CC Staff Report 3-26-07 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 1591 Park Road Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 4- MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Bob Generous, Senior Planner March 26. 2007 o.vf!' Chanhassen High School Planning Case #07-06 DATE: SUBJ: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The new Chanhassen High School will be constructed for 2000 students, grades 9-12. The total area of the building is approximately 406,000 square feet. The approval includes a rezoning, a conditional use permit with a variance, site plan approval with variances and a wetland alteration permit. ACTION REQUIRED City Council approval requires a majority of City Council present. PLANNING COMMISSION SUMMARY The Planning Commission held a public hearing on March 6, 2007 to review the proposed development. The Planning Commission voted five for and none against a motion recommending approval of the Chanhassen High School. The Planning Commission minutes for March 6, 2006 are item 1a of the March 26, 2007 City Council packet. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the four motions as specified on pages 23 - 30 in the staff report dated March 6, 2007 approving the new high school. ATTACHMENTS 1. Rezoning Ordinance. 2. Planning Commission Staff Report Dated March 6, 2007. g:\plan\2007 planning cases\07.06 chanhassen high schooI\executive summary.doc The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakes, quality schools, a charming downtown, thriving businesses, winding trails, and beautiful parks. A great place to live, work, and play. CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the City's zoning ordinance, is hereby amended by rezoning the Chanhassen High School Site, see exhibit A for legal description, from Agricultural Estate District, A2, and Planned Unit Development, PUD, to Office and Institutional District, 01. Section 2. The rezoning of this property is subject to all conditions of City Council approval. Section 3. The zoning map of the City of Chanhassen shall not be republished to show the aforesaid zoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the zoning map on file in the Clerk's Office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this ordinance, and all of the notations, references, and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this ordinance. Section 4. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 26th day of March, 2007. ATTEST: Todd Gerhard, City Manager Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor Published in the Chanhassen Villager on EXHIBIT A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Per Warranty Deed Document No. 148445) That part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian described as: Beginning at the north quarter comer of said Section 22, thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 05 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 969.75 feet along the north line of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 56 degrees 57 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of 1138.88 feet to the center line of County Road No. 117, thence South 32 degrees 02 minutes East a distance of 56.45 feet, thence Southeasterly 484.22 feet along a tangential curve to the right having a radius of 3322.60 feet, thence South 23 degrees 41 minutes East a distance of 241.78 feet to the south line of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 06 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 1570.38 feet along said south line of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter to the southeast comer thereof, thence North 0 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 1326.84 feet along the east line of said Northeast Quarter to the point of beginning, according to the Government Survey thereof. Outlot B, CHANHASSEN BUSINESS CENTER, according to the recorded plat thereof. That part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 116, Range 23, lying easterly of the centerline of County Road 117 (Excelsior and Shakopee Road) and that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 22 lying westerly of a line running from a point on the south line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 660.00 feet east of the southwest comer thereof to a point on the north line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 330.00 feet east of the northwest comer thereof. Less and except the following described tract: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast comer of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 22, thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds West, assumed bearing, 2649.54 feet along the south line of said Northeast Quarter to the southeast comer of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, said point also being the point of beginning of the tract to be described, thence continuing South 89 degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds West 499.83 feet along said south line, thence northwesterly 247.29 feet along the center of a public roadway on a non-tangential curve concave to the northeast with a radius of 954.93 feet through a central angle of 14 degrees 50 minutes 14 seconds, chord bearing North 72 degrees 54 minutes 36 seconds West 246.59 feet, thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds West 592.50; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes 03 seconds East 377.00 feet; thence South 71 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds East 377.58 feet to a point on the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 00 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds East 550.00feet along said east line to the point of beginning. Subject to a public roadway easement on the south side thereof and a power line easement on the east side thereof. Subject to other easements, reservations or restrictions, if any. Subject to a public roadway easement along the south side thereof and other easements, reservations or restrictions of record. Subject to an easement for utilities and ingress and egress, being 40 feet in width, lying 20 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the southwest comer of the above-described tract; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds West 321.50 feet along the west line thereof to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence North 76 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds West 45.00 feet; thence southwesterly 46.69 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southeast with radius of 50.00 feet through a central angle of 53 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds; thence South 50 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 224.89 feet tangent to said curve to a point on the center of a public roadway and said centerline there terminating. It is intended to extend or shorten the side lines of said easement so as to terminate at said centerline of the public roadway and at the west line of land described as follows: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast comer of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 22, thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds West, assumed bearing, 2649.54 feet along the south line of said Northeast Quarter to the southeast comer of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, said point also being the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continuing South 89 degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds West 499.83 feet along said south line; thence northwesterly 247.29 feet along the center of a public roadway on a non-tangential curve concave to the northeast with a radius of 954.93 feet through a central angle of 14 degrees 50 minutes 14 seconds, chord bearing North 72 degrees 54 minutes 36 seconds West 246.59 feet; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds West 592.50 feet; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes 03 seconds East 377.00 feet; thence South 71 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds East 377.58 feet to a point on the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds East 550.00 feet along said east line to the point of beginning. ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ -< -< ~ -< ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 PC DATE: March 6,2007 [I] CC DATE: March 26,2007 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: April 3, 2007 CASE #: 07-06 BY: AF, RG, LH, ML, JM, JS STAFF REPORT *. PROPOSAL: . Rezoning from Agricultural Estate District, A2, and Planned Unit Development, PUD, to Office and Institutional District, 01; . Site Plan approval with Variances for a High School campus including an approximately 406,000 square-foot, three-story building, athletic fields, concession building, stadium, storage/maintenance buildings and parking lots; . Conditional Use Permit with Variances for development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District; and . Wetland Alteration Permit for the grading and filling of wetlands on site LOCATION: North of Lyman Boulevard, south of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad, and west of Bluff Creek APPLICANT: Anderson-Johnson Associates, Inc. 7575 Golden Valley Road, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55427 763-544-7129 Independent School District 112 11 Peavey Road Chaska, MN 55318 952-556-6261 PRESENT ZONING: A2, Agricultural Estate District, and PUD, Planned Unit Development 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office Institutional and Office/Industrial ACREAGE: 95 DENSITY: F. A. R. 0.1 SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The developer is proposing a High School Campus. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonings because the City is acting in its legislative or policy making capacity. A rezoning must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the City finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi judicial decision. The City's discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Location Map Chanhassen High School Planning Case No. 07-06 City of Chanhassen CCAtINED Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 2 The City's discretion in approving or denying a wetland alteration permit is limited to whether or not the proposal meets the standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the wetland alteration permit. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The City's discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners in excess of 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The new Chanhassen High School will be constructed for 2000 students, grades 9-12. The total area of the building is approximately 406,000 square feet which is slightly smaller than the recently expanded Chaska High School (415,000 square feet). When completed, Independent School District 112 will have two high schools with a total district high school capacity of 4000 students. The building is designed with three distinct functional components - Academic, Performing Arts, and Physical Education! Athletic - around a central commons space that contains the primary public entrance, student dining, student support services, and building administration. A neighborhood meeting was held on January 18,2007 at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Approximately 20 residents attended the meeting. An overview of the proposed High School was presented including a history of how we got to this point, a summary of the public hearing process and a presentation of the site and building plans. Brick and pre-cast with a stone colored veneer concrete are the predominate building materials. Issues that were raised: How does the development blend into the wetland to the east? The proposed building site will be approximately 50 feet above the wetland. The slopes are proposed to be seeded with a prairie grass mix similar to what was used in the City's wetland restoration project in the Bluff Creek Corridor. Where will retaining walls be located, how will they look and how large will they be? A suggestion was made that something architectural is expected by neighbors. Staff directed the developer to increase the plantings east of the retaining walls to help soften them. A question was raised about how they could be assured that what was proposed, both financially and visually, would be ultimately built They were several comments about students parking in adjacent neighborhoods, Bluff Creek Estates, Stone Creek and Creekside, and then accessing the High School site. This issue will have to be monitored to determine if it becomes a problem. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 3 There was concern that the erosion control fencing will not be removed when the project is complete. The contractor will have the erosion control fencing removal included as part of their contract. Questions were raised about bus noise. It was pointed out that 1) there is little noise; and 2) bus operations are during a limited time during the day for 15 - 30 minutes in the morning and afternoon. Questions about the football stadium operations and lighting. It was pointed out that the stadium would be in a bowl, rather than above grade level. Use of lighting will on a limited basis. Questions were raised about improvements to the street network, particularly Lyman Boulevard, but also complaints about existing improvements to Audubon Road north of Lyman Boulevard. The Cities of Chanhassen and Chaska and Carver County, in consultation with the School District, are discussing roadway improvements. However, these specific roads are beyond the scope of the school project itself. The site is located south of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad and the Stone Creek neighborhood (residential single-family), west of Bluff Creek and the Bluff Creek Estates neighborhood (residential single-family) as well as the Sun Ridge neighborhood (residential large lot single-family), and north and east of Lyman Boulevard. Chaska's electrical substation lies between the school's south property line and the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road. To the northeast is the Chanhassen Business Center, an office/industrial park. West of Lyman Boulevard is a Chaska industrial park. The majority of the property was farmed for agricultural purposes with the highest point of the site and the steep grades along its east boundary area made up of native grasses and trees. A fairly significant wooded area lies along the south edge of the property. The old farm homestead, with some remnants still remaining, lies in the southwest corner of the site just opposite Hazeltine Lake Drive. Existing wetlands predominantly lie along the east edge of the property with localized fingers extending at the north and south edges of the property toward the west. Approximately 25 acres of wetland areas exist within the property limits. The topography of the property varies in elevation from 985 at the lowest point (east) to 1075 at the top of the grassy height in the center of the site. Because the center of the site is at the highest elevation, drainage typically is directed toward the extents of the property eventually reaching either the Bluff Creek wetlands to the east or to the Lyman Boulevard ditch to the west and south. Drainage immediately south of the high point of the site will be carried to Bluff Creek via a fairly significant natural gorge immediately north of the electrical substation. Water is available at the northwest the northeast corners of the site. A 12-inch water main extends approximately 200 feet south of the northeast property corner where it terminates. Water off the northwest corner of the property actually lies north of the railroad tracks and at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Galpin Boulevard. Sanitary (trunk) sewer is located along the length of the east property line and connects the neighborhood to the north to a point extending south of the Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road intersection. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 4 The new high school campus includes parking for approximately 1,000 cars, bus parking for approximately 30 buses, and overflow and event parking for an additional 140 vehicles. Three entrance drives off Lyman Boulevard provide access to the school site. The south entrance drive is at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road and will primarily support bus and event parking. The entrance drive at the southwest corner of the site at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Lake Hazeltine Drive will serve for limited ingress/egress. The entrance drive west of the school will serve as the main entrance for students, visitors and service deliveries. With the existence of the Magellan gas pipeline north of the school and north parking lot, the athletic facilities find themselves north of the pipeline easement. The exception to this is the proposed tennis courts and soccer fields which lie just south of the Magellan easement and are located northeast and northwest of the building, respectively. Softball and baseball facilities are located in the northwest quadrant of the site and are tucked between the gas main and railroad tracks. The running track and field stadium, which is aligned in a northwest-southeast direction, will be carved into the hillside to allow the home bleachers to transition from an upper spectator plaza down to the field level. Home bleachers for 1,600 spectators and visitor bleachers for 800 spectators are provided. Field events, including high jump, long/triple jump, pole vault, shot put, and discus are located along the east and southeast corners of the running track. Practice fields will be developed in the northeast quadrant of the site and tucked between the railroad tracks and existing wetland areas. The Office Institutional (01) District limits building height to two stories. The proposed school is three stories by City definition. (If the height (H) of the basement is more than 12 feet at any point, or if the height (H) is more than six feet for more than 50 percent of the perimeter of the building, then it is considered a story.) The lowest level (basement) of the school building has a height of20 feet. Therefore, a variance is required from the 01 district regulations. Due to the significant elevation changes on the property, staff encouraged the school district to develop the site with a walkout-style building. This design maintains more of the site topography by using the building itself to accommodate elevation changes than would be possible with a typical, i.e., flattening of the site, design. However, it also leads to the need for a variance. Staff recommends the granting of the variance for a three-story building. This parcel is partially encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Section 20-1255 of the Chanhassen City Code requires a conditional use permit for all development within the Bluff Creek Corridor. The applicant has proposed the location of the southerly driveway access encroaching in the primary zone. The encroachment into the primary zone requires the approval of a variance. Due to the location of the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road, the location of this driveway is fixed and the encroachment in to the primary zone cannot be avoided. The Environmental Assessment Worksheet provided information about the project that may have the potential for significant environmental effects. The EA W was prepared by the Responsible Governmental Unit or its agents to determine whether an Environmental Impact Statement should be prepared. The most significant potential issues associated with the proposed project are: Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 5 1. Traffic: There will be temporary impacts to vehicle traffic due to construction-related activity during excavation, construction materials delivery and storage, and tie-ins to existing sub grade utilities. These predicted vehicle traffic impacts will last for much of the construction life of the project, and will be geographically associated with the phasing of construction. Some of the potential impacts can be mitigated through implementation of City ordinances relating to hours and days of operation, noise, nuisance conditions, etc. Post-construction traffic impacts are anticipated after the project is constructed, and are detailed in the traffic study. These impacts are anticipated to involve slight decreases in Level of Services (LOS) in the project vicinity. Plans for mitigation of these impacts include adding turn lanes and signalization of nearby intersections and are included as conditions of approval. No additional traffic impacts or issues have been identified that require further investigation. 2. Wetland Impacts: A total of 1.66 acres of wetlands are proposed to be filled as part of the project. Mitigation measures will include on-site replacement (new wetland creation, as well as public value credits) according to MN Wetland Conservation Act rules, which are administered by the City of Chanhassen. No additional wetland impacts or issues have been identified that require further investigation. 3. Storm Water Runoff: There is potential for impacts to Bluff Creek and associated wetlands from temporary and permanent storm water runoff. Potential impacts from temporary storm water runoff include those from sediment loading during and immediately after construction. These potential impacts will be mitigated through MPCA storm water and local permitting. Potential impacts from permanent storm water runoff include those from performance of storm water engineering design and construction. These potential impacts will be mitigated through local review of design plans, as well as on-site inspections during construction. No additional storm water impacts or issues have been identified that require further investigation. Based on this review of the potential environmental impacts, the mitigation measures incorporated in the site plan should address the impacts. The proposed development, generally, complies with the city requirements and staff is recommending approval of the project subject to the conditions of the staff report. APPLICABLE REGUA TIONS Chapter 20, Article II, Division 2, Amendments Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3, Variances Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article IV, Conditional Use Permits Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 6 Chapter 20, Article VI, Wetland Protection Chapter 20, Article XXI, "01" Office and Institutional District Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office- Institutional Developments Chapter 20, Article XXXI, Bluff Creek Overlay District BACKGROUND On December 11, 2006, the Chanhassen City Council approved an Interim Use Permit to grade the site in preparation of development and a resolution of Negative Declaration of the Need for an Environmental Impact Statement for the Chanhassen High School Campus. On March 4,2004, the Chanhassen City Council approved a Land Use Amendment to permit Office/Industrial and Office/Institutional uses on the site. REZONING The applicant is requesting to rezone approximately 95 acres from A2, Agricultural Estate District and PUD, Planned Unit Development to Office and Institutional District, 01. The project consists of a High School campus. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the comprehensive plan. SITE PLAN ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE The project is a new High School campus for Independent School District 112 consisting of a three-story, 405,367 square-foot building, athletic fields, concession building, stadium, storage/maintenance buildings and parking lots. The building is designed with three distinct functional components - Academic, Performing Arts, and Physical Education! Athletic - composed around a central commons space that contains the primary public entrance, student dining, student support services, and building administration. The high school building is divided into two sections separated by a main entrance corridor and commons area with classrooms located on the southern half of the building and performing arts facilities, auditoriums and gymnasiums located in the northern half of the building. The lowest floor area is 102,096 square feet. The main (first) floor area is 197,174 square feet. The second floor is 92,043 square feet. The building footprint is 235,907 square feet. The building exterior is highly articulated with multiple materials and vertical and horizontal architectural elements. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 7 Size portion Placement The main entry to the building is located in the middle of the structure. The lower level provides access for students from the bus drop-off to the east. The main entrance faces west, toward Lyman Boulevard, and will be visible from the north and central access drives, and provides access to students who drive or are dropped off as well as visitors to the school. Ground level of a multi story is visually distinct from the upper stories through the use of materials, windows and other architectural building elements. The public entrance to the building and central commons faces west. The student bus entrance is on the east side of the building, also with access to the central student commons, directly opposite the main public entrance. I: .~(~~'~'-..~~~~~ ~~~ir~ '.t. 1: J'>(l~ '. ~>~'~;i:'~.<<.: ~. J-,... '.'e-- 'OC :~~;~~' ~'j..~~:J';~..':' -:i ' . East Entrance View from the Southeast Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 8 Material and detail Building materials are high quality and consist of brick, architectural pre-cast panels and glass curtain walls and windows. The exterior building materials include two colors of brick and one color of pre-cast stone. The two brick colors are composed horizontally to emphasize the connection to the geology of the natural site and to emphasize the walk-out level on the east side. The lighter-colored cast stone is integrated as vertical planar accents at the significant architectural elements of the building: the entrance, the commons, the fly 10ft, the team resource areas, and the science wing. Color The brick colors are coppertone velour (burnt red) and mountain shadow velour (grayish red). The pre-cast concrete color is travertine texture (sand). The aluminum curtain wall is extra dark/dark bronze. The pre-finished metal panels are charcoal gray. Height and Roof Design Height is limited to two stories in the Office and Institutional District. However, due to the type and function of building as a school and the direction that the City provided to the school to reduce site grading, the construction of a walkout-type building is warranted. Normally, the lower basement level would not be included as a story. However, because the lower floor elevation is more than 12 feet, it is by definition a story. It is reasonable to grant the variance to permit a three-story building (see attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation for the variance). The proposed roof has significant and varied parapet and enclosure heights to create the vertical articulation as part of the roof design required by city code. Mechanical equipment shall be screened within enclosures. Facade transparency The westerly elevation is the only elevation directly viewable by the general public. This building elevation is highly articulated with 50 percent of the elevation that is viewed by the public incorporating transparent windows and or doors. Natural light is essential to the learning environment. Windows are organized in a hierarchy of groupings and sizes from the punched openings at each classroom, to the large storefront windows in the team resource areas, to the clerestory windows and curtain walls that will flood the common areas of the building with natural light and capture views of the natural wetland areas near the school. Site Furnishing Community features may include: landscaping, lighting, benches, tables and art. The school district should add benches and tables to take advantage of the gathering areas, plazas and scenic overlooks. Bicycle parking storage racks should also be provided on site. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 9 At the top of retaining walls the developer is proposing the installation of 4-foot chain link fences. Surrounding stadiums and ball fields are proposed 8-foot fences. The baseball backstop is 18 feet tall. The softball backstop is 14 feet tall. The tennis court fence is 10 feet tall. Loading areas, refuse area, etc. Screening of service yards, refuse and waste removal, other unsightly areas and truck parking/loading areas is accomplished through the location of these areas on the north and south sides of the building. Enclosure walls are also provided around these areas to provide additional screemng. Landscaping Minimum landscaping requirements include 39,176 square feet oflandscaped area around the parking lot, 156 trees for the parking lot, and bufferyard plantings along property lines. Applicant's proposed landscaping as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. Item Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 39,176 sq. ft. 57,300 sq. ft. Trees/ parking lot 156 overstory trees 134 overstory trees North property line 43 overstory trees Existing mature tree line Bufferyard B - 2190' 87 undertstory trees 40 tree seedlings 131 shrubs East property line 27 overstory trees 35 overstory trees bufferyard A - 2720' 54 understory trees 9 understory trees 81 shrubs 76 shrubs 30 tree seedlings South/W est property line 40 overstory trees 43 overstory trees Bufferyard B - 2030' 80 understory trees o understory trees 120 shrubs 8 shrubs 4 tree seedlings Prairie planting The applicant does not meet minimum requirements for the parking lot plantings. The applicant also does not meet quantity specific categories of bufferyard plantings; however, the proposed plan does incorporate beneficial landscape elements such as native species and prairie plantings. Staff recommends that the applicant increase plantings in order to meet minimum ordinance requirements for parking lot plantings and the east buffer yard. The applicant is proposing seedling plantings and prairie/native grass plantings. Staff recommends that all deciduous seedlings be protected by tree shelter tubes. The tubes need to be installed when the seedlings are planted and monitored throughout the next 3-5 years to insure that the tubes are removed at the proper time. All of the seedlings are native species with the exception of Black Hills spruce. Staff recommends that this conifer be changed to a native white spruce. Also, the understory selections, ironwood and blue beech, are trees that grow naturally Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 10 in the shade of taller trees. Their placement in the landscape does not replicate this natural habitat. Staff recommends that the understory seedlings be located among overstory deciduous trees. Additionally, staff recommends larger quantities of seedlings in each grouping. The prairie seeding will need ongoing maintenance and monitoring to insure successful establishment of the plants and that weeds and other invasive plants are controlled. Staff recommends that the columnar Norway maple listed in the plant schedule be replaced by a different columnar tree such as Armstrong red maple, Autumn Spire red maple or even an ornamental species. Staff also recommends that in the interest of long-term heath, all species of ash be replaced with alternative species because of the impending threat of the emerald ash borer. Staff recommends that landscaping be increased at the base of the retaining walls along the east property line to include shrubs, such as Chokeberry (Aronia), that are naturally spreading and have wildlife benefits that would enhance the environment and provide further visual relief of the wall expanse. Increasing the overstory and ornamental plant quantities would help add stronger vertical relief as well. The applicant could also incorporate vines, such as Virginia creeper or Boston ivy, on the walls to add color and interest. Note: Several plant abbreviations are not noted in the plant schedule. They are CD - pagoda dogwood, PN - Austrian pine, SR - ivory silk Japanese tree lilac. Lot Frontage and Parking Location The project fronts on Lyman Boulevard. Parking is distributed throughout the site with the majority west and north of the building. Due to site topography, and the fact that this is a high school with restricted access, it makes sense that the majority of the parking is located to the north and west of the building. The southern access drive, entering the site from the Lyman! Audubon intersection, will be used on a daily basis exclusively for student bus access. Required Parking: Four per classroom or office (207 rooms or 828 spaces) plus one per 150 square feet of seating area within auditoriums (6,400 sq. ft. or 43 spaces). Total 871 spaces. Proposed Parking: 920 spaces. In addition, there are 140 event parking stalls located to the east of the building in the bus corral. Additional angled visitor parking (23) can be accommodated in the drop-off access west of the building entrance. An alternate 48-stall south parking lot is shown (sheet C6.1) for the access drive south of the building. As a comparison, there are 1,030 parking stalls at Chaska High School. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 11 COMPLIANCE TABLE 01 Chanhassen Hieh School Building Height 2 stories 3 stories @ Building Setback N -15'E-40'* W - 35' S - 35' N - 970' E - 350' W - 490' S - 260' Parking Stalls visitor 871 stalls 920 stalls + 140 event, 48 south alt. and 23 Parking Setback N - 0' E - 40'* W - 35' S - 35' N - 492' E - 308' W-104' S-172' Hard Surface Coverage 65% 26% Lot Area 0.32 acre 94.83 acres @ As part of the site plan review, the developer is requesting a variance to permit a three-story building. *The 40-foot setback is from the Bluff Creek Overlay District primary zone boundary. LIGHTING/SIGNAGE The developer is proposing a 27-foot light pole with a 3-foot concrete base for area lighting within the parking lot. Single and double-headed light fixtures with square, shoebox type heads are proposed. Plaza lighting in the stadium area is proposed on 15-foot poles. Walkway lighting on 12-foot poles is proposed at the main building entrances with walkway lighting bollards along sidewalks and alternate entrances. Walkway lighting has a 90-degree cutoff to limit light spilling skyward. Section 20-913 (e) prohibits lighting directed skyward except for lighting designed for illuminating the United States of America flag. The developer is proposing spot lights for the flags at the entrance to the building (type DDl on sheet EOlO). Additionally, the developer is proposing building fa9ade flood lights (type DD on sheet EOlO) which will be directed skyward to illuminate the building. The installation of such lighting requires a variance approval. ~ B@!ie':es tHat if af@Hite@hifal ligHting is desired, tHen it €HHlld Be installed €Iii tHe BMilding fa~ade and direeted ds~;:n';:afd. THef@{:€lf@, a ':al'ialiee 8HsMld nst Be a}3}3fs':ed. The Planning Commission felt that due to the importance of the building as a community meeting place the architectural lighting should be approved. The developer shows a monument sign at the northwest entrance to the High School. This monument may be a maximum of five feet in height with a display area of 24 square feet. If the School district intends to install a motion sign, they will have to receive a separate conditional use permit. A separate sign permit is required for the monument sign installation. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 12 ACCESS Access to the site is proposed via three driveways off Lyman Boulevard. The southerly access is at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road. The middle access is at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Lake Hazeltine Drive. The northerly access is approximately 800 feet south of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad. Pedestrian access is provided at each of the driveway entrances as well as a connection to the Bluff Creek trail in the northeast corner of the site. Pedestrian ramps shall be provided at all curbs where the sidewalk/trails connect. A traffic study was included in the Environmental Assessment Worksheet identifying projected traffic volumes and analyzing the proposed access points onto Lyman Boulevard. Carver County has reviewed the proposal and has given preliminary approval of the accesses. The applicant must obtain permits from Carver County to construct the accesses. Carver County has begun background studies for the future widening of Lyman Boulevard. Design details are not available. However, based on the projected traffic volumes, Lyman Boulevard will likely be reconstructed as a four-lane divided roadway. It is anticipated that the widening of Lyman Boulevard will take place prior to the high school opening in Fall 2009. The existing one-half right of way of Lyman Boulevard adjacent to the property is 50 feet wide. The school district will dedicate an additional 10 feet as a roadway, drainage and utility easement. The 60-foot one-half right of way will accommodate the future widening of Lyman Boulevard. The northernmost access is approximately 880 feet south of Galpin Boulevard. The southernmost intersection aligns with Audubon Boulevard to the south and will be for bus ingress and egress. This access lies within the electrical substation property; therefore, ISD 112 must obtain the necessary easement from the City of Chaska. The remaining access to the site lies 950 feet south of the northern access and 700 feet north of Audubon Boulevard. The wetland north of this driveway dictated the access location. The proposed driveways are 30 feet wide and drive aisle widths are 26 feet wide, which meets the minimum requirements of the City Code. Traffic Improvements Based on the analysis in the Traffic Impact Study, the existing roadway network will accommodate the traffic generated by the proposed Chanhassen High School if the following mitigation measures are implemented by opening day of the school: Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 13 . Construct a traffic signal at the Lyman BoulevardlLake Hazeltine Drive intersection. . Modify the existing signal at the Lyman Boulevard/Audubon Road South intersection for the addition of a north leg to the intersection. . Construct the following turn lanes: Southbound Lyman Boulevard at North Bypass lane School Access Northbound Lyman Boulevard at North 200 feet School Access Westbound North School Access at Through lane becomes 300 feet Lyman Boulevard turn lane Southbound Lyman Boulevard at Lake 200 feet Hazeltine Drive Northbound Lyman Boulevard at Lake 200 feet Hazeltine Drive Eastbound Lake Hazeltine Dr at Lyman 100 feet Boulevard Westbound Lake Hazeltine Dr at Lyman 300 feet Build Boulevard through/right Eastbound Lyman Boulevard at Audubon 200 feet Road South Westbound Lyman Boulevard at 200 feet Audubon Road South Northbound Audubon Road South at Build to add through Lyman Boulevard lane Southbound Audubon Road South at 200 feet Build Lyman Boulevard through/right FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS 1/ PER CHANHASSEN 2005 AUAR ~ Lyman Blvd Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 14 Twin Cities & Western R~.... Lyman Blvd POSSIBLE FUTURE / TRAFFIC SIGNA~........... CONSTRUCT TRAFFIC SIGNAL t \ REVISE TRAFFIC SIGNAL N \,\1 E S No Scale LEGEND Figure 21 - =I Stop Sign Recommended New S Signalized Intersection 4- Through Traffic Lane Lane Configurations <';7.;;'J 6ypa8S Lane & Traffic Control r Turning TraJfic Lane New District 112 High SC?hool (Right or Left Lane) ChanhassenJ MN ft. = 100 feet B = 200 feet C = 300 feet Prepared by TOI ~ LoVl Vol UTile Driveway October, 2006 Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 15 In addition, operation of the Lyman Boulevard/Galpin Boulevard and Lyman Boulevard/Audubon Road north intersections should be monitored for potential improvements. Both intersections will likely require traffic signals and additional turn lanes in the future. Impacts to Regional System The following corridors will be at or over capacity in the future whether or not the high school is built. They should be monitored and appropriate improvements should be made when needed. . Lyman Boulevard east of Lake Hazeltine Drive . Audubon Road (C.S.A.H. 17) south of Lyman Boulevard The final funding allocation for the Lyman Boulevard (C.S.A.H. 18) and Audubon Road (C.S.A.H. 17) improvements will be determined in consultation with the City ofChanhassen, Carver County and the City of Chaska. GRADING AND DRAINAGE The site presents a challenge for grading operations due to the steep grades along the railroad to the north, the gas pipeline running east-west through the northern portion of the site, Bluff Creek to the east and the electrical substation to the south. The six-inch diameter gas pipeline is owned and operated by CenterPoint Energy and is centered within a 1 DO-foot wide easement. CenterPoint is allowing up to four feet offill over the gas pipeline. Two crossings are proposed over the pipeline: a trail on the east side from the tennis courts to the stadium and a concrete walk from the parking lot to the stadium. The HydroCAD calculations submitted indicate that the 1 DO-year elevation of the wetland/wetland mitigation area north of the Lake Hazeltine access point will extend onto Lyman Boulevard and the access. Spot elevations must be shown between the wetland/wetland mitigation and Lyman Boulevard to ensure that the road is not flooded during the 1 DO-year event. The proposed ponds along Lyman Boulevard have been designed to treat runoff from a portion of the east half of Lyman Boulevard. There is no additional land in this corridor of Lyman Boulevard for ponding; therefore, additional ponding is required so that runoff from the entire future roadway width will be treated in these ponds. Hydrology to the wetland/wetland mitigation area north of the Lake Hazeltine access point must be maintained. The outlet for Storm Basin 2 should be relocated to prevent short circuiting, which requires separating the storm water inlet pipe from the outlet pipe. The proposed drainage pattern on softball field 1 is from the outfield to the infield due to the grade difference between the railroad tracks and the pipeline easement. The development team should re-examine the proposed grades within the infield of this field to eliminate the low area between second base and the pitcher's mound. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 16 The pavement grades within the north parking lot can be increased to reduce the height and/or length of retaining walls 12 and 13. The school district may consider reducing the width of the eastern drive aisle of the north parking lot to further reduce the height and/or length of these retaining walls. Grading operations on adjacent properties must be approved by the property owner. Grading within the overhead electric and gas easement near the eastern access point must be approved by the appropriate private utilities. Identify all emergency overflow locations and elevations on the final grading plan. The final grading plan must show the linework for the storm sewer. Pond, drainage and utility easements are required over the ponds and wetlands. SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT All stormwater ponds must be accessible for maintenance purposes. The plans must be revised to accommodate a 20-foot wide access lane for maintenance vehicles and equipment for Pond 3. It is recommended that this access be provided from the southeast corner of the bus corral to the flared-end section at the south end of Pond 3. The slope of the access should not exceed 15%. Manholes with two-foot sumps should be installed as the last road-accessible structures prior to discharge into the storm water pond. This will help to prolong the maintenance interval of the proposed storm water ponds. The project proposes three rain gardens in the main drop-off area of the school. The plans provide a cross-section and general seeding plan. However, more detailed plans should be provided. The revised plans should include: details regarding the subsoil mix that will be used, measures that will be taken to counter compaction that has occurred in surrounding native soils, draintile configuration, draintile tie-in and drainage areas for each rain garden. The rain gardens should be designed to draw down in a maximum of 72 hours to ensure mosquito breeding cannot occur. For best results, staff recommends that the rain gardens be planted using minimum 2-inch plugs instead of seed. Additionally, the rain gardens should be mulched with shredded hardwood mulch to keep weeds from invading and to lock in moisture. Concrete pavers are proposed for the drop-off area. In preliminary discussions with the applicant, the applicant indicated that pervious pavers may be used for this area. If pervious pavers are used, the subsoils should be "decompacted" to a minimum of 48 inches prior to paver installation. Additionally, pervious pavers should be installed with a corrected subgrade to ensure adequate drainage. The applicant should work with the City on the final design of pervious pavers, if used, to ensure appropriate design and installation procedures are followed. In order to reduce the demand for potable water for irrigation, the applicant should consider utilizing stormwater ponds as a source for irrigation water. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 17 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) including all information required by the NPDES Construction Site Permit should be located at the job trailer. Erosion Control Stable emergency overflows are needed for the proposed ponds on site. The emergency overflows should be clearly labeled on the plan and a detail is needed. The emergency overflows can be stabilized with a turfre-enforcement mat or fabric and riprap. The plan should include detailed specifications for temporary stabilization of the site. The timing of stabilization will vary depending upon slope and if it is a concentrated flow area. The rate of mulch application should also be included on the plans (2 tons per acre, disc anchored). All riprap/fabric at the flared end section should be installed within 24 hours of flared end section installation. Erosion control blanket should be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3: 1. All exposed soil areas should have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: Type of Slope Steeper than 3: 1 1 0: 1 to 3: 1 Flatter than 10: 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days (Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked.) These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet, temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water. Sediment Control Silt fence that is not placed on the contour must have I-Hooks or rock every 50 to 75 feet. Temporary sediment basins should be constructed prior to disturbing upslope areas. The areas of temporary sediment basins should be labeled on the plan. A temporary and/or permanent sediment pond will need to be constructed at the locations of the outlets for Flared End Sections (FES) 7 and 8. This should be installed prior to grading and then used as a temporary sediment pond prior to discharging the runoff into the wetland. If it is used as a temporary pond, it should stay in place until all turf is established. Temporary outlet structures (e.g., a perforated riser and rock cone) are needed for the ponds; details should be provided. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 18 Contractors and their subcontractors must receive approval of proposed dewatering methods from the City's project inspector or erosion and sediment control inspector prior to conducting any and all dewatering on-site. Wimco inlet controls or similar should be used to protect all storm sewer inlets. The plans should be revised to include Chanhassen's standard details for erosion and sediment control (i.e., Details 3102, 3104, 3107, 3108, 3109, 5300, 5301, 5302, 5302A). The plans should be revised to include a concrete washout area. Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets should include daily street scraping and street sweeping as-needed. RETAINING WALLS Due to the site constraints outlined in the "GRADING AND DRAINAGE" portion of this report, numerous retaining walls are proposed throughout the site. The locations of the retaining walls are generally shown on the drawing below. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 19 A summary of the proposed walls is as follows: Wall Approximate Maximum number length height 1 143 ft 26 ft 2 180 ft 22.5 ft 3 903 ft 27.6 ft 4 688 ft 29 ft 5 350 ft 10 ft 6 138 ft 2ft 7 110 ft 13 ft 8 364 ft 13 ft 9 160 ft 5ft 10 164 ft 5ft 11 137 ft 6ft 12 189 ft 9ft 13 160 ft 6ft 14 593 ft 10 ft 15 74 ft 5.5 ft 16 541 ft 10 ft 17 865 ft 28 ft 18 365 ft 10 ft 19 979 ft 6ft 20 317ft 11.5ft 21 739 ft 10 ft 22 225 ft 5ft 23 115 ft 2.5 ft 24 223 ft 2.5 ft 25 233 ft 11.5 ft t North The estimated total square footage of the walls is 95,000 square feet. The development team is redesigning the grading for softball field 1 and baseball field 1. This redesign will reduce the height and length of retaining walls in this area. Four-foot high chain link fence will be installed at the top of all of the proposed retaining walls. All retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by an engineer and require a building permit. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 20 UTILITIES A City-owned 18-inch diameter trunk sanitary sewer lies to the east of the site near Bluff Creek. The grading plan indicates that up to one foot of fill and up to two feet of cut is proposed over the existing trunk sanitary sewer on the northeast corner of the site. The type of and the current cover over this pipe is sufficient for the proposed changes. The developer must adjust the manhole elevations according to City standard detail plates. The trunk sanitary sewer line must be televised before and after construction to determine if the high school construction has damaged the pipe. This section of sanitary sewer is scheduled for televising in conjunction with the City's sanitary sewer inflow and infiltration abatement program. If the City televises this sanitary sewer before the high school construction is mobilized, the developer will only be required to televise the line after construction is complete. Eighteen-inch trunk watermain will be installed on the north side of Lyman Boulevard. The school district will be reimbursed $166,424.00 which is the cost difference between the 18-inch trunk and 10-inch lateral watermain. The property was assessed $200,897.79 in 1996 for City Project 91-17, Upper Bluff Creek Sanitary Sewer and Watermain. These assessments have been paid. Based on the assessment rolls, the property was only assessed for trunk sanitary sewer and watermain; therefore, the trunk water fees must be paid with the building permit based on the City Water Access Charge in effect at the time the building permit is issued. The hydrant locations along Lyman Boulevard must be adjusted so that the hydrants do not lie within the high water level of the adjacent ponds. Based on the proposed utility plan, an irrigation meter is required. The utility plan must show the existing trunk sanitary sewer, existing overhead utilities and existing gas pipelines. Mylar and digital as-builts for the pond grading and utilities must be submitted in Carver County coordinates. MISCELLANEOUS The project is planned to utilize two petroleum storage tanks (for fuel oil and diesel fuel) to support facility operations. The fuel oil tank will be a 10,000-gallon underground fiberglass tank with electronic monitoring and double-walled underground piping. This fuel will be piped to the boilers and is designed to serve as backup fuel for the boilers in case of natural gas supply interruption. The diesel fuel tank will be a 2,700-gallon, skid-mounted above-ground storage tank, piped to a 1,500 KW diesel-powered electrical generator to be used to provide backup electrical power should the normal power supply be interrupted. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 21 Emergency response plans for releases from either fuel storage tank shall be included within the emergency evacuation/response plan. Also, due to the capacity of the diesel fuel storage tank, a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan will need to be prepared and implemented. The buildings must be protected with automatic fire sprinkler systems. The building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Building permits are required for all structures (including, but not limited to, storage buildings, concession stands, bleachers, retaining walls). Retaining wall plans must be prepared and signed by a structural engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. The utility plans (marked preliminary) were not reviewed by the building official. A detailed building plan review cannot be done until complete plans are provided. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT The site is partially within the Meadowlands Region of the Bluff Creek Overlay District. This region of the overlay district is characterized by fragmented forest communities, high quality wetlands and diverse wildlife populations. The goals set forth in the City's Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan ("Bluff Creek Plan") for the Lowlands Region are to: 1. Preserve high-quality wetland systems, riparian areas and remaining forests; 2. Regenerate impaired ecosystems, especially wetlands, to the extent practical under the present land use constraints; 3. Re-create natural links between major natural features within the Bluff Creek corridor; and 4. Development of environmental educational opportunities within the corridor. Wetlands A and B are being restored by the Minnesota Department of Transportation as mitigation for wetland impacts that occurred in conjunction with the construction of Trunk Highway 212. The restoration project was envisioned as part of the Bluff Creek Plan and is a result of cooperation between MnDOT, the City and the school district. It will enhance the vegetative communities along Bluff Creek, restore a portion of the creek to a more natural profile and improve the hydrology of the wetland complex. The school district dedicated an easement to MnDOT as part of the project for some of the mitigation to occur on school district property. The construction activities associated with the proposed project should not conflict with the easement granted to MnDOT. The project proposes construction of an access road through a portion of the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The encroachment into the primary zone requires a variance (see attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation for variance justification). This road is necessary for safety purposes Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6,2007 Page 22 to maintain separation between bus and automobile traffic. To mitigate for the impacts to the primary corridor, the applicant should submit a plan for the restoration of areas adjacent to the Bluff Creek Corridor (including the drainageway along the north side of the substation and the area east of the bus/event entrance) with species consistent with the City's Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan. WETLAND AL TERA TION PERMIT WETLANDS Four Ag/Urban wetland basins exist on-site. Pinnacle Engineering, Inc. delineated the wetlands in July 2006. Wetland A is a 6.03-acre Type 2/3/6/7 wetland located in the northeast corner of the property. It contains a swale that drains the northern portion of the site to the wetland complex in the eastern portion of the site, adjacent to Bluff Creek. The wetland is dominated by reed canary grass, box elder, cottonwood, elms and willows. The applicant is proposing to impact 0.82 acres of wetland A for the construction of a stadium. Wetland B is a 17.94-acre Type 2 wetland located in the east central portion of the project. It contains a swale that drains the southern portion of the site to the wetland complex in the eastern portion of the site, adjacent to Bluff Creek. The wetland is dominated by reed canary grass and contains cattails and willows. The total proposed impacts to wetland Bare 0.77 acres for the construction of the southwest parking lot and the eastern bus access. Currently the plans show two wetland boundaries for this wetland, specifically in the southwest corner of the wetland. The plans should be revised to show the delineated wetland boundary. Wetland C is a 0.23-acre Type 2 wetland located along Lyman Boulevard in the southwestern corner of the property. The wetland is dominated by reed canary grass. No impacts are proposed to Wetland C. Wetland D is a DAD-acre Type 2/3 wetland along Lyman Boulevard on the western edge of the property. The wetland has been altered historically by farming and draintile and is dominated by corn, nightshade and reed canary grass. However, it is still a jurisdictional wetland. The applicant is proposing 0.10 acres of impact to wetland D to allow for the construction of the northwestern access. A wetland buffer 16.5 to 20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 16.5 feet) must be maintained around all Ag/Urban wetlands. All wetlands and wetland buffer areas should be protected by silt fence during grading. Wetland buffer areas should be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant must install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and must pay the City $20 per sign. All structures must maintain a setback of at least 40 feet from the wetland buffer edge. The wetland buffer setback should be shown on the plans. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 23 Wetland Mitigation The applicant is proposing to create 2.57 acres of New Wetland Credit (NWC) and 0.81 acres of Public Value Credit (PVC). The mitigation will occur at seven different locations, four of which will be adjacent to the Bluff Creek wetland complex. Wetland replacement must occur in a manner consistent with Chanhassen City Code and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). The new wetland credit needed to satisfy the Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420) is 3.38 acres with a minimum of 1.69 acres in the form of new wetland credit and the remainder in public value credit. The applicant is proposing to meet the requirements with 2.57 acres of NWC and 0.65 acres of PVC. Wetlands C and D are proposed to be restored as part of the overall mitigation plan for the property. The applicant should provide additional information as to how the vegetative communities and hydrology will be re-established in these areas. A five-year wetland replacement monitoring plan should be submitted. The replacement monitoring plan should include a detailed management plan for invasive non-native species, particularly purple loosestrife and reed canary grass. The plans should show fixed photo monitoring points for the replacement wetland. The applicant should provide proof of recording of a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. The applicant must submit a letter of credit equal to 110% of the cost of the wetland creation (including grading and seeding) to ensure the design standards for the replacement wetland are met. The letter of credit should be effective for no less than five years from the date of final approval. The applicant should submit a cost estimate for wetland creation (including grading and seeding) so the City can calculate the amount of the wetland creation letter of credit. OTHER AGENCIES The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Carver County, Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) and comply with their conditions of approval. RECOMMENDA TION Staff and ree€lmmeH€ls that the Planning Commission recommend that City Council adopt the following four motions and adoption of the attached findings of fact and recommendation: A. "The Chanhassen PlaHHiHg C€lmmi88i€lH ree€lmmeH€ls that City Council approves the Rezoning of the Chanhassen High School site from Agricultural Estate District, A2, and Planned Unit Development, PUD, to Office and Institutional District, 01." Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 24 B. "The Chanhassen Ploo.RiRg C0mmissieR f@@emmemas tkat City Council approves the Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Corridor with a Variance to locate the south access drive within the Bluff Creek primary zone, in conformance with the grading plans prepared by Anderson Johnson Associates, Inc., dated 02-02-07, subject to the following conditions: 1. The construction activities associated with the proposed project shall not conflict with the easement granted to MnDOT for its wetland mitigation project. 2. To mitigate for the impacts to the primary corridor, the applicant shall submit a plan for the restoration of areas adjacent to the Bluff Creek Corridor (including the drainageway along the north side of the substation and the area east of the bus/event entrance) with species consistent with the City's Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resources Management Plan." C. "The Chanhassen PlaRRiNg C0mmissieN f@@emm€mas tkat City Council approves the Site Plan with Variance for a three-story building and up lighting for a High School campus including an approximately 406,000 square-foot building, athletic fields, concession building, stadium, storage/maintenance buildings and parking lots, plans prepared by Anderson Johnson Associates, Inc., dated 02-02-07, subject to the following conditions: 1. The developer shall add benches and tables to take advantage of the gathering areas, plazas and scenic overlooks. Bicycle parking pads and storage racks shall be provided on site. 2. The developer shall include angled visitor parking in the drop-off access west of the building entrance. 3. The building fa<;ade flood lights shall be a@l@t@a allowed during school events and activities. 4. Pedestrian ramps shall be provided at all curbs where the sidewalks or trails connect. 5. The following mitigation measures shall be implemented by opening day of the school: . Construct a traffic signal at the Lyman BoulevardlLake Hazeltine Drive intersection. . Modify the existing signal at the Lyman Boulevard! Audubon Road South intersection for the addition of a north leg to the intersection. . Construct the following turn lanes: Approach Left Turn Lane Rieht Turn Lane Southbound Lyman Boulevard at North Bypass lane School Access Northbound Lyman Boulevard at North 200 feet School Access Westbound North School Access at Through lane becomes 300 feet Lyman Boulevard turn lane Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 25 Approach Left Turn Lane Ri2:ht Turn Lane Southbound Lyman Boulevard at Lake 200 feet Hazeltine Drive Northbound Lyman Boulevard at Lake 200 feet Hazeltine Drive Eastbound Lake Hazeltine Drive at 100 feet Lyman Boulevard Westbound Lake Hazeltine Drive at 300 feet Build Lyman Boulevard through/right Eastbound Lyman Boulevard at Audubon 200 feet Road South Westbound Lyman Boulevard at 200 feet Audubon Road South Northbound Audubon Road South at Build to add through Lyman Boulevard lane Southbound Audubon Road South at 200 feet Build Lyman Boulevard through/right 6. Building Official Conditions: a. The buildings must be protected with automatic fire sprinkler systems. b. The building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. c. Building permits are required for all structures (including, but not limited to, storage buildings, concession stands, bleachers, retaining walls). d. Retaining wall plans must be prepared and signed by a structural engineer licensed in the State of Minnesota. 7. Fire Marshal Conditions: a. A lO-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e., street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, cable TV and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. b. Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed. Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided. c. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed load of fire apparatus and shall be serviced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Pursuant to Minnesota State Fire Code Section 503.2.3. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 26 d. Yellow curbing and "No Parking Fire Lane" signs will be required. Contact Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of yellow curbing and locations of signs to be installed. e. No burning permits shall be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and shrubs must either be removed from site or chipped. f. Submit radius turn designs to City Engineer and Chanhassen Fire Marshal for review and approval. Pursuant to Minnesota State Fire Code Section 503.2.4. 8. Forester Conditions: a. Increase plantings for parking lot area in order to meet ordinance requirement of 156 trees. b. Replace Black Hills spruce seedlings with white spruce. c. Existing trees to be preserved shall be protected. Fencing shall be installed around trees prior to grading. d. Understory seedlings shall be located among overs tory deciduous trees. e. The applicant shall increase the quantity of seedlings planted in each grouping. f. All deciduous seedlings shall be protected by tree tubes. Tubes shall be monitored and removed at the appropriate time. All tubes shall be fitted with protective bird netting. g. All ash trees shall be replaced by an alternati~e species. h. The applicant shall meet minimum requirements for buffer yard plantings along the east property line. Native shrubs and vines shall be incorporated into the landscape in addition to trees. 1. The columnar Norway maple shall be replaced with a different columnar tree such as Armstrong red maple, Autumn Spire red maple or even an ornamental species. 9. Engineer Conditions: a. The applicant must obtain permits from Carver County to construct the accesses to Lyman Boulevard. b. ISD 112 must obtain the necessary easement from the City of Chaska to construct the access through the substation property. c. Spot elevations must be shown between the wetland/wetland mitigation and Lyman Boulevard to ensure that the road is not flooded during the 100-year event. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 27 d. Additional ponding is required so that runoff from the entire future width of Lyman Boulevard will be treated in the ponds. e. Hydrology to the wetland/wetland mitigation area north of the Lake Hazeltine access point must be maintained. f. The outlet for Storm Basin 2 should be relocated to prevent short circuiting. g. The development team should reexamine the proposed grades within the infield of softball field 1 to eliminate the low area between second base and the pitcher's mound. h. Grading operations on adjacent properties must be approved by the property owner. 1. Grading within the overhead electric and gas easement near the eastern access point must be approved by the appropriate private utilities. J. Identify all emergency overflow locations and elevations on the final grading plan. k. The final grading plan must show the linework for the storm sewer. I. Pond, drainage and utility easements are required over the ponds and wetlands. m. The developer must adjust the sanitary sewer manhole elevations according to City standard detail plates. n. The trunk sanitary sewer line must be televised before and after construction to determine if the high school construction has damaged the pipe. If the City televises this sanitary sewer before the high school construction mobilized, the developer will only be required to televise the line after construction is complete. o. The school district will be reimbursed $166,424.00 which is the cost difference between the 18-inch trunk and lO-inch lateral watermain. p. Trunk water fees must be paid with the building permit based on the City Water Access Charge in effect at the time the building permit is issued. q. The hydrant locations along Lyman Boulevard must be adjusted so that the hydrants do not lie within the high water level of the adjacent ponds. r. Based on the proposed utility plan, an irrigation meter is required. s. The utility plan must show the existing trunk sanitary sewer, existing overhead utilities and existing gas pipelines. t. Mylar and digital as-builts for the pond grading and utilities must be submitted in Carver County coordinates. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 28 10. Water Resources Coordinator Conditions: a. Wetland replacement shall occur in a manner compliant with the project's Wetland Alteration Permit, Chanhassen City Code and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). b. The project shall comply with the conditions of its Conditional Use Permit for Development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. c. The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) including all information required by the NPDES Construction Site Permit shall be located at the job trailer. d. Stable emergency overflows shall be provided for the proposed ponds on site. The emergency overflows shall be clearly labeled on the plan and a detail is needed. The emergency overflows can be stabilized with a turf re-enforcement mat or fabric and nprap. e. The plan shall include detailed specifications for temporary stabilization of the site. The timing of stabilization will vary depending upon slope and if it is a concentrated flow area. The rate of mulch application shall also be included on the plans (2 tons per acre, disc anchored). f. All riprap/fabric at the flared end section shall be installed within 24 hours of flared end section installation. g. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3: 1. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: Type of Slope Steeper than 3:1 10:1 t03:1 Flatter than 10: 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days (Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked.) These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet, temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water. h. Silt fence that is not placed on the contour shall have J-Hooks or rock every 50 to 75 feet. 1. Temporary sediment basins shall be constructed prior to disturbing upslope areas. The areas of temporary sediment basins shall be labeled on the plan. A temporary and/or permanent sediment pond shall be constructed at the locations of the outlets for Flared End Sections (PES) 7 and 8. This shall be installed prior to grading and then used as a temporary sediment pond prior to discharging the runoff into the wetland. If it is used as a temporary pond, it should stay in place until all turf is established. Temporary outlet Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 29 structures (e.g., a perforated riser and rock cone) shall be provided for the ponds; details should be provided. J. Contractors and their subcontractors shall receive approval of proposed dewatering methods from the City's project inspector or erosion and sediment control inspector prior to conducting any and all dewatering on-site. k. Wimco inlet controls or similar shall be used to protect all storm sewer inlets. 1. The plans shall be revised to include Chanhassen's standard details for erosion and sediment control (i.e., Details 3102,3104,3107,3108,3109,5300,5301,5302, 5302A). m. The plans shall be revised to include a concrete washout area. n. Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as-needed. o. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (i.e., Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) and comply with their conditions of approval. D. "The Chanhassen Planning C€JIRIRi88i€Jn n~@€JIRIR@nd8 that City Council approves the Wetland Alteration Permit for the grading and filling of wetlands on the site of the Chanhassen High School, plans prepared by Pinnacle Engineering, dated February 9, 2007, subject to the following conditions: 1. A wetland buffer 16.5 to 20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 16.5 feet) shall be maintained around all AglUrban wetlands. All wetlands and wetland buffer areas shall be protected by silt fence during grading. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and shall pay the City $20 per sign. All structures shall maintain a setback of at least 40 feet from the wetland buffer edge. The wetland buffer setback shall be shown on the plans. 2. Wetland replacement shall occur in a manner consistent with Chanhassen City Code and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). 3. The applicant shall provide additional information as to how the vegetative communities and hydrology for Wetlands C and D will be re-established. 4. A five-year wetland replacement monitoring plan shall be submitted. The replacement monitoring plan shall include a detailed management plan for invasive non-native species, particularly purple loosestrife and reed canary grass. The plans shall show fixed photo monitoring points for the replacement wetland. The applicant shall provide proof of recording of a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. Chanhassen High School Planning Case 07-06 March 6, 2007 Page 30 5. The applicant shall submit a letter of credit equal to 110% of the cost of the wetland creation (including grading and seeding) to ensure the design standards for the replacement wetland are met. The letter of credit shall be effective for no less than five years from the date of final approval. The applicant shall submit a cost estimate for wetland creation (including grading and seeding) so the City can calculate the amount of the wetland creation letter of credi t. " A TT ACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 2. Development Review Application 3. Letter from Jay R. Pomeroy to Bob Generous dated January 31, 2007 4. Chanhassen High School Building Design Narrative dated January 15,2007 5. Chanhassen High School Key Sheet and Exterior Color Scheme 6. Reduced Copy Site Reference Plan Sheet CO.O 7. Reduced Copies Grading and Drainage Plans Sheets C3.1 - 3.4 8. Reduced Copy Site Retaining Wall Plan Sheet 3.5 9. Reduced Copies Utility Plan Sheets C4.1- C4.4 10. Reduced Copy Erosion Control Plan Sheet C5.0 11. Reduced Copies Site Finishing Plan Sheets C6.1 - C 6.4 12. Reduced Copies Landscape Plan Sheets C7.1- C7.4 13. Reduced Copies Floor Plan Sheets A101- A103 14. Reduced Copy Building Elevation Sheet A301 15. Reduced Copies Electric Site Plan Sheets EOlO and EOll 16. Letter from Steven Von Bargen (Center Point Energy) to Robert Generous dated 2/15/07 17. Letter William Monk (City of Chaska) to Robert Generous dated 2/23/07 18. Site Profile 19. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List g:\plan\2007 planning cases\07.06 chanhassen high schooI\staff report chanhassen high school.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION INRE: Application of Anderson-Johnson Associates, Inc. and Independent School District 112 for Rezoning from Agricultural Estate District, A2, and Planned Unit Development, PUD, to Office and Institutional District, 01; Site Plan approval with Variances for a High School campus including an approximately 406,000 square-foot, three-story building, athletic fields, concession building, stadium, storage/maintenance buildings and parking lots; Conditional Use Permit with Variances for development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District; and Wetland Alteration Permit for the grading and filling of wetlands on site. On March 6, 2007, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Anderson-Johnson Associates, Inc. and Independent School District 112 for a High School Campus including rezoning, site plan review with variances, conditional use permit with variances and a wetland alteration permit. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed rezoning preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned A2, Agricultural Estate District, and PUD, Planned Unit Development. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Office Institutional and Office/Industrial. 3. The legal description of the property is: see Exhibit A. 4. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance contingent on approval of the variances. d. The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. 1 e. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. Conditional Use Permit: a. The proposed project will not be detrimental to or enhance the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. b. The proposed project will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. c. The proposed project will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. d. The proposed project will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. e. The proposed project will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. f. The proposed project ill not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g. The proposed project will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. h. The proposed project will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. 1. The proposed project will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. J. The proposed project will be aesthetically compatible with the area. k. The proposed project will not depreciate surrounding property values. 2 I. The proposed project will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in this article. 6. Site Plan Review: a. The proposed project is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; b. The proposed project is consistent with the site plan review requirements; c. The proposed project preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed or developing or developing areas; d. The proposed project creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; e. The proposed project creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: 1). An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2). The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3). Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4). Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. f. The proposed project protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 7. Variance (Bluff Creek Primary Zone Encroachment): 3 a. That the literal enforcement of this chapter would cause an undue hardship. Undue hardship means that the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size, physical surroundings, shape or topography. Reasonable use includes a use made by a majority of comparable property within 500 feet of it. The intent of this provision is not to allow a proliferation of variances, but to recognize that there are pre- existing standards in this neighborhood. Variances that blend with these pre- existing standards without departing downward from them meet this criteria. Finding: The granting of the variance to encroach in to the Bluff Creek primary zone is unavoidable due to the configuration of the Audubon Road (C.S.A.H. 17) and Lyman Boulevard (C.S.A.H. 18) intersection and the access to the site. b. The conditions upon which a petition for a variance is based are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. Finding: Entrance drives are generally not as proscribed as that for the High School site. The encroachment in to the primary zone is unavoidable. c. The purpose of the variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. Finding: The location of the entrance drive does not increase the value or income potential of the high school site. d. The alleged difficulty or hardship is not a self-created hardship. Finding: The hardship is not self created since the variance is unavoidable due to the configuration of the Audubon Road (C.S.A.H. 17) and Lyman Boulevard (C.S.A.H. 18) intersection and the access to the site. e. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. Finding: The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. The project will create additional buffer zones and enhance the bluff creek corridor. f. The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. Finding: The variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. 4 8. Variance (Three Story and uplighting): a. That the literal enforcement of this chapter would cause an undue hardship. Undue hardship means that the property cannot be put to reasonable use because of its size, physical surroundings, shape or topography. Reasonable use includes a use made by a majority of comparable property within 500 feet of it. The intent of this provision is not to allow a proliferation of variances, but to recognize that there are pre-existing standards in this neighborhood. Variances that blend with these pre-existing standards without departing downward from them meet this criteria. Finding: The need for a variance is due to the type and function of building as a school and the direction that the city provided the school to try to reduce site grading. The construction of a walkout type building is warranted. Normally, the lower, basement, level would not be included as a story. However because the lower floor elevation is more than 12 feet, it is by definition a story. Additionally, the intent of the up lighting is to highlight the building and provide a means to further identify the site. b. The conditions upon which a petition for a variance is based are not applicable, generally, to other property within the same zoning classification. Finding: The conditions upon which the variance is based are unique to the proposed development of the site for a high school. c. The purpose of the variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. Finding: The purpose of the variation is not based upon a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel, but to the utilization of the site in an efficient manner and to provide an enhanced identity to the building. d. The alleged difficulty or hardship is not a self-created hardship. Finding: The alleged difficulty or hardship is due to direction provided by the city. e. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. Finding: The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to other land or improvements in the neighborhood in which the parcel is located. The up lightning shall be limited in its duration and only during events or activities at the school. f. The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. 5 Finding: The proposed variation will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets or increase the danger of fire or endanger the public safety or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. 9. The planning report #07-06 dated March 6, 2007, prepared by Robert Generous, et aI, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDA TION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the rezoning, conditional use permit with variance, site plan with variances and a wetland alteration permit for the Chanhassen High School Campus. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 6th day of March, 2007. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman 6 EXHIBIT A PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Per Warranty Deed Document No. 148445) That part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian described as: Beginning at the north quarter comer of said Section 22, thence on an assumed bearing of North 89 degrees 05 minutes 35 seconds West, a distance of 969.75 feet along the north line of said Northwest Quarter, thence South 56 degrees 57 minutes 24 seconds West a distance of 1138.88 feet to the center line of County Road No. 117, thence South 32 degrees 02 minutes East a distance of 56.45 feet, thence Southeasterly 484.22 feet along a tangential curve to the right having a radius of 3322.60 feet, thence South 23 degrees 41 minutes East a distance of 241.78 feet to the south line of said North Half of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 89 degrees 06 minutes 46 seconds East a distance of 1570.38 feet along said south line of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter to the southeast comer thereof, thence North 0 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 1326.84 feet along the east line of said Northeast Quarter to the point of beginning, according to the Government Survey thereof. Outlot B, CHANHASSEN BUSINESS CENTER, according to the recorded plat thereof. That part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 116, Range 23, lying easterly of the centerline of County Road 117 (Excelsior and Shakopee Road) and that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 22 lying westerly of a line running from a point on the south line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 660.00 feet east of the southwest comer thereof to a point on the north line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter distant 330.00 feet east of the northwest comer thereof. Less and except the following described tract: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast comer of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 22, thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds West, assumed bearing, 2649.54 feet along the south line of said Northeast Quarter to the southeast comer of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, said point also being the point of beginning of the tract to be described, thence continuing South 89 degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds West 499.83 feet along said south line, thence northwesterly 247.29 feet along the center of a public roadway on a non-tangential curve concave to the northeast with a radius of 954.93 feet through a central angle of 14 degrees 50 minutes 14 seconds, chord bearing North 72 degrees 54 minutes 36 seconds West 246.59 feet, thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds West 592.50; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes 03 seconds East 377.00 feet; thence South 71 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds East 377.58 feet to a point on the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, thence South 00 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds East 7 550.00feet along said east line to the point of beginning. Subject to a public roadway easement on the south side thereof and a power line easement on the east side thereof. Subject to other easements, reservations or restrictions, if any. Subject to a public roadway easement along the south side thereof and other easements, reservations or restrictions of record. Subject to an easement for utilities and ingress and egress, being 40 feet in width, lying 20 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at the southwest comer of the above-described tract; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds West 321.50 feet along the west line thereof to the point of beginning of the centerline to be described; thence North 76 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds West 45.00 feet; thence southwesterly 46.69 feet along a tangential curve concave to the southeast with radius of 50.00 feet through a central angle of 53 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds; thence South 50 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 224.89 feet tangent to said curve to a point on the center of a public roadway and said centerline there terminating. It is intended to extend or shorten the side lines of said easement so as to terminate at said centerline of the public roadway and at the west line of land described as follows: That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeast comer of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 22, thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds West, assumed bearing, 2649.54 feet along the south line of said Northeast Quarter to the southeast comer of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, said point also being the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence continuing South 89 degrees 57 minutes 53 seconds West 499.83 feet along said south line; thence northwesterly 247.29 feet along the center of a public roadway on a non-tangential curve concave to the northeast with a radius of 954.93 feet through a central angle of 14 degrees 50 minutes 14 seconds, chord bearing North 72 degrees 54 minutes 36 seconds West 246.59 feet; thence North 00 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds West 592.50 feet; thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes 03 seconds East 377.00 feet; thence South 71 degrees 53 minutes 06 seconds East 377.58 feet to a point on the east line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 24 minutes 57 seconds East 550.00 feet along said east line to the point of beginning. 8 Planning Case No. 0 l - a <.0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION FEB 0 2 2007 PLEASE PRINT Applicant Name and Address: Anderson-Johnson Associates. Inc. 7~7~ ~nlrl~n V~ll~y Rn~rl. #?nn M;nneapol;~, MN ~~4?7 Contact: Jav Pomerov. LLA Phone: 763-544-7129 Fax: 763-544-0531 Email: .;oomerov@a;ainc.net CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Owner Name and Address: Chaska Area Schools - ISD #11? l' D~;;l\fey Road rha~k~ MN ~~~'R Contact: . Steve Pumper Phone:952-556-6261 Fax: 952-556-6269 Email: oumoers@distri ct112. org NOTE: Consultation with City staff is reauired prior to submittal, including review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit x Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements (VAC) Interim Use Permit (IUP) x Variance (VAR) Non-conforming Use Permit x Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal x Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review X Notification Sign - $200 (City to install and remove) x Site Plan Review (SPR)* X Escrow for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost** - $50 CUP/SPRNACNARlWAP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE $ Subdivision* An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. *Sixteen (16) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8%" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a diaital COpy in TIFF-Group 4 (* .tif) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Building material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. SCANNED PROJECT NAME: New High School - Chanhassen LOCATION: Lvman Boulevard and Audubon Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attachment TOTAL ACREAGE: 94.85 Acres WETLANDS PRESENT: X YES NO PRESENT ZONING: A-2 (Agricultural Estate District) REQUESTED ZONING: I-a PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: Offi ce I ndustr i a 1 or Pub 1 i c/ Semi -Pub 1 i c REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: REASON FOR REQUEST: See attached 1 etter This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that I am making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~tr) ~ ~~ Signature of Fee Owner Feb. 2. 2007 Date Feb. 2. 2007 Date G:\pLAN\forms\Development Review Application.DOC Rev. 12/05 SCANNED January 31,2007 ANDERSON - JOHNSON. All~~~ ASSOCIATES, ~~~~ INC. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE . SITE PLANNING . CIVIL ENGINEERING Mr. Bob Generous, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 crrv 0;: CHANAAS~~NJ RECE/VEt!> FEa 0 2 20D? I'l\.l~.".l~~ ~:....,....ii. . ".;JJ ~ ",....,"'\ "'.."'" -- ru"'.....,...JIJ'_r"f RE: Development Review Application Proposed New High School- Chanhassen Chaska Public Schools - ISD 112 Dear Mr. Generous: On behalf ofIndependent School District # 112 and Rozeboom Miller Architects, we are pleased to provide the enclosed information in support of the proposed New High School in Chanhassen. With this packet, we are applying for the following permits: Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Rezoning (from A2 to 0-1) Site Plan Review Variances Wetland Alteration Pennit As you know, the School District received approval for an Interim Use Permit (for early grading work) and received acceptance of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) from the City of Chanhassen in December 2006. We understand that receipt of this application and supportive infonnation, and your detennination of the packet's completeness, will allow us to be on the March 6, 2007 Planning Commission agenda. General Proiect Description Existing Conditions The 94.8 acre parcel is bordered along its north side by the Twin Cities &Western Railroad; to its west and south by Lyman Blvd.; and Bluff Creek and its adjacent wetlands to the east. Chaska's electrical substation lies between the school's south property line and the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road. The majority ofthe property is cUlTently farmed for agricultural purposes with the highest point of the site and the steep grades along its east boundary are made up of native grasses and trees. A fairly significant wooded area lies along the south edge of the property. The old farm .homestead, with some remnants still remaining, lies in the southwest VALLEY SQUARE OFFICE CENTER . SUITE 200 . 7575 GOLDEN VALLEY ROAD . MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55427 PHONE (763) 544-7129 . FAX (763) 544-0531 SCANNED corner of the site just opposite Hazeltine Lake Drive. Existing wetlands predominantly lie along the east edge of the property with localized fingers extending at the north and south edges of the property toward the west. Approximately 25 acres of wetlands areas exist within the property limits. The topography of the property varies in elevation from 985 at the lowest point (east) to 1075 at the top of the grass bluffin the center ofthe site. Because the center of the site is at the highest elevation, drainage typically is directed toward the extents of the property eventually reaching either the bluff creek wetlands to the east or to the Lyman Boulevard ditch to the west and south. Drainage immediately south of the bluff will be carried to Bluff Creek via a fairly significant natural gorge immediately north of the electrical substation. Domestic water is available at the northwest the northeast corners of the site. A 12" water main extends approximately 200' south of the northeast property corner where it terminates. Water off the northwest corner of the property actually lies north of the railroad tracks and at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Galpin Boulevard. Sanitary (trunk) sewer is located along the length ofthe east property line and connects the neighborhood to the north to a point extending south of the Lyman Blvd. and Audubon Drive intersection. Proposed Site Improvements - Complete Build-out The new high school campus includes parking for approximately 1,000 cars, bus parking for approximately 30 buses and overflow and event parking for an additional 80 vehicles. Three entrance drives of Lyman Boulevard provide access to the school site. The south entrance drive is at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road and will primarily support bus and event parking. The proposed entrance drive at the southwest corner of the site, at the intersection of Lyman Boulevard and Lake Hazeltine Drive, will serve for limited ingress/ egress. The entrance drive west of the school will serve as the primary/ main entrance for students, visitors and service deliveries. ' With the existence of the Magellan gas pipeline north of the school and north parking lot, the athletic facilities find themselves north of the pipeline easement. The exception to this is the proposed tennis courts and soccer fields which lie just south of the Magellan easement and are located northeast and northwest of the building, respectively. Softball and baseball facilities are located in the northwest quadrant of the site and are tucked between the gas main and railroad tracks. The running track and field stadium, which is aligned in a northwest-southeast direction will be carved into the hillside to allow the home bleachers to transition [rom an upper spectator plaza down to the field level. Home bleachers for I ,GOO spectators and visitor bleachers for 800 spectators are provided. Field events, including high jump, long/triple jump, pole vault, shotput, and discus are located along the east and southeast corners of the running track. Practice fields will be developed in the northeast quadrant of the site and tucked between the railroad tracks and existing wetland areas. We have met with Carver County regarding the potential upgrades of Lyman Boulevard. We understand that until there is a "Design and Construction Agreement"between Carver County and SCANNED the cities ofChanhassen and Chaska, fonnal design of Lyman Blvd. cannot take place. With that in mind and in an effort to anticipate the impacts of the Lyman Blvd. upgrades, we have provided a general layout for the proposed 4-lane roadway with turn-lanes into/ out of the school site. Bob, with this application we are providing the following infonnation: 1. Completed application - Development Review Application; 2. Fees will be submitted directly by ISD #112 as follows: a. Conditional Use Permit (CUP): $425 b. Rezoning (from A2 to 0-1): $500 c. Site Plan Review: $500 + $4,000 (see note below) d. Variances: $200 e. Wetland Alteration Pennit: $275 f. Notification Sign and Escrow: $850 3. Legal Description of property; 4. Plan Sheets (16 full-size sets folded, (1) 11 "xI7" copy and (1) 8.5"xl1 If); 5. Costs associated with the Trunk Water Main along Lyman Boulevard; 5. Colored renderings (6 copies); 6. Disk (PDF files of the Plan Sheets). We trust the enclosed information satisfies the City's requirements. If you have any questions or require additional or revised information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Respectfully Submitted, ANDERSON-JOHNSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~",R. Jay R. Pomeroy, LLA Project Manager enclosure cc: Steve Pumper - Chaska Public Schools - ISD 112 Steve Miller - Rozeboom Miller Architects Mark Bosch - Bossardt Corporation \- ) SCANNED II R . M . A CHANHASSEN HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING DESIGN NARRATIVE JANUARY 15, 2007 BUILDING PLAN The new Chanhassen High School will be constructed for 2000 students, grades 9-12. The total area of the building is 405,000 which is about equal to the recently expanded Chaska High School. When completed, Independent School District 112 will have two high schools with a total district high school capacity of 4000 students. The building is designed with three distinct functional components - Academic, Performing Arts, and Physical Education/Athletic - composed around a central commons space that contains the primary public entrance, student dining, student support services, and building administration. The public entrance to the building and central commons faces west, toward Lyman Blvd., and will be visible from the north and central access drives. The southern access drive, entering the site from the Lyman/Audubon intersection, will be used on a daily basis exclusively for student bus access. The student bus entrance is on the east side of the building, also with access to the central student commons, directly opposite the main public entrance. This arrangement of entrances will enhance supervision and security of the main public spaces of the school. The Academic Wing of the building is accessed from the student commons and extends south. It is composed of four classroom areas, each sized for 500 students. Two of the 500 student classroom areas are on the 1st Floor Level and two are on the 2nd Floor Level. The Media Center is in the center of the Academic Wing, two stories in height, and accessible from both floor levels of student classroom space. The science classrooms are located on the south end of the Academic Wing, 6 per floor level, facing south, with a shared greenhouse on the 2nd floor level. On the lower floor level, below the Academic Wing, is a partial floor area containing the art classrooms and industrial technology classrooms. This walkout level is advantageous because it keeps these classrooms near the academic area, allows vehicular access from the to the shop areas, and access to the outdoor site areas from the art classrooms. The Performing Arts Wing of the building is also accessed from the student commons and extends to the northwest. This is a single story area that includes a 650 seat auditorium, a multi-purpose black box theater, and the music department comprised of three large rehearsal rooms and numerous support spaces, Also adjacent to the student commons on the north side is the food service, comprised of a full service preparation kitchen and large serving area capable of serving up to 600 students in each of three lunch periods. The Physical Education/Athletic area is in the northeast quadrant of the building, also accessed from the student commons. The student commons will serve as a lobby and concessions area for athletic events. The PE/Athletic area includes a main competition gymnasium with 2000 moveable bleacher seats, and three full sized basketball courts when the bleachers are not deployed. The area also includes three other multi-purpose gymnasium courts, a wrestling room, fitness room, weight room, locker rooms. The floor level of the courts is one story below the student commons area, so that the bleachers are top-loaded. A running track circles the Rn7",hnnm l\Aill",r Arrhit",r-tc: P~n'" 1 competition gymnasium at the commons level and also provides access to the bleachers. BUILDING EXTERIOR The building exterior was designed to be welcoming and expressive of the learning qualities of the school, using natural materials to create a sense of warmth and timelessness. The exterior building materials include two colors of brick and one color of cast stone. The two brick colors are composed horizontally to emphasize the connection to the geology of the natural site and to emphasize the walk-out level on the east side. The lighter colored cast stone is integrated as vertical planar accents at the significant architectural elements of the building: the entrance, the commons, the fly loft, the team resource areas, and the science wing. Natural light is essential to the learning environment. Windows are organized in a hierarchy of groupings and sizes from the punched openings at each classroom, to the large storefront windows in the team resource areas, to the clerestory windows and curtain walls that will flood the most common areas of the building with natural light and capture views of the natural wetland areas near the school. While the building is three stories in height, the mass of the building is embedded into the existing hillside, so that from the west the building will appear only two stories in height and from the east the final building height will be about one story higher than the elevation of the existing natural hillside. BUILDING SYSTEMS Exterior Construction: Typical Masonry Exterior Walls: Masonry cavity walls with 8"-12" CMU structural backup, 2" rigid insulation, 2" airspace and 4" masonry veneer, typical. Brick will have special patterns and/or blends. Brick to be modular size, wood-mold, sand-faced equal to Belden Brick. 4' thick architectural pre-cast panels integrally colored and sandblasted in lieu of brick veneer at up to 25% of wall surface, window sills, copings, etc. Metal Panel Walls: Aluminum Composite Panels equal to Alucobond. Gymnasium/Fly Loft Exterior Walls: Masonry cavity walls with 10" pre-cast concrete wall panel backup, with 2" rigid insulation, 2" airspace and 4" masonry veneer typical. Brick will have special patterns and/or blends. Brick to be modular size, wood- mold, sand-faced equal to Belden Brick. Interior precast wall surface to have sandblasted or acid etched texture and pattern of reveals at the Gymnasium. Walls to have a KalWall clerestory at the Gymnasium. Sheet metal flashing and trim (Fascia, Roof Edge, Spandrels): Prefinished sheet metal, metallic Kynar finish. Windows: Anodized aluminum, thermally broken, fixed and awning windows, with metallic Kynar paint and 1" low-E clear glass, equal to Wausau 3250T. Up to 25% of classroom exterior wall area, typical. Rn7",hnnm Mill"'r Arl'hit",l'tc: P~n'" ? Storefront/Entrance Framing/Curtain Wall: Anodized aluminum frame, thermally-broken, with metallic Kynar paint and 1" low-E clear glass, equal to Wausau Superwall 6250 SW with 2" frame width. Clerestory Windows at Commons Areas, Media Center, Main Corridors: Cast channel glazing equal to Profilit by Pilkington, with anodized aluminum frame, thermally broken; translucent areas will contain insulation. General Roofing System: 75% of area to be flat roofs: 4-ply ballasted built up roofing system, equal to Garland, 4" average depth poly-iso, tapered and flat rigid insulation. All roof slopes created with tapered insulation (not sloping structure) except at the gymnasium. 25% of area to be visible sloping roofs: standing seam metal roofing system. Interior Construction: Partitions: Masonry non-load bearing partitions, full height to underside of structure, at all interior and exterior classroom walls, public corridors and commons areas. Exposed face brick at commons and IMC areas. Burnished CMU at corridors. Painted CMU inside classrooms and at building service areas and service corridors. Abuse-resistant drywall on metal studs at party-walls between classrooms, office areas, and support areas within media center. Party walls between classrooms to be double 3-5/8" steel studs with 4" acoustic batt insulation. Drywall partitions full height to underside of structure. Special Wall Surfaces: The auditorium and auditorium/commons walls and ceilings will be clad in pre-finished wood veneer wall panels; lobby doors to the auditorium, control room and adjacent lobby walls will be clad in the same panels to match. The lobby support spaces will be clad in brick masonry to match adjacent exterior walls. Interior Windows & Doors: Hollow metal frames; full height sidelights at classroom doors; hollow metal windows typical at classrooms and offices; aluminum storefront system @ office, media center, and misc. openings into commons - spandrel glass where aluminum storefront meets structural elements. Doors: Assume Flush Panel Wood Doors throughout spaces unless noted otherwise. Assume Hollow Metal Doors and Frames at all service spaces. Glazing: 1" Insulating Glass w/low -e coating at exterior aluminum curtain wall/windows. Rn7phnnm l\Aillpr Ar~hitprtc: P<=lnp ~ _" clear float glass / spandrel at interior aluminum storefront systems, and _" clear float glass hollow metal systems. Stairs: Cast in place concrete stairs with terrazzo finish at monumental commons, media center stairs, lobby stair and auditorium steps; concrete-filled steel pan stairs at other building stairs, painted steel ship's ladders serving mechanical rooms and tech level @ auditorium. Railings: Stainless steel guardrails with glass intill panels typical. Casework: Plastic laminate casework w/ solid PVC edging, flush overlay style; heavy duty construction and hardware in classrooms; epoxy resin countertops at science labs and art rooms; hardwood edge at admin/reception desk. Stainless steel countertops at laundry room, training room, and 3d art room. Provide locks for all cabinets. Nurses Room to have all locks upper and lower cabinets. Athletic Equipment: Wall pads, basketball backstops, volleyball inserts, gymnasium divider curtains, scoreboards, wrestling mat hoist, pole vault pit with cover. Gymnasium Flooring: 3-station competition gym will be wood sports floor system; 3-station Phy. Ed. gym will be resilient sports flooring. Telescoping Bleacher Seating: (2000 seats at main gymnasium): Molded plastic seats on steel frame. Power assisted action. Irwin or Hussey. Lockers: Student hall lockers: Single tier, all welded, powder-coated steel, 5'-0"x 12" x 15" standard. Athletic lockers: Alternate Double -Tier and Five -Tier, all welded, expanded metal. Powder- coated steel, 6'-0"x 15" x 15" standard. Toilet Partitions: Provide stainless steel floor mounted toilet partitions. Food Service Equipment: Full service kitchen. See equipment list from food service consultant. New Proscenium Theatre: The new high school theater will be a 650 seat proscenium theatre that will support a wide variety of music, drama, and special events. The theater will include a full fly house with counterweight rigging and a gridiron for service access above the stage. Stage width and depth will support large musical theatre productions, and a full orchestra pit will be provided for the musicians. A system of catwalks and galleries will provide lighting and rigging access throughout the theatre. Rn7~hnnm I\lIill~r Ar~hit~rt~ P~n~ .1 Stage lighting fixtures will be located at catwalks and on box boom structures in front of and on either side of the stage. Circuits will be provided at these locations and will be wired to permanent dimmers. These dimmers will be remotely controlled by a portable lighting control console. There will also be smaller, user-friendly control panels installed at strategic locations for the control of houselights and work lights. The lighting of the audience will consist of dimmable quartz lighting with an emphasis on stairs, aisles and egress points. Specialty fixtures will be integrated into the interior design to accentuate architectural details. The auditorium lighting will be designed for maximum lamp life and ease of maintenance. Step lights and aisle lights will be utilized throughout the facility as necessary. Quartz floodlights will be provided for work lights on stage. The stage house will contain a counterweight fly system. The rigging will consist of approximately 30 line sets. A fire curtain will be provided at the proscenium opening as required by code. Masking curtains; including black legs, borders, and traveler curtains; will be provided for standard configurations within the stage area. A white "cyclorama" backdrop and black scrim will be included in the rigging package. The stage floor will be sprung and have a painted hardboard or edge grain pine surface. This floor surface will allow scenery to be secured when necessary and may be painted as desired for individual performances. Floor traps will be considered during the Design Development phase. The finish of the floor will be dark and have a low sheen. Lighting and audio control rooms with sliding glass windows will be developed at the rear of the auditorium. A temporary audio mix and lighting control position will also be accessible in the center of the house. Auxiliary control receptacle panels will also be provided throughout the facility to accommodate control consoles, automated lighting fixtures, special effects, etc. Follow spotlight locations will be developed in a dedicated area at the rear of the auditorium. Two metal halide follow spots will be included in the lighting inventory. A continental seating arrangement will be studied to provide maximum comfort and optimum sightlines. Wheelchair locations will be developed to meet ADA guidelines. Seat-end aisle lights will assure safe circulation throughout the auditorium. STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS Academic Wing And Commons: Cast in place reinforced concrete footings, foundations, retaining walls, and slabs on grade. Structural steel frame. Pre-cast concrete plank supported floor slabs with lightweight concrete topping. Steel bar joists and long-span joists with metal roof deck (acoustical deck where exposed). Gymnasium: Pre-cast concrete structural tilt-up wall panels, with masonry veneer. Cast in place reinforced concrete footings, foundations, retaining walls, and slabs on grade. Drain tile below slab and at perimeter footings & under gymnasium floors Rn7~hnnm l\IIill~r Arrhit~rt<::. P::ln~ t; Load-bearing masonry with pre-cast concrete plank supported floor slabs at locker rooms and mechanical areas. Long-span steel bar joists and metal roof deck (acoustical deck where exposed) Auditorium: Cast in place reinforced concrete footings, foundations, retaining walls, and slabs on grade. Structural steel column and beam frame at fly-loft with a combination of CMU and metal stud wall intil!. Steel bar joists and long-span joists with metal roof deck (acoustical deck where exposed). Auditorium will be a large volume with a visible sloping roof. Metal catwalks hung from roof. Mech. Penthouses: Steel frame, with steel studs and metal panel walls, supporting Pre-cast concrete plank floor slabs with concrete topping and Steel bar joists with metal deck. Rn7~hnnm MiII~r Ar('hit~r-tc:: P::ln~R Key: <IJ Architectural Precast Travertine Texture As Cast Finish <IJ Alum. Curtain Wall Extra Dark/Dark Bronze <IJ Face Brick MT Shadow Velour ~ Face Brick Coppertone Velour QJ Prefinished Metal Panel Charcoal Gray Chant [ [ II Rozeboom Miller Architects, Inc. R.M.A CHANHASSEN HIGH SCHOOL Chanhassen High School West Elevation: )nze ~Iour ~Iour )anel EXTERIOR COLOR SCHEME FEBRUARY 16, 2007 )L LEGEND @.REFERENCEKEYTOSITEDETAILS C91 DETAIL 1.0. NUMBER ITQP) SHEET HUMBER fBOTT@ r::::=::J HEAVY OUT'( ~W"'EMENT 3 (;92 c=J MEDIUM DUlY PAVEMENT ~ @~ c=J UGHT OUl)' PAVEMENT 1 e9,:;> C=:=J TRACK ANO FIELD EVEN-r AND TENNIS COORT PAVEMENT W c=:=l AGlIME INf-IU.D ~ ~ ~ I-tt.~!--,~ CONCRETE WALK ~ ~ c:=J NATIVE SEEDING --- ~ o 60 120 "<' .,-';":( ~-~--~--~----~--- (j -UISTlNG -~ .__1Vf._TL.Af'(O -i~- ,~rf, .:: ~ E~.ISI-'l ! -. e~J.- " - - -~_ --..c:.,{:,",:; <~:~~ - ~ -- - -- _.~( . - -::~::~,~\e8Be -'>~';:~:.-":: -,~... \ '" --\. .-", ; '-'-'---i ~;=-I Owner: Chaska Public Schools Independent School District 112 11 Peavey Road Chaska, Minnesota 55318 952-556-6100 Zoning: Existing: A.2 (Agricultural! Estate) Proposed: 0-1 (Office !Industrial) Parcel Size: 4,131,752 Square Feet (94.83 Acres) Proposed Building Size: Gross Floor Area: 406,209 Square Feet Surface Coverage: Building Footprint. 242365 S Additiona~ Impervi~us SUrfac~~are Feet (5.56 Acres) 5.86% OF SITE (Lots, Drives, Walks Athletic FacT!' ) 83 Illes: 5,000 Square Feet (19.2 Acres) 20.25% OF SITE Proposed Wetland Alteration: Existing On-5ite Wetlands' 1 071 500 Proposed Wetland Filling' '73' 423'S Square Feet (24.6 Acres) ., quare Feet (1.69 Acres) Proposed Wetland Construction (1 5'1) Proposed Upland Buffer Constructio~ (~ ~~~).?~~+o!- Square Feet (2.55 Acres) _. . ,00 Square Feet (0.85 Acres) Total Proposed Constructed! Dedicated Wetlands @ 2'1 R 'd' 148 . eq. ,000 Square Feet (3.4 Acres) Number of Parking Sp P . 920 Spaces aces rovlded Including Handicapped "AUDUBON --':~9.~W District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ II R(>,Zll'boomMLllerArch~edsll'\C 244 F,rslAVBNltINortI> M"lnlMpoliS.M,nneSOla5.-'i401 ph- 612-332-2110 li1~, 612-664-5152 floss.vdlCorporal,OI'l Sutta we '"'''' 1_12b3 Andelson_JotlnsonAo;soo.aI9S Inc ~._7575Gold6nValleyRoad,Sl.uill200 "'tI1n&llpOhS. M,rmesola5S427 ph. 163-544-7129 lax 76:J..Sol4-0531 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER IKE 'e',."""'o_"",.ec 1>0 Bo.7'S'J7 Fargo,lIimhOakota58109 ph 701-2fl{l-ot'49 10.-701-780.9686 MECHANICAL &. ELECTRICAL E"-IGINEER * ~!a~l>e'llEnyK1OO("1i 1750Comm""ceC"urI WMe8earlaXa.I.l'nl'asota55110 ph,b51-748-1100Iex651-748-931O fOOD SERVICE CONSUL TA.NT .1 ~~ji ~ Denn,s It,,M &.4~'~ 311 F"unhA"ffiueS<luth Sanell. M,nneslllil 56377 1JI'137Q-159-6557',uJ2().S29-8W5 TrlEATERCONSULTANT ~ SdlL"",S~.ooIr. '*, 123 Thi. "j Sir"' NO<1h. So..tta :;'10 r 1 "'''''''''ardos !.IN 55401 ph 6~1':lJ9-~~51i la. 6'l-J37-:.~7 SOUNO &. ACOUSTICS CONSULTANT 'V' J(v,,",slr:>en,Ronl1holm&Al>soclillas ~~~~;:~_~:~~th, St~ JOO ph tlll-J74-38\;{) la. 612-374-3133 : h"'Ab~ C9l'1tf~ lhallh,s plan. sp(l<,:rlkllOOl'l Of l'P(lf1"'a'Pl8Pflre<lt;~meoturxlElrmy(lor8(.1 lWp.""""onand It>al I am a duly lK:I'n!l-9d PrOfllSSKII1alf'ngo-_ unllerthe Ia-..soflhl:lSlaleofM,nnesota OANlfLl JOHNSON Rll\INo~ Oale~ ffi 06085 1- = 120' 02-02-07 JRP OLJ SITE REFERENCE PLAN CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ON L Y co.o GENERAL NOTES ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE STATE AND lOCAL ORDINANCES. LEGEND 19. NO FINISHED SLOPES SHAll EXCEED 3' HORIZONTAl TO l' VERTICAL (3;1), UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR AND PAY FOR All CONSTRUCTION STAKING/LAYOUT. 20. ALL DISTURBED AREAS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PAD WHICH ARE NOT DESIGNATED TO BEPAV'ED OR RECEIVE AGUME, SHALL RECEIVE AT lEAST 15~ OF TOPSOil AND SHALL BE SEEDED OR SODDED. REFER TO LANDSCAPING PLANS, FOR SOD AND SEED LOCATIONS. ALL OTHER AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION NOT SPECIFICALLY IDENTIfiED TO RECEIVE A CERTAIN SEED MIX SHALL BE seEOED WITH SEED MIX '2. @ REfERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS 1 DETAIL I.D. NUMBER (TOPl C91 SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) -- THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL RELATED CONSTRUCTION PERMITS, INCLUDING THE NPDES PERMlT FROM THE MreA. SUBMIT A COPY OF ALL PERMITS TO THE CITY. EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION CONTRA.CTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TRAFFIC CONTROL SlGNAGE (CONSTRUCTION ZONESj NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. ALL SIGNAGE LAYOUTS MUST BE DESIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY LOCAL AUTHORlTlES. 21. FAILURE OF TURF DEVELOPMENT: IN THE EVENT THE COfHRACTOR FAILS TO PROVIDE AN ACCEPTABLE TURF, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RE.SEED OR RE-SOO ALL APPUCABLE AREAS, AT NO ADDlTlONAL COST TO THE OWNER, TO THE SATISFACTION Of THE ENGINEER. ALL WATERMAn.. PIPE SHALL. BE DIP, CLASS 52 OR PVt. A900 AS SPECifiED.. All WATERMAlN SHALL HAVE MINIMUM a'.o~ BURY (TOP OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 23. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE PVC PIPE (ASTM 0 3034, SDR 35), UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. . PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (eB) EXISTING CONTOUR 21 2.. PROPOSEO SPOT ELEVATION "~'-- - JoI. -PROPOSED CONTOUR '- ~~ INSTALL CONTROL FENCING AND BARRICADING AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC. o PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH) ;..- ~~:,~~. ~ , INSPECT SITE AND REVIEW SOIL BORINGS TO DETERMINE EXTENT OF WORK ANO NATURE OF MATERIALS TO BE HANDLED 24. ALL STORM SEWER PIPE SHALL BE RCP, CLASSlll (MIN.), WITH FLEXIBLE WATERTIGHT JOINTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-361, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOTES: REFER TO SPECIfiCATIONS FOR DEWATERING REQUIREMENTS. 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBANCE TO SITE AND PROTECT EXISTING VEGETATION AND SITE FEATURES (CURBS, WALKS. PAVEMENTS, OVERHEAD AND UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SIGNAGE, fENCING, ROADWAYS. DRAINAGE PIPING, AND DITCHES, ETC.) WHICH ARE TO REMAIN. CHECK ALL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FlELD LAYOUT. 25. LOCATE ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, VERIFY LOCATION, SIZE AND INVERT ELEVATION OF AlL EXISTING UTILITIES, VERIFY LOCATIONS, SIZES AND ELEVATIONS OF SAME BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR BUILDING AND STOOl' DIMENSIONS AND LAYOUT, PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR SHAlL VERIfY If fiLL IS TO BE PlACEO WITHIN EXISTING SANITARY SewER EASEMENT. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE $ANITARY SEMR UNE TELEVISEDPRIOR TO PLACING ANY FILL COORDINATE llilS WORK WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN. 2. REPAIR OR REPLACE EXISTING PROPERTY AND SITE FEATURES. INCLUDING GRASS AND VEGETATION, WHICH IS TO REMAIN THAT IS DAMAGED BY THE WORK, TO OWNER'S SATI$FACTION AND AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. REFER TO THE STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PlAN {SWPPPJ NARRATIVE, PART OF SECTION 112270. FOR EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. SECTION 02270 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SWPPP. 11. MAINTA.IN ADJACENT PROPERTY AND PUBLIC STREETS CLEAN FROM CONSTRUCTION CAUSED DIRT AND DEBRIS ON A DAILY BASIS PROTECT DRAINAGE SYSTEMS FROM SEDIMENTATION AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION RELATEODIRT AND DEBRIS. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICES (STORM. SANITARY SEWER, WATERYAIN), VERIFY ALL PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICE PIPE SIZES, LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS WITH MECHANICAL PLANS. COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION AND CONNECTIONS WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR. 3. VISIT THE SITE PRIOR TO BIDDING; BE FAMILIAR WITH ACTUAL CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD. EXTRA COMPENSATION W1U NOT BE ALLOWED fOR CONDITIONS WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN DETERMINED OR ANTICIPATED BY EXAMINATION OF THE SITE, THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS ANO THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE PERTAINING TO EXlSTING SOILS, UTIUTIES AND OlliER SITE CHARACTERlsncs. 12. MAINTAIN OUST CONTROL DURING GRADING OPERATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHAlL STAKE LIMITS OF WALKS AND CURBING PRIOR TO lNSTAU.ATIONOF GATE VALVES, CATCH BASINS AND MANHOLES. GATE VALVE AND MANHOLE LOCATIONS SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO AVOID PLACEMENT OF THESE STRUCTURES IN WALKS AND CURB AND GUTTER. CURB AND GUTTER SHAll BE STAKED TO ALLOW CURB INLET TYPE CATCH BASINS TO BE PROPERLY LOCATED IN LINE WITH CURSING. C CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING LIMnS OF VEGETATION REMOVAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE fOR THE REMOVAL OF ANY FALLEN TREES, OOWNEDlIMBS, BRANCHES IN UNDISTURBED AREAS ADJACENT TO APPROXlMATED REMOVAl LIMITS 13. ALL EROSION CONTROL METHODS SHALL COMPLY WITH MPCA AND LOCAl REGULATIONS. 14. CONTRACTOR SHALL MINIMIZE DISTURBA.NCE TO snE AND PROTECT EXISTING SITE FEATURES {INCLUDING TURF AND VEGETATION) WHICH ARE TO REMAIN 23 FUTURE DRIVES AND PARKING LOTS SHALL BE PREPARED (SUBGRADE) AS REQUlREO DEPTH OF FUTURE AGGREGATE BASE AND ASPHALT SHALL BE REPLACED WITH COMPACTED SUrT ABLE FILL AND COVERED WITH 4- DEPTH GOOD QUALITY TOPSOIL. PROPOSED CONTOURS AND SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN TO FINISH GRADE UNLESS ::>THERWlSE NOTED. 16. PROPOSED ELEVATIONS SHOW TYPICALLY so 1 OR 50 SHAll BE UNDERSTOOD TO MEAN 950.1 OR gSG. 5. PRieR TO REMOVAL Of" ANY TREES OR V:::GFTATlON ORANGE SNOW FENCE SHALL BE PLACED AT THE DRIPLiNE OF ALL TREES TO REMAIN PROVIDE ADDITIONAL PROTECTIVE PROVISIONS AS REQUIRED BY THE OWNER AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. MAINTAIN SNOW FENCE FOR THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. SUBSEQUENT TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION, REMOVE SNOW FENCE AND RESTORE AREAS AS REQUIRED 17. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN IN PARKING LOTS, DRIVES AND ROADS INLXCATE GUTTER GRADES. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. SPOT elEVATIONS WITH LABElS OUTSIDE THE BUILDING PERIMETER INDICATE PROPOSED GRADES OUTSIDE THE BUILDING. SPOT ELEVATIONS WITH lABELS INSIDE THE BUILDING PERIMETER INOlCATE PROPOSEO FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS. , CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RE.c:STA8U5HING ANY BENCHMARKS WHICH ARE SCHEDULED TO BE REMOVED OR RELOCATED, PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINING QUANTITIeS OF FILL AND WASTE MATERIALS TO BE HANDLED, AND FOR AMOUNT Of GRADING TO BE DONE IN ORDER TO COMPLETELY PERFORM ALL WORK INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS. COST OF IMPORTING FILL DR EXPORTING EXCESS OR WASTE MATERIALS ;HIAL~E INCIDENTAL TO THE ~ONTRACT. =It .u: ,__ --~I~---- ..--::J: I .-.0 U ~."...... ~I~ 7. ROCK DISSIPATION SHALL BE INSTAlLEOAT ALl PIPE OUTLETS WITHIN 24 HOURS OF PLACEMENT OF THE OUTLET PIPES. 8. PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION, CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE ALL SILT FENCE ADJACENT TO WETLAND AREAS SURVEYED IN PER CITY OROINANCE. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY SWAlES AND DRAINAGE DITCHES DURING CONSTRUCTION AS REQUIRED TO MINIMIZE RUNOFF AND EROSION AND ENSURE POSITIVE FLOW OF STORMWATER TO TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS. CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: II R::>zebooml.',tlerArchltectslne 2HF~IAoer'0J8North ""N\9apOl's."ltn,....s.ota~1 ph 612-3J2.2110 fax 612-ij64.6152 Bos511rdlCurporatbOn 8585 West 78th Slr..-.tl.Su,'"100 W,nneltpc;.Ol5 "'.nn(t'l<)/a55438 ph 9S28J1.!.4()fj1",,952IlJ1-1261l Ai>d"",,,,'_Jot1nsonAnoClalBlf..w, .A'\;lJ.& ~ ~~~~;:,:' ~=~~54~~t" 200 ph 76J..544.71;,'9 !o.o, 76J..544..Q5J' STRUCTURAL ENGINEER IRE Hsy....I'Jl<j,,,8e<V'!jl.PC PO B".7)97 Far~n Nooth Oa~ota 58H.l!:I ph rUl'/I:W.w49 fa. 7Cl-<'I!().';:lM6 MECHA~!CAL & ElECTRICAL ENGINEER tlHallbo'lr\ll'''lltneonno '7:,tJComm.....r:eCourt W~,19 Be,]rL..~e. ,.hnnesota551'O ph 651.701S-1100 tax 651-7411.9J70 ,!~ i:~ ..." DonnlSHiIhl,& Asl;OC'atlas 3'1 FourlhA.envos<'>vlh Sarl"". "',n<ll\sola 5ti377 ph 32Q.2S9-6557 I". 32D-529-ll!'05 ~ Sc""~_ 12J ThLl'jSlfIlel NUf1h Swlo21Q """"""pOl!, MN 55401 '" ph 612.319S95ll1..", 612-337.5097 SOUND & ACOUSTICS CONSULTANT 'V" K.emSIO<In Ronnholm & As50Claknl 2ol44 aryanl Ao.....ue Soulh. SUltIl300 '-"n<l9apc>l's MN55405 ph 612..J74-3~OO 130 612.374.313J Il'>fl<eflYC4r1'1'y lhal ll>,spbon $peabca~Ort or rvp;xl..a,p'9(>a'edbyrneorunr1<;lrmydOf<lCi SoJper,,'<On9lldll'atI amactulyllC9l'lS9d p,.O<'~noonalt"9'l'\Ii!eI" under I"" luwSo!Ih(ISlal901Mnneso\a DANlf L L JQl-INSON ResJljo~D"le~ ffi 06085 1~ = 50' 02*02-07 JRP DLJ GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C3.1 . ,,J.. .;.-.' /i i / I .' it I i~.HA i~f - " ',,' l: ! I{i ;, " ;, / .' ~ ; ~. !', ' i I ! i Xi "//1, ; \ ' ~ \ i53~.~~" ,', /,), ..,.- I \ ~ ~ DELINEATED W ETLAND GRADING" BUFFER WETLAND 16'-6" GRADING" BUFFER LEG!OND NOTES: 1. RefER TO SHEET C3.1, GRADING P LAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. ~ REFERENce KEY ~ DETAIL 1.0 NU TO SITE DETAILS SHEET NUMBE~~:.g:~ ~" EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION ) EXISTING CONTOUR _ 52: PROPOSED SPOT ElEVA 110"1 :- PROPOSED CONTOUR. PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH) PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB) -- ~50 WETLAND .tl~ UJ1UJ :!: :z :i :i ~IG c( ... :;; ~ CITY 5 FOR REV~:WMITTAL ONLY District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM- ARCi'iITECT . ~:=r:;.~=Ivch(OClSlnc ~~~~~~:2~~~" 55401 fax,612-6601-l1'52 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT . liiillim ~:;"',..;" C_._ "i:!i\; M'nnt>a eS/78lhSt'eel Swte1 I!!!El p" 95>'''''' ",",...; '" 00 .aJl.S4oaIaX_952.~1-126 CIVIL ENGINEER I LA;~D':>CAPE ARC 6 And....sonJoh HrrECT ~ ~~~~e~:,:n~:I:Y';:~~~::lek1~ Ph:763-544:7,~ne:i\~.{I5)1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER [g ~'6~~:1';~.PC Fargo North ph. 70.'-280 Oa~oIa 58109 --(l9491.....701.200-!J686 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEEFt * ~:~.~~~~ng ~I1'le Be.ar la~9.C':; p .651-746.1'00 f I1esota55110 fOOD SERVICE CO <IX.651-746--2J711 I NSULTANT l~' ~;;';i~I<~~~.& AsS1)Clflle3 ,.'.1t!iI Sar1ell. M, .el1ueSOl.1h 'J pi,. 320-2;;~~~~ ~7~2a.5]9-8905 TNEATER CONSULTANT ~ Schul....Stlook 123Th"dSI fi ~nneaPOhS~~ N~~?';1e 210 612-339.5956 faJl 612-337.5097 SOUND & ACOUSTICS CONSULTANT Kv..,."..IOlll1,R ~~~~e~~a;:t ~:~~::~ p b12_J74-31100laJl612.)74-313.1 . 'v ?;:~":~:~~t~t' plat!. sPedllCat071 :Sp~:.,'~;:'~~ ~:.:::::.~:.,.;:, lheSlaleofM,nnesolil undar\t'll Reg No H2~~If:L l. JOHN5ON _Date~ GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C3.2 060135 1" =- 50' 02-02-07 JRP DLJ -- ~50 LEGEND REfERENCE KEY TO srTE DETAILS ~ DETAIL 1.0. NUMBER ITOP} ~ SHEET NUMBER IBOnOM) EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION EXISTING CONTOUR ,"J ~,__ PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION - 14'- PROf>OSEO CONTOUR . PROPOSED MANHOLE l"H) o PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (eB) NOTES: DIN GPL.AN,FOR GENERAl. NOTES. 1. REFER TO SHEET C3.1, GRA CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY .. District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ARCHITECT . ~~:=Y~==::lC ~n~~~~;~:2~~;'7:61Hb4 8152 1-'." CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT :~:~~m:...==~~~oo ~~~~":;~ ~~oef~ 952 831 1263 liiilltm I!!!~ CIVil ENGINEER" UNOSCAPE ARC=~:.lnc ~i;~;:;::~s;;,e200 AJJA;.- ~";:;";':~.~;;... ""...."" STRUCTURAL e::::e::,neenng. PC ~ ~a~:,;;~~g~~~lU511~~~'2ao.9f>8Ii ~ ph701280 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER H..rlb<>rtJF.c"9'ooerong ~ 1750 CommarcllC<:u1 e5Ola551l0 ~ ;'~~~~~'t1~~~ ~ 651-7489370 fOOD SERVICE CONSULTANT ~~ ~~~u:h~v~~~l~ ~ ~~r~;lo~~~~:;:. 32(l.5~fj()5 ...,. THEATER CONSULTANT ~ ~~~~'~:"ee1N=l)lSuilIt210 r"~ ~~fl~~:;~.~~ fax 612.331.5097 SOUND & ACOUSTICS CONSUL::: &A.-.soootes ~:::~~;l ~:'~lJ South s."lfI300 'V~ :;::"~~~~;:.j;~~5612-J74'J13) (~erebv C#fl.fy th:'l~: ~:or~:~~~ :::...:~~r:.~a;;""ll..m alhJIY~:' lI>e :~,:~;:a~ia~'~,M6SOIa DANllll JOHNSON R&gNo~ Dale~ ffi 06085 1" = SO' 02-02-07 JRP DLJ GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C3.3 '. \ - -,- .-' <._J, '.:.c"" ,1l ~'.J ., \ ,~:~_~~~~\::.:<;;.;=:"..:;:.~-c.:"., c~ :~~:s~:=';~~~~~ ~tr ;J~i:~~~:'i-;:-' . //c. "" "k.>' _:;:?:,:_A"".:~;:"~:.~. . GfJ't..- .i;J.,,/~: . "," -~::::::;:"'::?~ :~:::=,= --- ,." -', :'..:C>_ __ :::c::~> <\,:,; '::~~""::"~~l-.!-,:%'ic,:;/:':~?'r ..>,;ji. [.i: . '; . II/I!l, i ; .:,'(! (j'0':<':::'F;:;:::~L--~-d:' .1....:\\ .';\\\. \:\~~: ' :;:;.,',,:-.:' '!,','::'!:~~}k:0~\//,:E"';;';"':':S'l~tL:,i,;ii i ~ ~ Ill.: '.' ; ! .... .' i/;">:(r}/;::::;~;.i ";j:;.-.!J I-\~ - <~.: -'~0~2~';-".:ftI0...'t'"L~;~ ,[ml~,~,?ti~~fi':!l.I~~~= \.~~~. i::,;'t~~~~.'~.... ;-......:::..:. '.' ;---~--'." ///~.//.Jf.I-'/ :;il.'/ ""'If ! ~,/./: 1. ...j).'l..'A:~'/.)J..f; / ".'/ ~1..../.iI.?'~./t i.-:c:..i... .......l..:,:l.~~. '" ~\l 'f\~:{/, . / ~"--.'-'~-~~ .! /v~<~;,//./j' / / /;{ ,/ , "j/~~ "~~~\~\~, ;.q:;~ <~~,~T~;~":Y :}: ~;),';Vj;~~'/:~'r~~~~:' ,~~/:~ / , ::; ,I': ;/,~, ~! ~fY\i'i !,:/Il) Inll:(~~~'i ,>I~/:-' ~;,S~\\::~ , I! ,--..--'',,' r~'% ' 'ii" I~/" ,,/ :,SOCCER1' ,.1" !. ' :'. J" .- "'~;>,<\ ;;;\~i) . ,i;) ~i ,,' ,f \~ I;, ;, ,i.:,. I' , ,iSo 3,. . - 'j' -: t , t i !;f, If ~i I I I f ~ I ~ / ,,/. i~ .' \~\' H, ~;-11' ! I ,\. 'r, I /;~/ I, /1 -', 1, j "~'i--J..../:: I" '~i~ .,:c'}",_ . ".' ;:-t ~ IT_ /' '/iil' 'Ii; ,'/" . I_ .. '. '\ . ":'1 '_ ' ,;.' ~~~:""'i/"::'.\V "'- l' " /: /',; .,' , , , ' I' ' II' . ~, .' ~~,\ ". ',',;/\,[,:,,\ '\ l'iii'A 'I: ; I ,\. . -' - ..~ "'?: :.it",... '/1"3'8;;6.' ./ i! .': ':i I ! 'j' l ':./~~ \ i.i'',;> "-c..-. >.t,..N.. ........././(. }'." ii.,.,' ".' ...' -t---' 1".yj:(~~ - -.- . ~\' ;'Z'~---6yi" ,,( j! 1 ,,-;- ~~.... , ! i \~\,\;.~!,\t ,.' il'1'" .'; ':_,1'~~~. 1/ ";\"\~")\.' " / ~.' ".'\. ..' '.'. t. \.\. :." ,; .' j" '.' "'I'l.!.;:ir~'.~ '.,. / "~ _, .{ ". / / r, 1\,'" ~.,. ~ " , .....'~\:' .,'! ,:,?,'/~'''/i/'''!: ; '.i.......... :..\~.i. i'. ;'.-: ~J/JI., ..:..'....- ".- <:, \ .....i.: ~.... . (' '. : .:.::, :~\ ,~ i .; ," ,. i:.j r----~, 70" - , ",}" " I' ", '. \\";~2~'. .! Y;.....'..... ....,' .', ..J) -.. " '..::' '/,::\. >><' i I S~'~"\;.\< '~'r: '::.)~~<; : .... ..i" , ~ I :~;';.,";' .. ..' . //"; /'" , \"',' '. ".- '.' ,<,,> .' -,:~,.\' , i~<-' : ..~,~,-:". "/.' 1 ,.. . /~rl{~~~:,.'j;t;;'>::) /,;:': ..: ' ..:>/,~~Z';~,;tf.;~~,'5: '\,~~~;:;;;[>i;3:~ ;~ A, , .'.:;i~ ~,~;~:,:,;'.,)~i'F~':>..... ,. ......">;.. r;':,r;;:,':J:i " . -,1:../"< ~;>J"'\~:~":';~' ,'!;:?>:ef;h>$?i~ ...<,". ;.;;::)j;;-i0,~ja;;~'!'f72'~;{'32/?':;S:(:--'-' '. · ;1 f/.i; ;<-:>;'~',(~~t:.J;f(~},j,. ' i.~ ./;.,j:;"'>-';,'>':",~;''}:'';~-,;.,:c -,;,,'/ . . .,::;:' .,;, .'_ ,00;. ','5~,:.p</'d;':;/:: ~ ' "'<>"<;;;', .' ~/ .,:;./- :17" /' - , //)i~~( ";:.;~.,~\\",~ ,/~~.>(: ;_ ~~j / l /~~1 ;;.~ iq~,if2>~:';F <..S~~f:'<fj!";, , ' ~/~ '/; ,.'. rt'<> , - .' i /";. }. : ,\ "i '.>. I! I' h ..../ /-1:;; ~< .' /:;,....., . i ; ~". ,.1"'< :';> ; /r !.!;>~Ci. (i,i;' 1 \, ! " , " /": ;;;''''';;l<r /.( 'I ~/\:{;~-: ~: ': ,! !.~. )>t7i i "c 1',;< :; >', .,' ;'y. ./; \ )', <;,'.--: .l i /:D/~; ,! i . "',-i-. i ,,/:/'. i _. i- i Jj. ! i.~:~'.t;/ ..' ,! fC1t!:{ ,'~o ;,;~I;' ~:.Jt l1i~f'" -- ~ o 25 :;0 LEGEND NOTES: t. REFER TO SHEET C3.1, GRADING PlAN, FOR GENERA.L NOTES @ REFERENCE KEY TO sITe DETAIlS 1 DETAlL 1.0. NUMBER (TOP) C9 1 SHEET NUMBER (SOnOM) \\. \;'i.:: \',- \ I___.__._n ';,,' ,- EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION . "" - ~ EXISTING CONTOUR .:0 1-.. PROPOSED SPOT ElEVA.TION - HI -PROPOSED CONTOUR . PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH) o PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (ce) CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY ,.,........--:- '~j,;,~' i<':::" .>.,h . ',.-: '-;'1' -', -.F ~ ~ rma District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ . ROZlll!OOm M,ltev ......cMec15lnc 244 FlfslA~9nvaNorth Mmna"pOh5.Mlnn...sola5~Ul pIl. 6~2.332.2110 fll~' 612.664-8152 ....A CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Im/lim ~~~:~~::~i:::a ~~~oo I!.!~ ph_952-8Jl.5ol()ll r..~ %2-63!.1268 CIVIL ENGINE;:R 'LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT An""rson_JoflnsonAsS<lCldlOS, Inc "(\,'17..A 7575 GoId9n V,,~..y Roa<:, SulI...'OO ~Mltln<rapOl,s.t.4!f108S0la55427 ph7b3-544-7129fal'763-50<<-0531 IE] ~,~,",,"_,ec PO 60.7397 Faf!iO.Nortr.D3I<oIa56109 p/l,701-280.(l~9Ia..701.2ElO-96llb MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER & HalIW'9E-ng'll8Onl1g 175QComme'CfICourl WMII Bearlak... t.4,nn9WIa55'10 pn:!S51.7411-1100 fllJl 651-746.9370 .~}._ ~~~~~h~v~~~ f~ S,,<1e1I.MinneS<lla56Jrr ~ ph'J20.259-65:.71".3:.>n--S29-1l\I05 ~ &~,~SOO<> 123 Th..d SI".o! North. Su~e 210 """""""pOI." PIAN 5S401 '" pIl612-339-5956 f,,~ &12.337.5097 SOUND & ACOUSTICS CONSULTANT K.oms~,Ronf\hoIm&Ass.ClC"""" ~~ ,,444arypnIA...,ueSoulh,S\JIleJOQ t:V~ ~~~.3~~~612.3U.J1Y1 Iherebye$ft!lyIMllh'Sp!i>n,gpeoflCClloon.OI report was prepared by me Of yrtder my d..ed supervision and Ihat lamadIJtylicomled P'ofessionalEf't9"'lle' underli1e law,. of Ihe S!aleolMltIr.6SOla DANiEl L JOHNSON Reg_No.~ Oale~ ffi "~.MI::.::.;()IIo 06085 SCAle 1" =. SO' OAT- 02-02--07 vRAM; JRP t;HE...I\E:.O DlJ GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN C3.4 "'....UIt18 ~-..._"UJl:lEIOQTH:!Iooll.01,'. MA.XIitJGHr:'O'-lj" WALL.17 r-AI'f'ROJ(LEHGlH'NiSOI,1. \ IIlAllI1EIGHT'18'.f)" \ '" - /, ',~ -_/:' /f~,:_ '~I~(~~ ' ....PPROX. LENGTH~:1\LO~~) ! '; \ ~::: \ \~_,_.~"~~i!\I'" \;~:~~~c~':~~j!:." ',{ '\ w....u.u "''''II.OJl:l.-ENGfl.l:11'-OH fIlAJlf1EIGHT:r-r --'_.'--~: ~; '~~~:~~ \\ ~.... ,.{ \ \. , \. \ '\ \" WAL~125 APPROJI: lENGTI<: 111.0 I,' IlAXtlEIGHT:lI-"- .', ----- WAllh --"'PPROlIlENGTH:lW,OI,1. I .....IIHI::IOHT:13'...... ~ o SO 100 NOTES: t. REFER TO SHEET C3.t, GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. \;;:<- CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ . Rozftboom M~I...AtcholocI6Inc 244 ~"sIAvenueNo<1h MI"'>I'lapolI6, MmMS011l55401 pI1.612_.)32.2"O!ax612_66o\-.8152 S(lS5;lfdlCOfpo<atJOn 8585We..t781hSlrool.S",tetOO M'I"OIlflpoll.s, '....nnes.ot~5S4.)8 ph 957-8:11-5408 lax 95~-a3t-l;>511 .II.r1nersOfl.JohnsooA"llOCIIltl>>.tnc -'\'IT/\, 7575 Guloon Vallay Ro;,d S",ta200 ~. Mlnn.Hlpohs.M.n,MlSQIa55477 pI1: 76J-544-71?9 ra~: 763.544-iJ5J1 STRUCTURA.LENGtN.!'E!! IRE He,", ,",moo,""" PO. Bo~ 7397 FlIrgo, NorlhO<lkol858109 ph, 701-280-09~9 !a~ 701-200-geIl6 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER * ""lIbO<Ql:n9.nClll,n!l 1750 Comm...-.:;e Court WI1\1{, Boar Laka,M,(lnesoIa 55110 pfl651-746-11UOlllx651-746.9J70 Denn'sl-1ahl'l&As'3OClaloo 311 FourtllAvenueSooI" Silr1~II,Mrnne-s<>ta56377 ph,3l0.259.65571"xJ2\,)-52'~OO5 THEATER CONSULTANT ~ ScltulerSh<:>oI< 113lh"dSt'9tllNorlh SlJIle210 " ~n~~~~;~:5~~6 ~~0~'2_JJ7'5(m v K",..,.""...m.Rom't>olm&Msocia1... 2~HefYilf'IA""",,,.SouII1.SlJt\eJOO M",neapnl";. MN5S405 pl1:612_.)74_38UQlax 612-374-313J II18<oI>y COl'fl,fy lt1..t 11'>1" pi.,.,. ..poc.~o;;atJof'l. Of report *asPf.......r6dby me or und<Jormy d"ocl "UP'I""SlOOand Ihlll 1 am a duly hcllt'lS8d Ploro65'onaIEnyon6<l< UI1defth!l lilWsclIheSI"h.oIM,nn<!SQla DA.NI~lL JOHNSON R"ll.No~O"I&~ ffi' "' " ALE DAII: ..N 06085 1-= 100' 02.02.{)7 JRP DLJ SITE RETAINING WALL PLAN C3.5 P'7NV~~O~~~~:-____HOT_DiPPED GAlV.-.u.D ,,:~:~- ,,-e-" '. '.'./, D:'f.1H2RCTIOMS ,,~;.;; _":; . +l ILU.t:AC""...., ,.. ,,....,,... STEEl lIAR, ,/- UCH:~~~~ . --__-~ GRATE DETAIL NOTES REfER TO SHEET C3.1, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN. FOR GENERAL NOTES. , \ \ \ \ \ \ -' -- LEGEND REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS G:\ DETAIL 1.0. HUMBER (T0l>} ~ SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) PROPOSED WATERIAA.lN (7.5' BURY (MIN.)) -+- ::::::::::~::VE@ PROPOSED $AHITARY SEWER :::::::::::.-::. @ . PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (eB) @ ----4'~- PROPOSED DRAIN TIL.E ..--- -...--...---- -....-'"'..;.---.....--"""-.---',.....,. ...--; -;,--""- 1.".[lI...~CO..OllMG T"~OOQtia"""lE /-rTMICIlCONCllfTEII4I'l'1.EWlTH.. - ~EBAII,r D.C. IIIQTH ....l. DOWElED lHTOSlOE ""oI.lS Df>>CSlOE Of I STl'l-UCTlJIU;IJ<DlH)TTGYI5UoII I ! I UTILITY NOTES 1. REFER TO SHEET C4.4 FOR UTILITY NOTES \ "'S-'tf'E \- ~~~:~~ _ nuo .TOOlfIIU_....IPE. s~~: ~.:~ j f.::~:~;, I SECTION e GEHE......."llllCTUIlEJ IIEQ\JIRU'ENlIPE~DET""l Q OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (BASIN 1) 51 ~ ..... ..... <I <( :; :; PROVIDE 20'-0" r "NO GRADING" BUFFER I / / I ;' .! I i =~-:~~EJ(lS~/ 1....,~.1G.2(E."ClST_YERlfl'} lHV-17,.2,1NWI EXISTING WETLAND COMNfC'TIfEWs.t.HITA.IlY \=~(~== \ \ rDELINEATED WETLAND /: ///' /,,/ / 1 1 S'~-3G 1 1 1 ,.,:=1J1C':r,- ---1 .ri VICE::-)I tr[ ~I JL / j I ., :(,~". '~e~~~IE "".>T_41 . 1"\ I . I I I I i i i i(. I I L.-J ------------..--1 , I I i I 1 I I I 1 II 1 I I _I "" FFe-'SO,O{UPPERlEVELl FFE -UO,5ILOWER LEVEL) FINISH SUBGRADE. 10 INCHES BELOW FiNISH FLOOR ELEVATION (FFE). TYP. \ ~.s" --- . ...---. .-:..rrT! : j ~! .-- -,- ",- i7 ';/ ;1 " 1;; .lJ ',---_._~"". \ 1 \, \, PROVJDE~6'-6" /-"NO GRADING" BUFFER / ! / ~C-49 SC:__6; r-------- .---_________1 ~...; ..,. r .. .; ~; FFE. 950.0 (UPPER LEVEll FFE. 930.5 (LOWER LEVEL} FINISH SUBGRADE. 10 INCHES BEL.OW FINISH FLOOR EL.EVATiON (HE) - TYP. MA TCHLlNE #1 - M~HL~#2~ ~-.;... i'ill I '.11 ::' -o!.r~-- I ...., L~ _ _ __ ._ .-,_'___ CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ARCHITECT II Roz&boom M,II<<" Archl1'1ClS ~ 244 Fu-sl A"enYeN<<1h Minneapali9,Mlnneo.ol355401 pt1:612-332-;l110fall612-664-i1152 Suole100 "'"' 95.~-e~\-12f;a C1Vll ENGINEER I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Andarsoll-Jonm:\On Assocl;l\eS. me 7575 Golden Valley Ro.~d, SUIte 200 ~.A1._. Mjnne..polllS. Minnesota 55427 ph:763-544_7129Ia_:763-544.Q531 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 1]] HeyerEJlgin~.PC P,O. 80_ 7391 >",90 Nortl'lOekotaS/:!Iog pI'l'7o"1.2R0-0949fa__7ll1-200-96B6 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL EN..JNEER H;,lIbergE:ngm_""9 * "'" Comm.m.C~" ~ll..Elearl3k..M'nn<lSOlaS5'1O ph 651_748_1100 1'",,651-748.9310 fOOD SERVICE CONSULTANT Dennis Hal'ln & Assoclaloo 311 Fo",lt1A~anu..S(dh Sartell.Minne8ota56371 ph:320-259-6557IaxJ211-62il--ll905 ~~; ....~ oW' THEATER CONSULTANT ~ 0;~~r~e<>lN<lI1h.SYile2'O Mm....apofi5,MN 55-1U1 pI'l:612_339-595BIou a'2.3:)7-5OQ7 SOUND & ACOUSTICS CONSULTANT ~~~n~:;~i ~~;;:;~~;::I~ i~V. ~~~~~~::~~~~561".374_313J I hllrel;lf certJf( th.allh... pI.~n. spec:m..;a~oo, or raportw..,prepa<9dbymeorunrlarmydwllCl :::=~=~~ng~amadUIYh=lh8 k1wSofll>eSlateofMi~ DANIEL l. JOHNSON Heg,No~Oate~ KI'YP1AN Rr:VISiONS ffi s:: ^" W" 06085 1-= 50' 02-02...{)7 JRP DLJ UTILITY PLAN C4.1 '~,:1 L -MM_AATTCCHHLL~IINEE##:~ ........... - -~ - - -;- - ;"" ir<~:-' - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ',' -,/./" .ItfE; , I,' .;;. fftPAA"'T~ :! ~ . ;i':~~STJ ~ --I' l______ -~~ . :..~{\ . :\:~~ri ' ... I-_.~. - ,.. .--.-- - -..- - -- - .-__.. __u. _ __ --7'~,',';-,/~.'::",w~, . ~~:i f yJ" ,j -C6 ,/I~ 1 ,-. " \ \ ))<;' \, /~/ / j" , / ' \ \ '\ ' \ i , -l//!" "I ' i i ': //!\ 'll \: ,l:lli ("', I, -"L!-i----' r'~/:" . /, Ii \"\ ,.;, /;,'//i/ , I I ~(. II ~ ,.' :'/ V, I \ \ 'i ""[I " -'-'''<.~,:\,', ,'"._" j ~,- ////1 T_ll \ -- -~-~~-H ~ ~ ' \.........r>!f/ /~ ; i l! : I '~i ' _.j" :\./i.' /,/ I -- -- - ~ - _._ -- -JfY~~~~ I, ~ .........lO! I 1 I I; . _'" - - f \ /:; / ' -. VALVE I I ca' ~-r ",,"OOAUIrIAt.VES I I I "....______. . I ' , _~ hYORAOlllS2t _ _ _ I _ I! .__ /l"'~:>,,.:,',.,,/,l>. ~ t. . ~='!~: =::. .. ". , . /~. :.\ ~.'-'-..1~- ':_':':=-,;L~'~" '(: :' / ' , i"//<';/ ~- ~.: <~ '; il~// , \I~) '\:7'-::-:-~\'-\:\~''C:='-'~-( r)'~v \~ x~ \ ~ f ! /""/! :'~/''({;'::'_'7''0 /~.~--;- - --, .2~~"~~,;~\"j(j / \. \\ DROP-OFF //\\~\ \'dL..~ '-......... //,~.ll i 1~""'1://', _<i)"If<< /,/(:B~/, -'--'\, ~,~>,,~-jV_>;,-_...' 1 ""-." \\ \~~1 / // \i\ :/ ~,!i),!", \ ~,l" .;/..,. ,\ :.~:~ ';;~~'~-//'- \ 1 \\ ~-:,'\\, / /:~K~~~ . /\~~. Ji /~ ....r~,:~,~.;. &~;}:)~;~~.;" ~~Go \\;~" AREA /~;;:;{)// \ \\ ",.,,"\~"./ \"\.-.,,., //' ''''STAlLSI//~ \\\'X"'.')"\ //<-~, . ,// ""'\ \ /:/V.., '/ , - \' - ~' \\ \\ ' . \ ' / /-//.)~/:'->'" '; \ 1 \",'\ ."<\~// '>'\ ,/ /';-0\..':) /\~ . . \\ \ ~;/ '%" / //, '\"" '/.,V / ,\. ',,\;\ \ - // - - \\\ \:\.\':;\\ ~..y/. /)./"// /' \ \" /'-,&S<\-1r~ ;~:K~~~~~ ' , \ ' " ./ //':, ,,'\ ','/ /:'<<;/;':;;/~TORMBASlN;'<< ':Z;'// .>"non" ,~k '>,. ~.- " .;~\ '\ \ \ C:::;. \/ -.f~\;::;;:~;:{'):'<~~~>::;:/ BO~~~':;'~~ ...,::';:, '\ ,'A/f;' <;., ;// >.....1 ,\ \\ \:~/ / '~~.IHP_j, ,,/I/>'//X: ///'/ \\ / - X,/ \ " \,<~~_) '/:.;{;J ~ .:.~:~;'~~>,~,' /;~,':.~:>:.;:/?:k'/\<~/:"\\\, ./// \.. //' , '.' '. ... / . \., " ~ " .~ " , - \>~ Ii < ~,> /\/ ; ~ ~Y~Nr~:>':-'~~~d~~.~,,~::~::>_".L~- \'~ , ~ '1' TU \" / "".:\...... ~ --A",OG.<.1l! .-' __ -..__,~. .", '\ / :f\(~\r:I~~:\\ ,/ .,.;.;>././ \[. -:.~~~~~/\:,~. >\\ '\ /~.<;;>' . ; ,.:;~~~;?;<:~~~~.~,( '\ .. ~..=v 0; r\,;':,nr",/ \\-\ .._:~:~~-::;;;??\.:~:.~;. ."'~ffi'~W // \ '/,%:';/ , ;[,':..,.,, \ \~DELINEATED WETLAND . .'. _" /,fiifi/;t;::<<p;i!5;ii;'j?:;>Y . ~:~:;,~:' '"'''' ):(:~~~y ',;..--" ./"" .' ../' . ,....;..-; ;..>;" '-, ../' '. ' -32 ""C, EXISTING WETLAND \ '-1rolP_ /\.-::'-~~IIIN.I \ \ \ STORM SEWER SCHEDULE NOTES LEGEND REFER TO SHEET C3.1, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. _'_1_ PROPOSEOWATERMAIN (7.5'BURY'(MIN.ll R.m~~~vOo "v~) Ltnet~"glh L17.;)lzerl~~Ope 1"1ft~~;Rlm~V'UP .tni.UD I FES1.Ct:ll 9:.40 9-3-400 12!> 27 032 2 cel.CB2 942.. 93505 11!7 24 036 3 CSi:-CB3 94",'9 93691 fo- 21 o'so 4 CB3-CB4 9419 93785 96 18 I 100 S CB4,CBS 9448 9-4047 69 15 117 6 CBS_CB6 9469 94157 41; 15 127 7 CB'3-C87 948 0 94259 42 12 086 8 CB4-ce8 944 8 94110 !XI 12 137 9 CB8.CB9 9466 94328 81 12 175 1 FES2-C<lIQ 9180 91900 34 42 018 2 C810-C811 9305 92347 105 30 075 3 Cel).C8~2 9517 9-;:>635 124 27 on 4 ce12.C813 933" 92948 158 27 oaa 5 ca13.C614 9)65 93U5 96 21 107 6 C614.CB15 938 5 93475 Sl 12 1"1 7 celS.C81A 939.7 93595 66 12 un 8 C811 -cal? 9317 92699 046 18 0.80 9 ca17.ce18 932.9 ln810 -48 15 044 \0 effie.cels 93241 9;;690 57 12 098 II C817-ce20 9329 9'915 63 12 254 12 C813_CBll 9:>66 93262 131 15 125 13 C821.CB22 9368 93505 79 12 208 :~ ~:;~:~~~ :;:~ t€~+1!g3 :~ I ~~ 16 CB1S.CB25 \:097 93600& S3 12 058 I FE53.MHlOI BStlQ 8"i1100 150 XI 025 2 /'o"'101.C82.; 9115 897049 !XI 21 059 .3 C826-C827 9239 89886 89 27 047 4 C827-C829 9225 8992!1 92 27 025 ~ -{-~g:-%~~ ~~;~ :~-~~~ ~~+ ~~}- 7 CB:JO-CB31 924 7 ~?.)~ III 12 L--!--!..~ 8 -C631-C832 9259 922 75 51 12 167 ,~~~j~-~~~~ :~~-t:~~~: ~~ : ~~ 11 C82'6.CB35 9239 91865 11lG 18 064 12 CB3S.CI'I36 9237 9~Q41 9 1:2 09& 13 C829.CB37 921.1 90120 241 18 029 14 C83i=--C8ja- 912"- '9;)2 is' lfl5- 16 021 :~ --t~-~~~~~~ -~ --~1 ~~. ~ _.._~-- _._+;-t--~~- 17 C837.CB41 9114 901174 25 12 1.00 18 C838-CB42 ~"6 .00332 z6 12 I 069 19 C633-C843 9290 92550 22 12 068 I FES4'C844 9190 91900 71 12 0,83 2 C844-C845 92...3 9:'066 26 II OSO 1 FES5.MH102 6"1.0 1:\9100 52 42 015 2 MH102.MHt03 9100 90470 91 27 120 3 M'H-103-MH104 9~9!587 163 24 1.02 4 MH1().i_MHI05 9289 "'1806 164 24 093 5 Mt--llOs-Mr-il06 9277 92076 220 18 on 15 MH100_BOl 929 7 92247 18 076 MHIOJ.BD3 9291 92236 30 18 213 MH105.B02 927 7 922 14 4'5 HI 188 , -. DELINEATED WETLAND ..IN .. .. W1W z z ~ :J :I: :I: U U 1-11- <I: <I: :;; :;; Suuc!O.. Nefmlh (In) C.~ng 9J4-40 9424 CBl 49 R-3067.1/ "1.3672 9419 C82 48 R.~7.V ~9J699 -~19 -C8J" 48 R-3l)s7-Y 93661 94-46 C84 48 R.JO:j7.1/ 904128 9469 CBS 49 R-3067-V 94116 9480 ce6 46 R.3Q67-V 94295 -9465 C87 48 R.3067.1/ 904189 9468 CBB 48 R-3067-11 'il44 70 9493 C89 48 R-3067.V 91900 !1J05 CBIO 72 R_3067.1/ 91426 9j,7 C811 501 R.3067.V 92726 9336 C812 48 R.3067.v 929.87 9366 C813 S4 R.3C67.V 95i.37 93if5 Ca14 48 R.3067.1/ 935.47 9397 Ce15 48 R.3067.V 937n 9413 C816 48 P.3067-V 92736 932.9 CS"17 48 R.3067.V 928,31 9324 C818 49 R-3067-V 929-5$ -9"34.5 -ee19 4i:1 P:3067.1/ 930 75 9354 C820 48 P':lii67-V 934.26 9)88 CB21 48 R-3067.y 936 70 iM05 C822 , 48 R<lJJ6,.I/ :~:~ ~;; ~:~~::~~:~ 9.Y; J.:. 93..7 C825 48 R':L'G,.V 691.37 9115 MH101 501 R.H33 69183 9239 C826 60 R.;"~C67.Y 69928 9U6 C827 48 P-3067-V 699 51 9206 Ca2S 48 R.3067.V 900.15 921.1 Ca29 48 P.J067.V 920"'-9- 9247- CB:)Q 4~ Tn?:v 92212 9259 C631 46 P-3C€7.'J 9.23 kt 9273 cen 48 IR.n;_V 92553 9290 (833 48 R.3067.V 92716 931.2 CS34 48 p.3067.1/ 91985 9n7 CA:l5 4R R_."1067.V 92050 92":3 7 C836 ~ R':lO,,7.v 9Q191 9124 C837 49 R<1067.y 90265 goo 6 C838 49 R-3067-V 904 61 911 2 Ce39 48 P-3067.\1 90855~ -9'iT4~ -C84-0- ~-48- P-=-306"T:ij 909.00 9122 C841 48 R-3067-V 90350 S;'.w:;6 CR41 48 1 R::,.)67:V- 92565 9288 CE!43 49 R.3067.\1 91959 9243 C844 48 R-3067-.' 920.79 9242 C845 411 R.3067.V 69108 9\00 MH102 &.J A-1733 90S 79 929 1 M~'ncn &0 R-1733 91753 9289 Mt--lI04 48 R-1733 9195,. 9217 MHI05, (,(I R.17J:l 92i47 9297 MH1CiE; 4il R.1733 92300 RlOO 801 N<A f'iA. 92300 9300 8D3 ,.,.A No'A 92300 9305 8D2 N.... \ \,PROVIDE 20'-0" "NO GRADING" BUFFER \C-DELlNEATED WETLAND \ \ @ REFERENCE KEY TO sITe DETAILS DETA-ILI.D. NUMBER (TOP) SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) PROPOSEO STORM SEWER (i'O', PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH) ~ PROPOSED CATCH BASIN tCB) @ ~-t- PROPOSED DRAIN TILE -- + PROPOSEO GATE VAL"" G2'\ PROPOSED HYDRANT ~ PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER ~ o 25 50 59100 104 90603 49 24 9068a 223 ?4 ~2i3 93 al 21 93896 4J ?I 94039 65 18 94177. 43 15 ~3.ost~2-- -1"]---- 9 t.ll-l107-CB51 9110 90785! 61 12 10 MHI09-CH5? I 9j,;>15 92459' 31 12 11 C846. CS53--r---94iS 940941 16 12 12 C848_CB54 !".457 942191 40 12 ~ ~HS1~~.~t~~8= :~; ~ :~~~ ~ ;; 3 CH!::S-=-- MH11l 924 5 909 93 181 1i 4 MH1tl _MH112 S339 91163 :>29 12 5 MH; 12 - cssa 9392 91'4)7:<< 12 6 C85&.C851 9400 914901 230 12 7 c'e~i-Ctj5a 9405 91595. 37 12 8 CB58 .C859 91519 306 12 9 Ml-ll10_ 860 917 91076 76 21 10 CB60-RII 9212 91270 52 18 '-11 ~Ii--:-Ri~ -9212 91347 -e2~ -fe-- 12 1'<12 _ RI3 9112 91", 16 ~l 18 13 Rb-R~ 921.2 91461 82 \8 14 R14. R!5 921.2 9\495' 78 18 15 RIS- R15 921:2 91556 78 18 '5 R15.RI7 9212 91630 76 IS l? R17-CB61 9212 9172.J 53 12 ~: :~i=iI~~H- .-~~HH-~~ -~ ~ A~~-_~1110 -:~: ~ ~~:~~~; 22 RI11.RI12, 9212 91566 82 16 ~; ::~~: :;~:! :~~~ I ::;~ :~ :} 25 R114. FIllS 9,,12 916il4: 62 12 2<'> t..4H112_C862 9>92 160 12 1 Ff.:S6 - MH113 I 688 0 88~EO I 40 12 2 MH113-ce63 9138 90425 I 212 12 : _SC~.8B8.64S6~~ Cc~B8~r,5 - -_9ll99~s-,L~:_0I=-~_~ ~I- : - -CBfi6 _ C8~1 91{4 ~:; ~th5~ ;; 7 MH113- MH114 9138 9102Q' 80 12 a MH114.CB68 9171 91245 40 \2 9 CR65.C~8"9 91~8 91237 12S 12 8~1 0 9110 9116 9326 "'. ABBREVIATIONS: CB. CATCH BASIN MH. MANHOLE FES. FLAREO END SECTION 80. BUtLONG DRAIN lO. IN$OE OlAMETER t--I.'A" NOT APPLlCA8LE 031 e"l13.2 9110 1~906619116 060 906 21 9-321\ 1.40 9:806 9449 0"'2 . 939:J6 94~ 2 i 30 \>4-1-23 945.1 11'9 94228 9465 1~4--- 94165' -94:76 2. 73 909 ~2 ,.26) l~~}S.??~ 9)85 402 1\14400 9475 214 I 943 IS ~8 0.26 88i18 91i7 1.30 90064 9245 094 9'if63 9339 065 91377 9392 122 ijl.i"90 f;.ioo 9159" 9405 0155 9-1619 950.5 044 91755 ~21 2 123 91169 9212 094 91)47 9212 084 '914-16 <m2 054 914~i:R92\2 042 91495 921:2 081 91558 9212 079 916lfJ 9,., 2 097 911 OS 921.2 169 91809 9245 ~~:+-t-~:E~ ~~+- 078 914% 92\2 075 - g:15G6- 9212 023 91569 9212 03& 9\633 9212 043 91684 9212 045 i917l0 9i12 050~6n93<!4 ~ :}--t~~}~ : ~ 055 90595 9097 050 iOi17 916.'8 ~050- ~li260'" --\iW.j--- 050 91340 9;'70) 063 91070 >1171 050 91265 91&0 O~ 91300 9iil3 M..007 MH108 MH109 CS" C8~7 csia C649 C85if C651 C652 ~C!l53 c';or MH1tO C895 "Mi;1'11 MH112 cs" CB57 CS" CB59 BOO R" 7<i2-- FI!3 ,. " ,. FW C861 R' RiS RIIO Rill 0'1112 Rl13 RI14 RIIS Cf:l62 MHI13 C963 eElIi4 C80S Cc!6{.- caS7 MH114 " " " " " " " 48- " " " " 60 " " " " " " " " " "48 " " " " " " " -" " " " " " " " " " " " .. " " " " 1<.1733 R.I73.3 R.1733 R<1067.V R-3067.V R.)Q67.V R.3057-11 R:Wi.v R-2S73 A.257) R-n7-V R-3067.V A.ll3.. R-2573 R.17JJ R.1733 R:2~rij R.2S"n R-2573 R-25n R-302!> R.4018 R--4018 R-4018 R4018 R-41)16 R.4U18 R-4018 A.2S7) 1'1-4011.1 R-40i8 R-4018 R-4018 R-4018 R-4018 R.4018 R.4018 R-2S71 R-I733 R-:2573 R-2S73 R-2573 "R:;;:57J"- R-2573 R.1733 R.}573 R.2573 NOTES 1) AU S1DRM SEWER PIPE SHALL eE ReP CL'SS III OR 8EmR 2) ALL unLrTY CASTINGS SHl.LL BE FUflNlSHED WITH LOCKBOLTS AS SuPPLIED 8Y' NEENAH FOlf',jDRY. OR APPROVED EQUAL J) NEENAH R.l133 CASTINGS SKALL 8E FURNl$HEO WIlH SOLO LUS WITH TWO LIFT HOLES AND SHALL BE STAMPED -STORM SEWER" 4) NFEI'iAH R-2.ST3 CASl1NGS SHALL BE FURNISHED WIT'-( rvPEC' GPATES PROVlDEJ-.lI2"SS AN(:I/O':v~~'-----e----',~'" .'. -, ..- ~~~~:~D6~~"::SIl!'D 1112"x:vr " . 1 m::::: ~'~-::-' .., I . ~ ::::~-~;.; '~-', ' " l 11.""4"STEElBAA. ~_/ Wl'lDlO-/ '. . fAOllllEllBER GRATE DETAIL ."....... 1,1!/VElll'" L.OI~CHAAQf..'''.OO / s~::: ;g,,~~: ./ FOIl PlPflEHGIllS AND SlOPfS(lYPJ "---12" PIPE Q SECTION OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (BASIN 3) CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: "RCHITt::CT . Rozeboom MiJle( Archi\aC:ts Irlc 244FlfstAvenoeNOI1h Mlnn&apolls,MJnnesola55401 ph: 612-332-2110 faK 612-664-8152 aossar(jtCorporation 8585WlIsI78lhSlrool.Suit8100 Mlnneapol's.MinnesoLa5S438 ph:952.8)1.5408fllx:9S2_!I31_126l1 Ai'<l&rson.Johnsoo Associates. In<;. A -IT '^ 7575 GoId9<'l Valia)' Road. Sui1e 200 ~"'''MirmeapOhS."",,"IISOi<l5S427 ph:76J..544.7129lax:76J..544~1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER ill] Hoo,.,,,,,,,_",PC P.O Box7397 far\lO,NorthOakOlaSS-:Q9 ph:701-1l\O-t)9oI91",,:701-280-9686 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER * HallberQE"'Ol;~ 1750 CommercaCourt White Bear Lake, Minne90la 551'0 ph: 651.748-1100 fax: 651_748.Y370 4: ii'tE li.iilJ' Uennis Hahn & Associlltas 311 fOllrthAll4lnueSoulh Sao1<1I1.~(nrwsola563T1 ph 320-2!>Y.6557lax:J2O-529.fl9tl5 ~ Schuler ShOOK 123Th"dSlrI!lllNorth.Su~1I210 M,nneapol,s.MN 55401 pII:t;12.3J9-59S/I fax 612-3J7-5097 SOUNO & ACOUSTICS. CONSULTANT ,,'..' ~yl Kvemsloen.Ronn/"lOlm&Asr.oaales 1444 Hry",,''''''''''UII S<>utn,sune 300 "'.nneapol<s,MN55405 pIl'612-374-38OQ1...:612-374.J133 I hereby tllllbf~ lhallht$ plan, spaaficalJoo, 0( report....asprepa'e<lbymeorundermya.red supervll>k>nlllndthilllama().;ly1lcen6ed ProiesslOr\lIlEngin_ lHlClerlt1e laws of tile Stale ofMn185-llla DANI~L l. JOt1NSON Reg No..1l..llL- Oal.~ ffi 06085 1" - 50' 02-02-07 JRP DLJ UTILITY PLAN C4.2 .. -, - - ~i::~%E~=" / .~ "'I ~ .. .. ~--~'-~ -:;1-' :z: ~. :jIJ:-- EXISTING WEll.AHD EXISTING WETLAND ""0" ""0_ '. '-'.- * ~o NOTES E.T CJ.1, GRADING AND DRAINAGE 1. ~~~~F~OR S;:NERAL NOTES. LEGEND CE KEY T05ITE DETAILS @ RE~~~~~ll.D. NUMBER (TOP) SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) C~" PROPOSED WATERMAlN -1-'- (7.5' BURY {MIN.)) H PROPOSEOGATEVAL~ -+- PROPOSED HYDRANT ~ PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER PROPOSED STORM SEWER ~ PROPOSED MANHO!..E (MHI ~ ~ . PROPOSED CATCH 8A.SIN (e8) ~ ~--10- PROPOSEDDRAIflInLE I SERVICE' 1 \b, :~:F~n:,,:1 ~;,{ ,_, ,G1,:, '~L pllOOiRfurf':.>- ;t" I . ". ".)', " .~~'~ I" . 'tifj At: ,'{;:-,",,~ '. .' '. I r . /: " ~ ,.J.-"' \\...-,. ,,' ~J\ "<'--\, r! i j \'_'1 I .._. 1 /'':'''-1'''1" " ,'<,he>" /,' X ,:;'=r , "\l\J \ u "\0, '" , , , " " ".", L' , I ' I '" -, ,,; /. -." ,,',,",- ", " -- .... ',\ , ---" .. ! SLOG;',;, , . : /" "" ,,;., v~ - , , /'< '6'C., .""'.; '. i , ': ,,, , --'", , . J i \ " "::.::.~, ~ ,.'.~. ,. . " ".- "'/~ -/~ ';I 11 ------.---.-:=:.1, MO,~ ",,<AN ", , ,'#". /, "'~"~'-"'T' · ,', "', ~,' , , L-~Cl' '1'____' REVISIONS . - \, 'i , '., ,'. .-",,'" " ' //"- - - .-/' ..:." 'j/ b......~~o:~ 1 -'--":"11 '_T~' _ _ . _ 1 ,_ - = ~.-:. "W- I --, ,'!f' . / ,J. -~! ' "--'I' . t ' -'-__.___."_____, ~._ . \~:,~\"<"~'.<:,' :'" -',.,.,\".,'.:,.,'.,.'\.':, ", .', " { "y """ I , f"" ,'--' ' , '-""-'''1/ ,< ' ,<~:'; I" "'.. c...) '~-==' ~'" ' . '-(ll: I,;.. ' i.:' .' / ."":"'/1' i' ".\ ."., \"'~"'~\"'.:" /"" ",,^.,, ;:, "/'/' <:.... -- '''.....;. ';'" I 1/1\: ( 'I of " n' ;"1 :\~ " 1 '\ ' ," /,',: ,. -<", / ! - "< I",'. '/ d.,:;.::C.-,,_-- ----.-..-----.,-, " ,\ ! , I 1,'_ t,,,",,,_,, IJ 10' I f j . \"'~,," \"""~,' , , '" " , , " .' \. \, ,,' /', '" 1"/' /".'--" . , " " , "'I Ii 1 ~, /'" : , i!lL, " \ '0.."; !, / I /, ; ! -: ,. .. , , \ \ I : I, "I,.,,'..' , '. i, ,', \ ' , _ "I "'5::,"".-'" "/' ~ 'U)V I ::"Iur;/ .d,!_-' '.. .' \, 1 " " ", /" //,"'/ '1""" ',., , \"',.\,, ....;\;: / // / / / /~ , I ',,: "U, , i,... / "'" \'\.'::~-'}'2'V~ /////// 1,\,:/(11', ili -n' / \1 "'{\; ':':'v;/ ';//;/,///</ ---I > \ \\ 1 \ \\j~JI ,,\ , il1 /CJ' / 1-'/-\, \j/f / / / I i .,,~ " \~\ \ \ i (.;~i.w' .~, ~t( n / T "<.:::;, \: ,\ /' ,: J:. :, \, , !! 'ii" u ,_ " , ""1 \~\ "\, \ ''\ \ 'i\1 I; " 1'\ \ I,:, "" /, '_"., '\\ \ \, ,!' /':i · ~.. \[I~d;\"I'JjL-'.( _ i~~n~\.\ 1 \\ "\ \ ~., 1\ I .,' I;" f" '," , '., / /' "., I, \ \\1 \\ It \ / r,/~-c_.-~:: ! ITI ;:\~~: "l'; j, _J__ _~ __ _____j"_-. ,,' """ \\ "'_\" '" . (", I','!!, ..,1+,',-'..,.,',.,,',,/. ':.l"..,.,.! I,[~'r= ---'------, eo" '\ \ J "" i" '" :: i, ! \' : 'i' r"-, i \ \\~' \i,'\ \ \\ I!I l')~ f j:i : r 'f,I,"" li,;."i,. '; i\~(, II 111----11 i_ 'L I" \, , , i I '''I... ,.,,:; I , I , , _I iN V "\!1 "" ""LCZ'>i '~iUL __ ";::"itt, : ~: I 1,,: \\ ~I\ ""1\:~:'c:.,._ ----. """ \0 - - ..;... ...., /' 1\\ Ii! ,,;/j i : 1 ! : i: TCHLlNEjJ\\1.:,..-..,__-" - - - ,~j ,/ / \. ":1,~ I r ! 11' 'Iii ; ,I ~A_ -"~ -'-'''-'~' --- j / A, d'.lf!I' '0" - - INE#4 )<,., ,....,...~~,-, ... ....-L...........l.-- I" MA TCHL ;.~\ _ __ . ,,:- ---"N ''"'~_~ \' UTILITY NOTES 1 REFER TO SHEET C.U FOR UTILITY NOTES. '. PPEOGAl\l'-MZED Pfl~\I~~~~~:___,___ ___ , ' .' '/-~~IHJSf:CTION8 WICUPS , . ":. O:;:;="~.._., ' , . I _f 1=~~_]:~_//_" " _ .,'~ _ l"..l!4'"S~~":ci~~-- .. UCHIlIEIlI6EIt GRATE DETAIL ~DISCHAAae ==;- L'S-PFE ~::.. ~~~~ "'-NOTCH WEIR -"-1TPIPE \ PLAN \-rOl'cllcOOlcR~~~g=~D I ::.~~:,;::;~(W=~ I 'TRUCTU/ilfAH080 ! .r-:;"'~~E::''''~TCH~1It I' , I '-"""'-12'1." ~ ..1StQPE i , /;'.'HWlt21ot ~. '--""1. - ,:c-+!~.. ~~ Lumm : L:,rPlPE. I'.Q"- \l::::~:~~.t18.5(1 I ITOM SEWER PIPE_ / REfER TO STORM -! 8fWf~SCtfEout.E fORPlPflJ;ttOTMiS ,UlO SLOPES (TYP! i I , e GHIEftJlo.'--STRUCTURE.J IIt(Mf'HSPf'RDET_ MOO SECTION OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE (OCS 2) \ Q District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ARCHlnCT . ~~:=~=~=:: :~~~~:~~;a~:lIa612_6&t.g15Z , 'I.~ CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ::~~~~r;~':'e&I. ~~oo ~~~~;~~:~~~: 952-831.'26!l I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CIVIL ENGINEER Aasodale!l II>(; :;~;~:d~hV~~:s:a~S;i~ 200 ~~~1~~;~:7~l9 fait. 76%44-0031 ,.,ST'3E STRUCTURAL E::;:F::,r.eenng. PC TUG p.O.eO~7391 ot.a58109 ~ ~~~~1~;::9 la.: 701-<'80-9688 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER a ~;~:'~oe5da55"0 ~ ;'~I~~~-~~B~~~ 1a:<.6S1-748.9370 FooO SERVICE CONSULTANT SOCla!M I De<1n'SHlII""AsSooth tfi. ~~~:I~u:"",,:~~e::7~O'S29-8905 ~, ph: 32{j-259-S TH~;; CONSULTANT ~ ~;~~r;~OfJCNN~61Su~e210 I" ~ ~~~~~~~~ fa~ 61;>.337-5097 SOUNO &. ACOUSTICS COHSUlTA: & AssoCIates ~~~n:=i ~~:. Soultl, Surt8 300 ::~i ~~~~~~;:.~~~~612-374-m3 3::- lher~~~Z:r~I:~:'~~::~~~ ='$'onllndlt1~"maduly~erlh8 p:e~~::a~l~'r? at Morr.e&Ota 172~~lHl ~1~N~207 Reg.No_ 06085 '" = 50' 02..02-07 JRP DLJ UTILITY PLAN C4.3 '\ \" \ \'\, \ : '" \ \\ '-1' \ \\.,1 . · li~~\ : i Jr~~~.:<<> ~. , I ',11 ';, ,', '," :; . 11 ~\, "'",', " "". ,........ ,'" ','-;.J' I ~<~\. ~ .. ---"",/' \:<~< "I I <,~",., "'::'~-~>~: I ~, " ...., ," /J .' --'--~..- . tSr..i_3; "I -' I '....// i ' I r._:;~ /'_<'::~~ I /, \ '" I . ,~':\.;:: ~ . ,~ ;;:; .- /-~.'':;.,w" ...H~~~~~:ft;l ."./.. /:(!:~ /' . 01: I ~ / /'- ,~,~' .,.; /' ,- ,,'-- \1rOIl' ;~'_'_ l1_J'llUR......N.1 . \>;:;{:''f; ~/\-:./ ' ""","E:S /7< /' './ ,/' ,/ '...., ~/ '-'8'011'_ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ , /'<: /" \..lrDlP /' (7.5'_''''N.) 'V'. . /' /' /' /" ./' ,/ ./ ./ ' /. \ . \_11"0'" _/', (1S'IIURYMlN.1 I .., il .~,v: . ., \ \ '-'1rGA.n::V-'lVE UTILITY NOTES 1. REFER TO SHEET C3.1, GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES 2. REFER TO SHEETS 5.0, SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS, FOR EROSION CONTROL METHODS, UTILITY CONTRACTOR SHALL FURN~H, INSTALL, MAINTAIN AND REMOVE CONTROL DEVICES OF STORM SewER INLETS. 3. CONTRACTOR SHAll BE RESPONSIBLE fOR All TRAfFIC CONTROL SIGNAGE (CONSTRUCTION ZONeSl NECESSARY TO CONSTRUCT PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. ALL SlGNAGE LAYOUTS MUST BE DESIGNED B"" THE CONTRACTOR AND APPROVED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES. 4. INSTALL CONTROL FENCING AND BARRICADING AS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC. S. INSPECT SITE AND REVIEW SOIL BORINGS TO DeTERMINE EXTENT Of WORK AND NAnJRE Of MATERIAlS TO BE HANDLED. 6. REFER TO SPECIFIC"1I0fllS FOR DEWATERING REQUIRfMENTS. 7. CHECK A.LL PLAN AND DETAIL DIMENSIONS AND VERIFY SAME BEFORE FIELD LAYOUT. 8. REFER TO ARCH1TECTURA.L PLAfIIS FOR BUILOlfllG.toND STOOP DIMENSIOfllS AND LAYOUT. 9. ALl 'TRUNK' WATER MAIN Pipe (1'- DIAMETER) SHALL BE DIP, CLASS 52. "LL OTHER W"TERMAlN PIPE SHAll BE DIP, CLASS 52 OR PVC C-900 WITH METALLIC TRACER FURNISHED AND INSTAlLEO THROUGHOUT THE PIPE LENGTH. MET"LLIC TRACER SHALL BE "TTACHEO TO ALL HYDRANTS WITH WIRE BRACKETS. 10. ALL WATER MAIN SHAlL HAVE MINIMUM r.fi~ BURY (TOP OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE). 11. ALL FITTINGS SHALL COMPLY WITH CEAM 2611.2.4.1. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE WITH POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT. 12. NO BENDING OF PVC WATERMAIN WILL BE ALLOWED, FmlNGS MUST BE USED TO FACILITATE ANY CHANGES INV[RTlCAL OR HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT. 13. USE GATE VALVES FOR ALL APPLICATIONS 14. ALL HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED $,0 FEET FROM BACK OF CURB. 15. ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE PVC PIPE (ASTM 0 303-4, SDR 35), UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 18. SANITARY seWER INLET AND OUTLET PIPES SHAlL BE JOINED TO EACH MANHOLE WITH A GASKETED, FLEXIBLE, WATERTIGHT CONNECTION TO ALLOW DIFFERENTIAL senLEMENT BETWEEN THE PIPE AND MANHOLE TO TAKE PLACE. 17. UPON MAKING CONNECTION TO AN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER STUB OR MANHOLE. DIRT AND DEBRIS SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING THE EXISTING SEWER BY IMMEDIATELY iNSTALLING A. WATERTIGHT PLUG AS NEEDED IN THE EXISTING MANHOLE. 18. ALL STORM SEWO::R PIPE SHALL BE RCP, CLASS III (MIN,), WITH FLEXIBLE WATERTIGHT JOINTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM C-361, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 19. LOCATE AlL EXISTING UTILITIES, VERIfY LOCATION, SIZE AND INVERT ELEVATION Of ALL EXlSTlNG UTlUTIE.S. VERIFY LOCATIONS, SIZES AND ELEVATIONS OF SAME BefORE BEGINNINGCONSTRUCTlON. 20_ PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICES (STORM, SANITARY SEWERS. WATER MAlNl. VERIFY ALl PROPOSED BUILDING UTILITY SERVICE PIPE SllES. LOCATIONS ANO ELEVATIONS WITH MECHANICAL PLANS. COORDINATE CONSTRUCTION A.NDCONNECTIONS WITH MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL STAKE LIMITS OF WALKS AND CURBING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION Of GATE VALVES. CATCH BASINS AND MANHOlES. GATE VAlVE AND MANHOlE LOCATIONS SHAlL BE ADJUSTED TO AVOID PLACEMENT OF THESE STRUCTURES IN CONCRETE WALKS AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE STAKED TO ALLOW CURB INLET TYPE CATCH BASINS TO BE PROPERLY LOCATED IN LINE 'WITH CURBING. 22. UTILITY CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE AND SHALL PAY FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION STAKING, LAYOUT.toND AS-8UII..TUTlLITY PLANS OF THEIR WORK. 23. CATCH BASIN AND MANHOLES IN ROADWAYS AND PARKING LOTS SHALL BE HELD-DOWN TO ASPHALT BINDER COURSE ELEVATION AND AOJUSTEO IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF FINALASPHALT WEAR COURSE. 24. UTILITY CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING OF THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE SYSTEM. 25. THE UTILITY CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TESTING OF ALL APPUCABLE UTlLmES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN'S ENGINEERING GUIDELINES. 26, ALL OPEN UTILITY STRUCTURES SHALL 8E PROTECTED WITH EROSION CONTROL IN ACCORDANCE WITH MPCA ANO CITY OF CHANHASSEN STANOARD OETAILS_ MAINTAIN EROSION CONTROL, INCLUDING SIl- T REMOVAL UNTIL PROJECT COMPLETION. REMOVE EROSION CONTROL FOLLOWING TURF RESTORATION AND ESTABLISHMENT. AT THE COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT, THE STORM SEWER SHALLBE FUUY CLEANED. SUBSEOUENTTO FINAL CLEANING, IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO PROJECT CLOSEOUT, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER AND ENGINEER THAT THE STORM SEWER HAS BEEN CLEANED. 27. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVtoE TEMPORARY WATERMAIN CORPORATION STOP (FOR TESTING) AT THE END OF WATERMAlN STUBS FOR IRRIGATION STUBS AND WATER SERVICE TO BUILDING. 28. TELEVISING Of THE EXISTING TRUNK SANITARY SEWER LINES SHALL BE COMPLETED BY THE CONTRACTOR IS ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OfCHANHASSEN REQUIREMENTS. A COPY OF TEST RESULTS, LOGS, REPORTS, VIDEO TAPES ANO DIGrrAL VIDEO MEDIA SHALL BE SUBMlneD TO THE ENGINEER AND CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE OF THE SYSTEM . CONN"-(;TN~1'.OlP rWMTOEXIStlNG .. I I - --~- ~', i : 'I! !il : I i I N"OR"'NTic.~ ~,~<:i/ :~v~T( 'j,"' LEGEND @ REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAlLS OETAIL 1.0. NUMBER (TOP) SHEET NUMBER (BanOMj -,-t- PROPOSEDWATERMAlN (7.5' BURY (MIN.)1 INORANttc-1 .t.NtIGAT'E.-, VIILVE \ +- PROPOSEO GUE VAlVE W PROPOSED HYDRANT ~ PROPOSED SANITARY SewER PROPOSEO STORM SEW'R (,0\ o PROPOSED MANHOLE (MH] ~ . PROPOSED CATCH BASIN (CB) W ~ ~--4 - PROPOSEO DRAIN TILE EXISTING WETlAND UJ1UJ z z :i :i :>:: :>:: o 0 ~I~ ::0 ::0 NOTES REFER TO SHEET C3.1, GRADING AND DRAiNAGE PLAN, FOR GENERAL HOTES. -- ~ o 25 50 CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ . Rozltboom M...... -"'"d1Ilectlllne. '44 Flrsl'\ven;ftN<:><m Mlrlneapoils.r.br\Nls.ota55401 p!l.61;!.332.2110'ao.;612-664.8152 8ossBtolCo<lllnboll 8585W""t7Il1!\SI'....t,SuiIII100 1oot'noI'la\)Oils."''''''e9Ola55430 ph 9S2.631.S4O/lla",952.B31-1268 Anoe",on.Jo/'InsonA.srooaIIlS.lnc ,,^,~rr,,^. 7575GoIdflflVallltYRoad.S<;~e200 ~...... Minneapol,~,MlI1nesoIa5S427 ph; 763-544.1\ZS fa", 76J.S44-{l531 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 1]] HeYfl(Eng'~,PC PO.eo,,7J91 hl<gO, North 0a~ola58109 pI170T.280-lJ94\llltx701-2IJO.961!6 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER tJHalloorgE<l!.1illlltlf"in9 1750Como-Ie(t;ftCourt WhiteBo.vlllkll,M,oo<l'lOla5511O ph 651_748-11001aJr._651.741!-S370 !A,_ U~ Wi' OennlS Hahn & Auo<:oalllS 311 Fou.'hA--.ueSoulh S<lrtn/l Mimes<lla563n ptl.320-25%551IilxJ2!)'~'Xl5 ~ ,~,,~.... 123Thif<lSlr_North,SviI,,210 M,nr>eapohs. ~N 5540~ phll12.JJ9-S958 .ax612.3J7-5W7 :~i K\lerostoen,RQr1PlhotmSAsS<:lelill!.<S 24448f.._,\V.....ueSOUth_Su,~JOO Miol\llapohs,MN!K>405 ph. 612.37....3800 lax 612.374-313J lherebycllrt'fylhall/'.Ispi3n_li;J8Clr.....3lIOO.or report "'liS preparell by mil 11" under my dlred sllfl(l.....isi(lnandlhatlamadu1yllcer>sed Pro'''$s'Ql1;1iEc''O'f'll'8' ullOefthe laws of the Sl8le 01 MomeSOl8 OANIU l..J0HJo<SON Reg.NO..!Zm.- D8le~ ~ CMM""" C[7ME 06085 1" = 50' 02--02-07 JRP OLJ UTILITY PLAN C4.4 STOR~I WATER POLLUTION PREVt-:NTIO:'IO PLAN - GENERAL SUMMARY STORJ\I WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN" GENERAL SUMMARY end",r f're~"'us contmct, the ~h()"l D.stnct'. f.anhwork Cuntracto,. cmurk1~'<I ~Ar':i ~ra<.l;"!l work Illdull,"~' 1 CVII'lrucu<," "r hJI'''''' <1<>dpt1c...: \CmJ'NlIl) berm. along outer pCllnlctcr or site 'l'c~,fi"~lI} alonK the ..",'h...",I, ",,,,'h, ,,8'" 'Hid "orthca:;t qllacll~lIh urIne ..Ie 2 Ctlll.<lrudi,m of T ~lI1l'"rary &J'mcnr Busm.' III the ~uUllW..c'l. ,,:1st "nd "onll qluulmnt.llfthe slle 3. llivcr''''1I of run"t)" trum the Clln,trudlon "Ie to the 'e",pI""!) "",-ti",e"l M>,"' 4 L'on<lrucllllnofoullcl <.le,iu, fromlcmporary <<edllll<:nl hlls;n,;. ~ StuhiliLaho" nml mamtcn~n"e 0/ area' oo"'n~tre,1)n of outlet. ('onslrud'OIl1l',cpanll",,,,,flhcbuildingpad n~">\J~i("'n of nee>.' ,,,,l; uh..-tn" ""rlh qua<lr,mt of Ill..: slle JIt~J'..""1 erosIon conlrt,l den,",,,,, lI11U pr"'l<k W"lln~ n1.l",I~"anc~ s~ tolhn..,. Inspe<:1 er,'''!)O conlrol a mlntl1l\lm 01 unc-e ('<.'t we",k 8ml siler o:""h nlln o:'~nl. R.xurd inspcdion on lng \"hIed m (lIl1lrodor', condTU.:li",n IMIlL't lJl' ",b<""ui~lblc r(1ll(l'Ol".lI)' Mtornge Pro,iu.: maimC11am;e fur nll dn",'.' as (oll"ws: al Sill fences and enl'\i"" conl",l oJc,ices 01 ~Iorm .ewer U1kb ,!I"ll b.: ,"'>"",Ie<.l for deplh Qr sedlll>enl. lears. 10 >ICe it f~hri.; i. !iCcurdy srtnd><:,J Iu lU.1f'1"'" 1''''1.' ur slru.;lu..,.llnd 1"st."'lhalIMlShan,JJ"'l<:e~IlI\':'I<...:urc!)',"pl",'c. 1>) Sill fenelOS, erosion cumrol dn'"",;ol ''',nn ...:"cr inkK ""duneDr logs. ,,"oJ other CTO&;On control ........-1<:1.... shall b.: ~kaMd ",hal >CU"llClll re....:l>..... l'~ ll'o,e h.:\~hl ufthc et<)t;lun courrolde'i<'e,,,,ilh,,,:4n..',,,,,. Rock cunstru<;lll\Q C'lIlrarK:nshall be Illsp<::<'led rvrclo!l.lpng llfmer rod, River lUCk thaI has bee(1med"K~edwllh ~lmcnlsl\;lll be I\:mo..:o:I an<l rq>l~c.:d "nh fre"h n\C1' rock. .I) RI'l'nirsor "'l'lacCn><:1ll'l<'allen"ione"nrr"ldo.'",,,,,shall o.;curwnhjn~4h<......l"i cJ Thc slQnn waler haMn an.! 1~lllpUfary ""Jnn.;nl baslll.. shall b.: ~lcaned "h~1l sed'menl re;u;h"" ~,1ht: outlet', Ilcl!,-hl Of '" lile bH.,"", ><Iu"';,'" wlullIc_ 11"" biJ.,in shall 00 dn.,"~u and &CJimen! !'en\{l\e<! "",hm 72 hllun. f) TCOlp"r"ryJi\e""""hct1,,<,h.tllhcln,~~..,la,,.Ja,,>brc,.,hc'pr""'...t1y"1'",,,,,j ~) TI'lI<'kt:d M.-..JllTll"nt lln p;,,~d 111'<:'" fn>ll' eUIl"rnK""" \'d",'Ic, (",dl""in!: I"'\cd area" on Ihe eon<truclk"l ,ue) o;h~ll hc reroov.,J ....jl]un 24Ik'''''' of d,,,",""ny hI The bollum anu ~i<k ~1"fIC< ofth~ I'r"fk.>'<Cd <'om, ..."In h"sln <hall bo: 'lJu,hze<! ,,"'ilhin 200 feet ufllx: PlOj><'ft)' hnt: Of I"'lnt I,f d,..,harflc to 311~ tmf...... "atcr. S~,hllu_n.uon sluill be "Oml'!,;IC ,,"h'n ~4 houn 01 eonnn1.ml: EXISTING WETLAND ! ! i i i h ii I ,q I ___,hhl .,/ ,i~11 1{~/f:\! , f,i,:, IJ:W/ \ {II f' J' ::\ il,III',. \' "..I.il" ! jl~t ", O ,~r:-;",!i I l' ,.-,. ',""" , l"_-:,,"~Js~lii >'1 0 ,I "0\/';\\ i 1 'il ik "~I--'--'-"-I;~2:~:;;~:~~~;;,)~,i,/11~ (I .. , (/0)1", ' <3 :_..:~Ji Ii 11/ /",,1- , / )./0 Upon ilf'pru\lal of pcnmele' SIll {"encc. r\k:k e""<lTucli.," etllranCCS olher <::r~ll\n e"olTOI dc".'cs. eorllmCII"e Wllh thc folk>""ng eon>lruclion ocqueO("e' I Mni"\<lln e,'L,no!:. in-pl,",e lopwil stockpiles al llle nonh MIJC ofllle SI1<, an<l temp<,mt)' b.::tms alun",llUlcr ll<-'TUlleter of <11<: ~Irio;ally along Ih<: sourhv.eS!, south 8r.d Cas! quadronl$ of th~ ~Ile Maullaln the lem","ar) "...JilT1<.'nl ba,,1!S allh.: suull. and ea~1 Sl,k. of U", sue Rc"~"e ll:1l\1""ary ",...JJn-..:nl b,,,,n. ",11."11 ""ll~ln""\I01] ""Itll"" lli\l...rtrull"trffl'mthe~on_<;rruc{'Onille,;1SmucllaSp"""'lblc.I"lhelc"'P"tiU}' ""d"II<.'l1rros'n'\. ~lalOuno.' l""lcel 0......1) e"n,'lOClcd b",ldm~ p;.d C"nslrucC the Slmm Ih..in Nu., 1,2 a.'\lI:._ t",;c fh"sc basins 11. Ic1tl{>I'ral)' ..:J"n.:nt ba"rul dunt\~ cot\,lruclmD_ i'rol.'Cllhe lJ,"IOS fnom 'Ill and ...,.)",,,,nl ('lOldm""'I,,>n Hegm re.nu>"l uf l"r""il S1uc4"lo:<;lhd t>.:glll e,,,,avlllion' e"n:;lruet"", "f 3re"" Ol,r"oc o(P"<1'an:d bUllJlIl~ P',d mdudlll! parhntt~":md drive .....hgr.ldcs. balllic!J,. and other athlell'" Iih:dllle'i, and pt<"l"',alioo f'>r rela,"m! "'alJ", Ruugh grad., Silc_ [)(, nOl eon.ln....llhe ram !!<lrdcns unlll th~ slorm S<"v.l'T" (1ll\.V func'lk>llal anulhe dl'l'T,,,,,,h,..rm IS In pbee. S, COn.tnIc'lllM:,,;(ltIcrclelrud...a.<llInj<arca. Q, ConMruel orh"r Icml',uary emh bem!.> 10 dl\'cn .lonn wat"l nlllulllu lIlC pmf'''...:..! sturm ,,",wer ~)sl<..n. '<IU"" ....aler IJ1:ll,lmelll r.:u.1l$, or olller Icmpu""" "",Ii"","1 lxIsUl'.1IS ""luir....1 10 In~1<l11 Tcrr".,nUlg >,11 fenre anu ;cdlmcnllo'g' imm<'<11..lcl) full",,'n~ n,...~h gr..oe"'~lhll,hl1lef1l 11 C"'IMru~1 ,l"tlll """,cr .}<c.'IIl. PrOI",:1 Mru<'ture inlclS wirh 8l'prm-cd de, it,.,.. (h~) bJJ..... amullrl "",.llO/lS and "II f",oce lll"\c't ClI.<lIng., ",ll not be lOC'cp~ablc) 12 COll<lrucl"ar.'rma;nan<isanll."Y"".....,r.y;l,.m' lJ. C"nsllucln.1atmll>\lO-alls I~. C(ln~lru~1 lbe e{~lCn'le lruel "'1I,hjn~ ""-.,.. IS. CunslnKll'srlmg 1"1 allJ dnv... s(,bgmks. I h. (;rnde ball fid"-, a"d balan" "ire lea, In" 3lk"uale ..nd .....quITed a.....'uut Ofl"ps",l f"r 'I'''''''''~g IImun,1 (li,lure) ~rs<s .mJ lunu,..;apc areas ~nund lh( build",;?. I,. ('U1nl'ldecon.lr",.tionor",'nsllllngillll'W,'emenl,. 111 Stab,l;,.: .1,,1'<"" ilh seed aNI er<>SlOn blanke!. Sced I<nd c.~\hh~h the fine graded \<)I"\>tl aJ'Ca' ""nh llarWe ~'f8.,j,(,.";. l~. ('un<IT\Kl curb ~nd gutter. 2U. CUnSltl,Klpa,enlCnls.:ellun,;. 21, COllo;!l1lctlh"raillgan.len<. 2~. Esl"hh<hpbl\1sand\'Cgel311unill rD1Ut\ard.:ll 23. 11l_<la1l1"n,j_<<',\plngA"durh~li"'l'r",emenl,n0CcS"'"'Yrrillrlos<"Ming 24 l'tovid... fil~d Sill,,' ""..111lg m,d landsc~re resllllalinn WIth miOlmulIl e,,,htccIIlIld,,,, "rlllJXOtl an,l,...!. Pill' Ide 1Il1'['i:U Il1klSl~k..,j ",,j s. ""l"i,..<1 m criul'al srca, (,wcp ,In[>.:s, s"ale hollOm~,~I<') 25. l{en..".. lemp"mry d;,'c""nn bemlS oDI~ afkr rUm garden vcl:"l~ti<>n i. ""l~bhshcd and ","..h l<> "''<:''''e n..",. ImnlCdtSlcly resto,,, Ihe ""'" "fthcteml,,>rar:,. UiH'l';k,n berm 2b Stnhihl(slol'('uphiilfromlheinliltral,,,nhasinsan..!nilngurJcns","h..x<lan<J""l'lonblanh1 21, hm"cdiald~ lma~,,'>um one "'ccll prior 10 anl.Ctpaled tinal "l~ M"b,lll"l".>n (,e,-..Jm~. e"'''''''r trIIll. sulldmll." l'CtTlI"Ve le"'I"'lT~!)' scd"ocnl r.a,;ill\ and lelllpor.H} .1"c'",..'n berrrui 1 elOl,,>r"/') J",.:"".n ber"", anJ ",'lilfn<'II1 t>""lM shull nul be "'11"'''''.'11 until al1l"'rl..lng ar....as lLte eaPf'<'d ""lh CIa.....'i al!!:re!\.,l., hII..;c COUNe alld the all!,c'paled al'lu~l ;<::<-.JII1", sch"dule isnOmolelh~n"ne",,'Cka....ay 21\ I'm,ide tinJI Sla.hllll~hon "(,,t.: -' Pn,vi<iedc",alenn!lofexea,ar,un.,ssld<'IlI,rkutnSp..'C.S<<h"IlU2200. D"schal!:,',j....3k'tlhsll he rout.e.l tl\mugblempor.nysc<JinlCnIOa'"I"l"iorlodl<cb..rge fl .......lh...sll.. Slabilir.ed<"!llllk.-..Ja1'l'asandolO\:kplleswllhIUlh"follu....'lIlgrmrnherufdtr.},ofla"lmo.'tru<.'lIllOlIdivilyjnlhllturea 1. Slttpl:lrhan3:1-wilh'D1da;s 1O:llo):1.",ilhiIl14do,)s Flallcrlhan lQ:I-wUhin21do,)s Temr->rdl) :<<nl ~1,,)C};pllc~ .,h:\ll h<: Ircalcd ....IIh JI'I''''pnate elUsinn eontrol meaSUle.. ind\l.1Hl~ SIlt lence and lemporary "".,<1101'- whcn 'l,...:kpilc. Ote len IIlact" e fur peri,~l~ longer lhan 1\1J)'!I. rT<1~id<: ll1"im(~snce of alllen'por:lry scC\kd Jro.l' tllIIII f\llly eSI~bl"hed. Apply for Pennil Transfer! Modifieallon ","h ~PC,\. PcnOlllr.lnSr;"r Will "~nr in aboul May 2005 (confirm 'ldlh Cun.,lr1l\:110ll ~anllglT' AnUl'ipaledProj....'1.Schc-<.lule I Phase I s'l(rou~h grading (B\uldlllg Plld)(h}'lllhcrs) HlIlldmgpad gr<l<ling(t>}othcl);) I'bse 2 ~Il~ rough gr~dmg I n~h\l,"e "fS'le) (ll<'g;nl BuIld"'g con~lrUClion tf"OIll\g.I,bluck,cIC.I(he!(,n) SiICr<lltghl,'Tadil1gtcuml"cle) l'bbl\Ccofsllefinlshgrodmg s.:..d""~andFros,,,nConrrnIBlal\.cllnl<l-,'>nI) of <lie) t""lIlrlclc) B. BUlldingconslrw'"on c"mr(elc (forocc,'p....k.yl 9. So.-edmgand sod..!lng(enmrlete) n"c...n11>e, ~tJH6 Mllr"h~(~Jl \1,,~ ~u{)7 :\by2\!OI S'-l'tcmhcT?mH s..l'telOlx't~\)I~ lW1e2{~N June ~U09 \;--.\ ...~~'": \ 7F"- ."'-<'\ . .:"~~"'_.- ~"'_ '~<~ 0_)~:~;~\ "r::\' \ , 'i .\ \!..r: \\~, ;- \\ i \\\" II . ,~:\ \ \\ "":,,/ \:>'\:~\ ' \~0\\' 00"" \\... BLUFF CREEK PRIMARY ZONE /...~- o PROyt0E21l'.r -:--"NOORAOltrG"B!JfFER -'- //' / / r-UIlOlSTUR8EOI OlsrUfl8EO . VEG.ETATl()H It,' / /.'\ <?~' \\~~t "', 1 C5,Q CAT TRACKING SLOPES STEEPER THAN 6:1) \, \ ..-~:<~,:,-;,,-- LEGEND SIlt ~~"CE. tHSlAU. PRKllno GAADlNG Q V I'LTfEIICE''''STAl.LI_DlATRYRlLl~~ ~ :1IG.UiEHEAYT.ouTYMOI.MII'OOIDNlEASAS ~ o o o o o o o o 6B o REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAIL I.D_ NUMBER (TOP) SHEET NUMBER (l3arrOM) E.ROSION CONTROL DEVICE KEY SILT FENCE @ SEDIMENT LOG @ ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE @ ~ EROSION CONTROL BLANKET & SEED @ R(lCI\COIISTltUCrIONEHlRAItGE LD ~ Q;) RNIlQAflDEI<IIBIDfILTRATlOIIAAf.A (i). '@ &.E~~Tl.OG tl\ ~ EROllIOl\ltOIlT1lot.IlJ<IolIIErt2\ V .- WETLAND BUFFER CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY ~ o 50 100 ,; I' :j District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ .. Rru-e\>oo(nMiller~rcIl<l$ClSlr.c 2.4 flt'Sl ~~er>ueNorlt1 M"'T1eapOlrs_MI~"e.;oraS5401 p't612.H2-211Ofax-€12-684-8152 BMS...-mCorporalloo 65a5\'I'lI$t181hS\fool.SullelOll M,,,,,eapOlls M,tlf\eSOla55438 ph 9:.2-6.11-S4061,u_Il52-8Jt-l?fi8 ~(ln.JohnsonAssotial9s,"'" /l-.rTfI 7575GoIO&rlVi<lleyRoad.Sulle200 ~"M'nneaDOl<s.Mlf1nesola55427 ph:76J.~4.7129IaJ1_76J.544.Q5:l1 IJrn H,y~",,,_.,,PC P 0 80~ n'J7 Fargo NorIh DakOla 5810!l ph. 701.200..(l!J49 Ill~. 701.2lIO-9686 MECHA.NICAL 110 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER * Hn11bar9t:tIlII0<iIef10Q 1750CommtlfCAlCourt Whlte8""rLak9,MlIln~a5511O ph,651.748.1100 1i\l(:651.74lH.310 FOOO SERVICE CONSULTANT I J; .,~ t~ """" o.m",aHah,,&AsSOCl;Jl!!$ 311 FourthA.\l<>OflSo<JIrl Sartl.~I,M...mesOla56377 ph:!2().259.fi557 !a>< J20-529-8905 ~ S,~~"""" 123 Ttllrd Strflel llinrth Suile210 MIl'V"oINIPOlIS,J,lN 55401 '" ph 612-3J9-59;..!:l la~ 612.3.:)7-5097 'V K.emstoeo.Roo"hOIm&Associat.... 2444 I>ryll/'11 Aver.ve Sooll>,SuteJO:l J,l,nneapOlts,MN5S40S ph. 612.374-3800 fa~ 612.374.3133 IhertlbyeertIPylharlhlSplan.sp<lClficaIKltl,or tepO/'!wl!Sprep"rli(lbymeorl,ltld9tmydrrfJd $upll""sionandll1atlallllldolylice"slld PrOr&slllOl1atE"!IfT\I\<< un<!llt!l1Q lewsoflheSI8leorMItVlllSOla UANIU, l JOHNSON R"9No..!.U22..--Dalfl~ ffi C ""' , L:AL ,," 06085 1" = 50' 02-02-07 JRP DLJ EROSION CONTROL PLAN C5.0 NOTES .---- REFER TO SHEET C3.1, GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAl. NOTES. REFER TO SWPPP NARRATIVE (SECTION 02270) fOR CONSTRUCTION SeQUENCING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. G:\j ~ LEGEND ~ REFERENCE KEY TO sITe OETAIlS ~ ~~~~~L ~eM~~~~~~4~~~) c:J HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT @~ c::::=J MEDIUM DUTY PAVEMENT ~ c=J LIGHT DUTY PAVEMENT @ c=J TRACK AND FIELD PAVEMENT @ r---l AGUME INFIELD (10\ L--J t21:\~ c::::J CONCRE:e W~K ~ SJGN~ @ ~~~~;~~~~~EIGHT c::::=J CONCRETE PAVERS -- ~ o 2~ 50 ~I gl .... ~I I I l .. W Z ::; J: U .... ~.~ EXISTING WETLAND STORM BASIN :s IltEF'f~ToSt<EnC6' F~ENl..ARGEDPl.AZA PL.AN~, MOIT~" DIMENSIONS 4'HlG+lfENct; AlloP(JfWAU. \. r;B\ ~\ \ -~,.1 PROPOSED HIGH SCHOOL (REFER TO ARCH SHEETS) FFE. 9M1.0 (UPPER LEVEL) FFE" 930.5 (LOWER LEVEL) FINISH SUBGRADE. 10 INCHES BELOW FINISH FLOOR ELEV;\TION (FFE) -TYP. , I ! I --.r- ---- ------- - ----, r----------, r-----' PROPOSED HIGH SCHOOL I -----, r----------.J L.J (REFER TO ARCH SHEETS) 'I I L____, I L_____..J I I I I I I ~ I I I - - - - _I I L ..tlIGHfEN<:l" ---AT10~~WAU. . :~l \ i I , i ! ,~~l:~_=__ HE . 950.0 (UPPER LEVEl) FFE. 930.$ (LOWER LEVEl) FINISH SUBGRADE _10 INCHES BELOW FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION (FFE). TYP. ;-',..,r' '''1 ;~ :1 ; '-) ". ~ y..."...._,.......~,... '......, ~r<,.0 (} MATCH LINE #1 .---. A1TO~o.-WAl.L : )-...,.... 1"" -;----~ U (fl, -----~- MATCH LINE #2 PROPOSED HIGH,SCFiOOr. -... (REfER TO ARCH SHEETS) , --' \ .'tlIG.tlfENCE r.-.u:':Al'lOPOf'W"'U. ! i i ! , i -- CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY (:J ',,' ; -- ....-.--, District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ . Ro<:aboomMHle<Archilectslnc ]44 frrs.lAvenue Norlh M,nn(lap<)i'S,M".,nesola5S401 ph; 612-332-2110 lu;612.6M.8152 A.Jl& ' AMerSOf1.JohnsOrlAssocia1-.s,1r>c 1575 GOJdflfl Valley Road,Su<rn200 t.linn....poI's. M".,nesola 55421 ph 763-,544-7129 lu:16J-544-.05J1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TIm HeyerF:nqln~, PC PO Bo~ 73<fl fill\jQ. Nor1hDal<ola S8109 ph;701-280-0949fax:701.Z80--%8(i MfCHAN1CAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER *l-lallbolrgfnYlI-._nng 175QCommerooC<J\1ff Wrul"BearLakv.M'flnesOla5511O ph 651.748-1100 lax: 651.7~8.9370 Denn"H<lhn& Associilles 'Jl1 fOUdh Avenue SooU'l Sade.fIM,""e$OlaS6J77 ph. 320-258.fi557 fall 3:>0-529--il!O(;5 THFATERCONSULTANT ~ S'""'~""" 123 Th..-dSI,ool Nor1h. SoilQ210 MI~nea~,g MN 55401 1lI',612-339:5958 fax 612-)37.5097 v Kve"'stoon, Ronnholm & AsSOClaltlS 2444 B'Y'lIl1 Avenoe Sot.Jlh,SuIIG300 MlI1ntlapolis,MN~ pn.ij1:>.374.3800 16Jl:61:>-374.3133 IM(..tlycerhfylhatth,sJlktn,spec~jC<lt""."or r"porIWlIsprepa,edbymeorundermyoirecl sUpllrvlsion and t"al I ama duly licansed P,ulQs"ionalEnginflfl<' vnde-rlhe IllWft oflhe Slillll of MUlnflsota OANII:;L L JUHNSON ReijNo.~Ollt(l~ ffi 06085 1. = 50' 02-02--07 JRP DLJ SITE FINISHING PLAN C6.1 0," i! ;--~!, - e-+_ -, I I I ___I I L , ;;~ COPfCREnST~" IRHUTO,o.RCH,- MATCHLlNE #1 L:1U ,r~ MATCHLlNE #2 PROPOSED HIGH,SCHOOL .,,,,, IREfER TO A.RCH SAEETS} I ! '......-1 .@ NOTES REFER TO SHEET C3.1, GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. REFER TO SWPPP NARRATIVE (SECTION 312500) FOR CONSTRUCTION SEOUENCING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. -- ~ o 25 50 >~ :IN .. .. WIW z z ~ :J J: J: U u ....1.... < < ::;; ::;; ~\- ,-" <) ~ - -. ' " '12.~ LEGEND @ REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAlLS C9 1 DEl AIL 1.0. HUMBER (TOP) SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) c=J HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT Li:J ~~ C:=J MEDIUM OUTY PAVEMENT ~ c:J LIGHT DUTY PAVEMENT W \@7@ c=J TRACK AND FIELD PAVEMENT ~ r-----l AGLlME INFIELD Lm ~ @1!2'37 ~ CONCRETE WALK 21 "--'-".l ~'" , SlGN~ L!D. FENCING KEY. TOP-ttEIGHT ~ BOTTOM-WIOTHfTYPE c::::::J CONCRETE PAVERS CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ .. Ro.zobGw:>mt.1,HermMEl<:tslr>c 244 ~il1Il A.en.... NoM Monneapoh,l.lomesola55401 pI1612.J.32.2110fa,;61H'>64-8j52 CONSTRUCT10~ MANAGEMENT BussardtCo<paraoon 8s.85VVMI7ell\Slr8<lI.S..",,100 ",,(V'It'~poI's,t.!"'Msotas..<.4J8 ph 952-.llJ1-5408r",95J-llJ'.1;>W CIVil ENGINEER J LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT "Merson_JoMSon AMoc>atos. Ioc ~_ ~S;~~~~~=~s;;'1l200 ph76J.544.7\~ ra~:163-544-05J1 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER IJiE H",~,,,,,,_,ec P.O 80'7397 fargo,No<v>O.,<>Ia5B109 pt1,101.2~91a>10'-200-9ll86 MECHANICAL & ElECTRICAL ENGINEER *liiOllt>&rQ'I'''9LI''Iollef'''(l 1750Coml11OlrcoCNrt Wtllteeeaflal<e,MiN>esolas.511Q ph 651.74B-l100 raJ 651.148--937Q D6I'nlSHal\n& Ass<>cIal.. 311 FQ\Jr\hA.eno..'fISoulh Sar1ell,M,nl'(tsola56.377 ph:no-2S9-65571a.32o-S:>9-890S THEATERCaNSULTANT ~s."""'''''''' 123 Third SlrOl<E!t J\Iortl\. Su~e 710 Mlr'lna~pol's.""N 55401 ph,612.J39.S95Blll,,612,JJ7'5091 SOUND & ...causTlcs CONSULTANT v ;;:;';~i::;:ms:.,~=~ Minn8ilpollS,MNS54OS ph: 612.J74.J8OQ fa" 812.J74.J1JJ Iherooycer\i1ylhallhrspl<!n,apeuIIc8llOf1,or raDQrtwos prer,}(ll<l by !TIll or unl1.... my llir(!ct sUpo<VlSlQnondll'ollamadulvlocoln&e<:l ProfI:'S~IOrlIlIEnll'''''''' unClerlhe l<<wsofu..eSlat..DlM...........,... O....NIEL l. JOH/I,SLlN Reg,No.!!?lL- DII""~ REVISIONS ffi 06085 1-- 50' 02-02-07 JRP DLJ SITE FINISHING PLAN C6.2 '~"--'"-"'--- j-- -- -~~~I -..-- y-- ,~- "'I ~ 'It 'It W w zl Z ..J ..J :x: :x: u u .... .... , ~p-- ;.J ", ___~'':'_n_ - - .',:-.,~~;:i):-:--: :-':::::.. .'~-_C-;.,.;~ ''!'_ EXISTING WETLAND G\ :-~ , , EXISTING WETlAND ---- ,/ ,>'-\. ,,.~"n""NINGWAU~ ..ET......OOCWAl.l ~ 'i I , -;'\ >:@;@ ! oC"l-fIG+IffNCE I Lill, - .. . .. - ro,-.... ~ " -AT...,.-~ ;,092 _/'~ ' m"'.""G'~_ if:" ~ \ ";.~ ' .. C92 r@../' , ~~ ;-f-- f-@II t' PROf [ I I I 6D ~\ -- i i i i J-- I I' I , I@/ I ' i ~o NOTES C31 GRAOINGPt.AN,FOR REFER TO SHEET ., 1. GENERAL NOTES. REFER TO SWPPP NA=~~~dl~~C:'~ :~~i.hN ~~~;~;LS~~~~~~~~ENTS. , \ , , \, \r.,..", 'I \ ~!~\ \\ ' \ f\ ~:,";;;:~";:" \ ...;.\~, .~fi<,',,~., \--\ ': I\~ ~~- \J . \\''\ i~-" " '\ I ,-.",,",....L~ { f . P i L::;-::;~";T .. I ....GIlR'I<% -....'TO"W.:- . -I ~,.=:~-:, ~ ~ I -~-I~ LEGEND SlTEOET.AILS W RE~~~~~CI~D~~~~ER (TOP) ~ SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) C.=J HEAVY DUTY PAVEMENT @L:U c:::J MEDIUM DUTY PAVEMENT ~ c=::J LIGHT DUTY PAVEMENT @ t11'\ ,--, TRACK AND FIELD PAVEMENT \@7 ~ " r---l AGLlME INFIELD C9 2 ~ " c::::J CONCRETE WALK C9 1 ~ ~ SlGN~ FENCING KEY- TOP-HEIGHT @ SOTTOM"'WIOTMYPE c:::J CONCRETE PAVERS ", '., '- \ -1 @/ - I 'I I' I' : J District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ .. ~~:~:::=~=7 ~~~~~:~~':~612.664-8152 CIV,L ENGINEER I LANDSCAPE ~R:::a~:. n; ~~O~-:IeVR""~Sl~te200 A4!.Ai.~ ~~~::i,~ne,:a76:>-544-0531 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER HeyorEnllll'l'*''''''i;J.PC ~~9:O~~;~~~or~;a;~'280-%S6 p/1701.2Sv- TIm MECHANICAL & ElECTRICAL ENGINEER ~~~~~esola5S110 ~~I~~~:~~~~ 18>(: 651-748-9370 - FOOD SERVICE CONSULTANT I ~~~~.~~es:;f ~:ri~IO_~~~~~ fa...: 320-529--e90S THEATER CONSULTANT ~ ~;U;;~I:;;~~~1&nle2'O r"~ ~~~~~~~:595e fa,,-612-337-5097 SOUND & ACOUSTICS CONSULTANT KVe01SI0&0. ROl'nholrn~~~ ~~~~e~=~. ~~~~~~612:J74-3m ph-612.J74-JOVOJ v I ~n'flt,y certIfy thallt~s:",:,..s=~o;;~~ =...~:~~:a;:l~aduly~lte :,~e~~~t~7;;;:ontSOta. <7?~:NI~L L J~:I~N;~~;>'07 R"Il No.o.-- KEyPl....N REVISIONS 06085 1- - 50' 02-02-07 JRP DLJ SITE FINISHING PLAN C6.3 \\' / \, \, '\_{7"\", 7 RUAININGWAU.-i .\'~ '\,- ~ '\ \\ <\ \~ ,\ \ ,;\ "-- ~<:'\ '\ <>-~~\> r'RHolININGWAl..I. ~ : ~ , " IlI"TAlNINO "WAll I' {.\/ '_~I \m \.\2Y " f26"I '07 I i :TH~~~;"AlL -i- , ~ ~ 1 11 SOCCER 2 wi ~ ,\ -1~ I '-,- I ' I \! i RVAlNIHG .~, @ V i ! " '~ - ~-_........~ i; ~ ii' SOCCER 1 LEGEND NOTES t1\ REFERENCE KEY TO SITE:: DETAILS ~ ~~~~~ ~~M~~~~:gg;'J C3 HEAVY OUTY PAVEMENT @W c=.=J MEDIUM DUTY PAVEMENT ~ c::J LIGHT DUTY PAVEMENT @ c=.J TRACKAHOFIELOPItVEMENT @ c:::J AGUME INFIELD ~ (2,\~ E2TIJ CONCRETE WALK ~ ~ SIGN ~ @ ~~~~~!::~.~~~~p~EIGHT c::J CONCRETE PAVERS REFER TO SHEET C3.1, GRADING PLAN, FOR GENERAL NOTES. REFER TO SWPPP NARRATIVE (SECTION 31 25001 FOR CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. -- ~ o 25 50 I I I I I l- I I h WIW z z ~ ::;j :>: :>: o 0 ~I~ :;; :;; CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ARCHITECT II Rozeboom "'Wier An:MoclS kIc 244 Forst Avenue NOI1h "'irmeapoh~. '-4"...._0111 5!>4tl1 ph 612-332-2110 fa~ 612-664-8152 BossardtCorpora1k>'1 8585 Wesl 78th Slrool,Suilfl lOQ M'"fleapohs, Mif\Il(>'<Ola5S4:l9 p/l9S2-631-5408 10. 9f,;>-831.1266 Ano....son_Jo/'ln$Ol1Ass{>C\...'les,h'>c: L\~IT ....\ 7575001,-, Valley ROiOd. Sule 200 ~--"'''b"neapol,s,M'''r>esolaS5421 ""763-544--71291....763-544-0531 1]] "....'"gm~"'" eo P.O. Box 7397 f...-go,NorthOa~ot.J58109 ph:701_2IJO_0949fnw,701.ZIlG-961l6 MECHANICAL & ElECTRICAL ENGINEER fJHallber9En9jrn:oenrog 1750 Commerce Court WMe Boor Lake, M.nnesda 55111J ph 651_748_' 100 lax 651-7~8--937U FOOD SERVICE CONSULT....NT DenniS Hahn & Assor.i~tes 311 f-oorth Averwe South SlIrt",II,Minnesola[>6377 pi! 32(l..259-6557 la.' 320.529.tl905 THEATER CONSULTANT ~ &,huIerShook 123 Tf]jrdSlrooINor1h.SUiI'l710 MonneapOlis.MN 55401 ph:612-339-595Sl;J.617.331.5JQ1 SOUND' ACOUS1tCS CONSULTANT v Kvel"nsloen. Roronl'>olrn&AasoclaI8S ?.. Bryanl Avenue SouIt1. SuteJOO "'fIln&apo/i$,MN55405 ph: 617-374-3800 fax: 61Z.374.3113 lheratlycertrfylhal t/1isplan, 8peC1rot:ahOl'1,Ot 'eporlwal pr9pwedby me ocunclor my dlred 8uperv;sionaMt/1afI am a duly Iicerrsed ProlesSIOIlalfngineer vnder~ Iawt oflhe Stale of MinnesOla DANiEL L. JOHNSON Reg.N(l~Dale~ ffi 06085 1-: 50' Q2-o2-Cl7 JRP DLJ SITE FINISHING PLAN C6.4 PLANTING, SEEDING AND SODDING NOTES: LEGEND 1. lANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST INSPECT AND APPROVE fiNISH GRADING BEfORE CONTRACTOR PROCEEDS WITH SEEDING OR $COOING ~ REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS ~ ~~~~ ~eM~~~~~fr::1 2. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SEEDED OR SOOOfO. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. BEGIN TURF ESTABLISHMENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND SODDING, REFER TO SPECIFlCATION FOR: PROCEDURE. (j rn o CONlfEROIJSTREE ~ . DECIDUOUS TREE @ , , 4. AlL TREES TO BE BAllED AND aURlAPPEO. --. \ \, 5. All TREES AND SHRUBS SHAlL RECEIVE 4- DEPTH OF CLEAN SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH. I. ALL SHRUB BEDS SHALL BE EOGEDW1TH A POlY-EOGER STAKED AT S' a.c. MAX. SHRUB BEDS TO RECEIVE 3" DEPTH OF ROCK MULCH OVER 4 MIL WEEO BARRIER. .- ---.- -'- ~--'.-- --- .- '" 7. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE NO.1 QUALITY. NURSERY GROWN AND SPEClMENS MUST BE MATCHED. AU OVERSTORY TREES ADJACENT TO DRIVE AND IN PARKING LOT SHOULD BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6'. a. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT .8 HOURS PRIOR TO PLANTING RELOCATED TREES FOR FIELD LOCATION BV LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. t. AlL SLOPES OF .:1 OR GREATER SHAlL RECEIVE FIBER Sl..ANKET. REFER TO SHEETS C3.1. C3.2 AND C3.3 FOR DEFINED GRADING WillITS ~ o 25 50 - 10. S..d Mix '1 CAlhlllHc Fhlld Anlas): e The Cantr.dor 'hall prvvidll two (21 Kentucky Sluegra.. varieties (25"10 each for. total of 50% of the mix) from UM following Choice.: N_ Blue, Ab5Ol..w, Rugby II, Adelphl, parlKlo. Midnight, Brilliant, Moonlight, erHl North,tar. b TM Cootractor .ha.ll prO'o'Id. two 12l Pe..nnia! Ryeg.....s ....n.Ues (25% each lor. total of 50% of the mlxl from the following chole": Manhatten II, Omega II, Brightslar II, Catalina, Charger II. .nd Manhlrttan 3. 11. Natr..a GraUl Pntlrie Seed Mix Ar.as: S/\all be I/INIOOT Seed Mix'1SB (M..le rallgraas Prairi.j. 12. Inf;rtf,UIOn and Rl:\ill G.rdll!ll Areas: .. Th4 Ccmtrac10r "hall provide the following seed mix.. noted below: Big Blue.t..m 34% Canada Wild Ri~ 1(1"'" Switchgr.... 10'4 Indian GraM 6% Llttl.Blue.tem 15% Cordgrass 10% M..do.... BI;nln9 Star Canada TIck-t~foll 3% Common Ox..-y. 3% Wild Bergamot 3% Smooth ....t.r 3% 13. Wetland Seed Mix: MnlDOT Seed Mix 258. Pureha5ll from e t1tputable 9atet In unbroken, orlglnel contflln..., tagged and labeled to U.S. Agriculture Department. Application rllt. Shall 1M 30Jlbs per ac.... e. Acceptable Selld Soure8$: Ail seed s/\all be supplied by one or mor1I of the lallowing vendo..; P,airleResloratioos,In<:. P.O.80x327 Princeton, MN 55371 6121389~.(2 ~I gl .... - ~I I I J Applied EcologIcal Solutions 21938 MuahtoownRoad Pr;orLake,MN55372 9521....7-1919phone____ 9521....7.1920f... I j I I J - EXISTING WETLAND ; W Z ::; ::J: U ..... .~-- .,~ SEEOIiII - ~'-.'-:-H.lISI <D(!)(?>,-- - . .. ~'''~I. 00 ' I.::,~.~. .=:..~.::'::,'.::.' O~' ,(o.u.,,, Pi 000000 'b 0"'/.-".~ 00 /' '" rJ--8NIS) -I ""N'G'~' ~"'_' _._ .. ,. __O~.~~. ' Od i~,'.., \ ,~.,,""w, _~ I -=~'~-mz-- ..~ 0,\ .V~ ~:'h,'. !.",!",.i.y..,~ :. ~~ . _. L . u w~ : @:'h ORO..oFF! ,,::~;~s'13 1.eG ~.,. o.f~.-----:-~-." -J-FB ~ UoP-\ ~ ':>\-. .,_~ .~_-__~ I ,-'.01 PROPOSED HIGH SCHOOL : ~ n~j ~.Jtri ~ .' ~[l O' '-'0 l ~ rlr' ~O- 0 OJ -, IREFER TO ARCH SHEETS) ~~' 'j 11 II r--l SOD ' t f I~ SOlI '::~.p~.l[r.~~;~il 98-Q, ____., r----------S----------' r----' PROPOSED HIGH SCHOOL; 1,1_::."1 L~==='::J u 'REFER TOAReH SHEETS' !.]'111'::~ I // ,- 800 _- . Ol:CJt....nvElIlIOlNGo...n.-..',_.' :_,' ,f : --'f".. ,L ~ CONCRETE8TEP8 ~ '-""~.T_:-_-.L;-_D' I (REFER10NlCHI--. i) : -); - - -L _. T:Ir"-.......-j I:~' ~ - tj "";::.:..'~~7('j'~",'-N " U -I.",r c,..,",~_,.. MA TCHLlNE #1 _:rtEt- _-=- - aon,tJIl'!~~~.I.t!7.~_.__.. ..~_ o ~ District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ARCHITECT . Rozeboom MII~ ,'.crUMCts Inc 244 FilslAvenveNortll ""nneapohs.MIIlnesOIIl55401 pI1.612-3J2.2'10fa>:'6'2.664.fll~ CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT l>oss<"'1(C~"'" 6585W..sl7l:IlnSlr""l.Surt<tl00 Minneapoh.., Minn"00l.155438 "".95~.H31.54oa lu95]-6.Jl.1;>1'.ll CIV:L ENGINEER I LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Andefson.JOOIl!lOrlA'<WC<81e6.1nc A\'-f7...< 7S75Go1aenV*yR08'l,Su"e200 ~PMlnnaapohs.t.I.......!r048S.",427 ph 163.54~.7129 !,..-763-544.0531 STRUCTURALENGlNEER IXE Heye< Fn'l......".,..-,g. PC PO Bo.7J97 F...-go.NonIlOl'lk""a58109 ph: 701.2&1-0')./09 l>l~ 701.2BO.96t!6 MECHANICAL" ELECTRICAL ENGINEER *H<lBbt>r9EnQ,1'fMlrlI'9 175<l CommalC8 Cou<l WhitaBearLake,M,nn~a55110 pI'"651-74B.l100I,,.651.74B.9J70 0""",.. Hall~" Associules 31 ~ Fourth AvOOue Soulll Sllrtell,M<flf1esnla56377 ptl:320--259-6557tu,32o-5:l9-89llS ~ Sch"~_ 11:; lh.d Slrwl Nonll. Su,le 21Q M,nf'ellpOl's,MN 5540\ '" pl'6'2.3J9-59~ 1...612.331.5097 SOUNO&ACOU5I!f~ 'I K"erT'sloen.Roonholm&~ 7444 llryanlAyO,nve Soulh.Su!\e300 ""nf'eapOl'$,MN5540S ph: 617-374-3800 lu 612.J74-J133 Ih~ellyc"",lythatrh'Splal1_ spe<:rlic.~Iko1,OI rl>DOl1wlIsprapa'edbym&Olu.-.c:",mydi'lICl 8uP'lrv'sional1dtl1i111ama~llylK:fln..oo ProfS'SS"Jl1aIFng;fl!>e( unol.lflM 'a~oI1I19Stat&ofM...nesoIil. DANIELL .JOHNSON Ril9No.~ D"Is~ Rf:VISIONS ffi 06085 1" = 50' 02-o2..{)7 JRP DLJ LANDSCAPING PLAN C7.1 !I' .\<\ "'~) "'-F,,'; NATlVf.OR~S1 ,I' ~.I :~::P=. ~_,:~,',_--. ~~_~~__~,,/, 1\ '<_,/: A'/" n"- . ~D~ k-fl t-_ ~:~~~J~ "+~"~'"G~n~(l" ,Lj, .,.,.00 r,.... ~ t.,~__. I ~~:~E~~~~~ .,J1 ~..',. : '1 ___1_- . I ;1. ~ :1Jj{' -HP y 'F1 _ - -- ',- ~ <'0{1 -r-I. . ,II :'~ - SOD -. .--4-GTj~l -. SOD - '_ _tl soo '\\~'?~0..,E~7,~~Q-.~ ..'\_____~~.'. . ' . ~, , . _ . , ~.-.. r' . " . : .:.:--' ~ , . /' -.~ "4-' . \'~c{j.@ ~ '\ SOUTHWEST PARKING LOT (""TALLo'" (j3j ell" : '..., I;::; ,-.'" ""'-"-'''''v L MATCHLlNE #1 ---- I *00 I I I-'~ :. :t,,1 O~~~c=;~-,;;g~~~ L'~~_ r@~ ' I I I of,'} MATCH LINE #2 PROPOSED HIGH. SCHOO( (REFER TO ARCH S';'EETSI c r'" f!) c'" @ @, NORTHWEST PA.RKl6l0T (324 STALLS) ,...@" ~ rfj'~ ,.~@~--o- ~@.- r1"'''''' ,/.--,..... ;-.,. ,J< fUTURE '-MONUMENT .~ W1W z z :J :J :I: :I: t.) t.) t-It- <{ <( ::< ::< PLANT SCHEDULE SYMOOL COMMON NAME CA.NOPYTREES AF m - " '" A~~ eA 81.1---- " " F?~-- GS GT " A. TC 21 2.1JZ"ca! BSB 23 2.1i7clO B&B 13 m2"'Ca! 6a.!) ~s-- J iii-c~1 -BS.S- . 2-1;7'cal 8&13 ~. I 2';~2~a~al ~:: 24 2-11;.>"eal BAS 13 ;i"'~al- -1388 16 2-1lical siB 29 J"eal BSS 8 2.II2'"eal B/l.B S 3"cal SSS 13 2-112'eal B&S siENNA -GLtN MAPLE .!"ee.- x ,jman;, 'Sle!>M COLU~NAR NOR1fIi","t MAPLE ACe.- p!alar>cMde!! 'C~vn-1nare Al.frLIMN RAO";;i<E R<:D M-'\PLE Aeer nJl;\(Uf"Fl 'Autumn Rad'ar\I;e' F-ALLFif:Sf';SUGAR-M'APlC-~ -- Ac:ef$occharum'EalISla' - BLACK- AS"i1 -- fraxtnvs nigra RI\iERe~CH Betulan'9ra NORTHERN BlAZE ASH f'raxlOus flmenCarla 'JelIno( AunJMN BLAZE ASH fra..;nus amenCar1a 'Autumn Blale" MARSHAlI:'"S-SEE6LESSGRE'ENASii------ Fra;.;m;:;~i>an--.caM,y;Mill'sSeeQie~ Al!TljMr--i dOLO GINKGO GmkQO blklba 'Autumn Gold' SUNBURST HONEYlOCUST Gfedlls,a Inacanlhos WI' -.nem1'S'SuncOH! QUA"'ING ....SPEN Populus Iremvlo;des WHITE 0"'''' Quercus aiM GRE:::NSPIRE_lINDEN Tihe co<dma 'G1~!Ip'rll OTY , 6""-12" , 6".12" " 8"-16" 6 8".1? " 6"-18' .. 5".12" " 5".12" 4 8"-18" " 8"_18" DECloOOuS SHRUBS BG CHICAGOLAND GRIEN'eoxv"OvD Butu!! 'Glencoe t::A-- AU.EMAI'(SCOMPACTD6GWOOD---~- cooiu$aiha"'Ailemarl'$Co;:'-ipacr~ (;R i-iuRoi'';-OQGwOOO Camus racemOS!l: 'HUIZ8m' CS BllO'S YELLOW DOGWOOD Camus S"'-lCea '8ud's Yellow' lOA FiRE BALL EUONYMllS euooymus &iiirtus 'Select' RA ALPINE CURRAN! R,bes elpmum S8 ANTHONY WATERER SPIR-EA Spianoa x bumalda 'Anlhooy Waler"'" va BLUE MLlFF-IN VIB~N'U;.l V;bUrnum di!m9lum 'Slue MuIl;n' VD NORTHERN BURGUNDY VI8URNUM V'bumum derrt9lum 'Morton' VP BlACI<.HA.W VIBURNUM Viburnum prumlOh""" Fra.''''''S'''9la 8etu.a'"grll: GymnOclftdU!<jio'Cli5 Pop.,lus'l,e"mu!oKle, QUffl-C-US-lIlb;. 29 lB" 2e--~" 8 24' 9 24- B 24" 12 2"- 14 lB' 20 24' 2B U' 1) 2" B&B -8&8- B&8 8&8 8&8 B8.'E'I B&B B&S S&B S&B LarTilatc"la P"keagla<ICacktr1Silla C~'nU'$CM':)Iin'ana Os'-aw',n,ana CONIF-EROUS'SHRUBS IS ANnORRA (;OMPACT JU""PER Jun,08<US honZor11ahs 'Plumos"CO<T1pa(:~a' " ~:);C' \,' ".r"" , , r'i--~ >;; f >)1 , - - - - _,__:.1_ ~:'-'~:r:if.;-'.- ~.- -. -. ~<-- \::)::f' :,~ L ., (' ~..f LEGEND PLANTING, SEEDING AND SODDING NOTES: @ REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS DETAllI.D. NUMBER lTOPI SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) 1. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST INSPECT AND APPROVE fiNISH GRADING BEfORE CONTRACTOR PROCEEDS WITH SEEDING OR SODDING. @ o Chi G\ CONIfEROUS TREE ~ DECIDUOUS TREE @ 2. All DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SEEDED OR SODDED. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 3. BEGIN TURF ESTASUSHMENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER SE:EDINGAND SODDlNQ, REfER TO SPECIFICATION FOR PROCEDURE. 4. ALL TREES TO SE BALLED AND SURLAPPED. o UNDERSTORY TREE 5. All TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL RECEIVE 4~ DEPTH Of CLEAN SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, o. DECIDUOUS/CONifEROUS SHRUB 6. All SHRUB BEDS SHAlL BE EDGED WITH A POLY-EDGER STAKED AT S'O.C. ltAX. SHRUB SEDS TO RECEIVE 3~ DEPTH OF ROCK MULCH OVER 4 MIL WEED BARRIER. 1, ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE NO.1 QUALITY, NURSERY GROWN AND SPECIMENS MUST BE MATCHED. AU. OVERSTORY TREES ADJACENT TO DRIVE AND IN PARKING LOT SHOULD BEGIN BRANCHING NO lOWER THAN 6', . 1-40 SPRINKlER HEAD o l~ ADJUSTABLE SPRINKLER HEAD 1-20 SPRINKLER HEAD 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAJ'E ARCHITECT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PLANTING RELOCATED TREES FOR FIELD LOCATION BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, PERIMETER BUFFERING REQUIREMENTS t. AlL SLOPES Of 4:1 OR GREATER SHALL RECEIVE fiBER BLANKET, REFER TO SHEETS C3,l. C3.2 AND C3.:S FOR DEFINED GRADING UMrTS, BUFFERY ARD A REQUIRED PLANT UNITS PER 100' 10, Seed Mi. .1 IAthIetlefield ArlIas): . The ConlrlK:tor &h,lt Pf'O'fIde two (2) K.ntucky Bluegill" ....lietIes (2S'4 uch for. total 01 50% of the mix) from In. folfowlng choices: N_ Blue, AbB-Ol\lle, Rugtty U, -"hIpi'll. Pilrade. MidnlghL Brilliant, MoonlighL and North.tar, b, The Contractor .hall pr~ two 12) P1rlllnni..r RyegraM V.n.liN (25"4 INCh tor. total of &0% of tt>II mUll from the following cl'tof<;e5; "II1Mtten II, Omol9a II, &rillhtstlr II, C.....rl"'. C.....rg...II..ndManhatlanJ. CANOP,( TREES UNDERSTORY TREE I EVERGREEN TREE 16 FT INSTALL HEIGHT) 11. Nil!.iv. Grassi PllIirie See-d Mix Areas; 8M" be MNJDOT Seed MI. .158 {Me"e: T'lIl1ru. Pralrlel. BUFFERY ARD B REQUIRED PLANT UNITS PER 100' 12 Intiltr.Uon and RaIn G.rden Ar_: The ContrlC1or .hlll prv'I'iu. the foflowiog seed miA II IK>ted below: Bill Bluealem 34% C.nadaWlldRlee 10% S..-Itchgru, 10"'- Indl..nGras, 6% Utll. Blve51enl 15% Cordg..... ~O% ""do. BllZlng StI\' 3% C.nad.Tlck-treloil Common O.-.ye 3% Wild Bergamot J% Smooth A$ter 3.~ CANOPY TREES ( , ',.--/ UNDERSTORY TREE I EVERGREEN TREE (6 fT INS!AlL HEIGHT) SHRlIBS INTERIOR BUFFERING REQUIREMENTS 13. W.tl;md Seed Mhl: MnlDOT Seed Mix 258, Purch.se lrom 'l'llpulabl. as,l., In unbroken, original eonlainelll, tagged.nd labekld to U.S. Agriculture O.partment. Appllcallon rale,llallbs301IbaperlC1p. ., Acc;eplable Se.d SOIJrclS: All seed shllll be supplied by one or more of th. following ....ndonl: TOTAL VEHICUlAR USE AREA: REQUIRED LANDSCAPE ISlAND AREA; Pr.lrIeR'ltoretions,lnc, P.O,80ll327 Prine:llon, MN 5SJ11 6121J89-4342 SUPPLIED LANDSCAPE ISLAND AREA: S73DOSf REQUIRED INTERIOR LANDSCAPING TREES: 156 TREES AwliedEcologicalSolutlo,. 219J8 Mushtown Road Prior Lake. MN 55J12 tS2I441"1919 phone 9521"7-1920fu. SUPPLIED INTEROR LA"'DSCAPINO TREES: 156 TREES .. ~ o 25 50 CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY .}"';..,.,:'.,"'...,.,",.,' _: '<?'-"-''- /-.'. .><:, ;'..,'-. ':''-:>' , 00 ~. District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ . ROlelloom Mille! ArmlOCls Inc 2ddFifsIAvell\,eNorth M,"neal1ohs.M'''nes0t3~\ ph:612-33l.2110/ax:611"664-8152 Bolosardl Corpo'a~on \I5l15W<>s178thSlr"'I.Surte100 M"\na3~1,~, M~'rto'ls<)ta 5~38 ph:\l:>2.ij31.S408 lax 852-831-1268 AfI<j~oo.JohnsonAs.;OCIa'es,1r1c ,(\ ,'r.('\ 7575GojdenVallllyflOlld.Surte200 ~.~ Mm<1espohs. Mi<1~$oIa55421 ph;763-544-1129f.....'76J..S44-D5Jl STRUCTURAL ENGINEER 1]] Hay...-Enq,nll"""g,PC P080.7J97 hr\/<"Nor1hOakol85Bl09 ph:701.280.0IJ.49fax101.260-96ll6 MECHANICAL ISo ELECTRICAL ENGINEER *HDllll<>rllE"9INl<l<'''ll 1750 Commerce Court Whl..B.....-lak...M'nr>esola55110 ph 651"748-1100 :iU_ 6S1-7~8.S370 J u ~,;" L"" ..... Qomn,s HaM 1SoA$scw;.atM JliFolJl1hA"8f'U6Sno.I\tl Sarteli,M,"nesclil563T7 p~ JXl';'59-6557 fflX 320-529-t!905 ~ """~"""" 123 Th,,<1 SI,Ae(North. Surte 210 M'''''lIapol'5,MN 55401 '" ph 812.3J9-59S81ax612-337.5097 SOUND & ACOUSTICS CONSULTANT '\I KII9'n5loen,Ror1nholm&Assoc~OS 2444 Brya<11 Avenua Soult1. SU'le 300 Minne.')polis,MNSS405 ptrt;12.314"3/iOO hlO 61l.37"-313J I her&bY<::llrllfy lhal lhlll p!all. speufocabon, or Olport wa~ preparad oy me or uodW my <llfllCt Sl!P<.l""s;onilndu-.ajlema""'Iy~$6d Proial"O<1AIEnr,;i<Ieer Vmlllrlh9 lawsofllleSlaleOfMomesoIa DANIUlJOtiNSO!'< RIlj;,N<I,~Dala~ ffi 06085 ,~ - 50' 02-02-07 JRP DLJ LANDSCAPING PLAN C7.2 ~----.- ~ ~ o 25 50 LEGEND @ 00 O(];) o UNDERSTORY TREE o. DeCIDUOUS/CONIFEROUS SHRUB 1-40 SPRINKLER HEAD o .....0 ADJUSTABLE SPRINKLER HEAD 1-20 SPRINKLER HEAD INTERIOR BUFFERING REQUIREMENTS 4897QOSF REQUIRED LANDSCAPE ISLAND AREA; '-SF 57300 SF REQUIRED INTERIOR LANDSCAPING TREES: 156TREES SUPPLIED INTEROR LANDSCAPING TREES: PLANTING, SEEDING AND SODDING NOTES: 1. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST INSPECT AND APPROVE FINISH GRADING BEFORE CONTRACTOR PROCEEDS WITH SEEDING OR SODDING. 2. All DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTlON SHALL BE SfEOEO DR SODDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. BEGIN TURF ESTABLISHMENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND SOODlNG. REFER TO $PfCIF1CATIOH fOR PROCEDURE. S. ALL TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL RECEive ,,~ DEPTH OF CLEAN SHREDDED HAROWOOO MULCH. 6. ALL SHRUB BEDS SHAU BE EDGED WJTH A POlY-EOGER STAKED AT S'O.C. MAX.. SHRUB BEDS TO RECEIVE 3" DEPTH OF ROCK MULCH OVER <4 MIL. WEED BARRIER.. 7. AlL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE NO.1 QUALITY, NURSERYGROVv'N AND SPECIMENS MUST BE MATCHED. AU OVER$TORY TREES ADJACENT TO DRIVE AND IN PARKING LOT SHOULD BEGIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 8'. I. CONTRACTOR SHAll NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PLANTING RELOCATED TREES FOR FIELD LOCATION BY lANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 9. ALL SLOPES Of 4:1 OR GREATER SHALL RECEIVE FIBER BLANKET. RfFER TO SHEETS C3.1, C3.2 AND C3.3 FOR DEFINED GRADING UMJTS. 10. Seed Mi.. 11 (A.1hletk: FleklAreas): a. The Contractor shall provide two (2) Kentucky BluegraS$ varietiotS f25% e.,,;:h for II total of 50% of the mill} trom the following eho.eos: Ne.., Blue, Absoll.lbl, Rugby II, Adelphl, Parade, Midnight, 81ll1lant, Moonlight. and Northstar. b The Contractor shall provide two (2) Perennial Ryegran varieties (25% ea.eh fOla total of 5(1% of the mill} from I~ following thoie9s; Moll\NUlln n. Omega 1!, 8rightstar II, Calalina, Charg<lr II, and Manhllttan 3. 11. Nllt..... Grassl Pnlirie Seed Mill Areas: Shell be MNIDOT Seed M.llI15B (Mesic Tallgre.,. Pnlirie). Infillrallon and Rain Garden Anlas: The Contractor shall provide the foIlowing..,.d mill as not.cl belo\M': Big8luesten'! 3-4% Canada Wild Rrea 10"10 Swlll;:hgrass 10"10 Indian Gress 6% LltlleBl""S1em 15% Cordg"," 10% MeadowBlazingSter Canada Tlek.-tr.foil Common Oll..ye Wild Bergamot Smooth Aster 3% 3% 3% 13. Wetland Slwtd Mill: MnlDOT SMd MIll 258. Purl;:hase from I reputabl. deiller In unbroken, original containers, ta~ed and labeled to U.8. Agrlcullurs Department.. A..pplieatiOl'l rel.shilnbe30iIb.per~, .. A<<:eptable S..d Sources: All seed .hall b& aupplled by ona or ~ 01 u.. foflo-.i~ v."d~: Prilirie Restorations, Ine. P.O. BOll 327 Princ:elOf'l.MN55371 6121389.4342 Applied Ecologlc:al Solutions 21938 Muahtolm Road PrlOl"lake,MN55372 9521447.1919plIooe 9521447-1920 fax ~I w ~I .... .~I .. W z :J :t: U .... ~. j.. ~~ ' "~':-:,~ - '_\_._._L__ "~"~'rt"~".- :_-~:G'-=~:~:~~'- ,"=0: oc< c ~.i~c.-- __~-.. '~-L-_;=;~:~_Fr~~ ,_ _ _ _~:.~;=;L~::'--_~: _'~~)I~ ::~ _:: ::.~-'-~:_-. '~-:~~~~~_-:::~~':.-_-:~,./~~~ .;~:~--- ~~-:~~~~]~?--~~ --'-,. ../ ~ --. ..,,' ;"""---'~' ----.-r-. ~i?'@@~@, c. ..'...,....,-...,.. :::::: j. ..;..:r. ~..., .'.., I ~',$-~: IHP- ,/~.,. , '. cPO ,,~_..u,_ ~~.:'D ,~_~. 0030000jO bOOOOOo'POo ~ ~ ..._ ;:;:/,~~00: 0 I / " ~~ '<'-'~~@000 "._~. 00-"' r1=-T~l '!-r=l=:~.]j ,::..;;1~ .___0) .\.YC:::i0 '-"""j 0 CU,", I I -j- l I I ',~~ 10'21 0 '! i 3 TENN-;(~-~:-~.::..=.:=. --=---~-=--=- .".,);;?~;7r~>: / ~~~r"~ I .wj' Crr~J i CT1~LJ J H \~/,/ . : //.- or.F?-~/- _ suo~;:-_//~~:\ \, I,} ;;:.:;, j ; - '\ ~=:~~: ,,'. ' ,/' /,,~,-' _?{ATlIlETIC.ll) ------''.\ I ~~ ~ ' .,// / ----// -/// \, , .:=~~. t I ""W'G~ ~- -- --". I' ./ ,~ tJ:' \, ~+'0---/-/ ~USI" '\' i II ~"'''GW' I~~ , ---\"\ 1 -C ~::--~_ " I' SHOT ,- 19:-=---~, ~'~---.... --- J'I S------~l~~S ------'I{-=--~~ PUT ' " ----_ &fED ""~... _____ I I [ PI ::~~j" r [15~~TJ T CI~SJ .'111 I --...~~:~:~,.., '::'-::.':,';,':. "H~.'~L.=~-_ - I I if I '\, ,i l !T:J=ri i !c:,=-CC-ltl--(l II i I ' -'~J:l 1 i b-==.d-~=--l.---:::::1 i b=:.-~~,. ~ ' 1 ',,'~--=-.'.-l.--;=~~ t. " l_ ':;;- '\:.~ : I '\ \ i ...lIP':" NATM:GIlJlS~ \\,,\\ ~~ \ g I PlWlllEKEDIU ~:':~~i:':~ soo-/ I \\ ~~. "'00- \ \\ ~_. SOb 0 /~..~~ 1 \ .00 I'! ( _ \ ;- 0 ; Ii rf}(..-'" ; 0 fAR"'NGLOT LI ~ I (<4~2_STALLSI <~-I,I' ' ,.. ,.,)i: I ~ I C(1). 30 0 ;)-; ._-:,ill) " .. J/@ m,_ ."' _ ~~ ''iC i. .9?8" E.:'. Bj,:!t,' ~,' J~.,.".,c.~~ ctiD. '.'" I [j) >'- -~ ~ , 0 ~-~ ~-f+, ,- , tTh / 1':)1~':'-, , .}DJ ~.~~~:-;- CWh:HO :!m-~ (8) ~J ~;~ 1~'....I'" ......;.------ '( EXISTING WETLAND ; j.! .l /.~ I....~--- IlATM GfW31 PlWIIlESEEDMlX I I I ~..soo 1 " -_.~-----------~- ! . NAT1\IE/lfI.AS~ ~ I"RAlRl'fIlEEOIIIl( : ~ i 1 ! :r!! ~, , C[I) \ \ , .--.... , , , - " .. ',' \ i ',--\ '\ PERIMETER BUFFERING REQUlli~~E~TS \\ \\ " ". , . \\ \.. \ \ " \\\, \. \\\ \\\\ \ \ , \\. \'"'"'1., '_\ "- \\ \ ...-' \\ \. MATCH LINE #4 \ \ ' \.~\ 't.. \~ -.,' -..'\ -'\, ~"""O'i"""~ .L-'__l ~ ,. I ;: _ "i I ' lit ., . . , ., r ~;IT~TT. -T-;-rTl-r--!-~ -;- ~ ;-1"'5 '-2-G8- 2-<:8-// BUFFERYARD A REQUIRED PLANT UNITS PER 100' ~~ i ;;! H~ I I I i -.o;.".-j ___- l i P::=~~ CANOPY TREES (f)O II-P'TIS)--/ UNOERSTORY TREE I EVERGREEN TREE f6 FT INSTALL HEK>HT) i tOr , , : j' SHRUBS . BUFFERYARD B REQUIRED PLANT UNrTS PER 1GO" CANOf>y TREES (f)O CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY UNDERSTORY TREE I EVERGREEN TREE (6 FT INSTALL HEIGHT) SHRUBS . ~~\ ;/~ ..,.:'. :-- - ~"'._-~ '--" -,,' .',' '.',,' /,.,,; (,-. ,. ,> District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: . Ro.zeboom""~erArcMect$lr1c 2H fIrSt A~\1 NOOh MHlO(J;lpohs. M,nnes.ol<l 5$W1 ph_612-3J2-2110fa_,612.664../l152 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT S=~ BossamtCO<IXlrallOrl 11,'/'1..))" 6585 Wasl 78th Street, Sulle 100 I!!!~ ~~~~~:~~ne:~~l_l2ffl Ana&rson..Johrn;onAssoc1al"",1nc '" -TT.A\ 7575GoIdallValleyRoad.Su<IIl2OJ ~""n""apohs.l.<jn""80la55427 plI-763-544.7129 IIllI 763-54<<531 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER TIm Heflll"Engooeemg,PC PO, 80_1397 FargO,Nortf1Dakota5tll09 ph 701.280-0949 fa~ 701.2Jla.96Il6 MECHANICAL & ElECTRIC"lENGINEER *H<l"l>erilEng,noonng 1750 Comme<caCoorl Wh"e Bear laka. ~l''''''''lOla 551 10 ph: 651-748-!lOQ fax 65:.748-9370 & ....... DennIS Ha~n&AssocieIM 3'1 Fourth AvenueS<ulh Sartell."",nnBS()ta56377 plI320-25S.eS57f.._,3lG-52fl.8OO5 ~ SthulerSho:lol< 123 Th..-dSlree\ f\lor1h_Suile 211) M"'n&apohs.""N 55401 plI: 6',2.3JS-59'58 I,,~_ 612-337.-5O'l7 '''' KvamstO<<1. Ror.rohoIm & Associale$ 2444 Bryanl Avenua Soulh,SUIIe JOO f.\,nneap%'s, MN 55405 ph_612-374-3800fa_.612-374-3133 1 herftby ce",fy lt1a1 \his pan. speoftcabr::n. 01' repOrt was prepared by me Of~'fldEIrmydiract supervisionandlha1lamadulylo::tlnsed Pro!95s,onalEr>g1N)er undllflt16 I8ws of the Stale of f.\1/'lf\f!SOla DANI!::!. L. JONNSON Reg."'o,~ O<I!(!~ ffi 06085 1" = SO' 02-02-07 JRP DLJ LANDSCAPING PLAN C7.3 r~:;~~c~~~ I i-- I 1-:'"" : I I i ILl I 1 ,---- I L___ ______~__, -I i - f /) I I _nuJ PLANTING, SEEDING AND SODDING NOTES: 1. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MUST INSPECT AND APPROVE FINISH GRADING BEFORE CONTRACTOR PROCEEDS WITH SEEDING OR SOODlNG. 2. ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHtN THE LtMtTS OF CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SEEDED OR SODDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. BEGtN TURF ESTAElLl5HMENT IMMEOIATEl Y AFTER SEEDtNG AND SODDING. REFER TO SPECIFICATION FOR PROCEDURE. 4. ALL TREES TO BE BALLED AND BURL.APPED. 5. ALL TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL RECEIVE 4~ DE.PTH Of CLEAH SHREDDED HARDWooO MULCH. II. ALL SHRUB BEDS SHALL BE EDGED WfTH A POLY.fOGER STAKEDAT5'O.C. MAX. SHRUB BEDS TO RECEIVE 3~ DEPTH OF ROCK MULCH OVER 4 MIL WEED BARRIER. 7. ALL PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE NO.1 QUALITY, NURSERY GROWN AND SPECIMENS MUST BE MATCHED. ALL OVERSTORY TREES ADJACENT TO ORNE AHD IN PARKING LOT SHOULD BEOIN BRANCHING NO LOWER THAN 6'. a. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY LANDSCAPE ARCHm=:CT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO PL.A.NTING RelOCATED TREES FOR FIELD LOCATION BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 9. ALL SLOPES OF 4:1 OR GREATER SHALL RECEIVE FIBER BLANKET. REfER TO SHEETS C3_1, C3,2 AHD C3.3 FOR DEFINED GRADING LIMfTS 10. Swd Mi. f1IAthl.llc FI.,d A,.asj: L The Contractor ahall provide two (2) Kent~ky Bluegraas vari.U"12$% ..ch f()l'. Iotal or 50% of the mIx) from thll following chctic": N.w Blue, Ab50lul8, Rugby II, AOelphl, P.l<ld., Mlanlght, Brilliant, Moonllghl, .00 North,tar, b. TIM Contractor ,hall provld. two 12} P.rermfal R~grau varlal~ (25'fo ndl for a lotal of 5C'% of th. mix) from t1,. following cholat.: "anhatten II. Ornega It, Brlghltlar II, Cataltn., Cnarg.rll,endMiIOhallan~. 11. Nallv, Graul Pralrl. Se.d Mix Areal: Shall be MNlOOT Seed Mix '158 (Malic Tallgra__ Prairle} 12. '"filtratlon a"d Rain Gard." Area,: L no. Conlractor 'h.ll prgyld. the followlnlil seed mlll.s nolad _10\llt: 8igBlu..t"m 34'10 Canida WUd RIc. 10% Switchgraas 10'10 '"dianGrus 6% UttI.8luaoslltm 15% Cordgf1ll" 10% Meadow Bluing SI.r Canada Tic)t..(,..foll 3% Common O."y. 3'10 Wild Bergamot 3% Smooth Aal., 3% 13. W.U..nd Snd MIl(: Mn/OOT Seed Mill 25B. Pll~haH from a repulMbI. dlllerln unbroken. orllilinill coot.lners, taggfli Ind labeled to U.S. Agriculture Oepar1manl Appllc~lon rat.,h.aIl"-30lIbapar.cre. .. Acceplabl. Seed 501,11'(:.': All Ned ahall b. IUpplild by ~ 01' mort 01 t~. following v.ndoB: Prairl.Reator.t1ona,tnc. P.O. 801 327 Pr1ncetOll,MN55311 6121389-4342 Applied Ecologlul Solutlon$ 21i38 Mu.htown Road Prlcn Lek., MN 55372 'S21.....7.1919pt.ort. 9S2I4<41-192Qfltl j ~.~.t~ I I I '" -t.J . ~ 'I L_ ,I. \. ) SOCCER 2 WIW z z ':j :i J: J: U u ....1.... <( <( :; :; LEGEND LU REFERENCE KEY TO SITE DETAILS ~ ~~~j ~eM~~~~~ii~J ~' f,9\ ..-.t~ CONIFEROUS TREE ~ W . DECIOUOUS TREE ~ . '....0 SPRINKLER HEAD o 1-40 ADJUSTABLE SPRINKLER HEAD 1.20 SPRINKLER HEAD -- ~ o 2S 50 CITY SUBMITTAL FOR REVIEW ONLY District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ . Ro.>:oboQm ~iHor .-.rctl~<'JCb lnc. 244 Fif5lA~enueNorlh Minneapolis. MO'Vl<!'lOl3 5MQ\ ph: 612.332.2110 taxc6\2.6l>4.tl162 BossardlCC><])lT<Ibon 8585W..,,1711IIlSI.re<>I.Sude'OO Minneap"'''!I.MiI>oesola55<438 ph 952--831.5406 1"x952.BJ1.12'h6 Anderson.JolmsonAssOCIates,lne ...,\._T'f.i.l 7575GoIdenV,,~yRoad.Suile200 ~". Minneapolis,MiI1nas<>la55427 ph: 763-544-7129 faxe 763-544"'()5Jl Dennis Hahn &A.S0C\3I"" 311 Fourth Avenua South Sarlell,Minnesola56377 ph: 320.259--6551 I"x 32()-S29-8905 THEATER CONSULTANT ~ $"IlulerS/Xx:>k 123Thi'dSI,~jNor1h.Svpte210 M.....neapohs.MN 55401 pfI'612.J39.5958 lax: 612.J37.5097 v Kvemijloen. RCO"t'l/lolm & -'ssoc...I.... 2444 Bryan'...."8I'us$o'Jlh.Suile'lOO M"'rnmpolis.MN55405 ph: 612-374-3800 1a..:61Z-374-3133 Iherel:rrtartlfylhaltl1i$pIan.~ion.r:x 'ep<II'l "'''S p<&pare<\ by me 01 t6>OeI" my d1racl SlIP'l'vi$lOfl and lhat I i1madulylocensed P,o;rIe..~"""al EIlgJ'-- underlhe ........ullt1aSt.ateofMonnosoIa OANIEL L. JQHt>;SQN RegNo~ Da\e02-C2.Ql ffi 06085 1" = SO' 02--02..Q7 JRP DLJ LANDSCAPING PLAN C7.4 I I 1 I I I $ 0/ '" ---~. .' ?!="7~~::-r.., t.~:_~~'<:;:':::'::1~~._:,,::=jt~:~H-r-~~~~L'L='f::d i ! I ! i Ii! ; Iii I I i I I , : I I I' , I I .1 __l j I ' I ! ~ ~ ~ .i!(,GT.......:,F.,111 rIT.,::',i-j."C.r,I...:t!.' 11:1~r :;1: ' -J [.\;t"U, 1~~rr'I/'1 ~fJ'l-' ;,) ~ C~: f,(Y:;": II!_;-:;JJ! r-.~- (~~." ":~+'~r--i,J f~I'Y'+--l'J .. - I" ,--d," i :-:t.--~~~T-'-:~..~! 11 i~ t."-: f; - --~~_:! I j : i .--~/ i! ~:~ '~,'"/C.- (I\~. -~.l 10". '.r.'::t.......-...,,: I, L.". " i-"~"d,:'1 i:(?jl '\;'II::/,F1 \:,! 1 l"lF~t:'Jlii !}~_:L::'__:c_J:J Ll::':~~L.JjL:!___ n.t I i t I -1 I ; i _n_' 0 I I i ; , ':i . "-"~'-0 ~ ---'1'@ " .t 0 ii -I" ~ :lii3 -to i ~ . -j-0 . 10 , , '--"--0 i , -4-,0 ~ , -j'-{l -'iB ul.a , , 9 1 -~ '-~-0 ~ -.to u~~ }-o 9 --~--o ,*0 -~" -i-9 ~ - --Z-e !-€) " --t~ 9 ~--+-o t -~-o I i --t-@ ~ __I,---{) --~0 L, , , --+,0 . 9 to '.-'--0 ~ J ---!--{i) , ~ o " ~.LLDING ~ FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS - FFE: or' I : ~: o ~~. 0--I-'i- j,i ,. 1 o i...~- &.-....- II !~ :1 oH-. 1~ "I: I', 8,!~- 1"'l' 'J :i I I, 1:- --.-- i i L-=-~ ~ I ' : i -i+-- ; , , i !---- I - --1-- ;---=~.h,.". . -~"""-,, ! Ii" .. i -1. " " " I I \ " ;', -nT I I ( -;: n_ i ' [--'---1- r----- i~-n- . Ii J , 'I- i! 0~='-- - o ii -- :~ 1! 0-+r- - i --r I. ill 0'1 ',' ill! f)"'r ~ --- :i , " I, en- 9 o r,,+"'- 8~+~ = !~I :1 0> ~t- 'I II< :1 o ,} i'r[ o ~"l_ i~ "'['+- I~ o i-;. CD ;;- I,: ,- ok- o j~ O.~ 0-l-~-- - :", ot~t- &; ! o j.j- - @:\.. :,,1 0'/'+" !~I 0:J- " ,I 01.~ " " o .J- . 0- I ~! I I - ._-j I I l j - ---t- ! I I + 1 ..-t - i ! 0--+- " 'i 0)-'i- 0---;; o -.~-- - - 1- . ___1_ I l LOWER LEVEL FFE 930.00 FIRST LEVEL FFE 950,00 SECOND LEVEL FFE 964,00 SQUARE FOOT CALCULATIONS: FOOT PRINT SIZE LOWER FLOOR AREA FIRST FLOOR AREA SECOND FLOOR AREA TOTAL FLOOR AREA 235.907 SF 102,096 SF 197.174 SF 92.043 SF 405,367 SF -1-- District 112 New High School PROJECT TEAM: ARCHlrEg . Ro..zeooom M,~ .6.tcMects lot; 244F"SIAverlueJ-k>rth Minneapol's_MlnneSQIa55401 ph: 6~2.3J2-2110 Ion: 612-664-8152 ~CT10~ MANAGEMEN! ~ Boss.a'dlCOf'j)O/~I"'" 1IIIIl!PlJj:~1 ~~~~~~:~~~;,::~~~~OO ~~ ph952-s.J1.540e'~~95]-a3t-1268 g,IY!!o..~~;ER ILANOS~~~s..'~~.9:!.~q AJM'. Anderson-JohnwnAS9OCletes.lnc 7575Go1denVaJlayRoad,Suila200 ""'''''''''pol's. li!~lnl:IWIa 55427 ph 763-544-7129lu763.544-OS31 STRUC~!Y'~~9INEER 1]] '"'>""""..'''' 322 firsl Awnue NorH. Su~~ 201 Minn~"'r><",s.MN55401 .. .... ph612-;/:1.A-3005Ia.612-238-3806 @ """"""-'" 1750 Cl)ITl'TI!Ir1;e Court WM...8earlak....M,""...sota55110 pIl65H48-1100 lub;;1.748-93l0 fOOD SE~VlC_~NSUlTANT Den'llS Hahn & AsWClOlWS 311 ~0IJr1h Avenue 5o.Jlh Sarte., M""'eso~1506377 p/l32!)-2S\l.6557f!l,'nO-S:.>9-8905 di<! '-' THEATER CONSULTANT Sc/lulerShook 123 Third SlrlffiIN,,"h, SU~8 210 M,nnropolos.MN ;;5401 ph612<B9-~958 fa.. 612-337-5O'iI7 SOUND &_ACOUSTICS CONSUt_T.~!:'I! 'tV Kvemsloen, Rbn(lholmllo As.<;.oCIalas 24448ry<loIA'tC<'ueSouU\,Sulte300 M'''''ea~'s,MNS~05 ph 612-374--Y\OOf.... 612.374.31J,..1 l HEREBY CERtiFY THAT THIS PlAN, SPECIFICATION OR I'll'-,",Ol<l! WAS I"Rf:PARIoD BY MIo OH UNDEoR MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND l~lAT l AM ADUL Y LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE Of MINNESOTA KEYPLAN. NO SCALE --'-----.-.CO,.1MISSiON--,37.01"1.OO----- EB ::::'--'=1~k~~= f I I OVERALL LOWER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN CITY REVIEW SET A101 Of--- " J] - -=- I' o-L oily'" I,' :111 o 1 ~ O~ \- ~ 8j~c OJl i~ Ojj I~\ o]L i i I~ o - ~ U 1>, I Ot!" ($> i i 1=i ! I OH- -- oil O,)l';;-- - , o n-- i~i ! , (:!}-t i I~ oi,! oj'. 0j~ 011 i~ 0-I-oi.- - I'! o-L~- - 0-(5--- ~~~=~ !i ., h- I ~i 0+-L - i~ t.t-1J-- -- :~=- oiL 'i !~ Jj--- {} ~- 01--- " , 0> -l'" 9 o ~1 - O--:t-- - 0"..... ~ r,-.~,-.."- ::,'-:':r...r=-::-"=f.<t~=-~"L~=::f~--.:i<.:.::~~=.<=r::i.<::f'::''-~'--:';":::-~:'<f- . i I I ! II I ! I: :: I, I I: i i I I , , I ,------'---1 ,', -!.-, '-:- ! I! Ii I I i I , I : : Ii! I w': I : i i I! i~"~~:!!h hIT ~;. / lr---- LJ- '~t++ - : I bJIH~~:,~Bj;~u,__ i/;" I -~--"~':' k ~ ~ .' ~:P>(~~ ti~i;..~~r~i .., J ~'f~ _ :~rr~'~~l'; T .~ ~'~ 1~~},:.i ~ I' -. i=:~.1tt; !f-!If\_~-t ~:;r~ ~I~I ),;;~,I... l ~L~.2L ~~ ,:,~ ,~ _I~ " " ..:- 0:._ /. ~ ;. 1'~! -'or- 1 ~ . . I ~1 u';C .:' ~; 'I (~~~~t ~ ;:'., ~ I I, ...:. It _ ---t.- ,/Ul H. -, -, . :~, '~ct~irlt~I]~L ~ h\~~ '.:Z~ fn..ig+~ " I . L-l.~ ~- di~JL:q'1T t -1- --I .--~ : I u")-, ~ ~ T, I: 'I I' I I'.. \ l~ -~. ~ f I d i i I ':. ~~.: ".J5",itilllL:c>t:'lWq.~J'I'- 0 7":--' :'f'--~-T [:' f'J'" " ,----. I o:]P I~"I~."" U"!JIj'~ ""'. ," -,'-" . " '.k n 'I I I ;0- 1___ fl'-I~J '" . ," r "1-- II I I V-- ~ . ,fi.c~t~IJ'~~d'Lf:;,.r...vJ::;.:')i:' " - ."-'~~', II ',' : ::H: 'U!J ,~-~l ' ".; \1 u_ ~> .:". ';~~.i~kt'~j,!'~ll"'- - t"'J~ .. , .'::- ~r ~_L,j _ - I l. " , 'J~ I r I 1+.....,.,3.. "'.,"~. ~ Al l',=::,--_ c:] iro r ""C~." I ~ u C i ~> N ,~'~:::~~J.+ 1'- "t:::~==i ---- i -:~:::t:: "'?~ 0 ':' I '....,. 'L .: ,,~,",""wJ: + I ,._L_': j '''''MIffi 'C i , : Ii. ,,~;,)1;';' I' :---:!^,'~~'~l: ----;~,-,t:;;Dlo,V~....~ ! ,!i . io'..<fJ;-,,:..,,'!t: '. : '1-, - .J'l~,. ~~. ---- : :W<f1~"m, o~-'n ;;:;:,. ~+__ __+, "ui_l" , -!L:2.... ~ '.' -~ ... ...::. '"'" ...';, -11-- --+ _ __ .__ __ , ,',' 0; Ai''''P:I~~.,,'''.'."_''".','"..~".'' I' II '_'~,t-;::~ . ! "'."""~:"-"lj"'-I~ f-E"'---"'.'u :,1 :_3}t~L:_~'_'_T:\--_ -"'or ",I ..loP "L :::::::,i ~"'~ 11-,;; lI'1aL. 'I~~ -.~ ';'--',' '''1'-'' _ :. c=][-~_c ~&<J': -'~\i j ~-~,: ,; ~;:- ...~; ~ Ic,::, -~I i!"";;;;"~,,i .' ~ l!> -.-...","- . -~i:lj~;':\i~lli I _ ~ '....:'\i";.1. ~7-:~~:-. ~~.. -, ,,-- ..,.. c-\:':":. A\_~:' It-fru".Iy-~l "L.p.. - == 'I ^ .:..,;...; 1 C:'~, I ~ ,- z- : t z':: : :;.. I f~rff fiC~ .roo ~?~~ : '~:}i~~~f:P~:.~c, '"~~.'i'~:~~I~: ..J.:1 . ._~.~ -=. :. [] [], ' , ill n' [] c ,-:0 !I L..:; C,'_] Fi c:; I ~c:-l-'-T ~:ri--.;-IC.I.J_n'L':_L~:-:1-lg-'1-~ -:-- ...- -. If]bl;,~H 'i ~-t ~--nG"-1 .' ~ C~ i~n-T f"",;:C'" ,11- lem .; - ~< ,:., ,L" J... i.f-..-- -6-616' 0-"..-.0 6 t~'" (, (, ... ,:,~ T I ,_l~L", 1- :' . '.' . ". I-tt~':i rl ii3Ji Or!! -[ '" ,FT. i I!f~~!." :. ';:i~:(il:: ~('~ ;: ' ?~ i ' , -;L:J --:~i T!i I! Ii.L;~." .... ' ~7-1 d~~j ~'l~-!C)r() ': . ,,- ,;. '", .., ::] il, , . ~i. f..o.- - " lj r~-! ,; -+-- -- , I j - I - r:_=n-_~:iL , ._1 miLa=; . r= Ii TL , , ... -'_ t, + -r r ! .~ ~ n ~ :'/-iJ ,~.la' J-~- ,I ----1-- - H. 'I --tt-- - ---- ~ I ! -,- ~~..- I I: I - --T [-'j- =-;- .. ;'''r;;l,o ::: p o 0 , r~f- 00 o 0 & --"'0 I I I , I i , i g , i I ..10 - 1'0 :1 ~ jo ":1 <} - ~s ~ j0 ~ - -.f-o ,! 10 I -I 10 10 - -1 0 j; ~ ] 0 ~ J" i--0 ;'-0 ..} 0 ~-0 -l" ::-h - -J---e 1" -1", " 'j" ~ -.,.--@ ~ t" --10--0 I 4 - ~~0 .10 . -10 ~ i-0 l J0 --~-{) '~--0 o !l.UILDING FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS. FFE: LOWER LEVEL FFE 930.00 FIRST LEVEL FFE 950,00 SECOND LEVEL FFE 964,00 SQUARE FOOT CALCULA nONS: FOOT PRINT SIZE LOWER FLOOR AREA FIRST FLOOR AREA SECONO FLOOR AREA TOTAL FLOOR AREA 235,907 SF 102,096 SF 197.174 SF 92.043 SF 405,367 SF District 112 New High School ~f!QJECT TEAM: ARCHITECT . Roz<'boom Mil"" Ar<::~~~ lnc 244 FirsIAv""ue NorII'l M;nn~llpoIJs.MiIlM'oIa55401 ph. 612-332.2110 ra~: 612.6&4-8152 CONS1]lUCTtQN I!l-~~GEMENT ~ ao,;""fdlCoroornhon I, 'ID))~ 1l5ll~ '101'-">1 78th SIma!. 5,"111 100 I D] ~~,;,~~~~~~:~:,er:~;"9;~~'_1268 ~rvlL EtiGINEEA IlANOSCAPE ARCHITECT 4lJ.tf', ~JoOnsofl~"'Ies.lnc 7S15Goi<lenVallllYROltd.Suotll200 Minn""pOlis.M"VlEISOt,.155477 ph 763-544.7129 fa.: 763-544-0531 ~!!lUCTU~_u..NQ!!!~E.'! TIm ".". '"'"''''''' 322 Fon.lAvenue Norlh Suil.. 201 MinnllapoJis.MNS5401 . -' ptl B\2.7.1Il_3MS fa.: 612.23A-3806 MECHANICAL &. ELECTRICAl ENG~~ @ "~~~'"-''''' 1750 Commerce Courl WMeSearLake.'-"nm''lOtaS5110 pll651.141l-1100ta.:65'-748-9370 fQOOSERVICEC~ o.."",sH/lnn&Assoe'1I1C5 311fourtnAvenues.o.,th Sart..~. M;"nltSol..S6371 ph3lO.259.6551 fl..'3l.0"S2~800S d.'# -" I~_E~~CONS!.lt TAN..! Sd."Il!r$hock '23 Third Streel North. S"~,, 210 M''''lIIapoi'';,MN 5S401 ph.6t2-3)9-59~fa\:612-JJ7-5097 ~9~.!'IO & A~I!_~J!~.! CONSUL T~~! \I KVflrnsloo".R,,"'molm& AsSOCIalas 2444 BryllnIA"""..... Soulh,SuLto 300 MlnnllaJXIlis,MN55405 ph 612.374.3600 ra~. 612-374-3133 I HERE:BYCERTIFY THAT TillS PLAN. SPECIfiCATION OR Rf-POfCIT WAS PRFPARf.O BY MF 01'1 UNDER MY OIRl:'CT SUP~RVI510N ANO THAT 1 AM A OlIL Y LICENSED ARCHlT~CT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE SlATE Of MINNl:'SOT^- REVISIONS -------.--- .------ - ~--- ---u-------C6MMISS.I6N-1"3i~011.00 - ffi ::~--==~~lg~;;200J- OVERALL FIRST FLOOR PLAN CITY REVIEW SET A102 0) , ! , o ~.., ~~....~- -- ,,I I' ~~-lt~~ !l 0tt- e-!J CH'; Ii) I"; Ii $ 0.,:r -- .~ i~ OH- i,I" Ii o r: " " 0> f'- " il 01 ! " " i Or: II frl, 8~~: - 1,' I' o ~ ~ " $ t~~~~"----'-r.<f='< -4<'r ~~~. I I ! I , j i o nQ i "0 "1 __,,-f___ __ ___ l_.!-_________-+___----L.~__.__j--- ______ .~'o!_~__4_ ~-~",..----. --f:-~-II'-"'-- - -'!::<'-f--~'!:-l-"'-~._-.l__~~__ i ! i , i 1 t I'i P I I i ' .-.?" j I , i ~-- --,- . ~- T------ " I -J" . ~~--fj ~-0 --1: 'i ,,'-.0 - ~-0 ~--o "\-B ~ .,. e ~ -00 ~ t" .- J " . -.'1-0 10 ~ --I G ~ .~: , "J e Je ~.€) ";.-0 r I J "I 0 " " 10 )'} , ; J-0 j" , ~8 J . --1.0 i 10 J 10 , ~ I" ~ I ~ 0 -~ -0 , - '1:-0 -is .L'-'I ~ ?iJlI,!JJ.t!Q. FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS - FFE: LOWER LEVEL FFE 930.00 FIRST LEVEL FFE 950,00 SECOND LEVEL FFE 964,00 SQUARE FOOT CALCULATIONS: FOOT PRINT SIZE LOWER FLOOR AREA FIRST FLOOR AREA SECOND FLOOR AREA TOTAL FLOOR AREA 235,907 SF 102,096 SF 197,174 SF 92,043 SF 405,367 SF 1--- .. I I District 112 New High School PROJECT TEAM: ARCHfTECT .. Rorol>Oom Miller ArcMec\~ II'c 244 flfT.t Avenue North MlI1n""p';d'.':I. Minnesota 55401 ph; 61Z-332-.2110 fax, 612-6M-6152 i O--:-J-- - e,; 0.:l- i.... o-:J " ;J - o:i ~ g-i~~ - 0'~ (:}-I ~t- ~ ~: (~+:- - -- " l'~ 0",' " &-,,- - --+ ~ ! I 0... -11 {) ! " o i I i I '- ~ -",_..,... "I i.L~ i 7 vi l \/ i1:-,;-:-ii-r-! - .- I \/ ~~-~r ' lJ "~l'r>> --,:. , ~ ~ i" - -.- -'.-- I "l I i ~ I - / I ! I -.------- 'm.. -T- [/'s;t ~ _~ ~~r':r _ tlJcf, i ~~'''-= -=-n/7) ~ :""', . .. -. 19j.. ,>:] I ~ _~ . ~,,;~,e:: . ! r'I,~::; l~~r~jr+ :l~~~ ---- ~'c ! -~I\ / " ci JI.~ I~' ~il : ' 1 \\~--~ i i I!, , ~ .. r ,,';!! .- -_. L-~,,_ --- .---.- j i ' ,II:I! l\~ I · \ -h- - 1~~~:"-l--'----J11.. '/1 '-1-" \ -r - - . . \ I'-itlt-'- +___~ ' Jr' ,',! t . -~ - ~,::.. - '--, ' . -.:-T--:<.I, ~!,'--L'i~..-.~-t= -- ..=----- =-=-==- , ! .,. t. - . IIi ~~~, I~~::~;~" ':<11 ~; ,:., . i n - ! -',. -- , ~ ,., ;:.::::::::;:,':.'::: ----" Y. I ~;~,"''':;;;;'f 'ii;' ~' b 1-''''] , .~. 4+_ , , Ii i' I, I j : " " 0H-- i~ &j-,+- - I!i 0-i--~ :i :: ; Ii @ '~;'- - _ 1_ . '1 ~.,...- I I il :oj - '-,1-, - E , i' &'1. r ,~: '~'i1.~-" . i t ,lEfj'h~H,I; . Ii U -;;;;"t k'},)!!I~E:S ; ; -- - - ''-l-'" ~ ~ ~;;~~ '",' :', ',,' 0.0 'n" n. n' i 'I' _ ,-- , ~"''''''''a -"...~ - - - -~-+. ~~[ -~ ~~'" d~ji-~L >t~~:; ~~~~~'-:~~~f: ;~i--- u____+__ __..,.~__+ 1_ L'" - . , " i m. m ....-t.-- _ __ , . "-+-n' ..'~ .1~I~-..Flf ::;=;~~"':~~ ~,~.t'-.';' -f;-:1:: "t"l -I" I ~.-:~' ,~.,:, "b .r-' ~~i=:::,J PT"'~-.-~'~.. ~=cIJ. r 1Jn" .i,.-..- ,,_.. ... , ---L ",' -.' '.'10].... , L ";1- . H.l ~..- t '.L ,:~ ....;,..11 -: Ti~~,.; . -~=c- :1/". i - -..- Jl .+- I ----lIT 'f-L .. ~ ~~"9,.-iU.l ~ -~rJ~._c :~. ::~- ! ~ , . H! L:'T ~', - -=-,jEi ~ ,il~:~ -I ,~~ - ---._~- ~- '" ~ i': '-g- [, I , ;, , .-+=t . . ~- " f_~~ ~~i~ ~~~'J -.- I - b~~i~~tBn~~fJj";"~',,"I;~~~-~'~~ I >-;-- -' '-, I II. dC, n L', :r'!':c,'::T' P"T i" .---t- m 4,! '--___1_ . II'H '1J' ; ,', i .. f --. ~ t t': '-0 , i !'Ilcf:________.____.._.{ ~ 0 i -.t-O CONSTRUCTION M~!i.AgMEN-': ~l 6o~""'dtCorp()"'lhon 1I,'IISIlD))Jj',i 6585 West 76th Street. Su,l.. 11Y.l Illillll'iiN"h . ~,nne..po~s M,nnesota 5~M ~ ph.952-831~08Ia~-Q5;>.83'-\]t)1l CIVIL ENGlNEE!!1.!o~~~~PE ARco.!:!!!~ /0,JJAl Anderson-Johnson Associate<!. Inc 7575GoldanVallayRoad.Su'ta200 t.ljnna..polos.Mionesol.a554n p>l76.3-S044-7129fax:763-5.t4.0S31 - - ' ---I iO-'''~''1 ~UCTUR~~GIN€E-,! I[E "".'''''-","" 322 First A;renoe Norlh Suite 201 Monrl"apoli!l. MN 55401 .' pIl612.238-3f105fax:612.231l.380il MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER ~Halloor-gEng~oog 17500 Commerce Court Wll'leFJea'Lake.M'''''e!l<.>la5~11Cl p~. 651.748.1100 fax:651-749--93fQ EQQIL!!..ERVICE CO,,!~~ TANT Dennos Hilhn & Assoc,..!c:,; 3'1 Four1hAvenueSoultt SiH1eU. "-1;nnesola 56377 pn:320.259-6557 fax320-529-800S fi~ -' II:!!;~TERCQ..~ S~hul,,,Shook 123TIt~d SlroetNortn.Su,le21Q ~inne;}pol,".MN 554111 p'1612-J39.5958 fa.: 612-331-5O'ill !qU!'lQ...~9_U~LK<.~fONSU~~ " KVflrm;lOftn.Roonholm&Asooco~I"s 24448ryunIAvenueSoulh,Su'IIl300 MinnlJl.polt". MN 554C5 ph. 612-314-38QO f,,~: 612-314-3133 t : ;.-. . ._P-- ; I ~Oi -1--' = =-=--= . ==== '- '-'lJ~- ,~I ~J....... , I l' -----l-- I I I I P.----]. 1 - ----T i -'--r , ; I HERE8Y CERTiFY THAT nus PLAN. SPEClrlCAnON OR ~I'PORrw...s PRf;-PAHfOD BY ME OR UNOf,R MY DIRECT SUPE.RVISION AND THAT 1 AM A OUL Y tlCENSfD MICHITECT UNDER THE LAWS ()F THE STArE OF MINNESOTA REVISiONS _._--,-_._-------_._-~-_.- -~---C6Mi.:iiSSi6tr 137.011-00----.--- CB ::::=~=_~:~~1;y~OOi. OVERALL SECOND FLOOR PLAN CITY REVIEW SET -.L A103 -- i" -. -. 1'-' --'-'T-' ci I i'l ',! - -=J.~r-I- . ~...~~t;;<-i:..r<i.:;,;i.i..i~.::.<=l=-;,j~~l;<t------.-. " lJ 0i> , ~ I ! .----l$"..J~-. ... 0<1,,, ~.-l{'" .~_ -1,- L'_-:..----i.. -~. ".-1 ~-- 01\"':J6-_u-~,~,(...~.,H-~ --1 . I ;-.,,-.,.- ~ 00 0 0 Ii' ;,-~-~- 4t 0) ~~~TH ELEVA nON 0) ~~~_T ELEVATION ~~'!L- &1['i\1'-'I""--- $~~~r- ~~-'I"--- W~~0 $&.iL,~~~-- ~ @I@ , Cjl @l ~ o ~ @ ri)l C? @I Cip @ ~ o cp o o Ci)J ~-'<-r~.l~ +~,.';,~~;o:~ ~;,Ot;::~'_'.' ~.!;rM'."4J.~ cp o o 0 cp i ! 00 I ' I ! ! .~"il~ " 4"llii7'~ +h~rr-~ ~ :.:::-- -iji~~ - ,: ., ;. 1,:;<'1: "1 ----~~ ~~W-;~ ~~$:-~- ~iE"~ (2) ~?,~TH ELEVAT!ON i 'XI,lJ(Jj , FOR Sf"f~_~~PJ.~---.!!!.!~S AA[!.. 0) ~,~~T ELEVATION =t=-, cp0 o 0J o Q ~ o G C? I ~ ~ 01 I ~~~::.~ ~k- ~~~t'~r- cp C? 901 01 I , CUWA,N "AlL j CLERESDRY wi A1RrOIL~ SUNSli~r. 8E'r!Of:ND 18 RI~ G lcisl , -~ rG ;\-:;- @l 9 , cip ! @ o $K~_~O\!L $y~~:;- $~.e!:~~'- : Sl:E.IJO] f fOR T(C~_~(Vl;J.I...l'^l}Pt:Ut<""THIS MEA ~ o ~~.'fob --!.'kWi;'~~ ,~'f';>'~ - ----Ll!..[-il.~i* ---'-',i'W\~ ......L'iLwt;'6"fv~ ----.-~'o_liil" ~.~~.+ -rrW,~&~ ----- ---.&..'~"'~ ~11j.~$_ ----------1 I KEY NOTES 1 PR[f'iNISrlED METAL COPING &: TRiM 2 ARCH PRECAST COP'NG 3 FACE BRICK-A 4 FACE 8RiCK-B 5 ARCH PRECAST SiLL 6 ARCH PRECAST PANEL 7 ALUM Ct;RiAlN WALL 8 ALUM SLOPED Cl AZINC SYSTEM 9 ALUM STORE FRONT 10 ALUM WINDOW , 1 AIRFOil SUN SHADE 12 SUN SHA,QE 1) ALUM LOuvER 14 HOLLOW METAL DOOR &; FRAME 15 STUCCO SOFFIT :~ :~~~:~:~~~~ ~~~t,.~~~HSO:;~T!ONAL DOOR I 18 PREFiNIS!,D METAL PANEL 19 GALVANIZED PAINTED STEEL RAil 20 PR(FiNISHD ALUM 12" LmERS-2~ mus 21 ARCH PRECAST COLUMN COYER-SEE 7M/A80 District 112 New High School PROJECT TEA.M..;. ~ . R'lleOOom Moller AtCl'l,'ecl!!.1flc 244 F~SlAVl!l'lIJ<l North M....nttapol>s.MIn""$ola55401 pIl: 612-332-2110 I(I~: 612-564.8152 !<:O~STRUCTIQ."!!~~~~~E!rr B"""",dlc.o....oral""" 6565We,;171lIh$I,,,et,$uile1l)Q Mione3pol,,;,I,1,,,,,,,,,,,t'lS543B phliS2.831.5408fax:g57-831.1268 ~VNGlNEER I LA1!~t;APE A,3<;;tf!!Ef.! A.IMl Ar.derson-.IolvIsorlAssoc'3Ies.lnc 7575 Golden V~lltly Road, Su~e l'OO M'''''..apollS,MIO",-,'''''a55427 ph 763.544.7129'''x:763-544-0531 ~I'iUCTURAL E~~'NEER ffi] ""~''''''-"' J22FifsIAW<lUIINorthSudll:201 MlflnOllpoh5,MN5:>401 ",' ph 612.238.38()5 la~.612.2J8.3806 MECHANICAL & ElECTRtCAlENGINfER @HHlIOO'9Eng,noe,'rIg 11~ Commerce Coort ',' ~n~~~~:~~~~~o ~;;."Kn~I~7~~;;>70 fQQQ....SERlltCE CQ/::ISUlTAHT .,.;r, 'iI','"'1f -" Oen~ISHarm&Ass<x;'aIe5 311f-oorthAvanueSoolh SJf1e~.M'nnes<:lIB56377 phJ:?ll-2~6557rax:J20-52~8005 TI!-EAJER CONSU1!-~l Schule<ShoolI 1nThwd Slr611!"'o<fh.Su~tl2~O ~lnne8polis.MN 55401 ph_612-J39.SS58 fax 612.J37.5Q97 ~Q~N_O & ACOUSTICS CONSUL T~~ v KVflm~l()ftn.Ronnl1olm&A.'<SOCial..s 2444 BryilnlAvenue Soulh. Surte 300 Mlnnllapolis.MN55405 1""612-374-3800 !ax 512-374-3133 I HEfU:BY CERTIFY THAT nus PLAN, SPECIFICATION Of< l{f-po~r WAS Pf-lE'f'ARED <IV Ml: OR UNDE:R MV OIRE:CT SUPERVISION AND THAT \ AM A. OUL V lICENSED ARCHITECT UNDER THE LAWS OF THE SlATE. OF MINNESOTA. F~-:---- . ... ~----~~:S~;~1~7(~1-~--::] I CB~:::~-~l~~t~;c~ I -- - -------- --------- BUILDING ELEVATIONS CITY REVIEW SET A301 0- '" ",0 . 0 '" LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE lm f1XTtmr ""'" ~~/ FlXWRE =~~ci "''''''' "" DC3CR1f"l1Clo1 ~~':DL~GtiT. ZT P1)LE foNO:J' ~S~ 271'1 OllRUDEO ,.WMlI'IUIol "l)JSlNG, U1'HClt;lAKSESERIES CClf<tCRt.t[El.'SE ":xr COlD WEATHER CUSTOIrol CQOIt fU.l''!t~P(Ilro Kl"'AA~ES ..-rWAGNETIC Gt..ASSl.[I'(S""''lHSlllCONEGA~T. GAACCOFORl.ll0SE!llES ~~~~~C~OR. SQJAA( AU.olLSVlIES '" ~~~~~T. g.~~ ~fsl ~S~ ,m Dm'lUOCO Al.UWlIlUIot HOUSlNC, U11iOl'.'I,,1CSCSE:R1ES -2(l'COUI'llEA.THOi: CUSTot.I CCl.OIl:. FlAT ThlPEllED Kill A~ SERIES (2)tiEAO I*'fW...GNEllC GLASS LENS WITH SILICONE GASI\E"T, G,O,ROCOFOI'llot10SE.RlES SE~E"lTlOREftECTOR.SQOARf AU. At. SERl€S OISffllBUlION TYPE 1/ "A2 ~Z;:T.1"a.L ~~~aC~m ~SI~AA "N ElmNDEO !'I.JJlt~UN HOl.JSIt,fG. lfTl"O",,,KSESER;iES .2(J'COLDWEATH(R CUSTOt.l CCl.0fl. fLAT lUolPEllfD KIIolMSEIlIES "" HPr.....GN[llC GlASS lENs"",rnSlllCONEGASl(ET, ;::nA~ ~~o smES SlGl.l~N'l'EO ROl...fCTOIl. SQUARf,: (ljSTRlQUTlON TYPE V PAllKI!\IG LOT UGHT, ~~~~~l ~S~AA ~W' COUI wrATI-ER [l(lRVOEO .o.LUJ,lrNllN HOUSING. lIlHQNlAKSESERlES POLtAADllASE OJSTOW Ca.OR, fLAT lEt.lPEREO I(lYN/.SE!lIES IWfw.r.ool;nc GlASS LENS I\OH SIliCONE GASI':ET. GAROCOFCIIUA'OSERlES Sf..GWENTEO REF\..ECTOI'l. FOR'l'I'AAO AU. oll. SERIES tHROW OlS1RIBUTION (IV) PAM(ING lOTUGHT, 2r POlE AND]' f1h~Nl 27711 UTRUOf:D AL~lNW HOUSING, UTHONlAKSESERIES POl.(ANOB.\S[- CONCR(Tl 8.o.sE -2()'COlDWEA.THEll: OJSTQN CCl.CIR, FU.T TEWF'ERfD Kll,lAAstRlES (2)HEAD tlPflllA.GNEllC GLASS LEICS 'MTH SlUC!:HE GASKET, ~Rl)~ t8:~;D SERIES SEGMf:NlUl Flm..ECTOIl, fOllWA,RO THROW OISTRI811T1ON (Iv) PA.""lHG lOT tiGHT. 2T POlL ANO,' (1)"OOW l!JV EXlRUDED .owWINU/Il HOUS.NG, Ull1ONl"K';tS!:.WlS PDU"~DllASE CONCRETE 8A.SE HPSCl.lAR ~~E;rrnER QJSTON Cel-OR. FU.T n:WPEflED KIIolAASERlES GLASS LfNS WITH S1UCONE: G.lSKtT, ~~~~lDSEII2:S SECWENlUlIlt:1LECTCfl:, ROADyrA." OISTRI9UT1ON (II) 00 BUI.DPNGrA.CAOE ~R~~BASE ~Sl~n:D >n' lS"W 01( C.lST HOUSING, CUSTQl,l SElIIES fLOOO UGHT -lO'COW'IIEA.THER COLOR, TAIolP(R HARDWJ.RE, GAROo:l ~ ~WAGNEllC ~~r:~N~SlENS. ....DE FLOOD. twX:O "'"' So R"'Sl:D ~S1t:1tO illY IS"W DIE CA.ST HOOSlNG, evsTOW tlmRU 7100 SERIES CONCIlETE BA.SE -2Il'COt..Dllf.ArnEl'l COlOR, TAWPrR HAROIIIAAE. GA.JlOCO SERIES tll'rWA.Gmnc TUlPERED Q.ASS I..EHS, SPOT, ruu. NAOCO SOIIES ""''''''''' " ~~w~ l~~ [f~ON~lTE ~S1~ltl} ,m CAST AU..'t,If'jUW, BOROSIlIO,TE ARDl. AAU UGHllN(; SP:l SERIES -l(I'COlOlIllAIHEI'l GLASS U,NS, CA.!>l St1A.vt:, lCUlSPOOl~KA.SlRl.lP ~WA.CNC1IC NATURAl AWWIHIJI,I r:lNlSH. \.I.IWlHUS'/IfI!ZOSERt€S LOIJ'lER IlLAOC, OJTOfF WllECNUlOSEIlIES ~CCfjOi.ETE ~l~ltll illY CAST AlUl!llNUW HCIUSlNG AND AAOl. ,\REA UGHTING SP2 SERIES ~'~E~A.THER COVER, HINGEO COIo€R, LLNS JjITW OR~EWA.L SlUCONE GA.SI(ET, BA.U.AST lKIUN INTFRNAl.lY, aJSTOW rWISH ro BE SEl.Ecn:o ARQ1jTECT "'(f 'b'" g g ~ "'6 "'0- "'(f "<1' ~. CD ~:6;.o<?TRICAL SITE PLAN \ CB District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ [J ROZlltlOOmM:lIfl<Art'll,W:tl;lnc 2..r,r!1AYlt">l.IeNotlh M,,,,,,,apoli$,Mll1nol'601a55401 ph'612,332-2110f...612-664-ll152 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT II "~.'Coo""",~ DJ. ~~=:~~n~~~Id~OO 'la.1), ph~2-831,5<loa Iilt,9S;>-B31-126B A.-.Jeroo">-Jo/lnscnAS!".O<._,1nc ~ 7575Go1OenValIeyRoad.Suo18200 ~M''''''8poh$,M'nneS<JlaS542T ph,763-544-71291_,71>3-544-0S31 TIm ""'~'''''_'''<'C PO Bo.7397 F""J",Nn""Ollkr>t;>SIlH19 ph,701.28Q.-09.1l9f8>C:701-280-9686 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGIHEER @H.oIloorIlE"9lMe'l"9 1750Com~('.lllJI1 Wh,teflaarlaloe,M.nnoosr.taS,-'illO f>I'l651-Na.1100ra.6S1-7.a.9370 D""n;sHahn&Ar..~ 31 1 r",~l1n A","""", 50ulh SafleW, M,nMSCI:l $371 1",,320-259-6551 I"" 320+529-ll905 ~ "",,",5""". 123 TIl,rdSlfllOlNorlh, S'~1d210 M'''ne-..poIis,MN 55401 PIl 612-33g.5958 1<u612-331-5097 SOUND & "'COUSncSCON~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PRtPAREO BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVlsrON AND THAT I AM '" DULY lICIoNSED PRDfESS;ONAL ENGINE.E.I{ UNOE:}~ THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA PAULJ,FETTINGER LICENSE NUMBER: .3079 06-3124 FEBRUARY 1,2007 JMH CITY SUBMITTAL E010 LIGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE L1R ~D::TVRE ~ ~I ""'"'" ~~~~;t ""''''''' ~, "'''''''''''" AA ~1~L~T..1:lCIH. g.~1E ~d ~~ ,,~ OTJlU)[D41UWIMJWI<t!SlNG, U'n\(lOjIA IO;S[ SERIES ~~~~ATH(R CVSf(),lCOlO'<.FL./I1TDlPtRED o.All SERPES QASSlENSlIITHSIl.ICClN[Col,Sl([T, CAAOCO FOI'l"'O SER.E:S i:S~~ON ~C~ saJAAE ALlALSDlfES ~LO~~~T. ~~iE~d f2s~ "'" E'l'1'RUOC041IJlo\/N.Jlot~1oIG, U1HO'<lAKSESERlES -2Vca..o 'IlEA1I101 ClJSTOIoICOL~n.JroTTDIPDl:Ell lUolAASERlES (2)HE-'O 11PF.....GNEllC ClASSUIIlS .mSIJCONE GASKET, ~~O=iOSDil[$ ~S~~~~ ~~ SWAAE M:J.~~T.POlE ~POO:~TE ~lh,l~FI ~W ~~~...~ Offl\Xlt:O...U._t;OU51J<loG, ~~"'SE~SSERlf5 CVSTQI,l COLtI/{, FUll TDM"EREO GUSSUNS l'IIniSlUCONE GASKET, ~O~~~OSERlES ~S~~RE~C~~ SWAAE " ~:"~;~OL~T,,~:?~H, ~~~1E~ ~~AR 'OW €XIRUOEO AlUIMNJIlI HCIJ$lNG. Ullia-lIA"'S[SEflIES -20' COlD 'llf:ATHE~ CUSlUIolCOLOR,Fv.T!EMPt:RED Kill AR SfRj[S HPf.....GHETIC Gl,t,SSU)lSlIITHSlUCONECASKEl', GAAOCO fCA"',O SERIES S(Q,4[NTEO REFI..ECl(R, FOftWAAl) AU.Al...SERItS 'lHIlOW0lS1RIBUTION (1\1) ~~l~~~T. 27'~.E"'IC)Y ~S~~ ,,~ ElIIRUO(DAluwtmMI1O.JSlNC, UTHCN!A I<:SE SERIES CONCRETE eASE -20'Ccw..O'IIEATHER ClJS1U,tCO!.~flATTU4PEREO ~~ ~~~~o SERIES {2)tIEAO HPfW.o.GNf;TIC GUtSSL["S.TH~[G"'SI(rT. S[(~NTWR[fL(CITfl.,f~w.o.RD oW.ALSE.'tILS lliROW DlSlJllBIJl1Qt<1 (IV) ~1~L~lGHT. ~~TE~ ~~ 271'1 E)(IR\J()[Q Alt-.olol HOuSl!\IG. Ul11O'II...I<SESERlES -20' Cl10 M:...lI1DI CVSTo:t.ICOLOR,fI..IIl~o lI""AA:SUlIES i'WF" W.GIolETlC Q...ASSlENSWTWSl.!COkEC-'SI(E'T. GNlOCO rrn~IQ SERIES SEQ.lfNTED RUUCTCfi. ROAD.....Y AlL......SEJOCS D1STllIWTlON. (~) eo.JllOlIIG r,o,CAOE 1I"IUlSUl (1)15C'1l' 'OW lC1""OIECA.'STIOJSlNC,OJSTOIoI HYORa.7100SERlB 1'1.000 l.JQil C(:NCRU( 8,0.<;( liPSco...n:n -2Q"CQO'/IE,o,THEIl CClJ:ll'l,T~HAAnWJoR[. G.o.ROCtl SERlf:S HPf'lol.o.GNETlC ~~~lEHS,WllOfn.ooo.HI,OO) ,..., ~~R~~8.o.:;( ~lJsl::'TED ,,~ ~~~r=~~~STOW 1l'l'OREL7100 Sl:R:lB -2O'CCl.D'IoEATHEll GAADCO SERlt:S l1Pf.....Cl\'[TIC :-::'f~~-'SSl(NS,sPQT.F'Ul.L HAOCO SERIES " 'III"I.I(w,o,v liGHT, ~~~~n: (1)150'/11 ,m C1o.Sr Al.-UtollNlIll, IlOROSIUCA.TE ,o,ROi, AREA UGHTlNG 9"2 SlJlllS I'<U AM) S,o,SE HPSCQI'TtO -20"CCl.DWEA"TWER ~...~~~~:;;1~:i;. LOUlSPOUlS[NI<"'Sl1l1.lP HPFWAONiETlC LUWIffiJ$ W620 $[R,rS l.lllJ'.Ul9L.AOE.CUTa:T LUWEC NEMO SERIES !'l.USHCONCI!fT[ ~1h.1~~1ID ,,~ C...ST.....UIolJNUIIl HOUSlNC ANO ARCI1. ARE... UCHTlNG Sf'2. SlIlIES ''''' -2U'CO,1)VIUTHEll CO'vER,k1NGEOCO'vER.lENS'tllTH OR APPROVED [QUAl I1PFMACNHIC $'lICQNECASl(fT,el\lL~TMWNlD) ~~~~t~~~ f\HI9i TO lIE District 112 Future High School PROJECT TEAM: ~ [J Rozeboom Millef A!ChileCls Inc 24.4 Fi,stAveolleNorlh M,,,neapolis,Minneo;ola55401 ph:612_332_21101alc612_664-8t52 BOS&atdlCOrporalior1 8565WesI781I1Slrnet.Suil"IOO M.n'>llilpcl.l'I, Minr>eS<lIa5Sol3B ph 952-831_540BI". 952-S31-1168 Andar60~OMsonAs.<;ocIltleS.I...... ~ ~~~;"'=~~~~~54~19200 ph 763-544-7129 (a.c.16J-544..0S31 1))110.- TIm H.,M E"9'~"'" eo P,O, BOl< 7397 Fargo,NorthOakol956109 ph, 701-280-0949 rax101-2llC>-9686 MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL ENGINEER ~ HalltlergEng;~ 1750 Com......""" Cowl Whil.. e"..r Lake, MinOO90l>l55110 ph'651_748-1100fax651_74B-937Q Dl!oni&Hann&Associales 311 Four1hAYOO.......Suu!t> S"rtf>..Minnesotl~71 ph.320-259-6557fwc.J2o-..'i29-8905 TIiEATER CONSIJLTANT ~ S<'-hulorShook 123Th,I"dSlreeINoM.Sutle210 " ~n~;~~;:~5;:~12.J37-5097 IiEAEBY CERTiFY tHAT THIS PLAN, SPECiFICATiON OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER '-ff DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY lIaN~~OPROfESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA PAULJ,FETTINGER UCH.Sf NUId!3ER: .lI3079 CD ~~;.o<?TRICAL SITE PLAN CB LI:J ::LMISS!~ \I7 RAWN 06-31:.14 FEBRUARY 1, 2007 JMH ELECTRICAL STADIUM PLAN CITY SUBMITTAL E011 G CenterPoint@ Energy RECEIVED FEB 2 0 2007 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 700 West Linden Avenue PO Box 1165 Minneapolis, MN 55440-1165 February 15, 2007 Robert Generous Senior Planner City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive, P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN. 55317 RE: Planning Case 07-06 Chanhassen High School Dear Mr. Generous: Referencing the proposed high school, CenterPoint Energy, a division of CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., owns and operates a 6-inch diameter natural gas pipeline located in an easement on the east end of the property. The first easement number 1960-84, was recorded October 28, 1960 in Book 61 of Deeds on page 490. The second easement number 1960-92, was recorded October 28, 1960 in Book 61 of Deeds on page 499-500, Carver County, Minnesota. CenterPoint Energy's pipelines are operated and maintained in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 192, Title 49, "Transportation of Natural and Other Gasses by Pipeline: Minimum Federal Safety Standards. No grading or other earth movement will be allowed in the easement unless other arrangements have been made with CenterPoint Energy. Enclosed is a copy of the "Guidelines for Construction and/or Encroachment Within Gas Pipeline Easements" to aid in any design before approval by CenterPoint Energy. The reduced set of plans that were sent cannot be read. Please forward a large set of plans for review and approval to me at the address below. Our engineering staff will review and make necessary changes to safely maintain the pipeline. Respectfully, CENTERPOINT ENERGY j:t- /it~ Steven Von Bargen Right-of-Way Administrator P.O. Box 1165 Mpls., MN. 55440-1165 pc: Andrew Balgobin, Administration Engineer Dale Sodahl, Design Technician Cherie Monson, Sales Consultant CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES CORP., D.B.A. CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNESOTA GAS GUIDELINES FOR CONSTRUCTION AND/OR ENCROACHMENT WITHIN GAS PIPELINE EASEMENTS The following are general requirements only. Center Point Energy must inspect the area and review construction plans. Final construction plans must be reviewed and approved. in writing. by Center Point Energy Engineering prior HUhe start of any construction within CenterPoint Energy's easement. Grading and utility plans showing CenterPoint Energy's approval must be on site and available to Center Point Energy personnel during construction within the easement. . 1. Soil shall not be removed or placed in a manner that will result in earth or pavement cover over the pipeline of less than three feet or more than five feet unless otherwise approved. A level area of not less than six feet on each side of the pipeline shall be maintained at all times. Slope beyond 6' from the pipeline shall not be steeper than 4 to 1, unless otherwise agreed. Any amount of cut or fill, within the 4 to 1 slope area, shall increase the width of the level area on each side of the pipeline by that same footage of cut or fill. Blasting in the vicinity of any pipeline requires review and written approval by a CenterPoint Energy engineer prior to start. The pipeline must be fully accessible at all times before, during, and after the construction. 2. Landscaping over and within ten feet on each side of the pipeline is restricted to grass cover only. Beyond ten feet on each side of the pipeline, upright plantings are restricted to, and shall not exceed an eventual growth height of six (6) feet. No trees shall be planted or remain within the easement. Any trees, removed by Center Point Energy from within the easement, while performing maintenance activities shall not be replaced by CenterPoint Energy or the current owner. their successors or assigns. 3. Any buried utility line installed across the in-place pipeline shall be placed below the pipeline with no less than one foot of vertical separation, padded with well compacted (95% Standard Procter) and cross at an angle between 45 degrees and 90 degrees from the pipeline unless otherwise approved. 4. With prior CenterPoint Energy approval by a Senior Engineer or Right of Way Administrator, parking lots, perpendicular driveways or roadways of portland cement concrete or asphaltic concrete (or similar materials) may be placed within the easement. but shall be limited in width when crossing the easement to minimize the interference with or access to the pipeline for inspection and maintenance. Any contractor equipment movement over the pipeline shall only be at an angle greater than 45 degrees to the pipeline, and must be on a constructed haul road composed of well-graded gravel, 3 feet thick, for a minimum distance of ten feet on each side of the pipeline Permanent structures including, but not limited to. buildings, signs. screen walls, decks, tennis courts. and swimming pools are not allowed under any circumstances within the easement. Installations including. but not limited to, retaining walls and fences crossing the pipeline require approval by the Center Point Energy Senior Engineer or the Right of Way Administrator, before construction. All fences crossing the pipeline must have a 10-foot wide gate centered over the pipeline. All fences installed parallel with the pipeline will maintain a minimum of 10 feet of separation from the pipeline. 5. Once CenterPoint Energy and the Owner, Developer or Contractor have reached an agreement, CenterPoint Energy shall be given at least two working days advance notice of planned construction activity so arrangements can be made for Center Point Energy Personnel to monitor the construction. CenterPoint Energy will locate and stake the pipeline, but will not assume responsibility to expose or backfill the pipeline or to determine the actual elevation of the in-place pipeline. Excavation to expose the pipeline shall be parallel to the pipeline. Center Point Energy Personnel must be present during this excavation. Backfill must be free of rocks and shall be compacted to 95% Standard Procter. 6. Any subsequent damage or removals caused by Center Point Energy in the exercise of its easements rights, of any and all of those certain foreign constructions (landscaping, driveway, roadway, utility lines, etc.) which may be permitted within the easement area, will be permanently repaired or replaced at the owner's or contractor's (not Center Point Energy's) expense. 7. In accordance with Federal Department of Transportation Codes, Center Point Energy must place markers over transmission pipelines. These markers will be placed at all road crossings, in back of curb or at property line, at changes of direction and periodically along the pipeline. All natural gas transmission line locating markers placed by Center Point Energy will not be removed. If you have any questions call 612.321.5426 or 612.321.5381. January 20, 2005 February 23, 2007 Chaska Mr. Robert Generous Chanhassen Senior Planner 7700 Market Boulevard Box 147 Chanhassen, Mn. 55317 REceiVED FE82 6 Z007 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RE: Planning Case 07-06 Chanhassen High School Dear Bobf The City of Chaska would offer the following two comments to the site plans submitted for the Chanhassen High School: 1. The traffic improvements outlined in the High School EAW dated 11-03-06 should be considered the minimum required to be in place prior to the opening of the school. Said improvements modify the existing street system and are viewed as meeting short-term needs. Reconstructing the portion of Lyman Boulevard impacted by the High School to its ultimate section, as presently being discussed by Chanhassen, Chaska, and Carver County, provides a permanent access solution and is preferable from a traffic flow, safety, and economic viewpoint. 2. Chaska is working with the School District on modifications to its electric substation that will be necessary to allow transfer of the easements to accommodate the access drives to the school and realignment of the entrance drive to the substation. Chaska foresees no problems in resolving these details and furnishing the required easements. If you should have any questions about these comments, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, William Monk City Engineer WM:ms cc: Dave Pokorney, Kevin Ringwald, and Steve Wilker - City of Chaska City Of Chaska Minnesota One City Hall Plaza 55318-1962 Phone 952/448-9200 Fax 952/448-9300 New Chanhassen High School . A Rozeboom Miller Architects Inc. 244 First Avenue North Minneapolis, Minnesota 5540 ph: 612-332-2110 fax: 612-664-8152 Lyman Boulevard and Audubon Road - 985 980 975 970 985 960 955 950 9(5 940 935 930 925 920 915 910 905 900 895 890 885 880 875 870 lne. ~ AndersorkJohnson Assodates. 7575 Golden Valley Road Sulle 200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55427 ph: 763-544-7129 fax: 763-544.0531 985 980 975 970 985 980 955 950 945 940 935 930 925 920 915 910 905 900 895 890 885 880 875 870 985 980 975 970 965 960 955 950 945 940 935 930 925 920 915 910 905 900-' 895~.'~ 890""" 885 "~ 980C' 875'- , 870~ ~-":::":;l~:O-O- 57.001.00 1"= 10' 1/01/06 OAR SITE PROFILE CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS EX. PROJECT SCALE DA.TE OAAWN 985 980 975 970 985 980 955 950 945 940 935 930 925 920 915 910 905 900 895 890 885 880 875 870 985 980- 975~" 970c 965- 960~^ 955' 950~ 945:- 940- 935- 930-.' 925" 920'" 91k 910, 905,' 900_ 895 890" 885"- 880- m~~~}o~: c --~"-'--===21toG; CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDA VIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on February 22, 2007, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Chanhassen High School- Planning Case 07-06 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. ~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~'hay Of+R 1 ru '0 , (f-' 2007. ~'~~ . LAV\ \ . J-l~,,- Nota ublic Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Rezoning, Site Plan Approval with Variances, Conditional Use Permit with Variances and a Wetland Alteration Permit - CHANHASSEN HIGH SCHOOL Anderson-Johnson Associates, Inc. and ISO 112 North of Lyman Boulevard, south of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad, and west of Bluff Creek A location map Is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/serv/plan/07-06.html. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob Generous by email atbaenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952-227-1131. If you choose to subm it written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. Date & Time: What Happens at the Meeting Questions & Comments: Applicant: Proposal Property Location Location Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for Rezoning, Site Plan Approval with Variances, Conditional Use Permit with Variances and a Wetland Alteration Permit - CHANHASSEN HIGH SCHOOL Anderson-Johnson Associates, Inc. and ISO 112 North of Lyman Boulevard, south of the Twin Cities and Western Railroad, and west of Bluff Creek A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the public hearing through the following steps: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/serv/plan/07-06.html. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Bob Generous by email atbaenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at 952-227-1131. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meetinQ. Date & Time What Happens at the Meeting: Questions & Comments: Applicant: Location Property Location Proposa City Review Procedure: o Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. o Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercial/industrial. o Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. o A neighborhood spokesperson/representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). . Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have something to be included in the report, please contact the Planninq Staff person named on the notification. City Review Procedure: o Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. o Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will close the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation. Rezonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commerciallindustrial. o Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. o A neighborhood spokesperson/representative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). · Because the Planning Commission holds the pUblic hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. If you wish to have somethinq to be included in the report, please contact the Planninq Staff person named on the notification. Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records. information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown. and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages. and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use~s access or use of data provided. Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city. county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the use~s access or use of data provided. Public Hearing Notification Area (500 feet) Chanhassen High School Planning Case No. 07-06 City of Chanhassen ABDALLAH A EL-SANJAK & 1839 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8419 ANCHOR BANK 1055 WAYZATA BLVD E WAYZATA, MN 55391-1812 BARRY L & SUZANNE L L1BENGOOD 8950 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8412 BRIAN T & SONYA A BENKSTEIN 2292 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 CARL M JR & KIM A ILIFF 1731 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 CHADWICK HOUWMAN 2219 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 CHET A LARSON 2259 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7420 CRAIG H & HOLLY L MELL 8670 VALLEY RIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8417 DANIEL J & NANCY R LYNCH 2255 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 DARYL W & CATHERINE M HARTSEL 1851 SUNRIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9663 ALBERT B & JANET K BEETY 2193 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7415 ANDREW J KAYATIIII 8715 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8421 BONITA ANN JUNGELS 2338 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 BRUCE H & CLARICE G FEIK 1773 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 CHAD A & JULIE M EVEN 2198 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 CHARLENE A STENDER 2321 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 CHRIS B & LESLIE J ERICKSON 1831 SUNRIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9663 CRAIG S & WENDY L O'CONNOR 1702 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8415 DANIEL J & PAMELA J CULHANE 2333 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 DAVID D & KATHLEEN A THORP 2330 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 ALVARO J & NANCY A GOMEZ 87 48 VALLEY VI EW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8421 ANTHONY D & PAMELA R STRAND 8640 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9401 BRADLEY J & RENEE L VANBERGEN 2175 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 CARL DRAY & 2245 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7420 CHAD M & JILL C HAKE 2115 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 CHARLES & DEBRA OLSON 1748 VALLEY RIDGE PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8416 CITY OF CHASKA 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA, MN 55318-1962 DANA R BENSON & 2203 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7420 DANIEL K & ROBIN L EDMUNDS 1861 SUNRIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9663 DAVID HESTER & 2199 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 DAVID J & LISA M KIRKBRIDE 2080 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 DAVID R & CHERRI A SALTZMAN 1800 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8418 DEAN L & SHELLEY L BUSSEY 2145 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7415 DEBRA LYNN LUDFORD 8615 VALLEY VIEW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8423 DONALD & JENNIFER HARMS 1783 VALLEY RIDGE PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8416 DOUGLAS G & SARAH P HIPSKIND 2317 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 DOUGLAS VERNON JOHNSON 2322 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 ERIK M & LISA A MAGNUSON 2001 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7410 GARY L FELDICK & 2231 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 GERHARD & HELENE A SCHOCK 2309 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 DAVID KESSLER & 1750 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8415 DAVID W & L YNNETTE A BAILEY 2273 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7420 DEBORAH A HUM & 1761 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 DELORIS B HOLASEK TRUST 2015 STAHLKE WAY CHASKA, MN 55318-3239 DONALD W & CATHY BORGMANN 2308 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 DOUGLAS J WINZENBURG & 1710 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 EDWARD E & ELLEN L RAWSON 2266 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 EUGENE C & JAN M KRUCHOSKI 2030 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 GEORGE W & CAROLE A PHILLIPPE 1711 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 GERHARD G & SALLIE L BERGESON 2220 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 DAVID M & LORI J KENDALL 2063 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7410 DEAN & LOIS 9111 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9412 DEBRA KAY NOTERMANN 1766 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8415 DENNIS & RUTH CHADDERDON 8900 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8412 DOUGLAS A & CINDY L MERRIGAN 8736 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8421 DOUGLAS V & ANN M JOHNSON PO BOX 83 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-0083 ERIC & MELISSA NOYES 8622 VALLEY VIEW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8423 GARY D & JOYCE D THEIS 1696 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9401 GERALD W & JANICE K CRAWFORD 2079 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 GREGG J & AMY M KLOKE 1836 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8418 GREGORY S & SHELLY M SCALLON 1814 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8424 HOA LE CA 1738 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8415 JACK R BECKER & 1751 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 JAMES M & JENNIFER D LARRANAGA 2318 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 JAYSON & JEANETTE KIRMEIER 2094 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 JEFFREY P & SARAH L WENDORF 2291 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 JEFFREY T & JUANITA M SCRIBNER 1780 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 JOEL E & HEIDI M LEHRKE 2329 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 JOHN F & PATRICIA G VANNUCCI 1798 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8415 JOHN T MORAN 2150 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 GREGORY W & SUSAN I PROVO 1762 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 IND SCHOOL DIST 112 11 PEAVEY RD CHASKA, MN 55318-2321 JAIME L STERBENZ & 1848 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8418 JARED & CHRISTINA A GRUNIG 1747 VALLEY RIDGE PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8416 JEFFREY J & KARLA M ALTHOFF 2326 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 JEFFREY R & EDITH M STEARNS 2052 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 JEFFREY W & GAIL H MOODY 1800 SUNRIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9663 JOEL K & KERI L JOHNSON 1806 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8424 JOHN T & JANET K ST ANDREW 1811 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8419 JOSHUA T KRIENKE & 2375 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7403 HADI ANBARGHALAMI & 8381 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7417 J T MORTON ENTERPRISES LLC 6911 YUMA DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9560 JAMES K & MELISSA J CARLSON 2122 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 JAY & BARBARA GRIZZLE 8760 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8421 JEFFREY L & JENNIFER T BENKE 8643 VALLEY RIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8417 JEFFREY S & KRISTI J STRANG 1701 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 JERALD D & LISA R STIELE 8755 VALLEY VI EW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8421 JOHN & MARDI PERLlCH 2163 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 JOHN T & KELLY A LABATT 2109 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7415 JURGEN W & CAROL A SEEMANN 8401 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7422 KAJ & JODI M DOERRING 2231 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7420 KENNETH D & DIANNE W KEMP 2162 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 KYLE S & JACKIE L DUEA 2133 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.7415 L YNDELL F & MARY F FREY 1822 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8424 MARK B & JENNIFER A DAVIDSON 1841 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8419 MARVIN V & CAROLE J LUECK 2019 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7410 MICHAEL & JACQUELINE R MROSKO 2305 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 MICHAEL D & BETTY WRIGHT 2280 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 MICHAEL J & MARY M YAZCEC 1813 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8424 MICHAEL R & DANA B HOWE 2169 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7415 KELLY K MORLOCK & 2325 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 KEVIN & ELIZABETH ROGERS 2023 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 LAWRENCE P & HOLLY WHITE 8657 VALLEY RIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8417 MARK & LAURA THORNE 1827 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8419 MARK R & CARLEEN A LAPINSKI 2103 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 MERLE & JANE VOLK 180 WASHINGTON VALLEY RD ATTN: NETWORK R , 07921-2120 MICHAEL A & JULIE A SALENTINE 1784 VALLEY RIDGE PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8416 MICHAEL D MUFFENBIER & 8652 VALLEY RIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317.8417 MICHAEL J KRYCH & 2127 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 NANCY L WHAYLEN 2334 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 KENNETH A & MARCIA S STRAND 8631 VALLEY VIEW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8423 KRISTOPHER E & MINDI L H DAHL 1774 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8415 LDW PROPERTIES LLC 1340 PARK RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9527 MARK A & NANCIANN S OLSON 1792 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8415 MARK R & LAURA G JOHNSON 1807 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8424 MERLE L & ELIZABETH J OELKE 2242 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 MICHAEL C & JENNIFER ANDERSON 8772 VALLEY VI EW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8421 MICHAEL J & JOANNE COCHRANE 1751 SUNRIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9663 MICHAEL JOHN HOLLANDS & 2051 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 NEIL BUTCHART & 1796 VALLEY RIDGE PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8416 NORMAN E & KATHLEEN EVILSIZER 2207 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 PAMELA K KERBER 8743 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8421 PATRICK L & SHARON M ARBOGAST 1801 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8419 PAUL P & AMINA M RINKES 2208 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 PETER G & KRISTIN A TERRELL 2136 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 RICARDO A & RAYLENE S SEGURA 1740 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 RICHARD J & PAMELA E SCHWARZ 2157 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7415 ROBERT J & CHRISTINE R FINN 2108 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 RONALD S & LAURIE A BLUM 2081 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7410 SCOTT A HANSON & 2267 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 OUTHAI SOLEY A & 1700 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 PATRICK A & BRENDA J TODD 1772 VALLEY RIDGE PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8416 PAUL & LINDA SPEKMAN 2121 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7415 PAUL R & JENNIFER A SPORS 8658 VALLEY RIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8417 PHEAVANH SOUVANNALATH & 1829 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8424 RICHARD D & CHRISTINE M BALM 2093 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 RICHARD L LINDSTROM & 2642 COMMERCE BLVD MOUND, MN 55364-1402 ROBERT T & AIMEE M O'MALLEY 1721 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 RORY D & AMY J LEA 2313 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 SCOTT H & SUE J FERRELL 2243 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 P SCOTT & JENNIFER G PHARIS 1815 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8419 PATRICK C & MICHELLE MCNALLAN 2287 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7420 PAUL L & LYNETTE M ERICKSON 2217 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7420 PAUL S & LAURA E GRAVES 8634 VALLEY VIEW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8423 PHILIP D & MARGARET STANDAFER 8767 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8421 RICHARD J & CHERYL A HARTMAN 2254 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 ROBERT FU & 1718 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8415 RODDY Y & LAURIE L W ZIVKOVICH 2337 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 SALLY E STUCKEY 1785 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 SCOTT T & NICOLE M BRUSH 2301 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7401 STEPHEN B & SANDRA L MEYER 8724 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8421 THEO A & TERRY L JENSON 2065 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 THOMAS R & AMY B EDSTROM 10 HILL ST CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9586 THOMAS V & BEVERLY L ANTILLEY 2361 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7403 TIMOTHY & BRENDA MOORE 1812 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8418 TIMOTHY J & MARY C KRAFT 2279 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7400 TODD A & JILL M GATES 1795 VALLEY RIDGE PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8416 TRENT A & KIMBERLY M DAVID 1797 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8415 WILLIAM M & LAURI J WEISMAN 1771 VALLEY RIDGE PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8416 K&V LEASING LLC 118 PEAVEY CIR CHASKA, MN 55318-2347 STEPJEN J & MARY P MONSON 8850 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9407 THOMAS A & SUSAN A KODET 1741 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8414 THOMAS S & SUSAN M TISCHER 8729 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8421 THOR C & LYNN M HEIMDAHL 8671 VALLEY RIDGE CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8417 TIMOTHY G GEEHAN 1819 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8424 TIMOTHY J & MELISSA C MCNEILL 1824 VALLEY RIDGE TRL S CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8418 TODD M & DEBORAH S DOLAN 2187 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 WILLIAM B & TERRE D KEMBLE 1782 VALLEY RIDGE TRL N CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8415 TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RAILROAD 2925 12TH ST E GLENCOE, MN 55336-3368 LAKE REGION MFG CO INC 340 LAKE HAZELTINE DR CHASKA, MN 55318-1034 STEVE BARKER & 8712 VALLEY VIEW PL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8424 THOMAS M & CAROLYN D THOMSON 2186 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 THOMAS TODD COOK & 2037 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 THOR E & DAWN K SMITH 2139 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 TIMOTHY J & KATHLEEN C BATTIS 2066 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7407 TIMOTHY N & TERRI L RENDALL 2174 BOULDER RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7402 TODD M & JONI J NELSON 8610 VALLEY VIEW CT CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8423 WILLIAM D & LEZLlE M DAWSON 2181 STONE CREEK DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7415 VICORP RESTAURANTS INC 400 48TH AVE W DENVER, CO 80216-1806 ROLAND A STINSKI 3647 MCKINLEY ST NE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55418-1599