Application 10/16/2006 12:07 7535823522 OTTO ASSOCIATES , PAGE 02 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 Planning Case No. 0'7-09 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED PLEASE; PRINT AP{;' nt Name and Address: L EfC?d 4?- '> (' 43<7'5' Y///!/;i.,n-t L~ V ~ UhrJ~d/Jj:l~ ~- s-s?t?;I Contact: ~ ~~ _ Pho~e:ZP.J-'I3~-OJ5st=ax:?)2 -"7Co - Llay: Emarl: ,l'(C"n /cq."..a,,-, (.V QCi/.. c~ _ Contact: 0(G?0 /~~ ~~Oa~r7;:~~~5}J::J:;~<J- ~o/ NOTE: Consultation with City staff is required prior to submittal, includIng review of development plans Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Vacation of R!ght-of-WaylEasements (VAC) / Variance (VAR) C <30 Interim Use PermIt (IUP) Non-conforming Use Permit Wetland Alteration Permit 0NAP) Planned Unit Development. Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review V Notification Sign ~ (City to install and remove) x Escrow for Filing FeesfAttomey Costot* Site Plan Review (SPR)" - $50 CUP/SPRNACNARlWAPlMetes & Bounds QO - $450 Minor SUB V Subdivision. 75..5 -, TOTAL FEE $ 1135Q? rvJ b{ o.pph'C(~C {.. tLJOO +- (Fj' x. I':;; .:: ft?J5) -:::: -}?:is ~ c K:: .;l- S- An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the 'public hearing notification area will be Invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. -Sixteen (16) full-size fold~ copies ofthe plans must be submitted, including an SY:z" X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a .diqltal CO~ in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tit) format. **Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. Bui/ding material samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOT!::: When multiple applications are precessed. the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. # FROM COREGROUP & ASSOCIATES FAX NO. 9529422938 Oct. 31 2006 05:05PM P2 10/16/2eas 1~:a7 7536823522 aTm ASso::rATES I PAGE 93 PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: LEGAl. OescRIPTlON: S'e e TOTAlAOREAGE: WETLANDS ~ESENT: PRE;sEM" ZONING: RI!ClUESrno ZONING; PRESENT ~o use OESIGNATION: REQUEST'E'D LANe use DeSIGNAnON: REASON FOR Rr;QUEST: s: ; :r NO 1W4 ePl)6cation must be c:omp!eted In fuR and be ~ ot clearly printed and m b& QCCO!Tlj:lNlSec! by al 1i'Iformatol'l 8nd plans requlf'ed by ~[iab(e CIty ordlrmnee provlsfcns. 8e(~ filing tMl$;p ie:ltort. you !lPlould ccnftr Wfth the PlanT1i~9 ~ttc cletemil'll!l fKr ~ ortInanee Uld pttlc:ecluml requirements pl~ble to yeur IlPpI!emlQr1. A dete:Trri~ rJ1 ~mPeleneS$ (If te appSleat1cn shan tle rrgde wlthln 1S business d of ap;:lllca!lon submft1al. A wr!ttcft notlce of ~bb defic!enc:les shlall be malled to !he appliearrt withIn 15 bl.lslne$a . ct Ipplloetlon. This is to; CIl1ify Ihat r am maklng appltc:sllon for tI'I~ d~ aelfon by tie .cay llnd I am ~!)Onslblo for CM'1~ witt! aU CAy nlq!J/remllnts YAtI-r regard 10 this reqyd. This ~fiorl Should be pttX:eRed my n31'M and I am the pSll'ty Whom . the euv should <:gn1act mgardlng :t1rf rnatllfr pertell"linQ to rhb ~on. I have a ~od li1 ~ of proof Df cwnerohip (eilhercopyot OwrJQfs OQpliaato CertitiaaC= of'T'lh. Abs&8d CJf1itla or PUrchase ag ; r:It f am tOO aI.lfhortzerJ pergm to make thi:a e~li:!.Iti<ln and tl1t! fee owner has CII$o signed th~ applivatiOD. , win ~p ~I' InfCf'l'Tled of the cIttlIcflloos for ~ubrnisaion of rMteticl end the gleSS r:J this apflllc:;tron. I I'w1her U~d that addi~aniill f. m:1i bs i;Ilerged for QOnsufUng foo9, f'easlbflltj' $h/cfie . ete.. wftJ awl es61T11te PlIo:' fa :!Ill)' ;a~cl'izatjon tg prooe y. The docQ lilnd lnfonnston I have submi Ute Irue and ~t to "'c bS$t of myJcnowr~ '{>, t. r,.l:,~gJA~'7 ~~ Itft. WD5 7.0n/7.M fn1 ! . I SJaDlTOH ff JallJalI luuaa TOOt 0'06 ?gR YV,~ ~t:gt ~~t gnOZ/Tr/OT