11.01.2022 PC MinutesCHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 2022 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman von Oven called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Eric Noyes, Mark von Oven, Kelsey Alto, Erik Johnson, Perry Schwartz, Ryan Soller, Edward Goff. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; MacKenzie Young- Walters, Associate Planner; Joe Seidl, Water Resources Engineer; Olivia Adomabea, Community Development Intern. PUBLIC PRESENT: Ryan Johnson 695 Pleasant View Road 1. 695 PLEASANT VIEW ROAD: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM WETLAND BUFFER STANDARDS Community Development Intern Adomabea gave a presentation on the item, noting the Applicant is requesting a variance to permit a 10-foot averaged wetland buffer in order to facilitate the construction of a 210 square-foot sunroom. The property is located on 0.65 acres of land which is zoned single-family residential. The Applicant is requesting a variance to permit the use of a 10-foot averaged buffer strip instead of the required 40-foot minimum buffer requirement to allow an addition of 11x20 foot sunroom on a lot zoned Single-Family Residential. The property owner has a history of restoring wetlands and is requesting to restore approximately 2,649 square feet of wetland in addition to a previously restored 2,569 square feet of wetland. Ms. Adomabea noted the home was built in 1963 before the City’s zoning ordinance and is a non-conforming structure. The Applicant has stated without a variance they would not be able to construct an addition to the home. Staff believes granting the requested variance would provide a superior advantage to the City due to significant wetland restoration which will benefit Lotus Lake and adjacent wetland areas. It would also remove the existing non-conformity by bringing the home into line with the required principal structure wetland setback. Upon final review, Staff found that the sunroom encroached into the rear yard setback and Staff would make necessary corrections and additions in the Finding of Facts. Staff recommends approval of the proposed wetland buffer and rear yard setback variance. Chair von Oven asked if the legal description of the property is Red Cedar Point, Lake Minnewashta as listed in the Findings of Fact. Associate Planner Walters replied in the negative and noted it will be corrected. Planning Commission Minutes – November 1, 2022 2 Commissioner Goff asked about the jurisdictional requirements and whether those are standard and will be approved or could they be denied by those agencies. Mr. Young-Walters replied the main entity is the Watershed District and they have been CC’d on this project. He would defer to Water Resources Engineer Seidl. Mr. Seidl stated he does not see any potential issues and he helped coordinate this with the Watershed District. They view this as a significant improvement to the site and not only would they approve this but they would likely have funding for the Applicant. Commissioner Schwartz commended the Applicant, Mr. Johnson, for being a good steward of the land and for all the restoration of the wetlands. Chairman von Oven opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. Chairman von Oven closed the public hearing. Commissioner Noyes moved, Commissioner Goff seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals approves a variance for a 10 foot averaged wetland buffer and a 9 foot rear yard setback variance for the construction of an addition, subject to the conditions of approval, and adopts the findings of fact and decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: None. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 18, 2022 Commissioner Noyes noted the summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated October 18, 2022 as presented. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE: None. OPEN DISCUSSION: 1. Bluff Creek Overlay District ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Noyes moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director