06-06 96 Minutes
JUNE 6, 1996
Introductory meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:05 p.m.
Charlie Eiler, Greg Havlik, Andrew Leith, Susan Morgan, Susan
Markert, Uli Sacchet, Susan Wright, Maureen Farrell, Bill Coldwell
: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Coordinator, Kate Aanenson,
Planning Director
Andrew Leith motioned to approve Commission minutes from
May 22, 1996.
Charlie Eiler seconded.
Introductions of staff and commissioners were made.
Kate Aanenson presented the history of the creation of the
Environmental Commission, provided a brief overview of wetland regulations, zoning, and the
comprehensive plan and answered various questions presented by the Commission.
A request was made by Uli Sacchet for a list of priority projects from the city for the July
Ms. Aanenson agreed to provide a list for the next meeting.
: Mr. Sacchet requested ideas from the Commission for
educational goals to be accomplished this year. He suggested items such as composting,
hazardous waste, and run-off.
Maureen Farrell suggested lawn care.
Bill Coldwell asked what are the various avenues for information dissemination.
Ms. Aanenson replied that the options included the city newsletter, local paper, cable t.v., and the
Charlie Eiler said that Toro/Lawn Boy will send information on lawn care to cities for free and
conduct seminars.
Mr. Sacchet requested specific goals be brought forward.
Environmental Commission Minutes
June 6, 1996
Page 2
Mr. Eiler stated that the Commission needs to think about the future and line up educational
programs to coincide with Arbor Day, Earth Day, Park Pride Day, etc.. Maybe incorporate all
three days.
Ms. Farrell suggested producing information for developer’s landscape plans on how tree grow in
order to avoid trees planted too near driveways or sidewalks.
Susan Morgan suggested that the Commission decide on the areas of interest and then decide on
vehicles and specific events.
The Commission requested a list of organizations the could help with educational programs.
Ms. Morgan suggested the Commission put together a packet with information regarding
Chanhassen’s environment, natural resources, water quality, etc.
Bill Coldwell asked about putting on a program for developers and giving recognition to those
that attend. He stated that the Commission should be progressive and give developers
environmental information before development plans come in.
Mr. Sacchet stated that the Commission needs to establish awareness of specific areas, but that it
can be a double-edged sword.
Susan Wright thought nature walks would be of interest where different parts of the city would be
highlighted in order to educate people directly.
Greg Havlik suggested making a list of recommended trees native to the area so new homeowners
would know what to plant in their yards that don’t have any existing trees.
Ms. Morgan asked the Commission to brainstorm about goals at home to be discussed at the next
It was decided by the Commission that a list of goals from each Commissioner would be sent to
Jill Sinclair by Friday, June 14 for inclusion in the agenda packet for the July meeting.
Suggestions made by a council member were reviewed by the
Commissioners reviewed the by-laws.
Ms. Morgan moved for approval of the by-laws.
Environmental Commission Minutes
June 6, 1996
Page 3
Mr. Eiler seconded the motion and the by-laws were approved unanimously.
: It was decided the July meeting would be held on July 11.
Andrew Leith suggested that a comprehensive listing of species within Chanhassen be made.
Mr. Eiler suggested a profile of the Commissioners be created, emphasizing areas of expertise.
Future agenda items were discussed and it was decided that educational goals, a wetland
presentation, project suggestions from the city, and the listing of expertise/skills of Commissioners
would be addressed at the next meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair