11-12-97 Minutes
November 12, 1997
Meeting called to order by Uli Sacchet at 7:10 p.m.
Andrew Leith, Susan Morgan, Uli Sacchet, Bill Coldwell, Jack Atkins,
Maureen Farrell and Susan Markert
Susan Wright, Greg Havlik
Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist
No corrections to October minutes. Approved.
Mr. Sacchet handed out samples of phone message outline and said
there were three goals of the project - the phone line, development of a magnet, and a web page design.
The phone message outline was reviewed by the Commission and found to be comprehensive. Uli also
displayed a prototype of the magnet design. Discussion of the project included the following:
-If there is a separate mailing for the magnet, Mr. Atkins approximated the cost to be $800.
-To include the magnet in the newsletter, volunteers would have to manually stuff the magnets perhaps by
putting magnet in envelope and stapling into newsletter. The commission could ask for a sponsor, such as
United Mailing, to cover costs of mailing. Ms. Morgan volunteered to contact them.
-Commission should research how Dakota County distributed their magnets.
-All recycling information will be Chanhassen specific and needed since comprehensive information doesn’t
exist for county. Hennepin and Dakota have comprehensive recycling books.
-Fax on demand. Access should be included on phone line.
-Need team effort to check and research information for project. Therefore each commissioner will take
information item and research. Items divided as follows: Maureen #1, Andy #2, Jack #3, Uli #4, Bill #5,
Ms. Morgan #6, Ms. Markert magnet design.
-Cross-over of information to web page will be simple.
Bill received more information from Austin, TX and Boulder CO.
Austin’s program has evolved and is implemented in other cities. How much effort is it? How many staff
needed? What information can cross over from Austin’s program to Chanhassen? All were questions that
still need to be answered. Major program will take great effort and details will really need to be researched.
How to assign points for various ‘green’ aspects of a home? We could try to put together short, simple
pamphlet and then figure out marketing campaign for pamphlet. Pamphlet would be used to gain
educational awareness and give sources for more information. Since program is so detailed, we could
possibly form consortium to help with developing program and obtaining information. Could also
encourage building to do this rather than develop program. Who would be the target audience - residents or
builders? Commission could create program simpler than Austin’s ‘green builder’ which would reward or
recognize good lawn care practices, tree preservation in developments, etc. The Commission should keep
Green Builder program in mind, but it is too in-depth for commission now. We should start with Realtors
since they’re contacted first by homeowners. The question is, where will the best return for our effort be?
We should use day-to-day advise and encourage good practices. The ‘green builder’ program is good
because it’s more global, more than just Chanhassen and it would be good to be a part of a larger plan.
The commission could create a simple list of ‘green’ questions for homebuyers, builders, residents, etc.
Each commissioner should contemplate ‘green house’ packet - what should be included, how it should be
presented and mailed i.e. informational brochure, pamphlet, booklet, etc.
Environmental Commission Minutes
November 12, 1997
Page 2
: Commission favorites from list of possible 1998 goals attached in November packet
Identify what is special to Chanhassen and educate residents about it before it’s destroyed.
Address loss of wildlife.
Suggested species list for planting in yards. Wetland species, tree species, prairie, butterfly, etc.
Compile list of recommendations of what residents can do to improve their environment/neighborhood.
Survey residents, commissioners, and/or city council to determine environmental concerns and
‘hot topics’.
Arbor Day celebration
Discussion to be continued…
Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.
Prepared and Submitted by Jill Sinclair