01-23-97 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION WORK SESSION MEETING January 23, 1997 Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: , Andrew Leith, Susan Morgan, Bill Coldwell, Charlie Eiler, Greg Havlik, Uli Sacchet, and Susan Wright MEMBERS ABSENT: Maureen Farrell, Susan Markert STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Coordinator MISCELLANEOUS: Mr. Sacchet raised the issue of tree removal at the Villages on the Pond development site. It appeared extensive and did not save any substantial woods. Ms. Sinclair informed the commission that what has been cleared is not the whole picture. The development is larger than the cleared area. Woods have been saved on the southern end of the property and will become a city park. Tree removal for the development was allowed under the city’s tree preservation ordinance. Replacement plantings will be numerous and in time will create a nice overstory in the development. Mr. Eiler suggested the commission or city raise money to buy a tree spade so that in the future trees can be saved and transplanted from sites such as the Villages. WEB PAGE DEVELOPMENT: Mr. Coldwell passed out copies of the current Chanhassen home pages so the commission could see the format used. He also had copies of the information he compiled for the Environmental Commission page. The commission was unanimous in its agreement that Mr. Coldwell had done excellent work. Mr. Coldwell used the same format as other commission pages and added two sections: “Upcoming events and initiatives” and “Topic of the Month”. These sections will be added to and changed by the commission. Ms. Sinclair will try to get the commission information on the web site as soon as possible. Additions to the two sections will be added whenever they’re ready. VILLAGER ARTICLES: Dr. Leith distributed copies of his draft article. Discussion ensued bout the City’s water towers and reservoirs. Dr. Leith will add details about the amount or length of water pipelines in the city and other interesting facts. He will talk to Jerry Boucher at the city for details. Commissioners suggested adding a profile drawing of the layers that are referred to in the article. Commissioners also wondered what the overall message should be or was. Ideas included that the safety of our water supply should be stressed as well as an appreciation for the supply and perhaps expand on the idea of conservation. Dr. Leith will have another draft ready for the next meeting. EVENT PLANNING: Mr. Eiler said he has been trying to get in touch with the local nurseries. Lotus Lawn and Garden said they might be too busy that time of the year to participate in anything. Mr. Eiler hadn’t heard anything from Halla or Wilson’s. Environmental Commission Minutes January 23, 1997 Page 2 Ms. Morgan handed out an outline she had created for the planning. It covered organizational details, entertainment, vendors, food, and advertising ideas. Ms. Morgan had talked to Nancy Mancino about the event. Ms. Mancino suggested the Commission decide on an alternative site. Other ideas discussed: ? Rent party tents to prepare for inclement weather. Jill will talk to Park and Rec staff about what they do and where they rent from for events. Commissioners though a tent should be booked either way. We’ll need to find out about cancellation fees. ? A game warden should be asked to do a presentation or display at the event. ? After some discussion, the west parking lot of City Hall was chosen as the location for the event. It can be organized so that cars can still get through to other parking lots while still having enough room on the pavement for the event. ? Need to find chairs or bleachers for presenters who will have an audience. ? Electricity is available, the commission will have to know how many presenters will need to be hooked up. ? The DNR should be asked if they can do a display board or presentation. ? The criteria for participation by vendors or presenters will be that they must provide environmental education. ? Participants in the park clean-up will maybe get a ticket or hand stamp for free food from one of the vendors. ? An action list should be created for each meeting to keep track of what has been done, what needs to be done, etc. ? Ms. Sinclair will promote it in the spring newsletter. Deadline for submittals is Friday, Jan. 31. GENERAL DISCUSSION : Meeting dates and absences were discussed. Mr. Havlik and Mr. Sacchet have conflicts with some of the dates chosen. Commissions conceded that more absences will need to be allowed to make up for the increased meeting dates. Minutes will be approved only at the first meeting of the month. Sue Markert has been re-instated as a member of the Environmental Commission. Ms. Farrell will remain Vice-Chairperson of the Commission. The Feb. 13 meeting will be held in the Manager’s Conference Room off the reception area of city hall. Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair g:/plan/js/ec/1-23-97min