure for handout after the Villager article is published. Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair