Letter from Paul Eidsness 12-11-06 Dee 11 06 08:59a p.1 Paul T. Eidsness, E1q. Paul T. Eidsness and Associates, P.A. (]JeTSana! Litigation/'I'riaf Lawyers Offices in Wayzata and Chanhassen, Minnesota Telephone: 952-473-1925 Facimilc: 952.473-1926 ADMITTED 'TO PRACTICE MlnnesDta alld NDrth D.k.... 748 Mill Strut W.rzata, MIII"esota 55381 Legal Aaalatant: .loan Olsoll 7815 Stone Cre,," DriY_, Ste 12D C"anha.._", Mlnn....ta 55317 Emall: paul(peldsne...r.w.com Written Repliea t," ~ayz.ta /f Cbselt_seD December 11, 2006 City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen MN 55317 Fax: 952-227-1 110 To Whom It May Concern: We would like to delay the application for Lotus Woods and will contact you as soon as we have the additional information necessary to set up a new date. ~ Paul Eidsness PTE/nfs Enc1 -----