Narrative 22-17001Re: 6621 Minnewashta Parkway Keri and Cordell Mack December 16,2022 Varionce Applicotion City of Chanhossen Honorable Plan Commission, City Council Members and City Planner: We appreciate your diligence and consideration of the variance requests associated with our property at 6621 Minnewashta Parkway. We particularly appreciate the time and effort by city leaders in working with us and our valued architects to address a variety of questions related to the practical difficulties of rebuilding on this parcel of land. As background, our family purchased the home in June of this past year after an extensive search and preference to move into the City of Chanhassen. lt has been our intent to establish residence in Chanhassen with a mapping to Minnetonka School District for well over a year. The targeted improvements to the property and requested variances are all tied to a comprehensive vision. The vision is influenced heavily by several practical difficulties of the lot and existing structure. We have been living in the property for the past six (6) months, and several practical difficulties have been experienced related to safety in entering and exiting the property, lack of street parking, setbacks, and hardscape. The property has a single curb cut, and it is positioned along a curve on Minnewashta Parkway (Parkway). The sight lines entering and exiting the property are challenging, and we have found the issue to be exacerbated in the winter with snow accumulation. Thus far, we have had two near accidents when attempting to back out of the driveway, with drivers along the parkway either traveling at excessive speeds and/or distracted coming around the curve. Our daughter is a new driver obtaining her license in November of this year, and the situation has escalated to a point where our neighbors have invited her to park in their driveway to assure maneuverability in being able to drive forward upon entering the Parkway. We have realized the parking and exiting the property is a major consideration ofthe proposed solutions to the property. When purchasing the property, we didn't have a sound appreciation for what the lack of street parking on the Parkway would entail. With the reality of three (3) drivers in our family and inclusion of guests, parking and safety exitinB and entering the property has been exacerbated. lt has been surprising to us in how cumbersome it is to ensure safety with limited hardscape in managing a small number of multiple vehicles. The As part of our site plan, we envision improving the sight lines when entering and existing the property while maintaining existing side yard setbacks. Associated with safety is the practical difficulty of hardscape and limitations with the relative size of the driveway to accommodate the space necessary to turn around on the property. As referenced above, the lack of street parking further exacerbates this issue. A very necessary variance is the overage of hardcover. We understand the percentage is fixed but the engineers have noted mitigating the watershed and reducing impervious can be achieved by incorporating best management practice rain gardens and a naturalvegetation bufferalongthe lakeshore. Adding additional hardcover for parking purposes significantly reduce life safety regarding parking/existing the property. Another practical difficulty for this property, requiring a variance, is the compliant buildable area. The existing lot shape is irregular and dictates the buildable area does not allow a home to adequately fit in the area. The current home, as it sits, is already non-compliant. We have worked with the city staff in proposing a modest sized home that largely conforms and meets our family's functional needs. As shown in our supporting submittals, we are NOT proposing habitable space to be any closer to the lake shore than what is exhibited in the current structure. Similarly, we are not proposing any outdoor deck or patio space to be any closer than what exists with the current home. The existing lakeside setback violation was not caused by us, and we respected the existing setback. Absent approval of this variance, there is not a reasonable habitable structure that could be reasonably rebuilt. At the city's suggestion, the proposed home will maintain the existing non-conforming lakeside setback from the OHWIL (albeit requiring a variance) and pushes the violations of the setback to street side, which is less desirable but understand the lakeside setback is already an issue. The proposed lakeside patio maintains or is not worse than the existing deck setback. The side yard setbacks for the proposed home meets the city's zoning requirements. The variance necessary would only be to maintain the existing driveway as the setback to achieve proper back-out and maneuverability form the garage. The city engineer requested the removal of the existing turn-around in the driveway which we were able to accommodate in the design and felt was a sound request to improve the property. The property as it sits is not compliant with current zoning regulations, even to rebuild exactly the structure, deck, patios, and driveway sits it would need a variance in everything we are asking we are just proposing a new layout more suitable to our family. reality is that with two or three cars in the driveway it is very difficult to exit the property safely for an adult yet alone younger inexperienced drivers. We are excited to call 6621 Minnewashta Parkway home, and we look fonrvarci to ongoing engagement with the broader community. We appreciate your time and consideration in reviewing this application for the proposed replacement structure. Respectfully submitted, /ttt,u Keri and Cordell Mack Cc: Peter Eskuche Erin Tadych