06-11-97 Minutes CHANHASSEN ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING June 11, 1997 Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:10 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Andrew Leith, Susan Morgan, Uli Sacchet, Bill Coldwell, Jack Atkins, Maureen Farrell, and Susan Wright MEMBERS ABSENT: Greg Havlik, Susan Markert STAFF PRESENT: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (No minutes from 5/97 meetings — there was no quorum) NEW COMMISSIONER: Jack Atkins was introduced. He is filling Mr. Eiler’s vacancy for the remainder of the term. Mr. Sacchet introduced the Commissioners to Mr. Atkins. ARBOR DAY ASSESSMENT: The following assessments were made by the Commission: ? Build support and involvement with the park cleanup groups. ? Turn out was low, but good for the first year. ? Should consider having the event be more kid-oriented. ? Should have a mix of adult and kid oriented information ? The greatest impact will be made by addressing the youth. ? Move up the demonstration times to be closer to the end of lunch. ? Focus more on a particular subject - environmental education, arbor day, etc. ? Contact the head of scout groups for recruitment ? The location was good but isolated, need more visibility. Maybe event can be held in business parking lots or neighborhoods. ?stnd Raptor Center - 1 presentation well-attended, the 2 not as well. ? Delete coloring page activity but maybe have some available at key places - Festival, Target, etc. ? Invite vendors to lunch with park cleanup crews. ? For Arbor day event, have more focus on trees - displays, activities, etc. SUMMER MEETING DATES: Meetings for July, August and possible September will be held on the nd 2 Wednesday of the month. The next meeting is July 9; August’s meeting will be on August 13. FIRST YEAR RECAP: Mr. Sacchet summarized the first year accomplishments as such: ? Algae ordinance passed, but not with its original intent. (Commission inquired whether or not Phil Elkin had received any calls about problem algae from residents. He says he’s had a handful of calls so far and has discovered from the calls other locations where chemicals are being used to treat algae) ? Algae Brochure. Finished and ready to be printed. Mr. Elkin will need to give Commission update on it status. ? Newspaper articles. Groundwater quality, algae, and milfoil articles were published in the Villager in the last year. ? Web page. Text created by Commission with link to latest newspaper article and a listing of members. ? Arbor Day celebration. Successful first-time event with environmental vendors, wildlife demonstrations, park clean-ups, and speech and tree planting with mayor. ? By-laws. Development of Commission’s own by-laws and rules for order. Other events/issues in past year: Environmental Commission Minutes June 1, 1997 Page 2 Sump pump inspections: Commission would like update on progress and results of program. City Council update: would like to know how Council views Commission. Commissioner Education: a good component was learning. Information given by Marcus, Phil, etc. valuable and well-received. Need to continue learning and to pass on knowledge to community. Summary of accomplishments: Commission would like summary created. UPCOMING PROJECTS: The following suggestions were made: ? Initiate reward/recognition program for environmentally sound builders and developers. Create criteria or measurements, such as site cleanliness, on which to judge local construction sites. Similar programs include the green star program from the MPCA, Global Releaf program, Austin TX program, ISO 4000, and The Natural Step from Scandinavia(?). ? Conduct interviews and research on businesses in Chanhassen to see what they’re doing for the community environmentally. ? Create awards program for community groups and homeowners who have done good environmental deeds. ? Recycling brochure. Include interesting environmental facts. Revise existing brochures or create a more comprehensive publication. Also possibly organize recycling collection - one day a month go to particular neighborhoods or curbside pick-up. Put recycling information on city phone line and create refrigerator magnet with phone number. Call other cities for advantages or problems with programs and brochures. Put all information on the city web page. ? Identify aspects residents can improve in their environment. Educate with “what can I do better?” in mind. ? Since development is the number 1 problem, decide what the Environmental Commission can do. ? Comprehensive plan for the Commission. ? Advertise the Env. Comm. more Projects will be prioritized at the July meeting. GENERAL DISCUSSION : Since annual terms for chairperson and vice-chairperson had expired a vote was taken for new officers. Uli Sacchet was nominated for Chair and seconded. Bill Coldwell was nominated for Chair and seconded. After a polite discussion among commissioners, Uli was voted in as chairperson. Bill Coldwell was nominated for vice-chairperson and seconded. Sue Morgan was nominated for the position and seconded. After a discussion, Bill was voted in as vice-chairperson. th There will be no float for the 4 of July celebration. Most commissioners thought it would be a good idea for next year. Mr. Sacchet suggested the by-laws by changed to reflect March 31 as the end of a term and April as the first meeting of the year. Meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair G:\plan\Js\ec\6-11--97MIN