01-09-97 Minutes
January 9, 1997
Meeting called to order by Maureen Farrell at 7:05 p.m.
, Andrew Leith, Susan Morgan, Maureen Farrell, Bill Coldwell, Charlie
Eiler, Susan Markert, and Susan Wright
Greg Havlik, Uli Sacchet
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Coordinator
Sue Morgan raised a question on the city sump pump program.
Other Commissioners explained the program. Dr. Andy Leith moved to approve the minutes.
Charlie Eiler seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Ms. Sinclair informed the commission that the algae control
ordinance is on the agenda for the January 13 City Council meeting. A draft of the “Controlling
Nuisance Algae” brochure was handed out to members to review. Comments and changes will be
discussed at the first meeting in February.
Mr. Coldwell introduce the idea of adding a web page on the
Environmental Commission to the City web site. He suggested including current events, Villager
articles, upcoming events as well as information about the mission statement, meeting dates and
members. Mr. Coldwell offered to write up a fact sheet for the web page for review at the next
January meeting.
Vice-Chairwoman Farrell organized the next two articles that will be
written for the paper. Dr. Leith will write the next article on ground or drinking water and facts
about the Chanhassen water system. Following the ground water article will be an indoor air
quality article. Ms. Farrell volunteered to write it. Mr. Coldwell said he knew the architect who
designed the Health House and would ask him for an interview. Ms. Sinclair will supply Ms.
Farrell with fact sheets on indoor air quality topics. Dr. Leith’s article will be reviewed at the next
January meeting.
The Commission discussed meeting twice monthly in order to
accomplish the many tasks scheduled for each meeting. A consensus was reached to change the
monthly meeting dates to the 2 and 4 Thursdays of each month. The first meeting of the month
will be a business meeting, the second will be a work session. The next meeting will be January
23. A schedule for 1997 meeting dates will be included with the next agenda. Ms. Farrell moved
to approve the meeting change to the 2 and 4 Thursdays. Dr. Leith seconded. It was
approved unanimously. Ms. Wright noted she will be absent from the March meetings.
The Commission discussed how to celebrate Earth Day, Arbor Day, and
Park Pride Day. It was agreed that an event addressing all three days would be the most effective.
Saturday, April 26 was chosen. Ms. Farrell suggested involving the schools in a community effort
to celebrate the event. Activities for students would include poster making, tree planting, etc.
Another suggestion was to invite vendors such as local nurseries, wildlife rehabilitation groups,
landscape architects, DNR, etc. to participate in a sort of environmental fair. At the next meeting,
the Commission will outline events and participants.
: Ms. Morgan reminded the Commission of the MinnAqua program
that would be available as a summer program for students. Mr. Eiler thought the Park and Rec.
department already sponsored that event each summer. Ms. Sinclair will confirm if they do or not
by the next meeting.
Items for the January 23 meeting will be: Planning for April 26 celebration
Outline of groundwater article
Web page information
Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair