8. Administrative Section
Administrative Packet
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952.227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
Public Works
1591 Park Road
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
Web Site
/~.~ ~.
Bob Generous, Senior Planner
Todd Hoffman, Park & Recreation Director
March 1, 2007
Park & Recreation Commission Site Plan Review - Chanhassen
High School Campus
On Tuesday, February 27, the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed the
site plan for the new Chanhassen High School. Representatives attending from
School District 112 included Steve Pumper, Director of Operations and Finance;
Paul Schuleter, Director of Buildings and Grounds; ~~ Jay Pomeroy and
Jonathan Duesman both of Anderson-Johnson Associates. Mr. Duesman gave a
presentation to the Commission explaining the planp;i~g.:,;efforts that focused on
the exterior of the building. The remaining represent~~:y~ also provided input
into the cony.ersation and answered questions froIl:t:~l.le'c~~ssion. The
following ar~~~~wet~..iq~~t!fied for additional study~' :"
NEED TO ~~jtPA:_G:CAPAClTV,,(1NT$SI;:m ,
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With the onlY;6~~ oveifl~wparltil'lg:Qpti(n1:~bE;i~g;,tbeshPulde~ of Lyman
Boulevard, the:'~afl<>~ltdi~ecreation.:CQllUni~s'sj9ri;be~leve~.'~t'is' itt1PQrt~t to
maximize parking.nDt)1e: prtJpetty.' ~'hQ$tjngyety' l~e~eveiit1; :9dnultiple,
~~~;~~i: ~:e=~i:~;::~ti:=~tt~~ea:~~;=:~~~ ,"
include the should~ ~$()fLymarfBo,u.leviir:d;'sb~lt1ef;are$of;the.jliteriot",
access roads, the shoul~~~,t)r '4keH~~~ve in Chaskattbe,priv~tff~ :'
parking lots in,~ .~eH.tdtmeIndU$tti~par;k'luldthe(re8i<lentialstreets in ;
the Stone Creekneigl1~Qrhood. 'M~stofth~se,potentialoff-site ove~ow'
parking opti;~ns'.are unsa(e, -' the r.others. areundesi:rahle., '
. "
~ ". ~'._ '.i.' ,-' ~ J..
: " - ,
, " .
The schoolsltt:isa'sizableptopertyfeatunng. ;~~Ydestb)ati(>ns. Much of the
movement throughout th~site'will be';pedesfrian~,~rlente~~ :The school property
will be accessed on ni'ght~ar)d we~kends' by walke~~ and runners 'that will. utilize.
the pedestrian accommodations on the site .as:.part oftbeir recreation route.
Planning for predictable travel patterns and.providirig,barrier-free trail and
sidewalk access is critical. Areas :ofconcem; Qased upon the submitted site
plan, include the northeast quadranfof the building 'and access routes from the
The City of Chanhassen · A growing community with clean lakest quality schoolst a charming downtownt thriving businessest winding trailst and beautiful parks. A great place to livet workt and play.
Chanhassen High School Site Plan Review
March 1, 2007
Page 2
north parking lot to the tennis courts and railroad trail underpass. At present, a
pedestrian route around the northeast comer of the buildings is not shown. A
stairway adjacent to the north wall of the gymnasiums should be added to
correct this deficiency. This would create an access from the north parking lot
to the tennis court area. In addition, it is unclear if pedestrians moving between
the north parking lot and the railroad trail underpass will have unobstructed
access due to perimeter fencing and associated gates around the stadium area.
The site plan includes a variety of athletic fields and other sports-related
amenities. However, the athletic fields provided on the property will likely not
accommodate all the needs that will be generated by school sporting events. The
School District will look to other district facilities and community-based
facilities to fill the gap between demand and supply. At present, the City has
very limited excess capacity at our athletic field facilities. Under a scenario in
which the city would move to accommodate school district sporting events,
existing community user groups would be displaced. This is not a desirable
scenario from all perspectives.
An additional 48 parking stalls have been identified as an alternate finishing
plan for the south parking lot. It is recommended that these stalls be included in
the base bid package. As a potential measure to dramatically increase on-site
athletic field capacity, an add/alternate bid item to install artificial turf in lieu of
grass on the stadium field and two soccer fields has been proposed. Again, it is
recommended that these alternates be included in the base bid package. In
regard to trails and pedestrian flow, it is recommended that the described
stairway be added on the north exterior wall of the gymnasium and sufficient
accommodations be made for uninterrupted pedestrian access from the north
parking lot to the railroad trail underpass.
c: District 112 Schools
Anderson-Johnson Associates
Park and Recreation Commission
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Laurie Hokkanen, Assistant City Manager
Paul Oehme, Public Works Director/City Engineer
~:';e: ~
Chanhassen Senior Center 15th Anniversary...
"A Month of Fun & Celebration"
It all began in 1992! In honor of 15 wonderful years, a variety of activities have been planned to help
us remember, celebrate, share, and look to the Chanhassen Senior Center's future.
Please join us. Pre-resignation is required for all events. Please email Sue at
sbill@ci.chanhassen.mn.us or call her at 952-227-1124 if you would like to attend any event.
All events take place in the senior center.
Breakfast with the Mayor
Monday, April 30th at 8:30 am
Come meet Mayor Tom Furlong and enjoy a delicious breakfast as he updates us on what's
new and happening-in Chanhassen.
May Day Pizza Lunch.. .Presentation on the History of Chanhassen
Friday, May 4th at 12 noon
Ron Roeser, local historian will take us on a "Historical Journey of Chanhassen." Hear stories
about growing up in Chanhassen the 40's, the 2 different Chanhassens, and other tales and facts
of our great city. After lunch, we will visit "old St. Hubert's Church and the jail."
Open House Reception
Wednesday, May 9th from 9-11:15 a.m.
Come and enjoy cake, coffee and lemonade and learn frrst-hand of all we have to offer. See live
demonstrations, hear our beautiful chorus, and join us for lunch provided by the congregate-dining program.
Representatives from all activities will be on hand to fill you in on what's "happening." Cake provided by
the Chanhassen Senior Center Women's Club.
The morning will feature:
. Wood Carving demonstrations by the wonderful Chanhassen Wood Carvers - 9-10:30 am
. Line Dance Demonstration - 9:45-10 am
. CHAN-o-Iaires Concert - 10:30-11 a.m.
. Lunch @ 11 :30 a.m. Menu: Turkey Pasta Salad, fruit, rolls and lemon meringue pie.
Reservations are required by calling 952-227-1127 by May 4. Suggested donation $3.00
for people 60+/$6.00 for those under 60.
. Stay and play Bingo or enjoy a game of your choice. Play begins at 12:30 p.m.
Anniversary Celebration Dinner
Wednesday, May 23rd @ 5:30 p.m.
Join us for an evening of fun, food, entertainment and a night of reminiscing as we celebrate
our 15 wonderful years. Space is limited and reservations are needed.
Last printed 2/25/07
ecIP\Tep eOlRt-C~ PlRt Pes-C
Chaska Community Center
1661 Park Ridge Dr., Chaska
April 4, 2007
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
It's FREE!
Come learn about recreation programsl leisure activities and
support services for people with disabilities.
All ages welcome!
. Parks & Recreation
. Summer Sports
. Camps
. Theaters
. Faith Communities
. Museums
. Community Education
. Community Support
Questions? Call Tara Hallberg at Reach for Resources. (952) 988-4176
Sponsored by
Reach for Resources
Magnifying Abilities
The Chanhassen Park & Recreation Department presents the annual...
Easter Egg Ca ndy Hunt
and, COloring Contest
Saturday, April 7, 9:00 a.m.
Chanhassen Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Blvd.
Children ages 4-12 are invited to color the rabbit
at the end of this flyer. Prizes will be awarded to
the winner in each age category.
Completed coloring entries may be
dropped off at Chanhassen City Hall
or the Recreation Center by 3 p.m.
Friday, April 6, or bring it along to
the Easter Egg Candy Hunt on Sat.,
April 7 beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Pictures may not be turned in to any of the area schools.
FEATURING J. Shawn Sweenyl
Children will be delighted with this year's
entertaining performance. "J. Shawn Sweeny" will
dazzle the audience with
their spectacular show,
Music that Tickles. The
show will begin at 9:00
a.m. sharp' Come and
join the fun'
Provided the weather cooperates, the Easter Egg Candy
Hunt will be held outside at the Chanhassen Recreation
Center. If weather is inclement, the candy grab bags
will be distributed inside the Chanhassen Recreation
Center gym. The Easter Egg Candy Hunt will have three
different age groups. The hunt begins immediately
following the J. Shawn Sweeny performance.
Ages 4 & under
Ages 5-8
Ages 9-12
Each group will search for a "Golden Egg" in addition to
candy. The person finding the "Golden Egg" will receive
a special prize. Bring a bag for the candy hunt and
your camera for a photo with the Easter Bunny.
This event costs $3 and preregistration is required'
Register at the Chanhassen Recreation Center or City
Hall, by 3 p.m. Friday, April 6, or mail your registration
to Chanhassen Park & Rec. Dept., 7700 Market Blvd.,
P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317.
Registration Form
Parent/Guardian Name:
Home Phone:
Payment: 0 Cash 0 Check 0 Visa/MasterCard No. Exp. Date:
I, the undersigned parent, guardian or participant, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the above mentioned activity and
I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any and all liability for injury which may be suffered by the aforementioned individual(s)
arising out of, or in any way with, his/her participation in this activity. I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken by the city of
the individual(s) named herein in city informational bulletins released to the general public for the period of one year from the date I have signed below.
Partici ant's Name Sex Birthdate Pro ram Name Code No. Fee
Easter Egg/Candy Hunt 2072.129 $3
Easter Egg/Candy Hunt 2072.129 $3
Easter Egg/Candy Hunt 2072.129 $3
Work Phone:
Cell Phone:
Tennessen Statement: The information requested on the registration form will be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and equipment needs. You/your child's name,
sex, birthdate, address, phone number and health information will be provided to city staff, volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to
disclose this information, failure to do so will prevent you/your child from participating in the program.
Does the participant have any special needs?O Yes 0 No If yes, please explain on a separate sheet.
Parent, Guardian or Participant Signature:
Phone Number:
Children ages 4-12 years of age are
invited to color the picture of the bunny
on the opposite side of this flyer.
Pictures will be judged on originality
and neatness. Artists may use crayons,
pencils, ink, markers, glitter, etc. Prizes
will be awarded to the winner in each
age category.
Completed coloring entries may be
dropped off at Chanhassen City Hall or
Recreation Center by 3:00 p.m. Friday,
April 6 or bring it along to the Easter
Egg Candy Hunt on Saturday, April 7
beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Pictures may not be turned in to any of
the area schools.
The Easter Egg Candy Hunt is sponsored
By Local Businesses