04-10-97 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 10, 1997 Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:05 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Leith, Susan Morgan, Greg Havlik, Susan Markert, Uli Sacchet, Bill Coldwell, Charlie Eiler, Maureen Farrell, and Susan Wright MEMBERS ABSENT: none STAFF PRESENT: Phillip Elkin, Water Resources Coordinator APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (No minutes from 3/27/97 meeting — there was no quorum – only 4 members attended) COMMUNITY GARDENS: Mr. Eiler started the discussion about the history of community gardens in Chanhassen and how they have failed in the past. Several questions were generated by this subject such as: Location? Maintenance? Who would Participate? What kind of garden-- vegetable, flower, perennials? Ms. Morgan suggested having a gardening contest or a “parade of gardens.” The discussion was tabled until the next meeting. NEWS ARTICLES: Mr. Havlik said that he hopes to have his article on deer finished in early May. Ms. Farrell is planning to write an article on indoor air quality. She said that depending on the schedule for the gardens. If gardens were a go for this summer, she would plan on a fall article, sooner if no action is taken on the gardens. Ms. Markert shared her plan for writing a article on composting and organic fertilizer. She stated that her term on the commission expired on May 1, 1997 and may affect her ability to finish the article in time. Ms. Markert then asked general questions on the re-election or appointment process. Ms. Farrell suggested contacting the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum for information on upcoming events that could be worked into an article. RECYCLING BROCHURE: The Commission was uncertain on the status of a recycling brochure. Mr. Sacchet wondered if the brochure made in 1995 should be re-written or re-distributed. Item tabled until next meeting. GENERAL DISCUSSION : Discussion was started by Ms. Morgan about the responsibility of trash disposal on construction sites. Several members shared stories of littering and poor maintenance of construction sites near them. Ms. Markert invited the Commission to prepare a float for the Chanhassen Forth of July parade. ARBOR DAY ACTION LIST: Ms. Farrell asked if arrangements had been made for baking cookies. Mr. Elkin said he would check with Ms. Sinclair upon her return. The Committee members decided that an ad or event listing should be placed in next week’s paper. The original plan was to place a notice a week before, but that would be only two days before the event. Mr. Leith asked that Stan Tekkla be removed from the advertisement, as he has not committed to being at the event. It was also decided that a April 24 meeting was not necessary unless Ms. Sinclair felt one was necessary. Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Phillip Elkin G:\plan\Js\ec\4-10-97MIN