Karon Property Wetland Delineation Report 10-31-06 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Karon Property Chanhassen, Minnesota Wetland Delineation Report Prepared for Karon Real Estate Group by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. (KES Project No.2006-183) October 31, 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Botanical Garden, 1991). Indicator status of plant species was taken from the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: 1988 Minnesota (U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1988). III. RESULTS Review of Soils. NWI. DNR and FSA Information The National Wetland Inventory Map (NWI) (Excelsior and Shakopee Quadrangles, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, 1991) showed one PFOIC wetland in the northwest comer of the property and one large L 1 UBH lake (Lotus Lake) along the east edge of the site (Figure 3). The Soil Survey of Carver County, Minnesota (USDA on line soil survey, 2004) indicated Hamel loam and Lester-Kilkenney loams as soil types present on the site (Figure 4). Hamel is a hydric soil indicative of wetland conditions when undrained. The DNR Protected Waters Map, Carver County (Sheet 2 of2, Minnesota DNR, 1984) indicated DNR Protected Water 10-6P (Lotus Lake) at the east edge of the property (Figure 5). The OHWL for Lotus Lake is 896.3 msl (1929 datum). Wetland Determinations and Delineations Potential wetlands were evaluated in greater detail during field observations. One wetland and one lake edge were identified and delineated on the subject site (Appendix A). Corresponding data forms are included in Appendix B. The following description of the wetlands and surrounding upland reflects field conditions observed at the time of site visit. At that time, vegetation was actively growing, temperatures were in the 80's and hydrology was assumed to be typical of summer. Wetland 1 was a Type 1 (pFOIA/PEMA) basin in the northwest portion of the site. Dominant vegetation consisted of reed canary grass with lesser amounts of green ash, American elm, beggar ticks, and duckweed. Soils observed below the wetland boundary met the F3 field indicator for hydric soils (depleted matrix). The prima..')" indicators of wetland hydrology inCluded sediment deposits and water-marks up to 3 inches on trees. Free water was observed within 14 inches of the soil surface at the sample plot. Adjacent upland consisted of deciduous woods dominated by sugar maple with lesser amounts of red oak, basswood, and Virginia creeper. Upland soils were without redoximorphic features and no primary or secondary indicators of wetland hydrology were observed. The delineated boundary followed a change in topography and plant communities. The wetland corresponded to an NWI-mapped PFOIC wetland but was mapped with non-hydric soil (Lester- Kilkenney). Lake edge (L 1 UBH) consisted of the abrupt Lotus Lake edge; a deepwater habitat. Vegetation observed along the edge included green ash and beggar-ticks along an abrupt drop off to water more than I-foot deep. Adjacent upland consisted of a combination of sugar maple-dominated woods, Kentucky bluegrass lawn and private docks. 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The delineated boundary followed an abrupt change in topography. The lake edge corresponded to DNR Protected Water 10-6P (Lotus Lake), and an NWI-mapped LIUBH lake complex. v. SUMMARY . The Karon Property was inspected on September 7, 2006 for the presence and extent of wetland. . The NWI-map showed one PFOIC wetland in the northwest part of the site and one LIUBH lake as the east property boundary. . The soil survey indicated Hamel loam as a hydric soil present on the site. . The DNR map indicated a DNR Protected Water 10-6P (Lotus Lake) on the east edge of the property. . One Type 1 wetland and one lake edge was delineated on the subject property. 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I v. CERTIFICATION OF DELINEATION The procedures utilized in the described delineation are based on the COE 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual as required by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. Both the delineation and report were conducted in compliance with regulatory standards in place at the time the work was completed. All site boundaries indicated on figures within this report are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. Delineation Completed by: Kelly Dlouhy. Wetland Ecologist Report Completed by: Kelly Dlouhy Reviewed by: Date: Mark Kjolhaug, Professional Wetland Scientist No. 000845 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Karon Property Wetland Delineation Report Figures: . Figure 1 - Site Location Map . Figure 2 - Aerial Photograph . Figure 3 - NWI Map . Figure 4 - Soil Survey Map . Figure 5 - DNR Protected Waters Map I I I I I Note: Site and wetland boundaries on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. I I I I I I I I Nestern Dr'- - . ~ I -101,1 l..._.~ / (Hiawatlia_Dr ~. I 16- ~ ---=-5- I r-.-_. ~ , , ",' l(l. /1 \ Cree -Dr~ ~.--~'\ ~ _ -<( 0~,.__.... \. \ ,..' ~ ~\ ~ - I '-" () .~ ..-..... -..-..... I \ \ "'\ (Q\ ...._._..._j t ~ _ '. \, '., ~" \/ \ Advenlures&------~~- ~-=--~~ I in :Ir:?-. _.1 1)1, _-' L_ BaIlOOning._'& _.. _, _ ~" -, ~--="'-.., 'l NWoocLRllLRd .. \ \ '-'. OJ L\. ..~" ,.-- ~ -~, .' 1:. ". ... ~: _------- -::.~~ (ereakness,..(tj~._. '_ \..1"\---- ~ t...- I ~J 6.[1ti~_CTn----=-=':" ./'" It I Carvet I Beach I r I I Meadow _! ,I Green _/ Park I I ort otus lake Park r r ! l~._ \. c_ i f .... Chanhassen I I . - . ~O\~'5?j '~N~\'. ' _, ",i,'::-J.;-rontier-TraiL~ I I ,,(V"' I Ii I ~o~~ t .~ ---roo) /_~.....<.- i r r-Con~~~:....-.-__ - Co ri ht (;) 2005 Mcroso1t Co ,and/or ~s Su Iiors. ~I ri hts rosorvod. -, .._0- r-'- c.. ... i I " .. ./ , I I I I Figure 1- Site Location Map ~ ~) Karon Property (KES No. 2006-183) Chanhassen, Minnesota I : I ---- ~ IVOUiAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY 1-N No Scale I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Note: Site and wetland boundaries on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. ~ """," '''7: II I I I Figure 2- Air Photo ~ KjOUiAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY ---- ~ Karon Property (KES No. 2006-183) Chanhassen, Minnesota 't-N Scale: 1 inch ~ 430 feet I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ \' . . of;. ';'0: ~ I - --....--.. I Note: Site and wetland boundaries on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. \ " 897 '. ... , " ,0(" ..- ," .'- ...--... ,,~, . , ' .....->.:-^ , .~~ " "- ". \.. oe L 1 U BH " J i I I. . , '. , .: . .. Figure 3- NWI Map Karon Property (KES No. 2006-183) Chanhassen, Minnesota .KjOLHAUG ENVIRONMHrrAL SERVICES COMPANY ~N Scale: 1 inch ~ 715 feet ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Note: Site and wetland boundaries on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. ~ Figure 4- Soil Survey Map ~ Karon Property (KES No. 2006 -183) Chanhassen, Minnesota ---- ~ KJOUiAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY ~N Scale: I inch ~ 410 feet - -~ ::. :'1i2~~'" .. " &~.:' ~;.~:::~~~. " ~. .. . . . ' \,. ~ ~tA~"'" , ~ I~lti ~. I~ .. .: I ,ttN I '-' I \ I~f \ IANHASSEN ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Lv( y'~ 80 , . . Site Location ~ IM4 .. ..... CO ~~.. 17 C~. eo ~ to" Note: Site and wetland boundaries on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. .1.-...:-.-::'.:- " :-.<., ...:-:':'::-:.. ... ..l~)~~~~~(~:~." ..~:'~' ..-" > '...'-:..." 0'.... .' . . 80 :. .". ..:. ,," I . , . . . . .... . ~ 1 :. _-~ f:' ~:.~:' '. ,'-..,j .-: ; ~ ( . , . . . , . eo '.e .. " :.... . i . . . . ......... Z :' ',:,:, -0 .' .., ,. .' " > to. ... .... .... . . ' - r-. - J Figure 5- DNR Map ~ KjOUfAUG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY --.--.....- ~ Karon Property (KES No. 2006-183) Chanhassen, Minnesota ~N Scale: 1 inch ~ 1850 feet I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Karon Property Wetland Delineation Report Appendix A: Survey Drawing c:I . '" ~ r (") 0 :::I: -i ~;xJC :::I: 0 en )>z ~~:E moO ~z s: 0 z 0 en \ rn (' ..... I:i ,.; :r, i~ ~~ :"6 .. p / / / / / ~ n )'1 ). / (;;:J / ::: ~ / ..., "J ;alii .,,~ b ~ r-~ s P... c:I !"!il ~! ~~l; lil "',., ::U-l::g::U i!Sill~ "'-in Slog .~~ ~~~i i!ili~~ ~~~~ ~t..i ~~!'i~ I:;:i8 ~JEa ~ ...~~ ~~~ ~~~ I~ lii~ 'w~ II -.. -~r \.1J . ..... (_11 '- , ....... !I'=-~ , 1!l"' ",- ~~, ,e~~ (tj ," , It i: (/) :::c f'Tl ~ ~ z 9 en -i .... Z G> 0 (") 0 ...., Z .... 0 =i (/) 0 I Z f'Tl en f'Tl -l (/) c:I ~ .. I\) - 6 n ... ~ Y' z - 9 ~ 0 .... <0 0 l!: C );! .... ~ f ).; . .. l!: :"l i CO Ii- ). ~ 11\ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Karon Property Wetland Delineation Report Appendix B: Data Forms I I I' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J\;JOLEIA..UG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY - -,-" ProjecVSite: Date: Investigator(s): Basin/Area 10: Sample PliO: SOILS Field Indicators of Hydric Salls (Midwest Region) USDA, Match 1998. (A. all soils, S. sandy solis, F ..loamy & clayey soils) _AI.HistosoI A9,lO.I-2cmMuck _S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface _ A2. Histic Epipedon - _ S1. Sandy Mucky Material _ F1. Loamy Mucky Material ~ F6.Redox Dark Surface' I _ A3. Black Histic _ S3. Mucky Peat1Peat _ F2. Loamy Gleycd Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ S4. .Sandy Gleycd Matrix _ f1.1>epleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions AS. Stratified Layeg SS. Sandy Redox v1f4. Depleted Below Dark Surface Hydric Soll1 No Undetennined Remarks: Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest Region) USDA, March 1998. (A" an soils, S. sandy soils," "loamy & clayey soils) _ AI. Histosol _ A2. Histic Epi~on _ A3. Black Histic _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ AS. Stratified Layers Hydric Soll1 _Yes _A9,IO.I-2cmMuck _S6. Stripped Matrix F5. Thick Dark Surface _ S1. Sandy Mucky Material _ Fl. Loamy Mucky Material F6. Redox Dark Surface _ S3. Mucky Peat1Peat _ F2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions S5 dy Redox _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Surface _Undetermined Remarks: ~Slde HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT- \ . .'~ ""'C a~lO' '~-rriiifr"" :, . ~_ tY<.t....':"?f...~.. '.~k~~;-':~.. Inundated, Depth in. _ Sj!turated Soil, Depth in. ~ater in borehole, Depth .LA=...... in. _ Water Marks, Height in. Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits Drainage Patterns _Upslde tuA Ifi <, ---..:Jj:&- No _ Assumed - Explain: .~S-"<<'fi ;"' ;'lIm ~.." '."'iff: f' Oxidized Root Channels Water-Stained Leaves ~ped Hydric Soil, Depression ~-NeutraI Test ~hicPosition _ Other - Explain: _ Undetermined - Explain: _ Inundated, Depth in. _ Saturated Soil, Depth in. _ Water in borehole, Depth _ in. _ Water Marks, Height in. Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits . Patterns ~-'m Oxidized Root Chamiels Water-Stained Leaves _ Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression . FAC-Neutra1 Test _ Topographic Position ~ Other - Explain ? u_ '1 jt) L.T ~.. _ Assumed - Explain: _ Undetermined - Explain: 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Ph~e: 952-401-87~7, Fax: 952-401-879.8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~rojecllSite /{MoliJ 5, rE- Sample Point ID 1- } / Remarks: SAMPLE POINT- ~talde _Upside VEGETATION H V 8 H V 8 H V 8 H V 8 "H V 8 H V 8 H V 8 H V 8 H VS H V 8 T % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: H 8 H .8 H V 8 H V 8 H V 8 H V 8 H V 8 H V 8. H V 8 H V 8 T % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: tJ Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? es W~t1and Hydrology Present? ~ Hydric Soiis Present? ~ 15 tho III"C4 II wc.t1and? Distance from Wetland Edge SAMPLE POINT- ~ WETLAND DETERMINATION N1A _No _No Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ~Yes Remar1<s: Wet aide -~!~ _No N/A N1A Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? _Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? _Yes Hydric Soils Present? _Yes Is the area a wetland? Yes Distance from Wetland Edge ---Vft. ~ Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes ~ . Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes _~s an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes . Remarks: N1A COMMUNITY SUMMARY U land Communi Overall Dominant Ve etation: Remarks: c: G~;nf(lJ /JSJl' Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l?\;JOLELA..UG ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY --- Date: ProjecVSite: Investigator( s): Basin/Area 10: /L/J~u Ihf Sample PliO: Lfj7U.~ / ;fj/t: SOILS arch 1998. (A" all soils, S.. sandy soils, F.. loamy & clayey soils) F5. Thick Dark Surface F6.Redox Dark Surface' , ~ Depleted Dark Surface FS. ions _A9,10.1-2anMuck _ S1. Sandy Mucky Material _ S3. Mucky PeatlPeat _ S4. S1IIldy Gleyed Matrix _ S5. Sandy Redox No Undetermined _ AI. Histosol _A2. Histic Epipedon A3. Black Histic ~ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide AS. Stratified Layers Hydric Soli? Yes Field Indicators of Hydric Soils (Midwest RegIon) USDA, March 1998. (A" an soils, S.. sandy soils, F' "loamy & clayey soils) _A9,10.1-2anMuck _S6.StrippedMatrix F5. Thick Dark Surface _ SI. Sandy Mucky Material _ F1. Loamy Mucky Material _ F6. Redox Dark Surface _ S3. Mucky PeatlPeat _ 1"2. Loamy Gleyed Matrix _ F7. Depleted Dark Surface _ S4. Sandy Gleyed Matrix _ F3. Depleted Matrix _ F8. Redox Depressions S5. x _ F4. Depleted Below Dark Swface o _Undetermined Remarks: AI. Histosol _ A2. Histic Epi~on A3. Black Histic _ A4. Hydrogen Sulfide _ AS. Stratified Layers Hydric Soli? _Yes HYDROLOGY SAMPLE POINT- ~ No _ Assumed - Explain: _ Undetermined - Explain: .~~I~Q~ _ fuundated, Depth in. _ Saturated Soil. Depth in. _ Water in borehole, Depth ~ in. _ Water Marks, Height in. Drift Lines _ Sediment Deposits . Patterns Oxidized Root Chamiels Water'-Stained Leaves --.-:. Mapped Hydric Soil, Depression . FAC-Neutral Test _ Topographic Position ~ Other - Explain Yes ~. _ Assumed - Explam: _ Undetermined - Explain: /' A) IE;!. r tJ Lf 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, PhOllc:: 9~2401-87~7, Fax: 952401-8798 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \rojectlSite [lito IJ 3; 'TG- Sample Point 10 L-I , VEGETATION ~etsldJ- _Upside Remarks: S S T H S T H S T .H S T H S T H S T H ST HS T H V 8 T % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: Remarks: H V 8 H V .8 H V S H V 8 H V 8 H V 8 H V 8 H V 8 H V S H V 8 T % Dominants (>20% Cover) FAC or Wetter: SAMPLE POINT- ~ WETLAND DETERMINATION -L Wet.ld~ _Upside N1A . Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? . ~ _No W~t1~nd ~Ydrolog. y Present? ~ _____No Hvrfne; ~n*' Present? . . No Is" tho al'Cllll wetland? . y~. No Distance from Wetland Edge fl N/A . Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? ~Yes . Remark9' SAMPLE POINT- N1A Does an Atypical Situation ExIst? __Yes . Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Does an Atypical Situation Exist? _Yes Remarks: _ Wet side HydrophyticVegetation Present? _Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? _Yes Hydric Soils Present? _Yes Is the area a wetland? _Yes Distance from Wetland Edge fl _No _No _No _No N1A Wetland Communi Overall Dominant Ve etation: Remarks: COMMUNITY SUMMARY U land Communi Overall Dominant Ve etation: Remarks: Page 2