10-08-97 Minutes
October 8, 1997
Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7: 10 p.m.
Andrew Leith, Susan Morgan, Uli Sacchet, Bill Coldwell, and Susan Markert
Jack Atkins, Susan Wright Greg Havlik, and Maureen Farrell
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
“It was a blast!” Tour attendees included: Maureen Farrell and her
daughter, Bill Coldwell, Andy Leith, Jack Atkins and his wife. It was noted that you had to look hard to
see the unique species. A good tour.
Andy and Uli updated the Commission on the project progress. Ideas
generated as to how to distribute the magnets included inserting them in the Villager, a separate mailing, or
inserting them in the city newsletter. Staff will research the cost of each option. Content of the magnet will
include phone number, website address, and what can be recycled. A suggestion to add unordinary items to
the list was made. Staff will check if phone extension can have its own menu. Andy suggested doing a
show on public access t.v.. Sue suggested a ‘re-use’ campaign. Uli suggest that we fit the basics on the
magnet and expand as needed. Project should be completed by Dec. 31. Staff will check with
manufacturing company to see if large magnets are available.
A discussion of the problem included viewpoints such as the need to know if members
were still committed, it is a nuisance to come, wait and take no action on the agenda, attendance may be
reflective of lack of goals (i.e. no ‘fires’ to put out), commissioners have an opportunity to create their own
identity - no fires are needed, there are too many ordinances, the agenda items are not important enough -
the commissioners are girl scouts due to issues that are too goody-goody. Also noted was that
commissioners should be advocates and push the envelope and be more decisive. An outreach poll of
commissioners could be done to survey their environmental concerns. Commission could also canvas
neighbors to attend neighborhood meetings about environmental issues and advocate/follow-up on city
environmental issues. Problem may be that things aren’t so bad in Chanhassen therefore no burning issues.
Meetings will continue to be held on the second Wednesday of the month. Jill will send a yearly schedule
for 1998 in the next packet. The commission will review goals next month.
: Dr. Leith thought it would be a good idea to find out what needs to be
improved in Chanhassen (i.e. what don’t we have?). Ms. Morgan suggested surveying what people
want/need/think. Mr. Coldwell thought residents could leave a voice-mail message to the survey. The
survey would find out what direction the commission should go take and what education is needed.
Another idea was to take an ad out in the Villager for the survey with the phone number, deadline, etc.. Can
also place it in the “Briefly” column.
Suggestion to designate one member to attend other city meetings and update Commission on a monthly
Bill Coldwell updated the commission on the ‘Green Builder’ program from Austin. It’s an education
program whose goal is to educate consumers on green building in order to create a demand for ‘green
building’. Involves Realtors, consumers, and builders. It started as a part of an energy rating program and
Environmental Commission Minutes
October 8, 1997
Page 2
had initial resistance from builders. Mr. Coldwell said he could have enough information by ? in order to
update city council and get feedback on the next steps. Commissioners thought existing homes should be
included in the program. There will be an update at the next meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair