01-09-2023 Agenda and PacketA.5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Note: Unless otherwise noted, work sessions are held in the Fountain Conference Room in the lower level of City Hall and are open to the public. If the City Council does not complete the work session items in the time allotted, the remaining items will be considered after the regular agenda. A.1 Utility Rate Study Presentation A.2 Discuss City Council Vacancy A.3 Discuss Legislative Requests and Process A.4 Future Work Session Schedule B.7:00 P.M. - REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING - CALL TO ORDER (Pledge of Allegiance) C.OATHS OF OFFICE C.1 Administer Oaths of Office D.PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS D.1 Commission Vacancies E.CONSENT AGENDA All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the city council and will be considered as one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately. City council action is based on the staff recommendation for each item. Refer to the council packet for each staff report. E.1 Approve City Council Minutes dated December 12, 2022 AGENDA CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL MONDAY, JANUARY 9, 2023 CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD 1 E.2 Receive Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated November 22, 2022 E.3 Receive Commission on Aging Minutes dated November 18, 2022 E.4 Receive Environmental Commission Minutes dated November 9, 2022 E.5 Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated November 1, 2022 E.6 Receive Economic Development Commission Minutes dated October 11, 2022 E.7 Approve Claims Paid January 9, 2023 E.8 Appoint Acting Mayor E.9 Designate Official Newspaper E.10 Adopt 2023 Legislative Priorities E.11 Appointments to the SouthWest Transit Commission E.12 Appointments to the Fire Relief Association Board of Trustees E.13 Item Deleted E.14 Resolution 2023-XX: Authorization of Electronic Transfer of Funds E.15 Resolution 2023-XX: Approve a Delegated Contract Process Agreement with MnDOT E.16 Resolution #2023-XX: Appoint the Water Resources Engineer to serve on the Wetland Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) and to serve as the City's Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Agent E.17 Resolution 2023-XX: Approve Contract for 2023 City Tree Contractor with Shadywood Tree Experts E.18 Resolution 2023-XX: Designating Official Authorized to Declare Official Intent Under Reimbursement Bond Regulations E.19 Resolution 2023-XX: Declaring Official Depositories for City Funds E.20 Approve Professional Services Agreement with HKGI for Design and Permitting of the Lake Ann Park Preserve F.VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Visitor Presentations requesting a response or action from the City Council must complete and submit the Citizen Action Request Form (see VISITOR GUIDELINES at the end of this agenda). G.PUBLIC HEARINGS H.GENERAL BUSINESS I.COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS 2 J.ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS K.CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION K.1 2022 Building Permit Activity L.ADJOURNMENT GUIDELINES FOR VISITOR PRESENTATIONS Welcome to the Chanhassen City Council Meeting. In the interest of open communications, the Chanhassen City Council wishes to provide an opportunity for the public to address the City Council. That opportunity is provided at every regular City Council meeting during Visitor Presentations. Anyone seeking a response or action from the City Council following their presentation is required to complete and submit a Citizen Action Request Form. An online form is available at https://www.chanhassenmn.gov/action or paper forms are available in the city council chambers prior to the meeting. Anyone indicating a desire to speak during Visitor Presentations will be acknowledged by the Mayor. When called upon to speak, state your name, address, and topic. All remarks shall be addressed to the City Council as a whole, not to any specific member(s) or to any person who is not a member of the City Council. If there are a number of individuals present to speak on the same topic, please designate a spokesperson that can summarize the issue. Limit your comments to five minutes. Additional time may be granted at the discretion of the Mayor. If you have written comments, provide a copy to the Council. During Visitor Presentations, the Council and staff listen to comments and will not engage in discussion. Council members or the City Manager may ask questions of you in order to gain a thorough understanding of your concern, suggestion or request. Please be aware that disrespectful comments or comments of a personal nature, directed at an individual either by name or inference, will not be allowed. Personnel concerns should be directed to the City Manager. Members of the City Council and some staff members may gather at Tequila Butcher, 590 West 79th Street in Chanhassen immediately after the meeting for a purely social event. All members of the public are welcome. 3 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Utility Rate Study Presentation File No.Item No: A.1 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION Discuss the results of the Utility Rate Study and provide feedback for suggested 2023 rates and fees. Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY Ehlers and Associates will present the results of the utility rate study. There will be time for questions and discussion. Staff is requesting feedback in anticipation of setting utility rates for 2023 at the January 23, 2023, City Council meeting. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 4 ATTACHMENTS 5 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Discuss City Council Vacancy File No.Item No: A.2 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY Council member Lucy Rehm was elected to the MN House of Representatives and vacated her council seat, effective January 2, 2023. The City Council intends to appoint someone to serve the remainder of the term, through December 31, 2024. BACKGROUND The City Council intends to interview candidates on Wednesday, January 18, beginning at 6 pm. The selected candidate will be sworn in on January 23 and attend the work session at 5:30 pm and the regular meeting at 7 pm. At the time of writing (January 4), the city had received eight applications. The deadline to apply is Friday, January 6 at noon. DISCUSSION 6 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 7 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Discuss Legislative Requests and Process File No.Item No: A.3 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION Receive information and discuss Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The city has engaged Lockridge, Grindal, Nauen to help advance several legislative priorities and projects. The City Council will discuss our goals and timelines. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 8 ATTACHMENTS 9 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Future Work Session Schedule File No.Item No: A.4 Agenda Section 5:30 P.M. - WORK SESSION Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The City Council is tentatively scheduled to hold the following work sessions: January 24, 2023 1. Civic Campus Discussion 2. AVIENDA Recreational Facility and LOST Discussion (tentative) February 13, 2023 1. Carver County Environmental Services - update on Recycling Center 2. Strategic Plan Check-In February 27, 2023 1. Commission Interviews 10 March 13, 2023 1. Commission Interviews March 21, 2023 1. Council Roundtable BACKGROUND Staff or the City Council may suggest topics for work sessions. Dates are tentative until the meeting agenda is published. Work sessions are typically held at 5:30 pm on the second and fourth Monday of each month in conjunction with the regular City Council meeting, but may be scheduled for other times as needed. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 11 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Administer Oaths of Office File No.Item No: C.1 Agenda Section OATHS OF OFFICE Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY City Attorney Andrea McDowell Poehler will administer the Oaths of Office to the following: Mayor Elise Ryan Councilmember Jerry McDonald Councilmember Mark von Oven BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET 12 RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Elise Ryan Oath of Office Jerry McDonald Oath of Office Mark von Oven Oath of Office 13 OATH OF OFFICE I, Elise Ryan, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and that I will faithfully; justly, and impartially discharge the duties of the office of Mayor for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability. So help me, God. _____________________________________ Elise Ryan Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of January, 2023. _____________________________ Notary Public 14 OATH OF OFFICE I, Jerry McDonald, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and that I will faithfully; justly, and impartially discharge the duties of the office of City Council for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability. So help me, God. _____________________________________ Jerry McDonald Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of January, 2023. _____________________________ Notary Public 15 OATH OF OFFICE I, Mark von Oven, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Minnesota, and that I will faithfully; justly, and impartially discharge the duties of the office of City Council for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota to the best of my judgment and ability. So help me, God. _____________________________________ Mark von Oven Subscribed and sworn to before me this _____ day of January, 2023. _____________________________ Notary Public 16 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Commission Vacancies File No.Item No: D.1 Agenda Section PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION N/A Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY The terms of the following Commissioners will expire on March 31, 2023: Economic Development Commission Eric Anderson David Kressler (Resigned 11/30/22) Planning Commission Eric Noyes Mark von Oven (Elected to City Council) Park & Recreation Commission Scott Fischer Jim Peck Karl Tsuchiya 17 Environmental Commission Leslie Elhadi Markus Fischer Commission on Aging Jerry Cerchia Linda Haight Dorina Tipton (Resigned 6/15/22 leaving one year in her term) Susan Kibler (will resign 3/31/23 leaving one year in her term) There are a total of 13 vacancies: Economic Development Commission: 2 three-year terms Planning Commission: 2 three-year terms Park & Recreation Commission: 3 three-year terms Environmental Commission: 2 three-year terms Commission on Aging: 2 three-year terms and 2 one-year terms One-year terms will end March 31, 2024. Three-year terms will end March 31, 2026. NOTE: Terms for the Youth Commissioners on the Park & Recreation and Environmental Commissions expire on July 31, 2023 and will be advertised and appointed in the summer of 2023. Applications for commission vacancies are available on the City's website at www.chanhassenmn.gov/commissions starting on January 12, 2023. Application deadline is Friday, January 27, 2023. The City Council will discuss the interview process and set interview dates at the January 23 work session. Appointments will take place at the March 20, 2023 City Council meeting. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Notice of Commission Vacancy 18 City of Chanhassen Notice of Commission Vacancies The City of Chanhassen is seeking applicants to fill vacancies on various commissions. Terms begin in April, 2023 and are for three years unless otherwise noted. No prior experience is required to apply. Applicants will be required to interview with the City Council and appointments will be made on March 20, 2023.Application forms are available online at www.chanhassenmn.gov/commissions.Applications will be accepted until noon on Friday, January 27, 2023. Economic Development Commission:This Commission is an advisory body to the City Council and the Economic Development Authority charged with the responsibility of researching, reviewing, and making recommendations on issues related to economic development. The Commission reviews ways in which the city can expand existing businesses, attract desirable new business, and revitalize existing businesses and the community as a whole.Meetings occur on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall.Two 3-year positions are available. Planning Commission:This Commission is an advisory body to the City Council that makes recommendations regarding site plans, subdivisions, special use permits, land use, and zoning regulations.The Commission also provides input into plans and programs that will have a long-term impact on the community, e.g. the Comprehensive Plan and special studies.Commission members must be good listeners, inquisitive, and commit to being prepared for each meeting by reading staff reports prior to the meetings.Meetings occur on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall with an average caseload of two items per meeting.Two 3-year positions are available. Park & Recreation Commission:This Commission acts as an advisory board to the City Council, reviewing all recreation, leisure, and park-related issues.This includes park development, recreation programming,and implementation of the recreation section of the Comprehensive Plan.Meetings occur on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.at City Hall.Three 3-year positions are available. Environmental Commission:This Commission acts as a public outreach and education board for the City Council.Issues addressed by the Commission include water quality, forestry, stormwater management, and water conservation education.Meetings occur on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall.Two 3-year positions are available. Commission on Aging:This Commission examines the needs of 55+ older adults in the community and reviews issues such as housing, information and referral services, outreach and programing, and transportation.Qualities being sought by the Commission include being enthusiastic, a team player, reliable, patient and flexible. Meetings occur on the third Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall.Two 3-year and two 1-year positions are available. (Publish in the Chanhassen Villager on January 12 & 19, 2023) 19 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Approve City Council Minutes dated December 12, 2022 File No.Item No: E.1 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council approves the City Council minutes dated December 12, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS City Council Minutes dated December 12, 2022 20 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES DECEMBER 12, 2022 Mayor Ryan called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilwoman Rehm, Councilman McDonald, Councilman Campion, Councilwoman Schubert. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT:None. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Charlie Howley, Director of Public Works/City Engineer; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director; Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager; Rick Rice, IT Manager; Lt. Lance Pearce, Carver County Sheriff’s Office; Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director, and Andrea McDowell Poehler, City Attorney. PUBLIC PRESENT: Greg Geske Chanhassen Fire Department John Murphy Chanhassen Fire Department Matt Kutz Chanhassen Fire Relief Association President PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: 1. Recognize Retiring Firefighter/Former Fire Chief Gregg Geske and Assistant Chief John Murphy (ret.) for 30 Years of Service Chief Johnson shared a history of service of Firefighter/Former Fire Chief Gregg Geske who started his career with Chanhassen in 1992. Mr. Geske thanked the City of Chanhassen for the training and relationship he has had over the last 30 years. He has enjoyed training others and working with the city mechanics. Chief Johnson shared a history of service of Assistant Chief John Murphy who started his career with Chanhassen in 1992. Mr. Johnson thanked the City of Chanhassen for the opportunity noting it set him up for life. He stated it was an honor and privilege to serve. The Relief Association presented Mr. Geske and Mr. Johnson with an award to thank them for all they have done. Mayor Ryan congratulated Mr. Geske and Mr. Johnson on their retirement. She read a statement on behalf of the City Council and Chanhassen and thanked Mr. Geske and Mr. Johnson and their families for their service. 21 City Council Minutes – December 12, 2022 2 2. Proclamation of Kate Aanenson Day Mayor Ryan stated Kate Aanenson is the city’s Community Development Director and is leaving the city after 31 years of service. Ms. Aanenson was under the weather and was not present at the meeting. Mayor Ryan noted the city is sad to see Ms. Aanenson go and read a proclamation on her behalf and will present the framed proclamation to Ms. Aanenson on her final day with the city. Mayor Ryan gave history of Ms. Aanenson’s work within the city and stated on behalf of Chanhassen residents, businesses, and community groups alike, this day (December 14) shall pay tribute to and recognize the substantial contributions Kate has made to protect the community’s health, safety, and quality of life. 3. Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to Councilmember Lucy Rehm Mayor Ryan recognized and thanked Councilmember Lucy Rehm for her service to the city, including on the Environmental Commission and the City Council. Mayor Ryan noted Ms. Rehm has been recently elected as State Representative and that it has been a pleasure to get to know her. 4. Presentation of Maple Leaf Award to Councilmember Dan Campion Mayor Ryan stated she is pleased to present the Maple Leaf Award to outgoing Councilmember Campion, which is presented to those with significant service of five years or more to the community. Councilman Campion’s service included terms on the Park and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and City Council. Mayor Ryan noted the city is truly grateful and Mr. Campion “Champ for Chan” will be missed. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Rehm seconded that the City Council approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated November 28, 2022 2. Approve Claims Paid dated December 12, 2022 3. Approve Contract for 2023 Policing Services with the Carver County Sheriff's Office 4. Adopt Personnel Policy 5. Adopt Firefighter Addendum to Personnel Policy 6. Adopt 2023-2025 Labor Contract with Local Union 49 7. Award Contract for Lobbying Services to Lockridge Grindal Nauen 8.Resolution 2022-92:Adopt 2023 Pay Compensation Plan 9.Resolution 2022-93:Authorize Construction Services Contract for 2022 Stormwater Pond Improvement Project 22 City Council Minutes – December 12, 2022 3 10.Resolution 2022-94:Designate Polling Place Locations for 2023 Elections 11.Resolution 2022-95:Authorize a Contract with Magney Construction for the West Water Treatment Plant Radon Ventilation System Improvements 12.Resolution 2022-96:Accept Public Utility Improvements in Boylan Shores, City Project No. 2020-13 13.Resolution 2022-97:Approve No Parking on Eagle Ridge Way 14.Resolution 2022-98:Accept Resignation of Councilmember Lucy Rehm and Declare a Vacancy on the City Council 15.Resolution 2022-99:Adopt City Policy for Enhanced Traffic Control Devices at Crosswalks 16.Resolution 2022-100: Approve Site Lease Agreement with Dish Network for the Lake Lucy Ground Storage Reservoir All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Resolution 2022-101: Truth-in-Taxation Public Hearing on the 2023 Budget - Approving the 2023 Final Budget, 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan, and Final 2022 Tax Levy, Collectible in 2023 Finance Director Grinnell gave a presentation noting the city started work on the budget and levy in July and August. In September the City Council adopted a preliminary levy and budget at a 7.2% increase with the goal to reduce the levy. During work sessions in November the City Council was able to reduce the levy. Ms. Grinnell shared about governmental funds including the general fund, special revenue funds, capital funds, and the debt service fund. She gave an overview of general fund revenue comparisons and noted the general fund levy is up 5.4% from 2022 which is about a $554,000 difference. Ms. Grinnell spoke about a new item in the budget of Cable Franchise Fee revenue, licenses and permits, intergovernmental aids, and charges for services. Ms. Grinnell noted property taxes make up about 80% of revenue for the city, followed by licenses and permits. She contrasted revenues with an expenditure comparison including general government, public safety, public works, community development, and parks and recreation. Regarding special revenue funds Ms. Grinnell shared about charitable gambling (proceeds from pull tabs that are legally required to go to fire department equipment and training), cemetery fund, cable franchise, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Ms. Grinnell walked the City Council through the eight Capital Funds including vehicle and equipment replacement, capital facilities, park renovation, park development, transportation infrastructure management, Tax Increment Financing (TIF) #11, TIF #12, and pavement management. Ms. Grinnell shared about the Capital Improvement Plan 2023-2027 23 City Council Minutes – December 12, 2022 4 noting the city has a five-year plan of improvements which helps the city meet its strategic plan goals, especially the goals of financial sustainability and asset management. Regarding park renovation and park development, Ms. Grinnell shared about park renovation fees and planned 2023 projects including Lake Ann Park Roof Replacements and playground replacements, as well as the Lake Ann Park Preserve, Arboretum Trail Installments. She noted the city is considering a local option sales tax for various park improvements. Ms. Grinnell spoke about transportation infrastructure and the pavement management fund and walked the City Council through scheduled projects through 2027. The city tax levy needed is at a 6.3% increase; the property tax proposals sent to residents were based on a 7.2% levy so final tax bills will be a bit lower than proposed on the most recent notice. Ms. Grinnell showed a slide on screen demonstrating how the levy will impact property taxes and where property tax dollars go including to the City (19%), County (29%), School District (46%), and other entities (8%). She walked the City Council through the effect of city taxes sample properties for homes valued between $300,000 to $1,100,000 and businesses within the City of Chanhassen. Mayor Ryan opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. Mayor Ryan closed the public hearing. Councilman McDonald was not on board with the preliminary budget increase of 7.2% and thinks staff did a good job in coming back with proposals to reduce that number. He noted trails were a big driver for the budget and stated Chanhassen has many trails that were built at the same time and are deteriorating. He hopes the city does not have to go through the tough times regarding trails as they had to for roads in previous years. He will support the 6.3% increase realizing they cannot allow the infrastructure to get to a crisis point. Councilwoman Schubert is similar to Councilman McDonald and wanted to get as close to 5.2% as they could. She is grateful to staff for bringing the percentage down and regarding trails and parks, and safety is what drove her in support of the 6.3%. Young children through the elderly are using parks and trails and the city needs to spend money for upkeep to keep people safe; she said that is where the shift came in supporting more money for trails within the city. Mayor Ryan noted the City Council wrestled with the decision between the 7.2% and the 5.2% increase as well as the investment in trails within the community. She reminded residents that the City Council has been diligently working through the budget for the last six months, noting they discuss things at length and try to find a balance between keeping increases as low as possible and appropriately investing in the future. They looked at different budget scenarios, looked at neighboring communities, and want to make sure that every line-item investment aligns with the strategic priorities of the city. Mayor Ryan thanked department heads for time spent on their budget items, especially when they received push back early on from the City Council; she also thanked Ms. Grinnell and Ms. Hokkanen noting it is an all-hands-on-deck process. Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Rehm seconded that the Chanhassen City Council adopt a resolution approving the 2023 Final Budget, 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Plan, and Final 2022 Tax Levy Collectible in 2023. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. 24 City Council Minutes – December 12, 2022 5 COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. Councilman Campion noted it is bittersweet to close out his years on City Council and he thanked his wife and children for their support and understanding. It has been an honor to serve the City Council, there have been exciting times, many challenging issues and change, as well as continuing to operate through Covid. He thanked the residents for electing him to his terms and noted it has been an honor and privilege to serve. Councilwoman Rehm has enjoyed serving the community, learning about how the city works, and she leaves knowing she will stay in Chanhassen and will continue to serve in other capacities. Mayor Ryan thanked them both for their service and noted they will be missed. She also thanked staff for their hard work throughout the year. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Ms. Hokkanen noted applications for the City Council vacancy will be available online on December 15 on the city’s website, a notice will be placed in the Chanhassen Villager, and other communication outlets. Applications are due by noon on January 6, 2023 and interviews are scheduled for January 18. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION. 1. 2023 City of Chanhassen Meeting Schedule 2. 2022 Building Permit Activity 3. Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Memo of Appreciation Councilman Campion moved, Councilwoman Rehm seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The City Council meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk 25 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Receive Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated November 22, 2022 File No.Item No: E.2 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Amy Weidman, Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Receives the Park & Recreation Commission Minutes dated November 22, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 26 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated November 22, 2022 27 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 22, 2022 Chairman Tsuchiya called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Karl Tsuchiya, Dan Eidsmo, Jim Peck, Don Vasatka, Matt Kutz, Scott Fischer, Youth Commissioner Alex Jerdee. MEMBERS ABSENT: Heather Markert. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director; Priya Tandon, Recreation Manager. PUBLIC PRESENT: None. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Peck moved, Commissioner Kutz seconded to approve the agenda as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE PARK & RECREATION MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 25, 2022 Commissioner Kutz moved, Commissioner Peck seconded to approve the Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission Meeting dated October 25, 2022 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. GENERAL BUSINESS: None. REPORTS: 1. Halloween Party Evaluation Recreation Manager Tandon gave an overview, noting the 38th Annual Halloween Party was held on Saturday, October 29th at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. A total of 462 children 28 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – November 22, 2022 2 aged 2-12, approximately 480 children under age 1, and their family members attended. This was the most registrants the City has had attend. Registrants and their families enjoyed trick-or-treating, carnival games, snacks, crafts, a spooky room, hayrides, and a magic show. Ms. Tandon spoke about the many volunteers, including: Chanhassen Students Today, Leaders Forever Club, and the Chanhassen, Chaska, and Eden Prairie Key Clubs, as well as community event sponsors. She shared general comments and recommendations, including:  This year's Halloween Party had the highest participation to date, with 462 participants. With their families, it totaled approximately 900 people.  Continue to provide allergen-friendly refreshments for participants with dietary restrictions to feel included.  Special thanks to The Mustard Seed Landscaping & Garden Center, Chick-fil-A Chanhassen, Culver's Chanhassen, Kiddywampus, Old National Bank, Code Ninjas, Children of Tomorrow Learning Center, and Traci Preciado, Keller Williams Realty Elite for helping with trick-or-treating.  Research feasibility of a "sensory room" or a "quiet zone" as part of the event. These rooms are available to participants with diverse sensory needs (i.e. autism) to provide a space to regulate emotions in a high-stimulus environment. These facilities are gaining popularity in both permanent facilities and special events throughout the Twin Cities. 2. Tree Lighting Ceremony & Holiday Events Preview Ms. Tandon stated each year the City of Chanhassen hosts a variety of holiday events throughout the season, including the Holiday Boutique on December 3, 2022 and the Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 3, 2022. The tree lighting will include refreshments, bonfires, s'mores, gingerbread house displays, live reindeer, a Toys for Tots donation station, and a visit from Santa Claus. The event is free and open to all ages. Ms. Tandon shared about the Chanhassen Tour of Lights from December 3-31, 2022, the Gingerbread House Decorating Contest from November 29-December 1, 2022, and the Letters to Santa mailbox. She noted the Senior Center is also putting on a 55+ Holiday Party on December 8 with food and a speaker. Commissioner Vasatka suggested at the Tree Lighting Event, to have the reindeer in two different locations to cut down on the time families wait in lines for photos. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: Mr. Ruegemer shared the next meeting on December 13 will include a holiday social time after the meeting is adjourned. 29 Park and Recreation Commission Minutes – November 22, 2022 3 ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Kutz moved, Commissioner Eidsmo seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:16 p.m. Submitted by Jerry Ruegemer Park and Recreation Director Prepared by Amy Weidman Administrative Support Specialist 30 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Receive Commission on Aging Minutes dated November 18, 2022 File No.Item No: E.3 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Jenny Potter, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council receives the Commission on Aging Minutes dated November 18, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 31 Commission on Aging Minutes dated November 18, 2022 32 CHANHASSEN COMMISSION ON AGING MINUTES November 18, 2022 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jerry Cerchia, Linda Haight, Jim Camarata, Kara Cassidy, Bhakti Modi, Ruth Lunde. MEMBERS ABSENT: Susan Kibler. STAFF PRESENT: Sharmeen Al-Jaff. GUESTS PRESENT: Dawn Plumer, Linnéa Fonnest, Bill Maloney, Shelly Signa. Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Lunde moved to approve the Agenda. Commissioner Camarata seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Commission ON AGING Minutes dated September 16, 2022: Commissioner Camarata moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Haight seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IN CHANHASSEN & CARVER CUNTY, ALLISON STREICH, DEPUTY DIRECOR, CARVER COUNTY CDA. • At least every five years, Carver County Public Health completes a Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The purpose of the CHA is to learn about the health of our community and identify areas for improvement, which in turn informs the CHIP. The assessment is done in collaboration with residents, community organizations, businesses, faith organizations, health care providers, and policy makers. • The Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is a strategic planning tool for improving the health of Carver County. The Carver County Public Health Department facilitates a planning process with a variety of partners, including non-profit organizations, public agencies, health care, businesses, and the faith community. The strengths, needs, and interests of the community drive the planning process. This information is then used to develop the CHIP, which includes specific strategies to enhance the health of the county. For more information about the CHIP process and requirements, please visit the Minnesota Department of Health's CHIP website. • This work on affordable housing is being done as part of Carver County’s Community Health Improvement Plan. This presentation was created to address goal 1.2 of the CHIP, organizations will work together to meet the housing needs and services of all residents. • The County has made some good progress in recent years in the development of affordable housing: Vista Ridge in Waconia opened in 2020, Trail’s Edge South in Waconia is under construction and will open in 2022 and Lake Place Apartments in Chanhassen is under construction and will open in 2022, West Creek Apartments will start construction in 2022. Even with all this progress, there is still much work that needs to be done. 33 • As your income changes, you should be able to afford housing at every stage of life,. • Using HUD’s definition, housing is affordable when it requires a household to spend no more than 30% of its income on housing-related costs. Under this definition there is no single dollar amount at which housing can be considered affordable; rather affordability is scalable relative to household income. • Generally, when you hear us (CDA and our partner organizations) talk about affordable housing, we are referencing housing that targets households at or below a certain percentage of area median income, with the rent amounts being affordable to those household members/income amounts or the household having some type of subsidy. To target households are or below 30% AMI, a subsidy is almost always required to support that household and ensure it is truly affordable. • Income limits for affordable housing developments are determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development on an annual basis. Carver County is part of a statistical metro area that includes the twin cites 7 county metro region. This slide is to just really give you an idea of incomes we are referencing. The current median income for Carver County is $118,200. Just to give you an example, a household of two at 50% of area median income would only be $46,950. COMMUNICATION WITH THE AGING POPULATION: Commissioner Camarata shared discussed multiple methods of communication targeting the aging population in Chanhassen and how to communicate services available to them. These included article in the villager, multiple social media venues available to the city. Community Health Update – Dawn Plumer, Public Health Program Specialist: The County is still providing booster shots. Nurses visited eight senior housing buildings. Library Adult Programs: Linnéa Fonnest shared multiple programs that will be offered by the library during the months of January and February. They include: • Spice Up Your Winter • Author Talks • Money and Technology • Makers of Music • History and Genealogy Commission on Aging Comments: • Reminder of the upcoming Christmas Party • Discuss the name change of the commission with the City Manager. • December meeting will focus on goals and objectives for the year 2023. Adjournment: Chairman Cerchia called for meeting adjournment. Commissioner Camarata moved to adjourn; Commissioner Haight seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the motion carried. Prepared and submitted by Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner 34 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Receive Environmental Commission Minutes dated November 9, 2022 File No.Item No: E.4 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Jenny Potter, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council receives the Environmental Commission Minutes dated November 9, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 35 Environmental Commission Minutes dated November 9, 2022 36 1 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Chanhassen City Hall, Fountain Conference Room 6:00 pm November 9, 2022 Members Present: Kristin Fulkerson, Leslie Elhadi, Scot Lacek, Julia Adams, Markus Fischer, and Scott Grefe, Greg Hawks, Kaisa Buckholz Members Absent: Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resources Specialist Visitors: none Minutes: October minutes were approved. 2023 Focus Topic: Kristin explained the reason why a focus topic is selected and then reviewed what had been chosen for the last few years. The commission suggested Sustainability or Alternative Energy. The commission discussed the pros and cons of a broad topic such as Sustainability and agreed that it would work well because it offers the opportunity to cover a lot of subtopics, such as Alternative Energy. The commission approved Sustainability as the 2023 Focus Topic. 2022 Media Calendar review and update for 2023: The commission thought the media calendar worked well in 2022. It allowed everyone to be involved and participate in public education. Markus wondered if the Communications team could tell the commission what was working, how frequently the commission should be posting, etc. He will summarize a list of questions about the commissions outreach in 2022 and Jill will forward it to the Comm. Dept. The commission worked on populating the 2023 Media Calendar with the focus topic of Sustainability. The draft calendar is as follows. JAN: natural home cleaning, Kristin FEB: Appliances, Scott MAR: Home energy efficiency, Greg APR: Laundry, Leslie MAY: Energy efficient gardens, Scot JUN: Composting, Markus JULY: Sustainable travel/staycations, Kaisa AUG: Alternative energy sources, Markus SEPT: Clothing, Julia OCT: Home/Holiday waste, Kaisa NOV: Food waste, Leslie DEC: Gift giving ideas, Kristin It was also suggested that maybe Sustainable House Design could be the July 4 topic. Winter Environmental Trivia Event: Kristin asked if the commission would like to do another event this winter. The commission agreed that they would. February would be a good time to do it, possibly 37 2 later in the month. There could be a category of questions on Sustainability to tie in the focus topic. Prizes could be sustainable items such as dryer balls and microfiber cleaning cloths. Possible dates for the event include Jan. 31, Feb. 7, Feb. 21, or Mar. 7. Kristin will check with the brewery on dates and Jill will check with Dave to see if he could emcee again. Chanhassen Environmental Academy: The commission debated whether to do 3 or 4 sessions and when to offer them. They decided on 3 sessions for 2023 and moving to 4 in 2024 if they go well. The classes will be offered in Aug., Sept., and Oct. The tentative schedule would be: Aug. – tour of West Water Treatment Plant Sept. – tour of Carver County Environmental Center Oct . – Forestry workshop on current diseases and pests of trees 2023 Work Plan discussion: The commission did an initial review of the 2023 work plan working on deleting items known not to be relevant for 2023, updating dates, and adding items necessary for next year. The commission will review again in December. Commission Updates: Greg gave an update on the watershed district. He said the projects for Bluff Creek and Riley Creek were approved as was a 2022 Pond Rehabilitation project for the city. It was also noted that a dock infested with zebra mussels was introduced into Rice Marsh Lake and action was talked about by the district. The watershed is still doing zoom meetings but talked about going back to live meetings. City Updates:  Jill updated the commission on the Fox Hill subdivision developme nt.  Commissioners discussed the change to the West Fire Station from a firehouse to an ambulance station.  Jill announced her retirement in January. General Discussion: None Meeting adjourned at 7:35p Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 38 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated November 1, 2022 File No.Item No: E.5 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Jenny Potter, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Receives the Planning Commission Minutes dated November 1, 2022." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 39 Planning Commission Minutes dated November 1, 2022 40 CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES NOVEMBER 1, 2022 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman von Oven called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Eric Noyes, Mark von Oven, Kelsey Alto, Erik Johnson, Perry Schwartz, Ryan Soller, Edward Goff. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; MacKenzie Young- Walters, Associate Planner; Joe Seidl, Water Resources Engineer; Olivia Adomabea, Community Development Intern. PUBLIC PRESENT: Ryan Johnson 695 Pleasant View Road 1. 695 PLEASANT VIEW ROAD: CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM WETLAND BUFFER STANDARDS Community Development Intern Adomabea gave a presentation on the item, noting the Applicant is requesting a variance to permit a 10-foot averaged wetland buffer in order to facilitate the construction of a 210 square-foot sunroom. The property is located on 0.65 acres of land which is zoned single-family residential. The Applicant is requesting a variance to permit the use of a 10-foot averaged buffer strip instead of the required 40-foot minimum buffer requirement to allow an addition of 11x20 foot sunroom on a lot zoned Single-Family Residential. The property owner has a history of restoring wetlands and is requesting to restore approximately 2,649 square feet of wetland in addition to a previously restored 2,569 square feet of wetland. Ms. Adomabea noted the home was built in 1963 before the City’s zoning ordinance and is a non-conforming structure. The Applicant has stated without a variance they would not be able to construct an addition to the home. Staff believes granting the requested variance would provide a superior advantage to the City due to significant wetland restoration which will benefit Lotus Lake and adjacent wetland areas. It would also remove the existing non-conformity by bringing the home into line with the required principal structure wetland setback. Upon final review, Staff found that the sunroom encroached into the rear yard setback and Staff would make necessary corrections and additions in the Finding of Facts. Staff recommends approval of the proposed wetland buffer and rear yard setback variance. Chair von Oven asked if the legal description of the property is Red Cedar Point, Lake Minnewashta as listed in the Findings of Fact. Associate Planner Walters replied in the negative and noted it will be corrected. 41 Planning Commission Minutes – November 1, 2022 2 Commissioner Goff asked about the jurisdictional requirements and whether those are standard and will be approved or could they be denied by those agencies. Mr. Young-Walters replied the main entity is the Watershed District and they have been CC’d on this project. He would defer to Water Resources Engineer Seidl. Mr. Seidl stated he does not see any potential issues and he helped coordinate this with the Watershed District. They view this as a significant improvement to the site and not only would they approve this but they would likely have funding for the Applicant. Commissioner Schwartz commended the Applicant, Mr. Johnson, for being a good steward of the land and for all the restoration of the wetlands. Chairman von Oven opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. Chairman von Oven closed the public hearing. Commissioner Noyes moved, Commissioner Goff seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission as the Board of Adjustment and Appeals approves a variance for a 10 foot averaged wetland buffer and a 9 foot rear yard setback variance for the construction of an addition, subject to the conditions of approval, and adopts the findings of fact and decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS: None. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS: None. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 18, 2022 Commissioner Noyes noted the summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated October 18, 2022 as presented. CITY COUNCIL ACTION UPDATE: None. OPEN DISCUSSION: 1. Bluff Creek Overlay District ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Noyes moved to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director 42 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Receive Economic Development Commission Minutes dated October 11, 2022 File No.Item No: E.6 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Amy Weidman, Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council receives the Economic Development Commission minutes dated October 11, 2022." Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 43 Economic Development Commission Minutes dated October 11, 2022 44 CHANHASSEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 11, 2022 Chairman Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Eric Anderson, Vice Chair David Kressler (arrived at 7:01 p.m.), Commissioners Duke Zurek, Chris Freeman, and Stacy Goff. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Samantha DiMaggio, Economic Development Manager; Bob Generous, Senior Planner. PUBLIC PRESENT: Chuck Swanson, Director of Community and Economic Development, Carver County Community Development Agency. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: APPROVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES DATED AUGUST 10, 2022 Member Freeman moved, Member Goff seconded to approve the Minutes of the Economic Development Commission meeting dated August 10, 2022 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATION: Chuck Swanson, Carver County Director of Community and Economic Development, introduced himself and noted his goal is to get out into the communities and wants to know what is going on in each City in Carver County. He would like to be a partner, leverage, or extra set of eyes and ears for the Commission DISCUSSION/GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. Update Economic Development Commission Bylaws Sam DiMaggio, Economic Development Manager, gave a presentation outlining how the EDC is set up within the City Code. She shared proposed changes to the bylaws including clarifying the difference between the EDC and the EDA, taking out repetitive language, and adjusting meeting time. 45 Economic Development Commission – October 11, 2022 2 Member Kressler moved, Member Zurek seconded to approve the updated Economic Development Commission Bylaws. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. DIRECTOR REPORT: 1. Economic Development Manager Staff Report The EDC members introduced themselves to Ms. DiMaggio and shared a brief history of their business background, families, and involvement with the Commission. Ms. DiMaggio shared about her background, experience, and family, including her work as a teacher before transitioning to working with the business sector in northern Minnesota, working for the State of Minnesota as a loan officer, and working for the cities of Shakopee, LeSeuer, and Farmington. She spoke about her experience in City Planning and Economic Development within the cities. Since beginning the job in Chanhassen, Ms. DiMaggio has begun meeting business owners and non-profits within the City and shared about the people she has met so far. She has attended a ribbon-cutting, met with potential business/developers, and had business visits as well as partner visits (Buy Chanhassen, Southwest Metro Chamber). Ms. DiMaggio shared about a CRM (contact management system) to keep track of contacts within the City, the ability to send surveys to businesses within the CRM, collecting that data, and previous utilization of succession training for businesses after compiling data. The EDC and Ms. DiMaggio discussed the Commission members potentially attending some business openings or Chamber events, competition within the business sector, and the Avienda development and exploration of whether Chanhassen businesses may want to grow their businesses within Avienda. ADJOURNMENT: Member Anderson moved, Member Freeman seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. The Economic Development Commission meeting was adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m. Submitted by Samantha DiMaggio Economic Development Manager Prepared by Amy Weidman Administrative Support Specialist 46 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Approve Claims Paid January 9, 2023 File No.Item No: E.7 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Danielle Washburn, Assistant Finance Director Reviewed By Kelly Grinnell SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Approves Claims Paid dated January 9, 2023." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Financial Sustainability SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION The following claims are submitted for review and approval on January 9, 2023: Check Numbers Amounts 178902 - 179029 $794,963.68 ACH Payments $750,659.62 Total All Claims $1,545,623.30 47 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Check Summary Check Summary ACH Check Detail Check Detail ACH 48 Accounts Payable User: Printed: dwashburn 1/3/2023 1:11 PM Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount ALLSTR ALLSTREAM 12/08/2022 0.00 564.47178902 UB*02672 Liane M. Laddusaw, as trustee of the Liane M. Ladd Revocable Trust12/08/2022 0.00 45.42178903 ASPEQU Aspen Equipment 12/08/2022 0.00 53.44178904 BartCons Bartie Construction Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 65.00178905 BCATRA BCA 12/08/2022 0.00 30.00178906 UB*02680 STEPHEN & COURTNEY BELLAIRS 12/08/2022 0.00 155.30178907 BOYBUI BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 12/08/2022 0.00 13,000.00178908 UB*02675 Burnet Title 12/08/2022 0.00 52.97178909 CarBria Brian Carlson 12/08/2022 0.00 100.00178910 CENENE CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 12/08/2022 0.00 4,924.18178911 CleSol Cleaning Solutions Services 12/08/2022 0.00 7,620.00178912 DAKSUP DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 12/08/2022 0.00 7,053.36178913 DulSal Dultmeier Sales LLC 12/08/2022 0.00 334.70178914 EPIEVE EPIC EVENT RENTAL 12/08/2022 0.00 311.25178915 UB*02678 Executive Title 12/08/2022 0.00 17.01178916 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 12/08/2022 0.00 5,831.02178917 FRAINC FRANEK INCORPORATED 12/08/2022 0.00 5,750.00178918 HENTEC Hennepin Technical College 12/08/2022 0.00 330.00178919 HERLAN HERMAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES INC 12/08/2022 0.00 170.00178920 IFMefe Ifm Efector, Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 528.57178921 IndSafIn Industrial Safety, Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 109.71178922 INFSEN InfoSense Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 666.00178923 JapSte Stephen Japuntich 12/08/2022 0.00 1,500.00178924 JohGra Grant & Julie Johnson 12/08/2022 0.00 750.00178925 UB*02674 Lake Title LLC 12/08/2022 0.00 81.93178926 LamSon Lametti & Sons Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 133,496.16178927 UB*02679 Scott D Rued, Leah J Rued,12/08/2022 0.00 103.07178928 UB*02681 CLAYTON & MARY LEFEVERE 12/08/2022 0.00 82.66178929 MetHol Metronet Holdings, LLC 12/08/2022 0.00 55.69178930 METCO2 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 12/08/2022 0.00 215,788.98178931 MNSaf Minnesota Safety Council 12/08/2022 0.00 759.00178932 UB*02673 Minnesota Title 12/08/2022 0.00 29.12178933 UB*02677 Minnesota Title 12/08/2022 0.00 66.15178934 MPLC Motion Picture Licensing Corporation 12/08/2022 0.00 389.52178935 NatSho Natural Shore Technologies, Inc.12/08/2022 0.00 18,450.00178936 NEWSIG NEWMAN SIGNS INC 12/08/2022 0.00 2,556.25178937 PetRen Renee Petroski 12/08/2022 0.00 100.00178938 PinPes Pinnacle Pest Control 12/08/2022 0.00 1,315.00178939 POST POSTMASTER 12/08/2022 0.00 352.00178940 RivReno Rivertown Renovations Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 872.81178941 schcom Schwickert Company 12/08/2022 0.00 11,783.00178942 SHATRE Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 12/08/2022 0.00 15,686.00178943 SnoKre Snow Kreilich Architects 12/08/2022 0.00 3,026.25178944 SOFHOU SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 12/08/2022 0.00 816.00178945 SOULOC SOUTHWEST LOCK & KEY 12/08/2022 0.00 167.75178946 StanCons Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.12/08/2022 0.00 76.50178947 UB*02676 DEREK & MELISSA STEVENS 12/08/2022 0.00 30.12178948 Page 1AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (1/3/2023 1:11 PM) 49 Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount TayEle Taylor Electric Company, LLC 12/08/2022 0.00 4,725.00178949 TimSav TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 308.00178950 VERIZO VERIZON WIRELESS 12/08/2022 0.00 4,640.34178951 WolRiv Wolf River Electric 12/08/2022 0.00 562.16178952 APAGRO APACHE GROUP 12/15/2022 0.00 1,893.90178953 ARAMAR ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 12/15/2022 0.00 310.56178954 BecAre Becker Arena Products Inc 12/15/2022 0.00 52,034.85178955 CENENE CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 12/15/2022 0.00 2,416.06178956 CenLin CenturyLink 12/15/2022 0.00 64.00178957 CHASKA CITY OF CHASKA 12/15/2022 0.00 1,792.07178958 CUBFOO CUB FOODS 12/15/2022 0.00 67.24178959 ElsBren Brenda Elsagher 12/15/2022 0.00 90.00178960 Enterpr Enterprise FM Trust 12/15/2022 0.00 6,968.18178961 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 12/15/2022 0.00 918.97178962 FinCom Finance & Commerce, Inc.12/15/2022 0.00 569.00178963 GREMEA GREEN MEADOWS INC 12/15/2022 0.00 1,385.00178964 HenMich Michael Henry 12/15/2022 0.00 100.00178965 HomHea Homeland Health Specialists, Inc 12/15/2022 0.00 102.00178966 KODMOO Kodru-Mooney 12/15/2022 0.00 16,390.00178967 MINRUR MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSN 12/15/2022 0.00 400.00178968 MNPLUM MN Plumbing & Home Service Inc 12/15/2022 0.00 1.25178969 MTIDIS MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 12/15/2022 0.00 1,722.38178970 MyAppSou My Appliance Source 12/15/2022 0.00 249.47178971 NOVSOL NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 12/15/2022 0.00 9,575.18178972 PitBow Pitney Bowes Inc.12/15/2022 0.00 105.00178973 RMBENV RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 12/15/2022 0.00 113.26178974 ROAANI ROADKILL ANIMAL CONTROL 12/15/2022 0.00 95.00178975 Senja Senja Inc 12/15/2022 0.00 353.60178976 SHATRE Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 12/15/2022 0.00 5,235.00178977 ShaMde SMSC Organics Recycling Facility 12/15/2022 0.00 4,565.70178978 Southwes Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 12/15/2022 0.00 892.00178979 SOUSUB SOUTHWEST NEWS MEDIA 12/15/2022 0.00 536.70178980 SunDayCo Sunny Days Comfort Food, LLC 12/15/2022 0.00 1,440.00178981 TesTec Tessco Technologies 12/15/2022 0.00 349.75178982 TOWMAS TOWMASTER INC 12/15/2022 0.00 25,836.00178983 WastMana Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 12/15/2022 0.00 3,184.60178984 ARAMAR ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 12/22/2022 0.00 795.42178985 CENENE CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 12/22/2022 0.00 1,738.15178986 Cintas Cintas Corporation No. 2 12/22/2022 0.00 114.38178987 DAKSUP DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 12/22/2022 0.00 3,270.04178988 EARAND Earl F Andersen Inc 12/22/2022 0.00 2,303.43178989 EHLERS EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 12/22/2022 0.00 6,970.00178990 ferwat Ferguson Waterworks #2518 12/22/2022 0.00 5,315.94178991 HeaPar HealthPartners, Inc.12/22/2022 0.00 89,371.30178992 HENCHE HENNEPIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEF'S ASSN12/22/2022 0.00 377.79178993 HOLTOU Holt Tour and Charter Inc 12/22/2022 0.00 745.00178994 LehCin Cindy Lehman 12/22/2022 0.00 905.15178995 MetHome Metro Home and Drain 12/22/2022 0.00 325.00178996 METCO2 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 12/22/2022 0.00 3,420.00178997 MNSaf Minnesota Safety Council 12/22/2022 0.00 414.00178998 OttTrav Travis Ott 12/22/2022 0.00 642.60178999 PLAUTO P & L AUTOMOTIVE 12/22/2022 0.00 375.00179000 PILDRY PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 12/22/2022 0.00 575.23179001 SHATRE Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 12/22/2022 0.00 4,815.00179002 STPSTA SPS Works 12/22/2022 0.00 334.75179003 SUSA SUSA Treasurer 12/22/2022 0.00 125.00179004 TFOFIN TFORCE FINAL MILE 12/22/2022 0.00 59.41179005 Page 2AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (1/3/2023 1:11 PM) 50 Check No Check DateVendor NameVendor No Void Checks Check Amount TimSav TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 12/22/2022 0.00 381.00179006 triedeea DeeAnn Triethart 12/22/2022 0.00 40.84179007 DoaJen Jennifer Xuan Tuyet Doan-Nguyen 12/22/2022 0.00 642.60179008 ARAMAR ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 12/29/2022 0.00 138.05179009 BAUBUI Bauer Built Inc 12/29/2022 0.00 1,785.95179010 BITROA BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC 12/29/2022 0.00 24,615.50179011 BROSHARO HAROLD BROSE 12/29/2022 0.00 20.00179012 CenLin CenturyLink 12/29/2022 0.00 59.45179013 ComMin Compass Minerals America, Inc 12/29/2022 0.00 12,155.66179014 DELTOO DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 12/29/2022 0.00 8.24179015 EPIEVE EPIC EVENT RENTAL 12/29/2022 0.00 70.85179016 FACMOT FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 12/29/2022 0.00 876.12179017 KERRMATT Matt Kerr 12/29/2022 0.00 75.99179018 PerTho Thomas Perrone 12/29/2022 0.00 50.00179019 POST POSTMASTER 12/29/2022 0.00 666.97179020 ProDry Pro Drywall & Painting Inc 12/29/2022 0.00 750.00179021 RegUofM Regents of the University of MN 12/29/2022 0.00 3,000.00179022 RodVal Val Roder 12/29/2022 0.00 150.00179023 SHATRE Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 12/29/2022 0.00 10,355.00179024 SimMar Mark Sims 12/29/2022 0.00 150.00179025 UB*02682 BRIAN SMITH 12/29/2022 0.00 173.36179026 STPSTA SPS Works 12/29/2022 0.00 67.58179027 SUMFIR SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 12/29/2022 0.00 3,127.00179028 VERIZO VERIZON WIRELESS 12/29/2022 0.00 6,572.35179029 Report Total (128 checks): 794,963.68 0.00 Page 3AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number (1/3/2023 1:11 PM) 51 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check User: dwashburn Printed: 1/3/2023 1:16 PM Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH carcou Carver County 12/08/2022 0.00 58,598.83 ACH CivPlu CivicPlus 12/08/2022 0.00 3,400.00 ACH CRYINF Crystal Infosystems LLC 12/08/2022 0.00 262.00 ACH EHREN EH RENNER & SONS INC 12/08/2022 0.00 31,872.50 ACH GOPSTA GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 12/08/2022 0.00 265.95 ACH HALCOM HALLOCK COMPANY 12/08/2022 0.00 148.94 ACH HAWCHE HAWKINS CHEMICAL 12/08/2022 0.00 7,644.35 ACH ImaTre ImageTrend, Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 103.00 ACH INDLAN Indoor Landscapes Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 187.00 ACH InnOff Innovative Office Solutions LLC 12/08/2022 0.00 42.19 ACH JEFFIR JEFFERSON FIRE SAFETY INC 12/08/2022 0.00 688.89 ACH MACEQU MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 12/08/2022 0.00 185.75 ACH Marco Marco Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 1,010.00 ACH MERACE MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 12/08/2022 0.00 794.58 ACH MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 12/08/2022 0.00 50.00 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 12/08/2022 0.00 6,926.73 ACH NAPA NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 12/08/2022 0.00 325.68 ACH IMPPOR Rent N Save Portable Services 12/08/2022 0.00 4,052.00 ACH TBEI TBEI, Inc 12/08/2022 0.00 171.04 ACH WSB WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 12/08/2022 0.00 22,029.75 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 12/08/2022 0.00 22,235.67 ACH AMESOL AMERICAN SOLUTIONS 12/15/2022 0.00 1,083.64 ACH BOLMEN BOLTON & MENK INC 12/15/2022 0.00 11,576.00 ACH BRAINT BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 12/15/2022 0.00 13,027.75 ACH CAMKNU CAMPBELL KNUTSON 12/15/2022 0.00 16,675.77 ACH CCPNIM CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 12/15/2022 0.00 5,473.15 ACH PedrChri Christine Lea Pedretti 12/15/2022 0.00 1,027.65 ACH engwat Engel Water Testing Inc 12/15/2022 0.00 1,250.00 ACH ESSBRO ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC 12/15/2022 0.00 943.16 ACH GMHASP GMH ASPHALT CORP 12/15/2022 0.00 373,167.67 ACH HeaStr Health Strategies 12/15/2022 0.00 34.00 ACH IndPla Indelco Plastics Corporation 12/15/2022 0.00 96.02 ACH InnOff Innovative Office Solutions LLC 12/15/2022 0.00 116.17 ACH AlHiJuli Juli Al-Hilwani 12/15/2022 0.00 75.00 ACH KATFUE KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 12/15/2022 0.00 21,937.96 ACH KIMHOR KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 12/15/2022 0.00 2,146.50 ACH METCO Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 12/15/2022 0.00 2,460.15 ACH MINNOCC MINNESOTA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 12/15/2022 0.00 105.00 ACH MNLABO MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 12/15/2022 0.00 2,846.22 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 12/15/2022 0.00 343.39 ACH MOSBAR MOSS & BARNETT 12/15/2022 0.00 22.00 ACH MUSTOG MUSIC TOGETHER LAKESIDE 12/15/2022 0.00 6.00 ACH PotMN Potentia MN Solar 12/15/2022 0.00 8,185.44 ACH PREMRM PRECISE MRM LLC 12/15/2022 0.00 273.00 ACH RDOEQU RDO EQUIPMENT CO 12/15/2022 0.00 28.82 Page 1 of 2 52 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount ACH DaniReem Reem Danial 12/15/2022 0.00 378.00 ACH SpeScr Spectrum Screen Printing Inc 12/15/2022 0.00 281.82 ACH MINCON SUMMIT COMPANIES 12/15/2022 0.00 2,530.00 ACH VESSCO VESSCO INC 12/15/2022 0.00 124.20 ACH WSB WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 12/15/2022 0.00 15,420.80 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 12/15/2022 0.00 199.11 ACH CAMBAR CAMPION BARROW & ASSOCIATES 12/22/2022 0.00 555.00 ACH carcou Carver County 12/22/2022 0.00 1,125.00 ACH COMINT COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 12/22/2022 0.00 6,565.70 ACH HANTHO HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 12/22/2022 0.00 2,396.00 ACH HAWCHE HAWKINS CHEMICAL 12/22/2022 0.00 22,502.93 ACH KENGRA KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 12/22/2022 0.00 258.00 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 12/22/2022 0.00 162.77 ACH SpeScr Spectrum Screen Printing Inc 12/22/2022 0.00 177.00 ACH MINCON SUMMIT COMPANIES 12/22/2022 0.00 2,207.42 ACH PedTay Taylor Pederson 12/22/2022 0.00 1,927.80 ACH TWIWES TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RR CO 12/22/2022 0.00 1,000.00 ACH VALPAV VALLEY PAVING INC 12/22/2022 0.00 22,189.36 ACH VESSCO VESSCO INC 12/22/2022 0.00 1,516.00 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 12/22/2022 0.00 458.62 ACH AdvEng Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 12/29/2022 0.00 2,111.62 ACH ColLif Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 12/29/2022 0.00 67.80 ACH DiaSno Diamond Snow & Ice Control 12/29/2022 0.00 2,880.00 ACH EMEAUT EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC 12/29/2022 0.00 880.34 ACH Avesis Fidelity Security Life 12/29/2022 0.00 294.79 ACH FORAME FORCE AMERICA INC 12/29/2022 0.00 710.80 ACH H&LMES H & L Mesabi 12/29/2022 0.00 2,353.00 ACH HAWCHE HAWKINS CHEMICAL 12/29/2022 0.00 20.00 ACH IdeSer Ideal Service Inc. 12/29/2022 0.00 6,210.50 ACH AlHiJuli Juli Al-Hilwani 12/29/2022 0.00 75.00 ACH K TECH K-TECH SPECIALTY COATINGS, INC 12/29/2022 0.00 914.93 ACH Marco Marco Inc 12/29/2022 0.00 1,101.00 ACH MatTri Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. 12/29/2022 0.00 217.33 ACH MilAut Milestone Auto Inc. 12/29/2022 0.00 250.00 ACH MVEC MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 12/29/2022 0.00 227.16 ACH NAPA NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 12/29/2022 0.00 28.34 ACH NorAmerS North American Safety, Inc. 12/29/2022 0.00 624.28 ACH POMTIR POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 12/29/2022 0.00 1,938.52 ACH ProTec Pro-Tec Design, Inc. 12/29/2022 0.00 102.00 ACH ALJASHAR SHARMIN AL-JAFF 12/29/2022 0.00 56.18 ACH VESSCO VESSCO INC 12/29/2022 0.00 113.13 ACH XCEL XCEL ENERGY INC 12/29/2022 0.00 22,661.06 ACH ZARBRU ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 12/29/2022 0.00 951.00 Report Total:0.00 750,659.62 Page 2 of 2 53 AP Check Detail-Checks User: dwashburn Printed: 1/3/2023 1:22:21 PM Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description ALLSTREAM 101-1160-4311 564.47 12/8/2022 Mitel Phone Systems Maintenance 1/18 - 2/17 564.47 12/8/2022 ALLSTREAM 564.47 APACHE GROUP 101-1170-4110 1,893.90 12/15/2022 Roll Towel, Toilet Tissue, Coreless Rolls 1,893.90 12/15/2022 APACHE GROUP 1,893.90 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1170-4110 67.86 12/15/2022 Aramark Bronze Water Filter ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1170-4110 242.70 12/15/2022 Bronze Water Filter 1 ct 310.56 12/15/2022 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1170-4110 679.46 12/22/2022 Caribou Bend, Caribou Regular, Hazelnet, Toffee ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1170-4110 115.96 12/22/2022 Caribou Regual, Creamer, Sugar 795.42 12/22/2022 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 101-1170-4110 138.05 12/29/2022 Caribou Blend Kcup, Caribou Regular 138.05 12/29/2022 ARAMARK Refreshment Services, LLC 1,244.03 as trustee of the Liane M. Ladd Revocable Trust Liane M. Laddusaw,700-0000-2020 2.32 12/8/2022 Refund Check 101712-000, 8584 POWERS PLACE as trustee of the Liane M. Ladd Revocable Trust Liane M. Laddusaw,720-0000-2020 3.72 12/8/2022 Refund Check 101712-000, 8584 POWERS PLACE AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 1 of 26 54 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description as trustee of the Liane M. Ladd Revocable Trust Liane M. Laddusaw,701-0000-2020 22.35 12/8/2022 Refund Check 101712-000, 8584 POWERS PLACE as trustee of the Liane M. Ladd Revocable Trust Liane M. Laddusaw,700-0000-2020 17.03 12/8/2022 Refund Check 101712-000, 8584 POWERS PLACE 45.42 12/8/2022 as trustee of the Liane M. Ladd Revocable Trust Liane M. Laddusaw, 45.42 Aspen Equipment 101-1550-4120 53.44 12/8/2022 Credit used in error 53.44 12/8/2022 Aspen Equipment 53.44 Bartie Construction Inc 101-0000-2022 65.00 12/8/2022 SAC Surcharge Refund - Permit 2022-03025 - 2395 Highway 7 65.00 12/8/2022 Bartie Construction Inc 65.00 Bauer Built Inc 101-1320-4140 1,785.95 12/29/2022 11R225 PXDS2+ 1,785.95 12/29/2022 Bauer Built Inc 1,785.95 BCA 101-1120-4352 30.00 12/8/2022 Background Investigation 30.00 12/8/2022 BCA 30.00 Becker Arena Products Inc 401-0000-4706 52,034.85 12/15/2022 Deposit 52,034.85 12/15/2022 Becker Arena Products Inc 52,034.85 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 2 of 26 55 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description BELLAIRS STEPHEN & COURTNEY 700-0000-2020 155.30 12/8/2022 Refund Check 096628-002, 2470 BRIDLE CREEK TRL 155.30 12/8/2022 BELLAIRS STEPHEN & COURTNEY 155.30 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC 720-7207-4570 24,615.50 12/29/2022 Fox Hallow Drainage - Pro 2215024 24,615.50 12/29/2022 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS INC 24,615.50 BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 101-0000-2073 13,000.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-02446 - 9441 Great Plains Blvd 13,000.00 12/8/2022 BOYER BUILDING CORPORATION 13,000.00 BROSE HAROLD 701-0000-4150 20.00 12/29/2022 Bales of Hay 20.00 12/29/2022 BROSE HAROLD 20.00 Burnet Title 720-0000-2020 12.97 12/8/2022 Refund Check 103301-000, 7350 CACTUS CURVE Burnet Title 700-0000-2020 16.46 12/8/2022 Refund Check 103301-000, 7350 CACTUS CURVE Burnet Title 700-0000-2020 1.74 12/8/2022 Refund Check 103301-000, 7350 CACTUS CURVE Burnet Title 701-0000-2020 21.80 12/8/2022 Refund Check 103301-000, 7350 CACTUS CURVE 52.97 12/8/2022 Burnet Title 52.97 Carlson Brian 700-7204-4901 100.00 12/8/2022 Waterwise Rebate - Dishwasher 100.00 12/8/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 3 of 26 56 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Carlson Brian 100.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1550-4321 293.92 12/8/2022 Monthy Service - 1456 W 78th St CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 700-7019-4321 520.09 12/8/2022 Monthy Service - 201 W 79th St CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 700-7043-4321 1,561.41 12/8/2022 Monthy Service - 2100 Lake Harrison Rd CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 700-0000-4321 88.89 12/8/2022 Monthy Service - City of Chanhassen Pump - 2323 Lake Lucy Rd CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1170-4321 1,045.78 12/8/2022 Monthy Service - 7700 Market Blvd CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1190-4321 1,414.09 12/8/2022 Monthy Service - 7711 Kerber Blvd 4,924.18 12/8/2022 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 700-0000-4321 237.05 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - 7901 Park Pl CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1600-4321 21.80 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - 6930 Minnewashta Pkwy CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 701-0000-4321 237.04 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - 7901 Park Pl CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1312-4321 1,896.34 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - 7901 Park Pl CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 701-0000-4321 23.83 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - 3900 Highway 7 2,416.06 12/15/2022 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1220-4321 1,306.85 12/22/2022 Monthly Service - 7610 Laredo, 2310 Coulter Blvd, 6400 Minnewash CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1530-4321 337.24 12/22/2022 Monthly Service - 7610 Laredo, 2310 Coulter Blvd, 6400 Minnewash CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 101-1171-4321 94.06 12/22/2022 Monthly Service - 7610 Laredo, 2310 Coulter Blvd, 6400 Minnewash 1,738.15 12/22/2022 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 9,078.39 CenturyLink 700-0000-4310 32.00 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Dec 1 - Dec 31 CenturyLink 701-0000-4310 32.00 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Dec 1 - Dec 31 64.00 12/15/2022 CenturyLink 700-7043-4310 59.45 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Dec 13 - Jan 12 59.45 12/29/2022 CenturyLink 123.45 Cintas Corporation No. 2 101-1550-4120 28.60 12/22/2022 Medical Supplies restock Cintas Corporation No. 2 701-0000-4120 14.30 12/22/2022 Medical Supplies restock AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 4 of 26 57 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Cintas Corporation No. 2 101-1320-4120 28.59 12/22/2022 Medical Supplies restock Cintas Corporation No. 2 101-1370-4120 28.59 12/22/2022 Medical Supplies restock Cintas Corporation No. 2 700-0000-4120 14.30 12/22/2022 Medical Supplies restock 114.38 12/22/2022 Cintas Corporation No. 2 114.38 CITY OF CHASKA 101-1560-4342 1,792.07 12/15/2022 Church Basement Ladies - Ames Center - Senior Day Trip 1,792.07 12/15/2022 CITY OF CHASKA 1,792.07 Cleaning Solutions Services 701-0000-4511 60.00 12/8/2022 Chanhassen Public Works Cleaning Cleaning Solutions Services 101-1220-4511 240.00 12/8/2022 Chanhassen Fire Station #1 cleaning Cleaning Solutions Services 700-0000-4511 60.00 12/8/2022 Chanhassen Public Works Cleaning Cleaning Solutions Services 101-1190-4511 3,780.00 12/8/2022 Chanhassen Library Cleaning Cleaning Solutions Services 101-1170-4511 3,000.00 12/8/2022 Chanhassen City Hall Cleaning Cleaning Solutions Services 101-1312-4511 480.00 12/8/2022 Chanhassen Public Works Cleaning 7,620.00 12/8/2022 Cleaning Solutions Services 7,620.00 Compass Minerals America, Inc 101-1320-4150 10,073.16 12/29/2022 Bulk Coarse LA Compass Minerals America, Inc 101-1320-4150 2,082.50 12/29/2022 Bulk Coarse LA 12,155.66 12/29/2022 Compass Minerals America, Inc 12,155.66 CUB FOODS 101-1220-4511 67.24 12/15/2022 Cleaning Supplies, Dishwash 67.24 12/15/2022 CUB FOODS 67.24 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 5 of 26 58 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 700-0000-4550 4,841.35 12/8/2022 Valve Plate Nut, Seal, Washer, Valve Plate, O-Ring DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 701-0000-4551 2,212.01 12/8/2022 Adapter, Check Valve, Red Rubber, Plain Rubber Gasket 7,053.36 12/8/2022 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 701-0000-4551 674.15 12/22/2022 Adapter, Rubber Gasket DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 700-0000-4550 2,595.89 12/22/2022 Valve Box, Drop Lid 3,270.04 12/22/2022 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 10,323.40 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 101-1370-4260 32.24 12/29/2022 TRI 91744 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 101-1370-4260 -24.00 12/29/2022 CRD MR3124 - Return 8.24 12/29/2022 DELEGARD TOOL COMPANY 8.24 Dultmeier Sales LLC 101-1320-4120 167.35 12/8/2022 Banjo Screen, Hose Mender, Poly Fitting, Polypro Bushing, Coupli Dultmeier Sales LLC 101-1550-4120 167.35 12/8/2022 Banjo Screen, Hose Mender, Poly Fitting, Polypro Bushing, Coupli 334.70 12/8/2022 Dultmeier Sales LLC 334.70 Earl F Andersen Inc 101-1320-4560 2,303.43 12/22/2022 24 X 9 Brown, 30 X 9 Brown, 36 X 9 Brown 2,303.43 12/22/2022 Earl F Andersen Inc 2,303.43 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 700-0000-4300 2,323.34 12/22/2022 2022 Utility Rate Study Update EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 701-0000-4300 2,323.33 12/22/2022 2022 Utility Rate Study Update EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 720-0000-4300 2,323.33 12/22/2022 2022 Utility Rate Study Update 6,970.00 12/22/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 6 of 26 59 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 6,970.00 Elsagher Brenda 101-1560-4345 90.00 12/15/2022 Holiday Party Speaker/Books Fees 90.00 12/15/2022 Elsagher Brenda 90.00 Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4810 450.72 12/15/2022 405 - 22 Chev Silv #25G5QQ Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4811 241.71 12/15/2022 408 - 22 Chev Silv #25G89X Enterprise FM Trust 700-0000-4810 249.97 12/15/2022 305 - 22 Chev Silv #25G5QR Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4810 474.31 12/15/2022 214 - 22 Chev Silv #25G5D2 Enterprise FM Trust 701-0000-4811 115.32 12/15/2022 305 - 22 Chev Silv #25G5QR Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4810 505.58 12/15/2022 411 - 22 Chev Silv #25G8CL Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4811 179.93 12/15/2022 412 - 22 GMC Sier #25H28F Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4810 497.27 12/15/2022 140 - 22 Chev Silv #25G5J6 Enterprise FM Trust 700-0000-4811 115.31 12/15/2022 305 - 22 Chev Silv #25G5QR Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4811 215.25 12/15/2022 605 - 22 Ford Rand #25G25M Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4810 496.72 12/15/2022 408 - 22 Chev Silv #25G89X Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4811 213.79 12/15/2022 140 - 22 Chev Silv #25G5J6 Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4811 262.19 12/15/2022 201 - 22 GMC Yuko #25MPSN Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4810 421.32 12/15/2022 412 - 22 GMC Sier #25H28F Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4811 304.59 12/15/2022 405 - 22 Chev Silv #25G5QQ Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4810 369.31 12/15/2022 605 - 22 Ford Rand #25G25M Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4810 595.40 12/15/2022 201 - 22 GMC Yuko #25MPSN Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4810 324.21 12/15/2022 606 - 22 Ford Rang #25G23Z Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4811 229.66 12/15/2022 411 - 22 Chev Silv #25G8CL Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4811 231.12 12/15/2022 214 - 22 Chev Silv #25G5D2 Enterprise FM Trust 701-0000-4810 249.96 12/15/2022 305 - 22 Chev Silv #25G5QR Enterprise FM Trust 400-0000-4811 224.54 12/15/2022 606 - 22 Ford Rang #25G23Z 6,968.18 12/15/2022 Enterprise FM Trust 6,968.18 EPIC EVENT RENTAL 101-1615-4402 311.25 12/8/2022 Stage - Tree Lighting 311.25 12/8/2022 EPIC EVENT RENTAL 101-1120-4372 70.85 12/29/2022 Stage Rental AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 7 of 26 60 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 70.85 12/29/2022 EPIC EVENT RENTAL 382.10 Executive Title 700-0000-2020 0.28 12/8/2022 Refund Check 099238-000, 3966 LINDEN CIRCLE Executive Title 720-0000-2020 2.06 12/8/2022 Refund Check 099238-000, 3966 LINDEN CIRCLE Executive Title 701-0000-2020 9.39 12/8/2022 Refund Check 099238-000, 3966 LINDEN CIRCLE Executive Title 700-0000-2020 5.28 12/8/2022 Refund Check 099238-000, 3966 LINDEN CIRCLE 17.01 12/8/2022 Executive Title 17.01 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 101-1220-4140 289.24 12/29/2022 Del 48G FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 101-1370-4170 293.44 12/29/2022 FVP Def55Gal FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 101-1370-4170 293.44 12/29/2022 FVP Def55Gal 876.12 12/29/2022 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS COMPANY 876.12 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4550 2,148.34 12/8/2022 Pacer #56 Suppl Whl, #12 Hose, #12 Pump, #90 Thrust Rng Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4550 3,682.68 12/8/2022 Vlv Seat Assy Kit Pacer 5-1/4 5,831.02 12/8/2022 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4550 918.97 12/15/2022 LF Brz 1-1/2 Mtr flg Kit, 1-1/2 Mach10 USG 13 LL 918.97 12/15/2022 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 701-0000-4551 720.30 12/22/2022 4 Alpha Cplg 4.5-4.9 Ferguson Waterworks #2518 701-1384-4556 1,921.78 12/22/2022 4 Mach 10, 20 Length Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-1384-4556 1,921.77 12/22/2022 4 Mach 10, 20 Length Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-1384-4556 11.43 12/22/2022 Water Meter Replacement Project Ferguson Waterworks #2518 700-0000-4550 729.24 12/22/2022 LF 1 FCTH X CTS Ferguson Waterworks #2518 701-1384-4556 11.42 12/22/2022 Water Meter Replacement Project 5,315.94 12/22/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 8 of 26 61 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Ferguson Waterworks #2518 12,065.93 Finance & Commerce, Inc.101-1120-4210 569.00 12/15/2022 Renewal Notice - Digital Subscription 569.00 12/15/2022 Finance & Commerce, Inc. 569.00 FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-00717 - 9041 River Rock Drive N FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-06238 - 1877 Topaz Drive FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-06237 - 7336 Fawn Hill Road FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2018-01862 - 3721 Strawberry Lane FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 500.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2017-01263 - 3697 Strawberry Lane FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2018-01283 - 1680 Mayapple Pass FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2018-00734 - 1681 Mayapple Pass FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-00927 - 6850 Ruby Lane FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-00926 - 7131 Alphabet Street FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2018-00736 - 9064 Degler Lane FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2019-01071 - 1481 Degler Circle FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 500.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2018-01920 - 9054 Degler Lane FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2018-01282 - 9063 Degler Lane FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2018-00735 - 3721 Strawberry Lane FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-01877 - 3633 Strawberry Lane FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 500.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-01878 - 7170 Purple Parkway FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2018-00861 - 2103 Brinker Street FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 500.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2021-01359 - 1531 Pembroke Pass FRANEK INCORPORATED 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-00928 - 7142 Alphabet Street 5,750.00 12/8/2022 FRANEK INCORPORATED 5,750.00 GREEN MEADOWS INC 101-1550-1193 1,260.00 12/15/2022 Snow Plowing - 470 W 78th St GREEN MEADOWS INC 101-1260-1193 125.00 12/15/2022 Snow Plowing - 470 W 78th St 1,385.00 12/15/2022 GREEN MEADOWS INC 1,385.00 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 9 of 26 62 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description HealthPartners, Inc.701-0000-2013 273.32 12/22/2022 Jan Dental HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2012 27,006.98 12/22/2022 Jan Health Single HealthPartners, Inc.700-0000-2012 2,487.49 12/22/2022 Jan Health Single HealthPartners, Inc.720-0000-2012 1,421.42 12/22/2022 Jan Health Single HealthPartners, Inc.700-0000-2012 3,552.44 12/22/2022 Jan Health Family HealthPartners, Inc.701-0000-2012 3,552.44 12/22/2022 Jan Health Family HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2012 42,577.55 12/22/2022 Jan Health Family HealthPartners, Inc.701-0000-2012 1,066.06 12/22/2022 Jan Health Single HealthPartners, Inc.720-0000-2013 91.08 12/22/2022 Jan Dental HealthPartners, Inc.700-0000-2013 364.40 12/22/2022 Jan Dental HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2013 3,780.48 12/22/2022 Jan Dental HealthPartners, Inc.101-0000-2012 1,421.42 12/22/2022 Jan Health Single HealthPartners, Inc.720-0000-2012 1,776.22 12/22/2022 Jan Health Family 89,371.30 12/22/2022 HealthPartners, Inc. 89,371.30 HENNEPIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEF'S ASSN 101-1220-4360 377.79 12/22/2022 Annual Blue Card Instructor Support 377.79 12/22/2022 HENNEPIN COUNTY FIRE CHIEF'S ASSN 377.79 Hennepin Technical College 101-1370-4370 330.00 12/8/2022 Inspection Recert - Brian Roerick, Greg Schmieg, Charles Siegle 330.00 12/8/2022 Hennepin Technical College 330.00 Henry Michael 101-1560-4343 100.00 12/15/2022 Christmas Moments to Remember 100.00 12/15/2022 Henry Michael 100.00 HERMAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES INC 701-0000-4150 -34.00 12/8/2022 Pulverized Dirt - Return HERMAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES INC 101-1320-4150 -34.00 12/8/2022 Pulverized Dirt - Return HERMAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES INC 700-0000-4150 90.67 12/8/2022 Pulverized Dirt AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 10 of 26 63 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description HERMAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES INC 101-1320-4150 90.66 12/8/2022 Pulverized Dirt HERMAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES INC 701-0000-4150 90.67 12/8/2022 Pulverized Dirt HERMAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES INC 700-0000-4150 -34.00 12/8/2022 Pulverized Dirt - Return 170.00 12/8/2022 HERMAN'S LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES INC 170.00 Holt Tour and Charter Inc 101-1560-4349 745.00 12/22/2022 Charter Bus 745.00 12/22/2022 Holt Tour and Charter Inc 745.00 Homeland Health Specialists, Inc 101-1120-4300 102.00 12/15/2022 Nurse Hourly 102.00 12/15/2022 Homeland Health Specialists, Inc 102.00 Ifm Efector, Inc 700-0000-4550 502.55 12/8/2022 Pressure Sensor Ifm Efector, Inc 700-0000-4550 26.02 12/8/2022 4-Wire Micro DC cordset 528.57 12/8/2022 Ifm Efector, Inc 528.57 Industrial Safety, Inc 101-1220-4120 109.71 12/8/2022 Speed Control Dial For leader 109.71 12/8/2022 Industrial Safety, Inc 109.71 InfoSense Inc 701-0000-4150 666.00 12/8/2022 Battery Assembly 666.00 12/8/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 11 of 26 64 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description InfoSense Inc 666.00 Japuntich Stephen 101-0000-2073 1,500.00 12/8/2022 Erosion Control - Permit 2022-00489 - 9297 Hawkcrest Ct 1,500.00 12/8/2022 Japuntich Stephen 1,500.00 Johnson Grant & Julie 101-0000-2075 750.00 12/8/2022 Landscape - Permit 2020-02635 - 6250 Murray Hill Road 750.00 12/8/2022 Johnson Grant & Julie 750.00 Kerr Matt 101-1160-4380 75.99 12/29/2022 Travel Reimbursement 75.99 12/29/2022 Kerr Matt 75.99 Kodru-Mooney 700-7019-4120 16,390.00 12/15/2022 Kinetrol 147 Double Acting Pneumatic Actuator, Kinetrol 157 Doub 16,390.00 12/15/2022 Kodru-Mooney 16,390.00 Lake Title LLC 701-0000-2020 31.81 12/8/2022 Refund Check 100287-000, 706 ROCKBURN ROAD Lake Title LLC 720-0000-2020 5.91 12/8/2022 Refund Check 100287-000, 706 ROCKBURN ROAD Lake Title LLC 700-0000-2020 41.11 12/8/2022 Refund Check 100287-000, 706 ROCKBURN ROAD Lake Title LLC 700-0000-2020 3.10 12/8/2022 Refund Check 100287-000, 706 ROCKBURN ROAD 81.93 12/8/2022 Lake Title LLC 81.93 Lametti & Sons Inc 601-6043-4751 133,496.16 12/8/2022 Minnewashta Parkway Rehab MN Hwy 5 to MN Hwy 7 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 12 of 26 65 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 133,496.16 12/8/2022 Lametti & Sons Inc 133,496.16 Leah J Rued, Scott D Rued,701-0000-2020 22.41 12/8/2022 Refund Check 006118-000, 8023 DAKOTA AVENUE Leah J Rued, Scott D Rued,700-0000-2020 1.02 12/8/2022 Refund Check 006118-000, 8023 DAKOTA AVENUE Leah J Rued, Scott D Rued,700-0000-2020 72.06 12/8/2022 Refund Check 006118-000, 8023 DAKOTA AVENUE Leah J Rued, Scott D Rued,720-0000-2020 7.58 12/8/2022 Refund Check 006118-000, 8023 DAKOTA AVENUE 103.07 12/8/2022 Leah J Rued, Scott D Rued, 103.07 LEFEVERE CLAYTON & MARY 700-0000-2020 3.03 12/8/2022 Refund Check 007516-001, 8669 POWERS PLACE LEFEVERE CLAYTON & MARY 701-0000-2020 42.75 12/8/2022 Refund Check 007516-001, 8669 POWERS PLACE LEFEVERE CLAYTON & MARY 700-0000-2020 32.00 12/8/2022 Refund Check 007516-001, 8669 POWERS PLACE LEFEVERE CLAYTON & MARY 720-0000-2020 4.88 12/8/2022 Refund Check 007516-001, 8669 POWERS PLACE 82.66 12/8/2022 LEFEVERE CLAYTON & MARY 82.66 Lehman Cindy 700-1384-4556 452.58 12/22/2022 Reimbrusement for damaged due to water meter Lehman Cindy 701-1384-4556 452.57 12/22/2022 Reimbrusement for damaged due to water meter 905.15 12/22/2022 Lehman Cindy 905.15 Metro Home and Drain 701-0000-4553 325.00 12/22/2022 Flex Shaft 325.00 12/22/2022 Metro Home and Drain 325.00 Metronet Holdings, LLC 700-7043-4310 55.69 12/8/2022 Dec 1 - Dec 31 Service - Water Plant AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 13 of 26 66 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 55.69 12/8/2022 Metronet Holdings, LLC 55.69 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 701-0000-4509 209,343.98 12/8/2022 Waster Water Services METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 720-0000-4300 3,420.00 12/8/2022 Citizen-Assist-Monitor-Prj METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 720-0000-4300 3,025.00 12/8/2022 Citizen-Assist-Monitor-Prj 215,788.98 12/8/2022 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 720-0000-4300 3,420.00 12/22/2022 Citizen Assist Monitor Prj 3,420.00 12/22/2022 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL 219,208.98 MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSN 700-0000-4360 400.00 12/15/2022 Associate Membership - City of Chanhassen 400.00 12/15/2022 MINNESOTA RURAL WATER ASSN 400.00 Minnesota Safety Council 101-1560-4343 506.00 12/8/2022 Coach Exp Drive Plus Student Workbooks Minnesota Safety Council 101-1560-4343 253.00 12/8/2022 Coach Mature Driver II Workbooks 8 hr 759.00 12/8/2022 Minnesota Safety Council 101-1560-4343 414.00 12/22/2022 Coach Exp Driver Plus Student Workbooks 414.00 12/22/2022 Minnesota Safety Council 1,173.00 Minnesota Title 720-0000-2020 10.86 12/8/2022 Refund Check 103503-000, 1370 LAKE SUSAN HLS DR Minnesota Title 700-0000-2020 4.79 12/8/2022 Refund Check 103503-000, 1370 LAKE SUSAN HLS DR Minnesota Title 700-0000-2020 1.46 12/8/2022 Refund Check 103503-000, 1370 LAKE SUSAN HLS DR Minnesota Title 701-0000-2020 12.01 12/8/2022 Refund Check 103503-000, 1370 LAKE SUSAN HLS DR Minnesota Title 701-0000-2020 36.51 12/8/2022 Refund Check 014516-000, 8631 FLAMINGO DRIVE AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 14 of 26 67 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Minnesota Title 700-0000-2020 20.53 12/8/2022 Refund Check 014516-000, 8631 FLAMINGO DRIVE Minnesota Title 700-0000-2020 1.08 12/8/2022 Refund Check 014516-000, 8631 FLAMINGO DRIVE Minnesota Title 720-0000-2020 8.03 12/8/2022 Refund Check 014516-000, 8631 FLAMINGO DRIVE 95.27 12/8/2022 Minnesota Title 95.27 MN Plumbing & Home Service Inc 101-0000-2033 1.25 12/15/2022 Overpayment - Permit 2022-04123 - 2435 Hunter Dr 1.25 12/15/2022 MN Plumbing & Home Service Inc 1.25 Motion Picture Licensing Corporation 101-1560-4300 389.52 12/8/2022 Sen Non-Member - 01/11/23 - 1/11/24 389.52 12/8/2022 Motion Picture Licensing Corporation 389.52 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 101-1550-4120 1,634.95 12/15/2022 Tensioner, V-Belt, Spider, Cover-Belt, Bumper MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 101-1550-4120 87.43 12/15/2022 Cover-Belt, Filter-oil 1,722.38 12/15/2022 MTI DISTRIBUTING INC 1,722.38 My Appliance Source 101-1220-4520 249.47 12/15/2022 Evaporator Fan Motor or Blade 249.47 12/15/2022 My Appliance Source 249.47 Natural Shore Technologies, Inc.720-0000-4300 18,450.00 12/8/2022 2022 Maintenance 18,450.00 12/8/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 15 of 26 68 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Natural Shore Technologies, Inc. 18,450.00 NEWMAN SIGNS INC 101-1320-4560 2,556.25 12/8/2022 Signs - Stop, Do Not Enter, Keep Right, Arrow Double 2,556.25 12/8/2022 NEWMAN SIGNS INC 2,556.25 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 101-1350-4320 151.92 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Utilities NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 700-0000-4320 6,179.87 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Utilities NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 701-0000-4320 3,243.39 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Utilities 9,575.18 12/15/2022 NOVEL SOLAR THREE, LLC 9,575.18 Ott Travis 101-1539-4343 642.60 12/22/2022 Kwan Tae Kwon Do Instruction 642.60 12/22/2022 Ott Travis 642.60 P & L AUTOMOTIVE 101-1320-4120 375.00 12/22/2022 NOX Rust R-576-34 375.00 12/22/2022 P & L AUTOMOTIVE 375.00 Perrone Thomas 720-7202-3640 50.00 12/29/2022 Community Garden Plot Refund 50.00 12/29/2022 Perrone Thomas 50.00 Petroski Renee 700-7204-4901 100.00 12/8/2022 Waterwise Rebate AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 16 of 26 69 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 100.00 12/8/2022 Petroski Renee 100.00 PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 101-1220-4300 575.23 12/22/2022 Laundry Service 575.23 12/22/2022 PILGRIM DRY CLEANERS 575.23 Pinnacle Pest Control 701-0000-4300 180.00 12/8/2022 Pest control Pinnacle Pest Control 700-7019-4300 125.00 12/8/2022 Pest Control - Water Treatment Plant East Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1190-4300 225.00 12/8/2022 Pest Control - Library Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1220-4300 200.00 12/8/2022 Pest Control - Fire Station Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1370-4300 250.00 12/8/2022 Pest Control - Public Works Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1170-4300 200.00 12/8/2022 Pest Control - City Hall Pinnacle Pest Control 700-7043-4300 125.00 12/8/2022 Pest Control - Water Treatment Plant West Pinnacle Pest Control 101-1170-4359 10.00 12/8/2022 Pest Control - Interest 1,315.00 12/8/2022 Pinnacle Pest Control 1,315.00 Pitney Bowes Inc.101-1120-4410 105.00 12/15/2022 Rental Invoice - Postage Meter 105.00 12/15/2022 Pitney Bowes Inc. 105.00 POSTMASTER 101-1220-4330 176.00 12/8/2022 Fire Dept Post Office Box POSTMASTER 101-1120-4330 176.00 12/8/2022 City Hall PO Box 352.00 12/8/2022 POSTMASTER 700-1130-4330 266.79 12/29/2022 Utility Statement Postage POSTMASTER 720-1130-4330 133.39 12/29/2022 Utility Statement Postage POSTMASTER 701-1130-4330 266.79 12/29/2022 Utility Statement Postage AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 17 of 26 70 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 666.97 12/29/2022 POSTMASTER 1,018.97 Pro Drywall & Painting Inc 101-1220-4510 750.00 12/29/2022 Prep and Paint office walls 750.00 12/29/2022 Pro Drywall & Painting Inc 750.00 Regents of the University of MN 101-1110-4300 1,500.00 12/29/2022 Local Option Sales Tax Regents of the University of MN 101-1110-4300 1,500.00 12/29/2022 Local Option Sales Tax 3,000.00 12/29/2022 Regents of the University of MN 3,000.00 Rivertown Renovations Inc 101-1250-3301 506.25 12/8/2022 Permit Reduced -Permit 2022-01940 - 695 Pleasant View Rd Rivertown Renovations Inc 101-0000-2022 37.50 12/8/2022 Permit Reduced -Permit 2022-01940 - 695 Pleasant View Rd Rivertown Renovations Inc 101-1250-3302 329.06 12/8/2022 Permit Reduced -Permit 2022-01940 - 695 Pleasant View Rd 872.81 12/8/2022 Rivertown Renovations Inc 872.81 RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 720-0000-4300 113.26 12/15/2022 Beach Monitoring 113.26 12/15/2022 RMB Environmental Laboratories Inc 113.26 ROADKILL ANIMAL CONTROL 101-1320-4300 95.00 12/15/2022 Animal Removal - November, 2022 95.00 12/15/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 18 of 26 71 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description ROADKILL ANIMAL CONTROL 95.00 Roder Val 101-1560-4343 150.00 12/29/2022 Chair Yoga 150.00 12/29/2022 Roder Val 150.00 Schwickert Company 101-1220-4510 330.00 12/8/2022 Replace Insulation Schwickert Company 101-1170-4359 10.00 12/8/2022 Interest Fees Schwickert Company 101-1190-4530 719.00 12/8/2022 Planned Service - Heating Schwickert Company 101-1220-4300 870.00 12/8/2022 System Eval - Check Dampers, Sensor & Check Schwickert Company 700-7043-4530 3,400.00 12/8/2022 Unit Repairs Schwickert Company 101-1170-4530 695.00 12/8/2022 System Eval - Replace Fuses Schwickert Company 101-1220-4510 655.00 12/8/2022 Replace Compressor, Blower Run, Condenser Fan Schwickert Company 101-1170-4530 2,436.00 12/8/2022 Planned Service - Heating Schwickert Company 101-1170-4530 210.00 12/8/2022 Replace Ignitor Schwickert Company 101-1370-4530 2,298.00 12/8/2022 Planned Service - Heating Schwickert Company 101-1220-4510 160.00 12/8/2022 Replace Dual Run Capacitor 11,783.00 12/8/2022 Schwickert Company 11,783.00 Senja Inc 101-1539-4343 353.60 12/15/2022 Tai Chi Lessons 353.60 12/15/2022 Senja Inc 353.60 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 1,695.00 12/8/2022 Blvd Tree Removal - Dakota Ave Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 1,695.00 12/8/2022 Blvd Tree Removal - Lotus Trl Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 2,516.00 12/8/2022 Fallen Tree Removal Blf Crk Preserve Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 9,780.00 12/8/2022 Street Tree Pruning 15,686.00 12/8/2022 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 210.00 12/15/2022 Stump Grind 441 W 79th Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 735.00 12/15/2022 W 78th Pin Oak Removal AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 19 of 26 72 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 450.00 12/15/2022 Blvd Tree Removal Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 310.00 12/15/2022 Stump Grind 501 W 78th Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 210.00 12/15/2022 Library Maple Stump Grind Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 210.00 12/15/2022 Stump Grind 6275 Yosemite Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 420.00 12/15/2022 Stump Grind Roundhouse Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 450.00 12/15/2022 City Tree Removal Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 310.00 12/15/2022 Kerber Blvd Tree Stump Grind Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 310.00 12/15/2022 Blvd Tree Stump Grind Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 900.00 12/15/2022 Blvd Ash Tree Removal Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 270.00 12/15/2022 Blvd Tree Pruning Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 450.00 12/15/2022 Ash Blvd Tree Removal 5,235.00 12/15/2022 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 450.00 12/22/2022 Lk Lucy Rd Blvd Tree Removal Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 1,515.00 12/22/2022 Utica Ln Blvd tree removal Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 2,850.00 12/22/2022 Pipewood Ln Ash Removals 4,815.00 12/22/2022 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 3,840.00 12/29/2022 Hwy 101 Trail Ash Removal Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 1,065.00 12/29/2022 Murray Hill Blvd Tree Removal Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 720-7202-4300 5,450.00 12/29/2022 Murray Hill Blvd Tree Removal 10,355.00 12/29/2022 Shadywood Tree Experts and Landscaping 36,091.00 Sims Mark 720-7204-4901 150.00 12/29/2022 Waterwise Rebate 150.00 12/29/2022 Sims Mark 150.00 SMITH BRIAN 700-0000-2020 84.76 12/29/2022 Refund Check 015288-001, 2441 BRIDLE CREEK TRL SMITH BRIAN 700-0000-2020 2.20 12/29/2022 Refund Check 015288-001, 2441 BRIDLE CREEK TRL SMITH BRIAN 720-0000-2020 16.36 12/29/2022 Refund Check 015288-001, 2441 BRIDLE CREEK TRL SMITH BRIAN 701-0000-2020 70.04 12/29/2022 Refund Check 015288-001, 2441 BRIDLE CREEK TRL 173.36 12/29/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 20 of 26 73 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description SMITH BRIAN 173.36 SMSC Organics Recycling Facility 720-7201-4300 4,565.70 12/15/2022 Organics Recycling Nov 2022 4,565.70 12/15/2022 SMSC Organics Recycling Facility 4,565.70 Snow Kreilich Architects 402-4003-4300 3,026.25 12/8/2022 Chan Fire Stations 1 - Schematic Design, Mileage 3,026.25 12/8/2022 Snow Kreilich Architects 3,026.25 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 101-1160-4211 816.00 12/8/2022 Office365 Additional Licenses - TrueUp 816.00 12/8/2022 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL 816.00 SOUTHWEST LOCK & KEY 700-0000-4510 167.75 12/8/2022 Rekey Power Door 167.75 12/8/2022 SOUTHWEST LOCK & KEY 167.75 Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 101-1120-4360 892.00 12/15/2022 Member Investment 892.00 12/15/2022 Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce 892.00 SOUTHWEST NEWS MEDIA 101-1310-4336 36.75 12/15/2022 Legal Notice - Stormwater Hearing SOUTHWEST NEWS MEDIA 101-1110-4336 80.85 12/15/2022 Legal Notice SOUTHWEST NEWS MEDIA 101-1110-4336 44.10 12/15/2022 Legal Notice SOUTHWEST NEWS MEDIA 101-1530-4375 375.00 12/15/2022 Front Page Holiday Events AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 21 of 26 74 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 536.70 12/15/2022 SOUTHWEST NEWS MEDIA 536.70 SPS Works 101-1170-4110 334.75 12/22/2022 Stamps 334.75 12/22/2022 SPS Works 101-1170-4110 67.58 12/29/2022 Furnished Dater for New Die 67.58 12/29/2022 SPS Works 402.33 Stantec Consulting Services, Inc.720-7025-4300 76.50 12/8/2022 Cranes Vineyard Design and Construction 76.50 12/8/2022 Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. 76.50 STEVENS DEREK & MELISSA 720-0000-2020 8.68 12/8/2022 Refund Check 020196-000, 6204 CASCADE PASS STEVENS DEREK & MELISSA 700-0000-2020 1.17 12/8/2022 Refund Check 020196-000, 6204 CASCADE PASS STEVENS DEREK & MELISSA 701-0000-2020 14.17 12/8/2022 Refund Check 020196-000, 6204 CASCADE PASS STEVENS DEREK & MELISSA 700-0000-2020 6.10 12/8/2022 Refund Check 020196-000, 6204 CASCADE PASS 30.12 12/8/2022 STEVENS DEREK & MELISSA 30.12 SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 700-7043-4300 336.00 12/29/2022 Annual Fire Alarm Inspection-West Water Treatment Plant SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 700-7043-4300 403.00 12/29/2022 Annual Pre-Action Inspection-West Water Treatment Plant SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 700-7019-4300 650.00 12/29/2022 Annual Sprinkler Inspection-East Water Treatment Plant SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 101-1170-4300 330.00 12/29/2022 Annual Fire Alarm Inspection-Library SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 101-1312-4300 440.00 12/29/2022 Annual Fire Alarm Inspection-Public Works SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 700-7043-4300 728.00 12/29/2022 Annual Sprinkler Inspection-West Water Treatment Plant SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 700-7019-4300 240.00 12/29/2022 Annual Fire Alarm Inspection-East Water Treatment Plant AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 22 of 26 75 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 3,127.00 12/29/2022 SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION 3,127.00 Sunny Days Comfort Food, LLC 101-1120-4372 1,440.00 12/15/2022 City of Chanhassen event 1,440.00 12/15/2022 Sunny Days Comfort Food, LLC 1,440.00 SUSA Treasurer 701-0000-4360 62.50 12/22/2022 Membership - Jake Casebeer SUSA Treasurer 700-0000-4360 62.50 12/22/2022 Membership - Jake Casebeer 125.00 12/22/2022 SUSA Treasurer 125.00 Taylor Electric Company, LLC 101-1550-4300 4,100.00 12/8/2022 Lighting System on Powers Taylor Electric Company, LLC 101-1550-4300 625.00 12/8/2022 Repair Hockey Rink Light, GFI Outlet 4,725.00 12/8/2022 Taylor Electric Company, LLC 4,725.00 Tessco Technologies 701-0000-4260 174.87 12/15/2022 Foam Cable, Cutting Cable, Male EZ Tessco Technologies 700-0000-4260 174.88 12/15/2022 Foam Cable, Cutting Cable, Male EZ 349.75 12/15/2022 Tessco Technologies 349.75 TFORCE FINAL MILE 101-1170-4110 59.41 12/22/2022 Delivery - Stampworks 59.41 12/22/2022 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 23 of 26 76 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description TFORCE FINAL MILE 59.41 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 210-0000-4300 308.00 12/8/2022 City Council & Park Commission Meeting 308.00 12/8/2022 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 210-0000-4300 381.00 12/22/2022 City Council, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes 381.00 12/22/2022 TimeSaver Off Site Secretarial, Inc 689.00 TOWMASTER INC 400-4120-4704 25,836.00 12/15/2022 Truck Body, Sander, Hoist, Hitch and Lighting 25,836.00 12/15/2022 TOWMASTER INC 25,836.00 Triethart DeeAnn 101-1170-4110 40.84 12/22/2022 Paper Plates 40.84 12/22/2022 Triethart DeeAnn 40.84 VERIZON WIRELESS 700-0000-4310 125.10 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1250-4310 311.89 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1312-4310 46.15 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1170-4310 46.15 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1310-4310 182.35 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-0000-2033 10.99 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 210-0000-4310 41.15 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1160-4310 138.45 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1530-4310 41.15 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1110-4310 40.01 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1520-4310 51.93 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1220-4310 -30.96 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1420-4310 46.15 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1550-4310 623.63 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 701-0000-4310 367.56 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 24 of 26 77 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1220-4310 656.86 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 700-0000-4310 607.13 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1120-4310 142.00 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 701-0000-4310 125.10 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 720-0000-4310 412.01 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1370-4310 89.27 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1320-4310 406.79 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1600-4310 159.48 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Oct 19 - Nov 18 4,640.34 12/8/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1250-4310 323.41 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1160-4310 138.36 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1170-4310 125.67 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1312-4310 624.38 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 720-0000-4310 846.06 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1600-4310 227.26 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-0000-2033 10.99 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1220-4310 631.83 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1520-4310 51.88 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1530-4310 41.12 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1370-4310 89.20 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1120-4310 171.26 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1310-4310 178.37 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1320-4310 1,556.69 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 700-0000-4310 524.50 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1420-4310 -15.08 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1110-4310 40.01 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 210-0000-4310 41.12 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1550-4310 526.68 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 101-1540-4310 58.67 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 VERIZON WIRELESS 701-0000-4310 379.97 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Nov 19 - Dec 18 6,572.35 12/29/2022 VERIZON WIRELESS 11,212.69 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1312-4329 153.89 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Public Works Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 700-0000-4329 19.24 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Public Works Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1550-4329 683.41 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Public Works Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1220-4329 1,212.30 12/15/2022 Chan Fire Station #2 - Monthly Service Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1170-4329 488.22 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - City Hall AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 25 of 26 78 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1190-4329 504.15 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Chan Library Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 101-1220-4329 104.15 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Chan Fire Station Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 701-0000-4329 19.24 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Public Works 3,184.60 12/15/2022 Waste Management of Minnesota, Inc 3,184.60 Wolf River Electric 101-0000-2073 250.00 12/8/2022 Permit Refund - Permit 2022-01847 - 2241 Hunter Dr - Erosion Wolf River Electric 101-1250-3301 312.16 12/8/2022 Permit Refund - Permit 2022-01847 - 2241 Hunter Dr 562.16 12/8/2022 Wolf River Electric 562.16 Xuan Tuyet Doan-Nguyen Jennifer 101-1538-4343 642.60 12/22/2022 Kwan Tae Kwon Do Instruction 642.60 12/22/2022 Xuan Tuyet Doan-Nguyen Jennifer 642.60 794,963.68 AP - Check Detail-Checks (1/3/2023)Page 26 of 26 79 AP Check Detail-ACH User: dwashburn Printed: 1/3/2023 1:22:39 PM Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 700-0000-4300 2,111.62 12/29/2022 2022 SCADA Services - Project P05126-2022-01 2,111.62 12/29/2022 Advanced Engineering & Environmental Services, LLC 2,111.62 Al-Hilwani Juli 101-1539-4343 75.00 12/15/2022 Pickleball Lessons 75.00 12/15/2022 Al-Hilwani Juli 101-1539-4343 75.00 12/29/2022 Pickleball Lessons 75.00 12/29/2022 Al-Hilwani Juli 150.00 AL-JAFF SHARMIN 101-1430-4372 56.18 12/29/2022 Commission on Aging Expense 56.18 12/29/2022 AL-JAFF SHARMIN 56.18 AMERICAN SOLUTIONS 701-1130-4111 361.21 12/15/2022 Utility Bill Window Envelope AMERICAN SOLUTIONS 700-1130-4111 361.21 12/15/2022 Utility Bill Window Envelope AMERICAN SOLUTIONS 720-1130-4111 361.22 12/15/2022 Utility Bill Window Envelope 1,083.64 12/15/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 1 of 17 80 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description AMERICAN SOLUTIONS 1,083.64 BOLTON & MENK INC 601-6051-4300 3,496.00 12/15/2022 Chanhassen/2023 Street Rehabilitation BOLTON & MENK INC 601-6048-4300 7,148.00 12/15/2022 Chanhassen/Crimson Bay Road Improvements BOLTON & MENK INC 601-6048-4300 932.00 12/15/2022 Chanhassen/Crimson Bay Road Improvements 11,576.00 12/15/2022 BOLTON & MENK INC 11,576.00 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 601-6048-4300 1,160.00 12/15/2022 Galpin Blvd Improvements - Crimson Bay Rd BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 601-6040-4300 245.00 12/15/2022 Galpin Blvd Improvements - Galpin Blvd BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 601-6046-4300 11,622.75 12/15/2022 Chan - 2022 Lake Lucy Rehab 13,027.75 12/15/2022 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION 13,027.75 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 101-1140-4302 16,675.77 12/15/2022 Legal Services - Nov 30, 2022 16,675.77 12/15/2022 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 16,675.77 CAMPION BARROW & ASSOCIATES 101-1220-4352 555.00 12/22/2022 MN Public Safety - Promotional Testing - Fire Captain 555.00 12/22/2022 CAMPION BARROW & ASSOCIATES 555.00 Carver County 101-1180-4300 6,346.00 12/8/2022 Elections Billings Carver County 101-1120-4807 28,938.41 12/8/2022 Property Taxes - PID 25.0910050 Carver County 101-1120-4807 3,655.86 12/8/2022 Property Taxes - PID 25.0910020 Carver County 101-1150-4300 10,583.64 12/8/2022 Tax Charges: TNT Billings Carver County 101-1180-4300 9,074.92 12/8/2022 Ballot Setup Fee, Ballot Printing, Ballot Coding, Hardware/Firmw 58,598.83 12/8/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 2 of 17 81 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Carver County 101-1210-4300 100.00 12/22/2022 Liquor License - Lund & Beverages Carver County 700-1160-4326 650.00 12/22/2022 Carver Fiber WWTP / W-3, 7, 8, LS-24 Carver County 101-1160-4326 375.00 12/22/2022 CarverLink Internet / Fiber - Dec 1,125.00 12/22/2022 Carver County 59,723.83 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1550-4320 286.47 12/15/2022 November, 2022 Utilities CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 701-0000-4320 975.54 12/15/2022 November, 2022 Utilities CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1540-4320 269.70 12/15/2022 November, 2022 Utilities CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1600-4320 22.02 12/15/2022 November, 2022 Utilities CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 700-7019-4320 1,342.67 12/15/2022 November, 2022 Utilities CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 700-0000-4320 83.13 12/15/2022 November, 2022 Utilities CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1220-4320 91.96 12/15/2022 November, 2022 Utilities CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 101-1350-4320 2,401.66 12/15/2022 November, 2022 Utilities 5,473.15 12/15/2022 CCP NI MASTER TENANT 4 LLC 5,473.15 CivicPlus 101-1110-4300 3,400.00 12/8/2022 Municode Self Publishing Code Annual Renewal 3,400.00 12/8/2022 CivicPlus 3,400.00 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 101-0000-2008 37.20 12/29/2022 December, 2022 Life Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 701-0000-2008 15.30 12/29/2022 December, 2022 Life Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 700-0000-2008 15.30 12/29/2022 December, 2022 Life 67.80 12/29/2022 Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Co 67.80 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4211 382.20 12/22/2022 Office365 Backup Service - Jan COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4133 6,166.50 12/22/2022 Sonicwall Firewall Appliance Upgrade COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN.101-1160-4211 17.00 12/22/2022 Azure AD P2 & E1 Subscription- Dec AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 3 of 17 82 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 6,565.70 12/22/2022 COMPUTER INTEGRATION TECHN. 6,565.70 Crystal Infosystems LLC 101-1170-4110 262.00 12/8/2022 Toner Finance Printer 262.00 12/8/2022 Crystal Infosystems LLC 262.00 Danial Reem 101-1539-4343 378.00 12/15/2022 Zumba Instruction 378.00 12/15/2022 Danial Reem 378.00 Diamond Snow & Ice Control 101-1320-4150 2,880.00 12/29/2022 Ice B'Gone Liquid Deicer 2,880.00 12/29/2022 Diamond Snow & Ice Control 2,880.00 EH RENNER & SONS INC 700-7025-4751 31,872.50 12/8/2022 Well Rehabilitation 31,872.50 12/8/2022 EH RENNER & SONS INC 31,872.50 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC 101-1550-4120 176.90 12/29/2022 50 Watt Halogen Bulb EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC 701-0000-4120 703.44 12/29/2022 LED Module, Vertex Surface Mount 880.34 12/29/2022 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECH INC 880.34 Engel Water Testing Inc 700-0000-4300 625.00 12/15/2022 Water Samples - Nov, 2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 4 of 17 83 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Engel Water Testing Inc 700-0000-4300 625.00 12/15/2022 Water Samples - Oct, 2022 1,250.00 12/15/2022 Engel Water Testing Inc 1,250.00 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC 720-7207-4150 131.58 12/15/2022 Manhole Protection Rings ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC 701-0000-4551 131.58 12/15/2022 Manhole Protection Rings ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC 720-7207-4150 680.00 12/15/2022 WIMCO CG 801 Tub & Rock Bag 943.16 12/15/2022 ESS BROTHERS & SONS INC 943.16 Fidelity Security Life 701-0000-2007 5.80 12/29/2022 January 2023, Vision Fidelity Security Life 101-0000-2007 269.93 12/29/2022 January 2023, Vision Fidelity Security Life 720-0000-2007 6.63 12/29/2022 January 2023, Vision Fidelity Security Life 700-0000-2007 12.43 12/29/2022 January 2023, Vision 294.79 12/29/2022 Fidelity Security Life 294.79 FORCE AMERICA INC 101-1320-4120 18.87 12/29/2022 1X18 Narrow Rim N18-1000 FORCE AMERICA INC 101-1320-4120 544.39 12/29/2022 Air and Road Temperature Sensor FORCE AMERICA INC 101-1320-4120 147.54 12/29/2022 1X10 Narrow, Adapter Straight, Oring 710.80 12/29/2022 FORCE AMERICA INC 710.80 GMH ASPHALT CORP 601-6049-4751 373,167.67 12/15/2022 2022 City Pavement Rehab Project 22-01 373,167.67 12/15/2022 GMH ASPHALT CORP 373,167.67 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 700-0000-4300 132.98 12/8/2022 Service calls - November, 2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 5 of 17 84 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 701-0000-4300 132.97 12/8/2022 Service calls - November, 2022 265.95 12/8/2022 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC 265.95 H & L Mesabi 101-1550-4120 2,353.00 12/29/2022 Carbide Blade, Curb Runner 2,353.00 12/29/2022 H & L Mesabi 2,353.00 HALLOCK COMPANY 700-0000-4550 148.94 12/8/2022 3-phase volt 148.94 12/8/2022 HALLOCK COMPANY 148.94 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 400-0000-1155 954.00 12/22/2022 Cunningham 2nd Addition HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 400-0000-1155 1,081.50 12/22/2022 Lake Place Apartments HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 400-0000-1155 360.50 12/22/2022 Berrospid Development 2,396.00 12/22/2022 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON 2,396.00 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7019-4160 7,644.35 12/8/2022 Azone 15 7,644.35 12/8/2022 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7043-4160 15,001.95 12/22/2022 Corrosion Inhibitor HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7019-4160 7,500.98 12/22/2022 Corrosion Inhibitor 22,502.93 12/22/2022 HAWKINS CHEMICAL 700-7043-4160 20.00 12/29/2022 Chlorine Cylinder 20.00 12/29/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 6 of 17 85 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description HAWKINS CHEMICAL 30,167.28 Health Strategies 101-1220-4300 34.00 12/15/2022 Mask Fit - Foote, Haydn 34.00 12/15/2022 Health Strategies 34.00 Ideal Service Inc.700-7019-4510 245.00 12/29/2022 Travel, Labor, Keypad Kit, Water Treatment Plant Ideal Service Inc.700-0000-4550 2,398.00 12/29/2022 Travel, Labor, Blower Motor, Capacitor, Fan Ideal Service Inc.701-0000-4510 820.00 12/29/2022 Travel, Labor, Keypad Kit, Lift Station #25 Ideal Service Inc.700-7019-4150 2,747.50 12/29/2022 Travel, Labor, Surge Protector, Fuse 6,210.50 12/29/2022 Ideal Service Inc. 6,210.50 ImageTrend, Inc 101-1220-4237 103.00 12/8/2022 Annual Fee 103.00 12/8/2022 ImageTrend, Inc 103.00 Indelco Plastics Corporation 700-7019-4150 96.02 12/15/2022 1/2' Female Elbow, PVDF 96.02 12/15/2022 Indelco Plastics Corporation 96.02 Indoor Landscapes Inc 101-1170-4300 187.00 12/8/2022 December Plant Services 187.00 12/8/2022 Indoor Landscapes Inc 187.00 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 20.00 12/8/2022 Precise Pen Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 22.19 12/8/2022 Copy paper AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 7 of 17 86 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 42.19 12/8/2022 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 10.54 12/15/2022 Pouch, Therml, 4X6 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 101-1170-4110 105.63 12/15/2022 Paper, Gripper, Tape, Pad 116.17 12/15/2022 Innovative Office Solutions LLC 158.36 JEFFERSON FIRE SAFETY INC 201-0000-4705 688.89 12/8/2022 Face Shield, Helmet 688.89 12/8/2022 JEFFERSON FIRE SAFETY INC 688.89 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 101-1370-4170 21,937.96 12/15/2022 Unleaded 87 ETH 10, Dyed Nordic 21,937.96 12/15/2022 KATH FUEL OIL SERVICE 21,937.96 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 101-1140-4302 258.00 12/22/2022 Labor/Employment Matters 258.00 12/22/2022 KENNEDY & GRAVEN, CHARTERED 258.00 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 601-6043-4300 2,146.50 12/15/2022 Minnewashta Parkway Rehab 2,146.50 12/15/2022 KIMLEY HORN AND ASSOCIATES INC 2,146.50 K-TECH SPECIALTY COATINGS, INC 101-1320-4150 914.93 12/29/2022 Beet Heet Concentrate 914.93 12/29/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 8 of 17 87 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description K-TECH SPECIALTY COATINGS, INC 914.93 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 101-1320-4120 185.75 12/8/2022 Seal Kit, Clamp Angle 185.75 12/8/2022 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT 185.75 Marco Inc 700-0000-4410 101.00 12/8/2022 Copier Rental Marco Inc 101-1170-4410 757.50 12/8/2022 Copier Rental Marco Inc 720-0000-4410 50.50 12/8/2022 Copier Rental Marco Inc 701-0000-4410 101.00 12/8/2022 Copier Rental 1,010.00 12/8/2022 Marco Inc 101-1160-4311 366.00 12/29/2022 External FAX Service - Fire / EOC Marco Inc 101-1160-4411 735.00 12/29/2022 Konica Copiers Lease Fee - Dec 1,101.00 12/29/2022 Marco Inc 2,111.00 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.101-1370-4170 217.33 12/29/2022 Propane Ind 33LB 217.33 12/29/2022 Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc. 217.33 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7019-4510 64.99 12/8/2022 Snow Pusher 30" Blade MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1220-4142 9.59 12/8/2022 Trufuel 4 Cycle 32oz MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7019-4120 12.99 12/8/2022 Cement All Purpose 8 oz MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1550-4140 29.70 12/8/2022 Vinyl Adv MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-7043-4120 26.99 12/8/2022 Sqr Pnt Long Handle MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1530-4130 3.59 12/8/2022 Cable Tie MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1550-4150 122.09 12/8/2022 Cement Primer PVC, 90 "1 Elbow, 45 1" Elbow, PVC MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1220-4290 22.36 12/8/2022 Plastic Lid, Plastic Bucket MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 700-0000-4150 13.97 12/8/2022 Thread Seal Tpe, Hex Nipple, Strt Elbow MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 701-0000-4410 26.50 12/8/2022 Auger 75' Sewer Snake Drum (rental) MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1250-4260 14.99 12/8/2022 In/outdoor Pushbroom AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 9 of 17 88 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1550-4120 395.82 12/8/2022 LED Light Mini, Chain Loop, WD40, Cable Tie, Axe Handle MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1320-4150 47.71 12/8/2022 Brass Key, Split Ring Tag, Mailbox Rural MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 101-1310-4140 3.29 12/8/2022 Keyrafter #14 Brass 794.58 12/8/2022 MERLINS ACE HARDWARE 794.58 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 101-1250-3816 -24.85 12/15/2022 November, 2022 SAC Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 701-0000-2023 2,485.00 12/15/2022 November, 2022 SAC 2,460.15 12/15/2022 Metropolitan Council, Env Svcs 2,460.15 Milestone Auto Inc.101-1550-4140 250.00 12/29/2022 DW 1658 250.00 12/29/2022 Milestone Auto Inc. 250.00 MINNESOTA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 700-0000-4300 52.50 12/15/2022 Federal Drug Screen, Breath Alcohol - Greg Fasching MINNESOTA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 701-0000-4300 52.50 12/15/2022 Federal Drug Screen, Breath Alcohol - Greg Fasching 105.00 12/15/2022 MINNESOTA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 105.00 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-1370-4120 10.00 12/8/2022 Pressure Vessel MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-1370-4510 10.00 12/8/2022 Boiler MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 701-0000-4120 10.00 12/8/2022 Pressure Vessel MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-1320-4120 20.00 12/8/2022 Pressure Vessel 50.00 12/8/2022 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-0000-2022 2,904.31 12/15/2022 November, 2022 Building Permit Surcharge MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 101-1250-3818 -58.09 12/15/2022 November, 2022 Building Permit Surcharge AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 10 of 17 89 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 2,846.22 12/15/2022 MN DEPT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 2,896.22 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 43.93 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - 96th St & St Hwy 101 Lights MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1600-4320 33.11 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Hwy 101/Pionr Trl Signl MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 32.27 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Bluff Crk & Audubon Rd MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 250.74 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Bluff Crk Blvd Lights MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 700-0000-4320 150.11 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Hwy 101/Pionr Trl Signl MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 701-0000-4320 435.57 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Hwy 101/Pionr Trl Signl MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 5,869.08 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Hwy 101/Pionr Trl Signl MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 111.92 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - 2151 Lyman Blvd 6,926.73 12/8/2022 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 343.39 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - County Rd 61 & St Hwy 101 Lights 343.39 12/15/2022 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 162.77 12/22/2022 Monthly Service - Bluff Crk & Flying Cloud Dr 162.77 12/22/2022 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 52.40 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Kiowa Trl & St. Hwy 101 Lights MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 101-1350-4320 174.76 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Bandimere Park Lights 227.16 12/29/2022 MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP 7,660.05 MOSS & BARNETT 101-1140-4302 22.00 12/15/2022 Professional Services - November 30, 2022 22.00 12/15/2022 MOSS & BARNETT 22.00 MUSIC TOGETHER LAKESIDE 101-1537-4343 6.00 12/15/2022 Lessons AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 11 of 17 90 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 6.00 12/15/2022 MUSIC TOGETHER LAKESIDE 6.00 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1550-4140 191.70 12/8/2022 Gold Oil Filter, Gold Fuel Filter NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1550-4120 45.82 12/8/2022 Belt, Lamp, Fuel Filter NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 700-0000-4140 88.16 12/8/2022 Front Brake Pad, Rear Brake Pad 325.68 12/8/2022 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1320-4120 -3.33 12/29/2022 Gold Fuel Filter - Duplicate billing credit NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 701-0000-4120 7.20 12/29/2022 Grommet NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 701-0000-4120 7.20 12/29/2022 Grommet NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 700-0000-4140 10.98 12/29/2022 BP FMX-LP F MX Fuse NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 101-1550-4120 6.29 12/29/2022 Silicone - 3 oz Tube 28.34 12/29/2022 NAPA AUTO & TRUCK PARTS 354.02 North American Safety, Inc.701-0000-4240 312.14 12/29/2022 Sweatshirt, Glove, LED Work Light North American Safety, Inc.700-0000-4240 312.14 12/29/2022 Sweatshirt, Glove, LED Work Light 624.28 12/29/2022 North American Safety, Inc. 624.28 Pederson Taylor 101-1538-4343 1,484.40 12/22/2022 Kwan Tae Kwon Do Instruction Pederson Taylor 101-1539-4343 443.40 12/22/2022 Kwan Tae Kwon Do Instruction 1,927.80 12/22/2022 Pederson Taylor 1,927.80 Pedretti Christine Lea 101-1539-4343 1,027.65 12/15/2022 Gentle Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Mat Pilates 1,027.65 12/15/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 12 of 17 91 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description Pedretti Christine Lea 1,027.65 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 101-1320-4140 1,938.52 12/29/2022 11R22.5/14 GY G622 RSD 1,938.52 12/29/2022 POMP'S TIRE SERVICE INC 1,938.52 Potentia MN Solar 101-1190-4320 3,555.24 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Utilities - 2022-10-01 - 2022-10-31 Potentia MN Solar 101-1170-4320 2,726.37 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Utilities - 2022-10-01 - 2022-10-31 Potentia MN Solar 700-0000-4320 1,903.83 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - Utilities - 2022-10-01 - 2022-10-31 8,185.44 12/15/2022 Potentia MN Solar 8,185.44 PRECISE MRM LLC 101-1320-4310 273.00 12/15/2022 2022-10 Subscription, Flat Data Plan US with NAF 273.00 12/15/2022 PRECISE MRM LLC 273.00 Pro-Tec Design, Inc.101-1160-4300 102.00 12/29/2022 Support Services - DSX DB Report Issue 102.00 12/29/2022 Pro-Tec Design, Inc. 102.00 RDO EQUIPMENT CO 101-1320-4120 28.82 12/15/2022 Primer, Black Pain 28.82 12/15/2022 RDO EQUIPMENT CO 28.82 Rent N Save Portable Services 101-1550-4410 4,052.00 12/8/2022 Portable Restrooms AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 13 of 17 92 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 4,052.00 12/8/2022 Rent N Save Portable Services 4,052.00 Spectrum Screen Printing Inc 101-1250-4240 281.82 12/15/2022 Jacket, Sweatshirt 281.82 12/15/2022 Spectrum Screen Printing Inc 101-1250-4240 177.00 12/22/2022 Polo, Jacket 177.00 12/22/2022 Spectrum Screen Printing Inc 458.82 SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1220-4300 335.00 12/15/2022 Annual Sprinkler Inspection - 1 Wet System SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1220-4300 460.00 12/15/2022 Annual Fire Alarm Inspection SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1550-4300 -450.98 12/15/2022 Double Billed SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1370-4300 365.00 12/15/2022 Annual Sprinkler Inspection - 2 Wet Systems SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1190-4300 335.00 12/15/2022 Annual Sprinkler Inspection - 1 Wet System SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1550-4300 240.00 12/15/2022 Annual Fire Alarm System SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1170-4300 415.00 12/15/2022 Annual Sprinkler Inspection SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1550-4300 450.98 12/15/2022 Annual Alarm Monitoring SUMMIT COMPANIES 101-1550-4300 380.00 12/15/2022 Annual Sprinkler Inspection - 1 Dry System 2,530.00 12/15/2022 SUMMIT COMPANIES 700-7019-4530 2,207.42 12/22/2022 Fire Sprinkler Service 2,207.42 12/22/2022 SUMMIT COMPANIES 4,737.42 TBEI, Inc 101-1320-4120 171.04 12/8/2022 Hartfiel Valve 171.04 12/8/2022 TBEI, Inc 171.04 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 14 of 17 93 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RR CO 700-0000-4509 500.00 12/22/2022 Five Year Fee for Utility Crossing TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RR CO 700-0000-4509 500.00 12/22/2022 Five Year Fee for Utility Crossing 1,000.00 12/22/2022 TWIN CITIES & WESTERN RR CO 1,000.00 VALLEY PAVING INC 601-6045-4751 22,189.36 12/22/2022 Powers Blvd & Lake Lucy Road Ped Improvments 22,189.36 12/22/2022 VALLEY PAVING INC 22,189.36 VESSCO INC 700-7019-4160 124.20 12/15/2022 Primary Fluid O-Ring, Union Nut, Insert 1/2" 124.20 12/15/2022 VESSCO INC 700-7043-4150 1,516.00 12/22/2022 Primary Fluid, Hayward Ball valve, 1,516.00 12/22/2022 VESSCO INC 700-7019-4150 113.13 12/29/2022 Primary Fluid Insert, ECO Valve, Primary Fluid O-Ring 113.13 12/29/2022 VESSCO INC 1,753.33 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 720-7025-4300 10,822.75 12/8/2022 2022 Pond Maintenance Project WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 101-1311-4229 1,140.00 12/8/2022 2023 Datafi Subscription WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 720-0000-4300 5,196.75 12/8/2022 2022 Water Resource Support Services WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 720-7025-4300 656.00 12/8/2022 2021 Pond Maintenance Project WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 720-0000-4300 4,040.25 12/8/2022 1811 Lake Lucy Ln Wetland Violation WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 101-1311-4306 174.00 12/8/2022 2022 GIS/AMS Support Services 22,029.75 12/8/2022 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 601-6040-4300 15,420.80 12/15/2022 Galpin Blvd Improvment Project 15,420.80 12/15/2022 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 15 of 17 94 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description WSB & ASSOCIATES INC 37,450.55 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 23,805.86 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Signals/Lights XCEL ENERGY INC 701-0000-4320 -1,073.67 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Lift Station, Pump station XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 -673.29 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Lift Station, Pump station XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 176.77 12/8/2022 Monthly Service - Park Shelter 22,235.67 12/8/2022 XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 38.89 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - 7599 Minnewashta Pkwy XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 112.02 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - 6431 Hazeltine Blvd XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 33.73 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - 9000 Audubon Rd Unit Signal XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 14.47 12/15/2022 Monthly Service - 1532 Lyman Blvd 199.11 12/15/2022 XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 458.62 12/22/2022 Monthly Service - 1720 Lake Lucy Rd 458.62 12/22/2022 XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 7,407.51 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Wells XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1600-4320 27.60 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - 7700 Market Blvd XCEL ENERGY INC 700-7019-4320 6,553.76 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - 201 W 79th Street XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1171-4320 43.46 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - City Buildings XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1170-4320 950.87 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - City Buildings XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1220-4320 1,250.48 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - City Buildings XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 115.20 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - 1701 Valley Ridge Trl & 1591 Heron Dr XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1312-4320 1,967.38 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - City Buildings XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 189.61 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Service Walk Bridge, 500 Market St XCEL ENERGY INC 701-0000-4320 2,464.65 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Lift Stations XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1350-4320 35.62 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - 1178 Lake Lucy Rd XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 386.04 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - Lift Stations XCEL ENERGY INC 701-0000-4320 245.92 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - City Buildings XCEL ENERGY INC 700-0000-4320 245.92 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - City Buildings XCEL ENERGY INC 101-1190-4320 777.04 12/29/2022 Monthly Service - City Buildings 22,661.06 12/29/2022 XCEL ENERGY INC 45,554.46 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 101-1320-4120 951.00 12/29/2022 ZBW - GB - THH17 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 16 of 17 95 Last Name Acct 1 Amount Check Date Description 951.00 12/29/2022 ZARNOTH BRUSH WORKS INC 951.00 750,659.62 AP - Check Detail-ACH (1/3/2023)Page 17 of 17 96 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Appoint Acting Mayor File No.Item No: E.8 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council appoints Haley Schubert as Acting Mayor." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND Per Minnesota Statute 412.121, at its first meeting each year the council shall choose an Acting Mayor from the council members. DISCUSSION The acting mayor will preside over Council meetings, stand in at ceremonies, and execute official city documents in the absence of the mayor. The Acting Mayor in 2022 was Councilmember Haley Schubert. BUDGET 97 RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS MN Statute 412.121 Acting Mayor 98 MINNESOTA STAIUTES 202 I 4t2.t2l 4I2.I2I ACTING MAYOR. At its first meeting each year the council shall choose an acting mayor from the council members. The acting mayor shall perform the duties of mayor during the disability or absence of the mayor from the city or, in case of vacancy in the office of mayor, until a successor has been appointed and qualifies. Ilistory: 1949c llgs 15;1969c9s83; 1973c l23art2s I subd2; 1986c444 Official Publication of the State of Minnesota Revisor of Statutes I 99 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Designate Official Newspaper File No.Item No: E.9 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council designates the Chanhassen Villager as its official newspaper." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Communications SUMMARY BACKGROUND The City Council must designate an official newspaper that meets qualifications of state statute. The Chanhassen Villager has submitted a request for this designation. Their price per column inch for 2023 is $7.68 (a 4.5% increase from 2022 rate of $7.35). Residents may either subscribe or request a free subscription be delivered to their home. DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 100 Staff recommends that the Chanhassen Villager be appointed as the City’s official newspaper. ATTACHMENTS Letter from Chanhassen Villager 12-09-2022 Minnesota Statute 331A.04 concerning Appointment of Official Newspapers 101 123 West Second Street, Chaska, Minnesota 55318 ■ (952) 445-3333 December 9, 2022 Ms. Laurie Hokkanen City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Dear Ms. Hokkanen, Please consider our request for appointment of the Chanhassen Villager as the offi cial newspaper for the City of Chanhassen in 2023. We feel very strongly that the publishing of legal notices in the newspaper is of vital importance to local residents who wish to stay informed about the decisions being made by your elected body. The rate submitted by the Chanhassen Villager for 2023 is $7.68 per column inch, which refl ects a 4.5-percent increase from that charged in 2022 and needed to cover the increasing costs for paper and labor, in addition to two postal increases initiated by the U.S. Postal Service in the past year. Notices submitted by the City of Chanhassen will continue to be posted on our newspaper website, www.chanvillager.com and the Minnesota Newspaper Association's statewide public notice website, mnpublicnotice.com, free of charge. Our legal notice deadline is at noon on Thursday, preceding the following week’s publication date; during holiday weeks the deadline may be advanced. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service to you in the past. We hope that relationship can be continued in the coming year. Respectfully, Laurie A. Hartmann General Manager Chanhassen Villager 102 I MINNESOTA STAIUTES 2017 331A.04 331A.04 DESIGNATION OF A NEWSPAPER T'OR OF'FICIAL PUBLICATIONS. Subdivision I . Priority. The governing body of a political subdivision, when authorized or required by statute or charter to designate a newspaper for publication of its public notices, shall designate a qualified newspaper in the following priority. Subd. 2. Known ollice in locality. If there are one or more qualified newspapers, the known office of issue of which are located within the political subdivision, one of them shall be designated. Subd. 3. Secondary office in locality. When no qualified newspaper has a known office of issue located in the political subdivision, but one or more qualified newspapers maintain a secondary offtce there, one of them shall be designated. Subd. 4. General circulation in locality. When no qualified newspaper has its known offrce of issue or a secondary office located within the political subdivision, then a qualified newspaper of general circulation there shall be designated. Subd. 5. Other situations. If a political subdivision is without an official newspaper, or if the publisher refuses to publish a particular public notice, matters required to be published shall be published in a newspaper designated as provided in subdivision 4. The governing body of a political subdivision with territory in two or more counties may, if deemed in the public interest, designate a separate qualified newspaper for each county. Subd. 6. Exception to designation priority. (a) Notrvithstanding subdivisions I to 3, the governing body of a political subdivision may designate any newspaper for publication of its official proceedings and public notices, if the following conditions are met: (l) the newspaper is a qualified medium of official and legal publication; (2) the publisher of the newspaper fumishes a sworn statement, verified by a recognized independent circulation auditing agency, covering a period ofat least one year ending no earlier than 60 days before designation of the newspaper, stating that the newspaper's circulation reaches not fewer than 75 percent of the households within the political subdivision; (3) the newspaper has provided regular coverage of the proceedings of the governing body of the political subdivision and will continue to do so; and (a) the governing body votes unanimously to designate the newspaper. (b) If the circulation of a newspaper designated under this subdivision falls below 75 percent of the households within the political subdivision at any time within the term of its desigrration as official newspaper, its qualification to publish public notices for the political subdivision terminates. Subd. 7. Joint bidding. A bid submitted jointly by two or more newspapers for the publication of public notices must not be considered anticompetitive or otherwise unlawful if the following conditions are met: ( I ) all of the qualified newspapers in the political subdivision participate in the joint bid; (2) the existence of the jointbid arrangement is disclosedto the govemingbody ofthepolitical subdivision before or at the time of submission of the joint bid; and Copyright @ 2017 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. 103 331A.04 MINNESOTA STATUTES 20I 7 (3) the board is free to reject thc joint bid and, if it does, individual qualified newspapers do not refuse to submit separate bids owing to the rcjection of the joint bid. History: 1984 c 543 s 23; 2003 c 59 s l; 2004 c 182 s 14 2 Copyriglt @ 2017 by the Revisor of Starutes, State of Minnesota. AII Rights Reserved. 104 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Adopt 2023 Legislative Priorities File No.Item No: E.10 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts the 2023 Legislative Priorities." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Communications SUMMARY Each year the City Council adopts Legislative Priorities. This provides the framework as staff works towards implementation of Council established priorities. In addition, the City participates in a number of advocacy efforts in partnership with others, such as the League of Minnesota Cities, Municipal Legislative Commission, Metro Cities, and others. Generally, these organizations promote policies that strengthen the community and are consistent with the Council’s priorities. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET 105 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the 2023 Legislative Priorities. ATTACHMENTS 2023 Legislative Priorities Carver County Issue #13 106 1. Transportation a. Regional projects should have regional funding sources. TH 5 Project Improvements (West of TH 41 to Norwood Young America): This joint project with MnDOT, Carver County, and the Cities of Victoria, Waconia, Norwood Young America, and Chanhassen to expand corridor four lanes. The city specifically advocates for the implementation of the Arboretum Area Transportation Plan. W 82nd Street: 82nd Street is a dirt road and the final gap in County Road 18. The road is not adequate or safe to serve as an alternative to Highway 5. b. Funding for Metropolitan State Aid should be maintained to ensure local communities can address issues on these high-volume roads. 2. Local Option Sales Tax Allow the city to seek resident support to implement a ½ cent sales tax to fund a regional recreational facility. 3. Building Fees The city believes strongly that development should pay for development, and costs for those services should not be passed on to existing residents through increased property taxes. The City of Chanhassen supports fees and regulations necessary for new development to pay for itself. The City of Chanhassen disagrees with the recent Housing First (BATC) publications, which state that city building fees cause housing in Chanhassen to not be affordable. Based on city calculations, the fees charged for a new home in Chanhassen, including all development and building fees, are less than 5% of the total cost of the average new home in Chanhassen, but provide return on investment for those homeowners through inspections, infrastructure, and amenities. Local governments must ensure new developments meet established standards for the safety of future residents, and building permits play an essential role in advancing these oversight responsibilities. 4. Support Suburban Transit Agencies Chanhassen supports suburban transit agencies, in concurrence with the findings of the 2021 Governor’s Blue Ribbon Committee Report. The creation of these agencies provided residents and businesses with a desired service that met their needs while maintaining financial and management controls. The State should refrain from infringing on the ability of local agencies to provide and control bus services for the benefit of area businesses and residents. Suburban riders are an integral part of the suburban transit system. 5. Unfunded Mandates Chanhassen opposes current and future statutory changes that create mandated tasks requiring new or added local costs without a corresponding funding mechanism. Without a funding source, Chanhassen is potentially in the position of having to increase property taxes and/or fees. These unfunded mandates add to the responsibilities for cities and the ability to fund traditional service needs. CITY OF CHANHASSEN2023 Legislative Priorities 107 6. Local Governance & Restriction on Local Government Budgets: The city strongly supports participation in cooperative arrangements but firmly opposes any effort to weaken the ability of local governments to provide the best services and benefits for their communities (levy limits, unfunded mandates, cooperative purchasing, and ability to grant variances). Local budgets are subject to intense public scrutiny. Inflation alone forces cities to spend more money to maintain current service levels. The people who know what is best for this city are the people who live and work here. 7. Environmental Wetland permitting processes are too time-consuming and slow down development processes. The State should research streamlining one or more of the following processes: Wetland Conservation Act, Clean Water Act requirements, EPA Standards, Regulatory Rules, etc., especially when it comes to Army Corp of Engineers (ACOE) jurisdictional impacts. 8. Water Resources Protection Funding The city supports a program that would provide a stable funding source for water resource protection improvements. The program could be similar to the Municipal State Aid program. 9. Fiscal Disparities Explore modifications to the fiscal disparities program to reduce the imbalances inherent in the current formula. The fiscal disparities program was created in 1971. Although the metro area’s population has grown by over 1.5 million people since then, the formula for fiscal disparities has remained the same. As the population grows, the need for retail services to support residents grows. Individual cities and their property taxpayers take the lead in developing regional, retail, and service assets that support residents and visitors to the area. In addition to the cost of planning and developing these assets, retail and service industries consume significant city services, particularly in the area of public safety, as well as impose substantial burdens on local roads, bridges, and other transportation infrastructure. Legislative Priorities for Other Agencies SouthWest Transit Metro Cities 2022 Legislative Policies Carver County Issue #13 League of MN Cities Legislative Policies Municipal Legislative Commission 108 109 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Appointments to the SouthWest Transit Commission File No.Item No: E.11 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council appoints Councilmember Jerry McDonald to Seat A of the SouthWest Transit Commission for a term ending December 31, 2025." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND As part of the Fifth Restated Joint Powers Agreement for SouthWest Transit, each party to the agreement must provide two commissioners, one a member of the party's governing body (Seat A) and one of whom shall be a member of the party's governing body or a resident who resides in the jurisdiction of that member (Seat B). Councilman Jerry McDonald was reappointed in January of 2021 to Seat A with a term ending 12/31/2022. Mayor Elise Ryan was appointed in 2021 to Seat B with a term ending 12/31/2023. At the December 15, 2022 SouthWest Transit Commission meeting, Jerry McDonald was appointed as Commission Chair. As such, he should be reappointed to Seat A for the term ending 12/31/25. DISCUSSION 110 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS Excerpt from SouthWest Transit Joint Powers Agreement 111 2. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Agreernent and SouthWest Traruit is to (i) provide altcmative methods ofproviding public transit sen ice for the Cities of Eden Prairie, Chanltassen, and Chaska and (ii) contract to provide transit and transit planning senviccs to othcr cntities, as approvcd by thc Comrnission, pursuant to Minnesota Statutc.s Sections I 6A.88, 471 .59, 4'73.384, and 4?3.388. 3.DEFINITIONS. ta,"Commission" mcans the organizalion created by lhis Agreemer:t, the full name of which is SouthWest Transit. (b) (c) (d) (e) "Board" means the Board of Commissioners of Southwest Transit. "Council" means the goveming body of a Party to this Agreement. "Party' means any entity which has cntered into this Agreement. "Metropolitan Council" means ths regional entily established by Minnesota Statutes Section 473.123. 4. PARTIES. The municipalities which are original Parties to this Agrccment are Edcn Prairie, Chanhassen, and Chaska. No change in govemmental boundaries, slructure, organizational status or character shall affect the eligibility of any Party listed above to be represented on the Commission so long as such Party continues to exist as a separate political subdivision. After the ellective date of this Agreemcnt, an entily may ioin the Commission upon all of the following: (i) cntcring into a consolidation agreement or similar agrecment with the Commission, which agreement shall set forth the tenns and conditions for adding a ncw party or Parties including but not limited to: transfer of transit assets, funding and reserves, timing, branding and marketing, cxisting contracts and agreements, and withdrawal; (ii) filing with the Commission of a resolution duly adopted by the goveming body of the proposed new party agreeing to the terms of this A$eement, as amended at the time of said filing,; and (iii) the filing ofa resolution by thc govcming body of each Party approving thc addition ofthc ncw party. All such resolutions shall be attached to and become a pafi of this Agreement. The tcnns and conditions ofthe consolidation or similar agreement shall supcrscdc the tcnns of this Agreernent unless specifi cally slatcd otherwisc: 5. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Except as othcrwise provided under Section 6 hereof, the goveming hody of the Commission shall be the Board which will consist of two commissioners from each Party and onc at largc commissioncr, all as appointcd as set forth bclorv. 2 (a) 112 (b) Party Comrnissioners. Each Parly shall appoinl two conrnrissioners one of whom shall be a member ol'the Party's goveming body ("Seat A") and one ofwhom shall be a member of the party's govcming body or a residenl who resides in thc jurisdiction ofthat member ("Seat B"). A cornmissioner appointed to Seat A ceases to be a commissioner if the person ceases to be a member of the Party's goveming body. A commissioner appointed to Seat B ceases to be a commissioner if the person cease to be a resident of who resides in the jurisdiction of dral member. A Party shall appoint a new commissioner in accordancc witli 5 (b) to serve the remainder of the tcnn created by the vacancy, (c)At Large Cornmissioner. Thc Board shall appoint one at large cornmissioner, which commissioner shall reside or maintain a principal place of business within thejurisdiction ofone ofthe Parties. The at large commissioner shall serve a threc year term. An at large commissioner may serve no rnore than one consecutive term; excepl that the Board rnay, in the Board's sole discretion, extefrd the tcnn for one additional year. (d)Terms. Each party commissioner shall serve a 3 year tenn on the following schedule: The terms shall be assigned as follows Party Seat Term Chanhassen A 2 B 3 Chaska A I B 2 Party Seat Term New Party I 1 B 2 New Party 2 A 3 B I PBrty Seat Term Eden Prairie A 3 B I Party Seat Term New Party 3 2 B 3 New Party 4 A B 2 The commissioner terms of new parties to the Commission shall be assigned using the following systern, which shall continue to repeat iu the same order if rnore than four parties are added. Assignment of terms for new Parties after New Party 4 shall continue in the same manner. If multiple Parties are added at one time the Board shall detennine the number ofeach new party for purposes of temr assignrnents. 3 Term I - expires December 31, 2015 and every three years thereafler. Term 2 expires December 3l , 2016 and every three years thereaftcr. Term 3 - expires Decernber 3l . 201 7 and every three years thereafter. A I 113 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Appointments to the Fire Relief Association Board of Trustees File No.Item No: E.12 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council Appoints Councilmember Haley Schubert, Finance Director Kelly Grinnell, and Fire Chief Don Johnson to the Fire Relief Association Board of Trustees." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND The Chanhassen Fire Relief Association Board of Trustees oversees all financial and pension matters for the association. This includes oversight of pension investments, amendments to bylaws, and a special discretionary fund that is raised through donations and fundraising. The Board meets quarterly. State statute requires that the Board have three municipal trustees, including one elected official, one elected or appointed official , and the Fire Chief . Staff recommends that the Council appoint Councilmember Haley Schubert, Finance Director Kelly Grinnell, and Fire Chief Don Johnson to the Fire Relief Association Board. According to state statute, these appointments are made annually. DISCUSSION 114 BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS MN Statute 424A.04 115 I MINNESOTA STATUTES 20 I 7 4244.04 424A.04 VOLUNTEER RELIEF ASSOCIATIONS; BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Subdivision l. Membership. (a) A relief association that is directly associated with a municipal fire department must be managed by a board of trustees consisting of nine members. Six trustees must be elected from the membership of the relief association and three trustees must be drawn from the officials of the municipalities servedby the fire departrnent to which the relief association is directly associated. The bylaws of a relief association which provides a monthly benefit service pension may provide that one of the six trustees elected from the relief association membership may be a retired member receiving a monthly pension who is elected by the membership of the relief association. The three municipal trustees must be one elected municipal oflicial and one elected or appointed municipal official who are designated as municipal representatives by the municipal governing board annually and the chief of the municipal fire department. (b) A relief association that is a subsidiary of an independentnonprofit firefighting corporation must be managed by a board of trustees consisting of nine members. Six trustees must be elected from the membership of the relief association, two trustees must be drawn from the offrcials of the municipalities served by the fire departrnent to which the relief association is directly associated, and one trustee must be the fire chief serving with the independent nonprofit firefighting corporation. The bylaws of a relief association may provide that one of the six trustees elected from the relief association membership may be a retired member receiving a monthly pension who is elected by the membership of the relief association. The two municipal trustees must be elected or appointed municipal officials, selected as follows: (l) if only one municipality contracts with the independent nonprofit firefighting corporation, the municipal trustees must be two officials of the contracting municipality who are designated annually by the governing body of the municipality; or (2) if trvo or more municipalities contract with the independent nonprofit corporation, the municipal trustees must be one offrcial from each of the two largest municipalities in population who are designated annually by the governing bodies of the applicable municipalities. (c) The municipal trustees for a relief association that is directly associated with a fire departrnent operated as or by a joint powers entity must be the fire chief of the fire departrnent and two trustees designated annually by the joint powers board. The municipal trustees for a relief association that is directly associated with a fire department service area township must be the fire chief of the fire deparhnent and two trustees designated by the township board. (d) If a relief association lacks the municipal board members provided for in paragraph (a), (b), or (c) because the fire department is not located in or associated with an organized municipality, joint powers entity, or township, the municipal board members must be the fire chief of the fire deparment and trvo board members appointed from the fire department service area by the board of commissioners of the applicable county. (e) The term of the appointed municipal board members is one year or until the person's successor is qualified, whichever is later. (f) A municipal trustee under paragraph (a), (b), (c), or (d) has all the rights and duties accorded to any other trustee, except the right to be an offrcer of the relief association board of trustees. (g) A board must have at least tlree offrcers, who are a president, a secretary and a treasurer. These officers must be elected from among the elected trustees by either the full board of trustees or by the relief association membership, as specified in the bylaws. [n no event may any trustee hold more than one officer position at any one time. The terms of the elected trustees and of the offrcers of the board must be specified Copyrrght @ 2017 by the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. 116 4241..04 MINNESOTA STATUTES 20 I 7 in the bylaws of the relief association, but may not exceed three years. If the term of the elected trustees exceeds one year, the election of the various trustees elected from the membership must be staggered on as equal a basis as is practicable. Subd. 2. X'iduciary duty. The board of trustees of a relief association shall undertake their activities consistent with chapter 3564. Subd. 2a. tr'iduciary responsibility. In the discharge of their respective duties, the officers and trustees shall be held to the standard ofcare specified in section I14'.09. In addition, the trustees shall act in accordance with chapter 356A. Each member of the board is a fiduciary and shall undertake all fiduciary activities in accordance with the standard of care of section 11A.09, and in a manner consistent with chapter 356A. No fiduciary of a relief association shall cause a relief association to engage in a transaction if the fiduciary knows or should know that the transaction constitutes one of the following direct or indirect transactions: ( I ) sale or exchange or leasing of any real properry between the relief association and a board member; (2) lending of money or other extension of credit between the relief association and a board member or member of the relief association; (3) furnishing of goods, services, or facilities between the relief association and a board member; or (4) nansfer to a board member, or use by or for the benefit of a board member, of any assets of the relief association. A transfer of assets does not mean the payment of relief association benefits or administrative expenses permitted by law. Subd. 3. Conditions on relief association consultants. (a) If a volunteer firefighter relief association employs or conffacts with a consultant to provide legal or financial advice, the secretary of the relief association shall obtain and the consultant shall provide to the secretary ofthe reliefassociation a copy of the consultant's certificate of insurancc. (b) A consultant is any person who is employed under contract to provide legal or financial advice and who is or who represents to the volunteer firefighters relief association that the person is: (l) an actuary; (2) a certified public accountant; (3) an attorney; (4) an investrnent advisor or manager, or an investment counselor; (5) an invesfinent advisor or manager selection consultant; (6) a pension benefit design advisor or consultant, or (7) any other financial consultant. History:1979c201 s14; 1980c607artl5sl2;1981 c224s210; 1983c219s8; 1989c319art8 s 27;2000c461 art l5 s l0; lSp200l c l0art 16s l; lSp2005 c8 art9 s 14;2009c 169art 10s 38;2012 c 286 art 12 s 16 2 Copyriglrt @ 2017 by the Rcvisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. 117 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Authorization of Electronic Transfer of Funds File No.Item No: E.14 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution delegating authority to the City's Finance Director to make electronic funds transfers for the current year effective until the first organizational meeting in 2024." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND Minnesota Statute 471.38 Subd. 3a requires that the City shall annually delegate the authority to make electronic funds transfers to a designated business administrator or chief financial officer or the officer's designee. This is an annual designation that is effective for the current year and is effective until the first organizational meeting in January 2024. DISCUSSION BUDGET 118 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the City Council adopt a resolution delegating authority to the City's Finance Director to make electronic funds transfers. ATTACHMENTS Resolution 119 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: January 9, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION WHEREAS,in accordance with Minnesota Statue 471.38, the City Council shall delegate authority to the City’s Finance Director to make electronic funds transfers; and WHEREAS, the disbursing bank will receive a copy of the annual delegation of authority; and WHEREAS,the documentation of each electronic funds transfer will include the identification of the initiator, evidence of approval by an authorized party, electronic or written confirmation of each transaction within one business day; and WHEREAS,electronic disbursement payments shall be processed through the accounts payable procedures; and WHEREAS,all electronic transfer transactions shall be included in council packets provided to the city council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, as follows: The City Council delegates authority to the City's Finance Director to make electronic funds transfers for the current year effective until the first organizational meeting in 2024. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day of January 2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 120 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Approve a Delegated Contract Process Agreement with MnDOT File No.N/A Item No: E.15 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Stacy Osen, Administrative Support Specialist Reviewed By Charlie Howley SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution to approving the Delegated Contract Process (DCP) Agreement with MnDOT." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY Updating an existing agreement that authorizes MnDOT to act as the city's agent concerning acceptance of Federal Funds. BACKGROUND MnDOT has requested the city update the existing DCP Agreement we have with them. These agreements cover the roles and responsibilities associated with federal aid funds and allow for MnDOT to act as a local agency’s agent in accepting these funds for construction projects. (Ppursuant to Minnesota Stat. Sec. 161.36, the Commissioner of Transportation be appointed as Agent of the City of Chanhassen to accept as its agent, federal aid funds which may be made available for eligible transportation related projects.) The federal government now uses a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number to identify entities rather 121 than a DUNS number. Chanhassen's UEI No. is L48MQSCGRJK9. DISCUSSION The city does not currently have, nor has any future plans for, projects involving federal funding; but this agreement is still required as a formality in case a federal aid project were to materialize. BUDGET N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the DCP Agreement. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Chanhassen Agency Agreement 122 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: January 9, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-02 MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO MAKE ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS WHEREAS,in accordance with Minnesota Statue 471.38, the City Council shall delegate authority to the City’s Finance Director to make electronic funds transfers; and WHEREAS, the disbursing bank will receive a copy of the annual delegation of authority; and WHEREAS,the documentation of each electronic funds transfer will include the identification of the initiator, evidence of approval by an authorized party, electronic or written confirmation of each transaction within one business day; and WHEREAS,electronic disbursement payments shall be processed through the accounts payable procedures; and WHEREAS,all electronic transfer transactions shall be included in council packets provided to the City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, as follows: The City Council delegates authority to the City's Finance Director to make electronic funds transfers for the current year effective until the first organizational meeting in 2024. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day of January2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 123 mr DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECITATS 1. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.36, the Local Government desires MnDOT to act as the Local Government's agent in accepting federal funds on the Local Government's behalf for the construction, improvement, or enhancement of transportation financed either in whole or in part by Federal Highway Administration ("FHWA") federal funds, hereinafter referred to as the "Project(s)"; and 2. This Agreement is intended to cover all federal aid projects initiated by the Local Government and therefore has no specific State Pro.ject number associated with it, and 2.1. The Assistance Listing Number (ALN) is 20.205,20.224,20.933o( another Department of Transportation ALN as listed on SAM.gov and 2.2. This project is for construction, not research and development. 2.3. MnDOT requires that the terms and conditions of this agency be set forth in an agreement. AGREEMENT TERMS Term of Agreement; Prior Agreement 1.1. Effective Date. This Agreement will be effective on the date that Mn DOT obtains all required signatures under Minn. Stat. 515C.05, Subd. 2. This Agreement will remain effective until it is superseded or terminated pursuant to section 14. 1.2. Prior Agreement. This Agreement supersedes the prior agreement between the parties, MnDOT Contract Number 1029930. 2. Local Government's Duties 2.1. Designation. The Local Government designates MnDOTto actas its agent in accepting federal fundsonits behalf made available for the Project(s). Details on the required processes and procedures are available on the State Aid Website. 2.2. Staffing. 2.2.7.The Local Government will furnish and assign a publicly employed and licensed engineer, ("Project Engineer"), to be in responsible charge of the Project(s) and to supervise and direct the work to be performed under any construction contract let for the Project(s). ln the alternative, where the Local Government elects to use a private consultant for construction engineering services, the Local Government will provide a qualified, full-time public employee of the Local Government to be in responsible charge of the Project(s). The services of the Local Government to be performed hereunder may not be assigned, sublet, or transferred unless the Local Government is notified in writing by MnDOT that such action is permitted under 23 CFR 1.33 and 23 CFR 635.105 and state law. This 1 1Updated November 7, 2022 MnDOT Contract No. 1052056 STATE OF MINNESOTA AGENCY AGREEMENT for FEDERAT PARTICIPATION IN CONSTRUCTION This Agreement is entered into by and between City of Chanhassen ("Local Government") and the State of Minnesota acting through its Commissioner of Transportation ("MnDOT"). 124 MnDOT Contract No. 1052065 written consent will in no way relieve the Local Government from its primary responsibility for performance of the work. 2.2.2. During the progress of the work on the Project(s), the Local Government authorizes its Project Engineer to request in writing specific engineering and/or technical services from MnDOT, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 161.39. Such services may be covered by othertechnical service agreements. lf MnDOT furnishes the services requested, and if MnDOT requests reimbursement, then the Local Government will promptly pay MnDOT to reimburse the state trunk highway fund for the full cost and expense offurnishing such services. The costs and expenses will include the current MnDOT labor additives and overhead rates, subject to adjustment based on actual direct costs that have been verified by audit. Provision of such services will not be deemed to make MnDOT a principal or co- principal with respect to the Project(s). 2.3. Pre-letting, The Local Government will prepare construction contracts in accordance with Minnesota law and applicable Federal laws and regulations. 2.3.1. The Local Government will solicit bids after obtaining written notification from MnDOT that the FHWA has authorized the Project(s). Any Project(s) advertised prior to authorization without permission will not be eligible for federal reimbursement. 2.3.2. The Local Government will prepare the Proposal for Highway Construction for the construction contract, which will include all federal-aid provisions supplied by MnDOT. 2.3.3. The Local Government will prepare and publish the bid solicitation for the Project(s) as required by state and federal laws. The Local Government will include in the solicitation the required language for federal-aid construction contracts as supplied by MnDOT. The solicitation will state where the proposals, plans, and specifications are available for the inspection of prospective bidders and where the Local Government will receive the sealed bids. 2.3.4. The Local Government may not include other work in the construction contract for the authorized Project(s) without obtaining prior notification from MnDOT that such work is allowed by FHWA. Failure to obtain such notification may result in the loss of some or all of the federal funds for the Project(s). All work included in a federal contract is subject to the same federal requirements as the federal project. 2.3.5. The Local Government will prepare and sell the plan and proposal packages and prepare and distribute any addenda, if needed. 2.3.6. The Local Government will receive and open bids. 2.3.7. After the bids are opened, the Local Government will consider the bids and will award the bid to the lowest responsible bidder or reject all bids. lf the construction contract contains a goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), the Local Government will not award the bid until it has received certification of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise participation from the MnDOT Office of civil Rights. 2.3.8. The Local Government must disclose in writing any potential conflict of interest to the Federal awarding agency or MnDOT in accordance with applicable FHWA policy. 2.4. Contract Administration. 2.4.1. The Local Government will prepare and execute a construction contract with the lowest responsible bidder, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor," in accordance with the special provisions and the latest edition of MnDOT's Standard Specifications for Construction when the contract is awarded and all amendments thereto. All contracts between the Local Government and third parties or subcontractors must contain all applicable provisions of this Agreement, including the applicable 2 125 MnDOT Contract No. 1052066 federal contract clauses, which are identified in Appendix ll of 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and as identified in Section 18 of this Agreement. 2.4.2. The Project(s) will be constructed in accordance with the plans, special provisions, and standard specifications of each Project. Thestandard specifications will bethe latestedition of MnDOT Standard Specifications for Highway Construction and all amendments thereto. The plans, special provisions, and standard specifications will be on file at the Local Government Engineer's Office. The plans, special provisions, and specifications are incorporated into this Agreement by reference as though fully set forth herein. 2.4.3. The Local Government will furnish the personnel, services, supplies, and equipment necessary to properly supervise, inspect, and document the work for the Project(s). The services of the Local Government to be performed hereunder may not be assigned, sublet, or transferred unless the Local Government is notified in writing by MnDOT that such action is permitted under 23 CFR 1.33 and 23 CFR 635.105 and state law. This written consentwill in no way relieve the Local Government from its primary responsibility for performance of the work. 2.4.4. The Local Government will document quantities in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Construction Section ofthe Electronic State Aid Manual that are in effect at the time the work was performed. 2.4.5. The Local Government will test materials in accordance with the Schedule of Materials Control in effect at the time each Project was let. The Local Government will notify MnDOT when work is in progress on the Pro.ject(s) that requires observation by the lndependent Assurance lnspector, as required by the lndependent Assurance Schedule. 2.4.5. The Local Government may make changes in the plans or the character of the work, as may be necessary to complete the Project(s), and may enter into Change Order(s) with the Contractor. The Local Government will not be reimbursed for any costs of any work performed under a change order unless MnDOT has notified the Local Government that the subject work is eligible for federal funds and sufficient federal funds are available. 2.4.7. The Local Government will request approval from MnDOT for all costs in excess of the amount of federal funds previously approved for the Project(s) prior to incurring such costs. Failure to obtain such approval may result in such costs being disallowed for reimbursement. 2.4.8. The Local Government will prepare reports, keep records, and perform work so as to meet federal requirements and to enable MnDOT to collect the federal aid sought by the Local Government. Required reports are listed in the MnDOT State Aid Manual, Delegated Contract Process Checklist, available from MnDOT's authorized representative. The Local Government will retain all records and reports and allow MnDOT or the FHWA access to such records and reports for six years. 2.4.9. Upon completion of the Project(s), the Project Engineer will determine whether the work will be accepted. 2.5. Limitations. 2.5.1. The Local Government will comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations. 2.5.2. Nondiscrimination. ltisthepolicyof the Federal Highway Administration and the State of Minnesota that no person in the United States will, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance (42 U.S.C. 2000d). Through expansion of the mandate 3 126 3 MnDOT Contract No. 1052066 for nondiscrimination in Title Vl and through parallel legislation, the proscribed bases of discrimination include race, color, sex, national origin, age, and disability. ln addition, theTitleVl program has been extended to cover all programs, activities and services of an entity receiving Federal financial assistance, whether such programs and activities are Federally assisted or not. Even in the absence of prior discriminatory practice or usage, a recipient in administering a program or activity to which this part applies is expected to take affirmative action to assure that no person is excluded from participation in, or is denied the benefits ol the program or activity on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. lt is the responsibility of the Local Government to carry out the above requirements. 2.5.3. Utilities. The Local Government will treat all public, private or cooperatively owned utility facilities which directly or indirectly serve the public and which occupy highway rights of way in conformance with 23 CFR 645 "Utilities", which is incorporated herein by reference. 2.6. Maintenance. The Local Government assumes full responsibility for the operation and maintenance of any facility constructed or improved under this Agreement. MnDOfs Duties 3.1. Acceptance. MnDOTaccepts designation asAgentofthe Local Government for the receiptand disbursement of federal funds and will act in accordance herewith. 3.2. ProiectActivities. 3.2.1. MnDOT will make the necessary requests to the FHWA for authorization to use federal funds for the Project(s) and for reimbursement of eligible costs pursuant to the terms of this fureement. 3.2.2. MnDOT will provide to the Local Government copies of the required Federal-aid clauses to be included in the bid solicitation and will provide the required Federal-aid provisions to be included in the Proposal for Highway Construction. 3.2.3. MnDOT will review and certify the DBE participation a nd notify the Local Government when certification is complete. lf certification of DBE participation (or good faith efforts to achieve such participation) cannot be obtained, then Local Government must decide whether to proceed with awarding the contract. Failure to obtain such certification will result in the Pro.iect becoming ineligible for federal assistance, and the Local Government must make up any shortfall. 3.2.4. MnDOT will provide the required labor postings. 3.3. Authority, MnDOT may withhold federal funds, where MnDOT or the FHWA determines that the Pro.iect(s) was not completed in compliance with federal requirements. 3.4. lnspection. MnDOT, the FHWA, or duly authorized representatives of the state and federal government will have the right to audit, evaluate and monitor the work performed under this Agreement. The Local Government will make all books, records, and documents pertaining to the work hereunder available for a minimum of six years following the closing of the construction contract. 4 Time 4.L.The Local Government must comply with all time requirements described in this Agreement. ln the performance of this Agreement, time is of the essence. The period of performance is defined as beginning on the date of federal authorization and ending on the date defined in the federa I fina ncial system orfederal agreement ("end date"). Nowork completed after theenddatewill be eligible for federal funding. Local Government m ust submit all contract close out paperwork to MnDOT at least twenty-four months prior to the end date. 4.2 4 127 5 MnDOT Contract No. 1052065 5 Payment 5.1. Cost. The entire cost of the Project(s) is to be paid from federal funds made available by the FHWA and by otherfunds provided bythe Local Government. The Local Governmentwill pay any part of the cost or expense of the Project(s) that is not paid by federal funds. MnDOT will receive the federal funds to be paid by the FHWA for the Project(s), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 5 161.36, Subdivision 2. MnDOT will reimburse the Local Government, from said federal funds made available to each Project, for each partial payment request, subject to the availability and limits of those funds. 5.2. lndirect Cost Rate Proposal/Cost Allocation Plan. lf theLocal Government seeks reimbursement for indirect costs and has submitted to MnDOT an indirect cost rate proposal or a cost allocation plan, the rate proposed will be used on a provisional basis. At any time during the perlod of performance or the final audit of a Project, MnDOT may audit and adjust the indirect cost rate accordinB to the cost principles in 2 CFR Part 200. MnDOT may adjust associated reimbursements accordingly. 5.3. Reimbursement. The Local Government will prepare partial estimates in accordance with the terms of the construction contract for the Project(s). The Project Engineer will certify each partial estimate. Following certification of the partial estimate, the Local Government will make partial payments to the Contractor in accordance with the terms of the construction contract for the Project(s). 5.3.1. Following certification of the partial estimate, the Local Government may request reimbursement for costs eligible for federal funds. The Local Government's request will be made to MnDOT and will include a copy of the certified partial estimate. 5.3.2. Upon completion ofthe Project(s), the Local Government will prepare a final estimate in accordance with the terms ofthe construction contract for the Project(s). The Project Engineer will certify the final estimate. Following certification ofthe final estimate, the Local Government will make the final payment to the Contractor in accordance with the terms of the construction contract for the Project(s). 5.3.3. FollowinB certification of the final estimate, the Local Government may request reimbursement for costseligible for federal funds. The Local Government's requestwill bemadetoMnDOTandwill include a copy of the certified final estimate along with the required records. 5.3.4. U pon completion of the Project(s), MnDOT will perform a final inspection and verify the federal and state eligibility of all payment requests. lf the Project is found to have been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications, MnDOT will promptly release any remaining federal funds due the Local Government for the Proiect(s). lf MnDOT finds that the Local Government has been overpaid, the Local Government must promptly return any excess funds. 5.3.5. ln the event MnDOT does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature or other funding source, or funding cannot be continued at a sufficient level to allow for the processing of the federal aid reimbursement requests, the Local Government may continue the work with local funds only, until such time as MnDOT is able to process the federal aid reimbursement requests. 5.4. Matching Funds. Any cost sharing or matching funds required ofthe Local Government in this Agreement must comply with 2 CFR 200.306. 5.5. Federal Funds. Payments under this Agreement will be made from federal funds. The Local Government is responsible for compliance with all federal requirements imposed on these funds and accepts full financial responsibility for failure to comply with any federal requirements including, but not limited to, 2 CFR Part 200. lf, for any reason, the federal government fails to pay partofthe cost orexpense incurred bythe Local Government, or in the event the total amount of federal fu nds is not ava ilable, the Local Government will be responsible for any and all costs or expenses incurred under this Agreement. The Local Government further 128 6. MnDOT Contract No. 1052066 agrees to pay any and all lawful claims arising out of or incidental to the performance of the work covered by this Agreement in the event the federal government does not pay the same. 5.6. Closeout. The Local Government must liquidate all obligations incurred under this Agreement for each Project and submit all financial, performance, and other reports as required by the terms of this Agreement and the Federal award at least twenty-four months prior to the end date of the period of performance for each Project. MnDOT will determine, at its sole discretion, whether a closeout audit is required prior to final payment approval. lf a closeout audit is required, final paymentwill behelduntil theaudithasbeen completed. Monitoring of any capital assets acquired with funds will continue following project closeout. Conditions of Payment. All services provided by Local Government under this Agreement must be performed to MnDOT's satisfaction, as determined at the sole discretion of MnDOT's Authorized Representative, and in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The Local Government will not receive payment for work found by MnDOT to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state, or local law. Authorized Representatives 7.1. MnDOT'S Authorized Representative is: Name: Kristine Elwood, or her successor. Title: State Aid Engineer Phone: 651-366-4831 Email: Kristine.elwood@state.mn.us MnDOT's Authorized Representative has the responsibility to monitor Local Government's performance and the authority to accept the services provided under this Agreement. lf the services are satisfactory, MnDOT's Authorized Representative will certify acceptance on each invoice submitted for payment. 7.2. The Local Government's Authorized Representative is: Name: Charles Howley or their successor. Title: Chanhassen City Engineer Phone: 952-227-1169 Email: chowley@ ci.cha n h assen. m n. u s lf the Local Government's Authorized Representative changes at any time during this Agreement, the Local Government will immediately notify MnDOT. Assignment Amendments, Waiver, and Agreement Complete 8.1. Assignment. The Local Government may neitherassign nortransferany rights or obligations underthis Agreement without the prior written consent of MnDOT and a fully executed Assignment Agreement, executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved this Agreement, or their successors in office. 8.2. Amendments. Any amendment to this Agreement must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original agreement, or their successors in office. 8.3. Waiver. lf MnDOTfailsto enforce any provision of this Agreement, thatfailure does notwaivethe provision or MnDOT's right to subsequently enforce it. 8.4. Agreement Complete. This Agreement contains all negotiations and agreements between MnDOT and the 7 8 6 129 9 MnDOT Contract No. 1052066 Local Government. No other understanding regarding this Agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 8.5. Severability. lf any provision of th is Agreement, orthe application thereof, isfound to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of the Agreement, including all material provisions and the application of such provisions, will not be affected and will be enforceable to the greatest extent permitted by the law. 8.6. Electronic Records and Signatures. The parties agree to contract by electronic means. This includes using electronic signatures and converting original documents to electronic records. 8.7. Certification, By signing this Agreement, the Local Government certifies that it is not suspended or debarred from receiving federal or state awards. [iability and Claims 9.1. Tort tiability. Each party is responsible for its own acts and omissions and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and will not be responsible for the acts and omissions of any others and the results thereof. The Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes Section 3.735, governs MnDOT liability. 9.2. Claims. The Local Government acknowledges that MnDOT is acting only as the Local Government's agent for acceptance and disbursement offederal funds, and not as a principal or co-principal with respect to the Project. The Local Governmentwill pay any and all lawful claims arising out of or incidental tothe Project including, without limitation, claims related to contractor selection (including the solicitation, evaluation, and acceptance or rejection of bids or proposals), acts or omissions in performing the Project work, and any ultro vires acts. Totheextent permitted bylaw,the Local Government will indemnify, defend (tothe extent permitted by the Minnesota Attorney General), and hold MnDOT harmless from any claims or costs arising out of or incidental tothe Project(s), including reasonable attorney fees incurred by MnDOT. The Local Government's indemnification obligation extends to any actions related to the certification of DBE participation, even if such actions are recommended by MnDOT. Audits 10.1. Under Minn. Stat. 5 16C.05, Subd.5, the books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of the Local Government, or any other party relevant to this Agreement or transaction, are subject to examination by MnDOT and/or the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this Agreement, receipt and approval of all final reports, or the required period of time to satisfy all state and program retention requirements, whichever is later. The Local Governmentwill take timely and appropriate action on all deficiencies identified by an audit. 10.2. All requests for reimbursement are subject to audit, at MnDOT's discretion. The cost principles outlined in 2 CFR 2OO.4OO-.476 will be used to determine whether costs are eligible for reimbursement under this Agreement. 10.3. lf Local Government expends $75O,OOO or more in Federal Fundsduringthe Local Government's fiscal year, the Local Government must have a single audit or program specific audit conducted in accordance with 2 CFR Part 200. Government Data Practices. The Local Government and MnDOT must comply with the Minnesota Government 10 11. Data Practices Act, M lnn. Stat. Ch. 13 as it applies to all data provided by MnDOT under this Agreement, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Local Government under this Agreement. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. 513.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the Local Government or MnDOT. L7, Workers Compensation. The Local Government certifies that it is in compliance with Minn. Stat. q176.181, Subd. 2, pertaining to workers' compensation insurance coverage. The Local Government's employees and agents will 7 130 MnDOT Contract No. 1052066 not be considered MnDOT employees. Any claims that may arise under the Minnesota Workers' Compensation Act on behalf of these employees and any claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of these employees are in no way MnDOT's obligation or responsibility. 13. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue, Minnesota law, without reBard to its choice-of-law provisions, governs this Agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings out ofthis Agreement, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. L4, Termination;Suspension 14.1. Termination by MnDOT. MnDOT may terminate this Agreement with or without cause, upon 30 days written noticetothe Local Government. Upon termination, the Local Governmentwill be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. 14.2. Termination for Cause. MnDOT may immediately terminate this Agreement if MnDOT finds that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement, that reasonable progress has not been made, that fraudulent or wasteful activity has occurred, that the Local Government has been convicted of a criminal offense relating to a state agreement, or that the purposes for which the funds were granted have not been or will not be fulfilled. MnDOT may take action to protect the interests of MnDOT of Minnesota, including the refusal to disburse additional funds and/or requiring the return of all or part of the funds already disbursed. 14.3. Termination for lnsufficient Funding. MnDOT may immediately terminate this Agreement if: 14.3.1. lt does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature; or 14.3.2. lf funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allowforthe payment ofthe services covered here. Termination must be by written or fax notice to the Local Government. MnDOT is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination. However, the Local Government will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. MnDOT will not be assessed any penalty if the Agreement is termlnated because of the decision of the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source, not to appropriate funds. MnDOT will provide the Local Government notice of the lack of funding within a reasonable time of Mn DOT's receiving that notice. 14.4. Suspension. MnDOT may immediately suspend this Agreement in the event ofa totalor partial government shutdown due to the failure to have an approved budget by the legal deadline. Work performed by the Local Government during a period of suspension will be deemed unauthorized and undertaken at risk of non-payment. 15. Data Disclosure. Under Minn. Stat.0 270C.65, Subd.3 , and other applicable law, the Local Government consents to disclosure of its social security number, federal employer tax identification number, and/or Minnesota tax identification number, already provided to MnDOT, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. These identification numbers may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws which could result in action requiring the Local Government to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities, if any. 16. Fund Use Prohibited. The Local Government will not utilize any funds received pursuant to this Agreement to compensate, either directly or indirectly, any contractor, corporation, partnership, or business, however organized, which is disqualified or debarred from entering into or receiving a State contract. This restriction applies regardless of whether the disqualified or debarred party acts in the capacity of a general contractor, a subcontractor, or as an equipment or material supplier. This restriction does not prevent the Local Government from utilizing these funds to pay any party who might be disqualified or debarred after the Local Government's contract award on this Project. 8 131 MnDOT Contract No. 1052066 L7, Discrimination Prohibited by Minnesota Statutes 5181.59, The Local Government will comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 5181.59 which requires that every contract for or on behalf of the State of Minnesota, or any county, city, town, township, school, school district or any other district in the state, for materials, supplies or construction will contain provisions by which Contractor agrees: 1) That, in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under any contract, or any subcontract, no Contractor, material supplier or vendor, will, by reason of race, creed or color, discriminate against the person or persons who are citizens of the united States or resident aliens who are qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; 2) That no Contractor, material supplier, or vendor, will, in any manner, discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent the employment of any person or persons identified in clause 1 of this section, or on being hired, prevent or conspire to prevent, the person or persons from the performance of work under any contract on account of race, creed or color; 3) That a violation of this section is a misdemeanor; and 4) That this contract may be canceled or terminated by the state of Minnesota, or any county, city, town, township, school, school district or any other person authorized to contracts for employment, and all money due, or to become due under the contract, may be forfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this Agreement. 18. Federal Contract Clauses 18.1. AppendixU 2CFR Part 20O. The Local Government agrees to complywith the following federal requirements as identified in 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and agrees to pass through these requirements to its subcontractors and third-party contractors, as applicable. ln addition, the Local Government shall have the same meaning as "Contractor" in the federal requirements listed below. 18.1.1. Contracts for more than the simplified acquisition threshold, which is the inflation adjusted amount determined by the Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) as authorized by 41 U.S.C. 1908, must address administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances where contractors violate or breach contract terms, and provide for such sanctions and penalties as appropriate. 18.1.2. All contracts in excess of S10,000 must address termination for cause and for convenience by the non-Federal entity including the manner by which it will be effected and the basis for settlement. 18.1.3. Equal Employment Opportunity. Except as otherwise provided under4l CFR Part 60, all contracts that meet the definition of "federally assisted construction contract" in 41 CFR Part 60-1.3 must include the equal opportunity clause provided under 41 CFR 60-1.4(b), in accordance with Executive Order U246, "Equal Employment Opportunity" (30 FR 12319, 12935, 3 CFR Part, 19 -1965 Comp., p. 339), as amended by Executive Order 71375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity," and implementing regulations at 41 CFR part 60, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor." 18.1.4. Davis-Bacon Act, as amended (40 U.S.C. 3141-3148). When required by Federal program legislation, all prime construction contracts in excess of S2,000 awarded by non-Federal entities must include a provision for compliance with the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C.3141"-3144, and 3146-3148) as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5, "Labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts Covering Federally Financed and Assisted Construction"). ln accordance with the statute, contractors must be required to pay wages to laborers and mechanics at a rate not less than the prevailing wages specified in a wage determination made by the Secretary of Labor. ln addition, contractors must be required to pay wages not less than once a week. The non-Federal entity must place a copy of the current prevailing wage determination issued by the Department of Labor in each solicitation. The decision to award a contract or subcontract must be conditioned upon the acceptance of the wage determination. The non-Federal entity must report all suspected or reported violations to the Federal awarding agency. The contracts must also include a provision 9 132 MnDOT Contract No. 1052066 for compliance with the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act (40 U.S.C. 3145), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 3, "Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Building or Public Work Financed in Whole or in Part by Loans or Grants from the United States"). The Act provides that each contractor or subrecipient must be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person employed in the construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he or she is otherwise entitled. The non-Federal entity must report all suspected or reported violations to the Federal awarding agency. 18.1.5. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3701-3708). Where applicable, all contracts awarded by the non-Federal entity in excess of S100,000 that involve the employment of mechanics or laborers must include a provision for compliance with 40 U.S.C. 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5). Under 40 U.S.C. 3702 of the Act, each contractor must be required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work in excess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in the work week. The requirements of 40 U.S.C. 3704 are applicable to construction work and provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work in surroundings or under working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence. 18.1.6. Rights to lnventions Made Under a Contract or Agreement. lf the Federal award meets the definition of "funding agreement" under 37 CFR S 401.2 (a) and the recipient or subrecipient wishes to enter into a contract with a small business firm or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution of parties, assignment or performance of experimental, developmental, or research work under that "funding agreement," the recipient or subrecipient must comply with the requirements of 37 CFR Part 401, "Rights to lnventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grants, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements," and any implementing regulations issued by the awarding agency. 18.1.7. Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 740l-7671q.]'and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.s.C. 1251- 1387), as amended - Contracts and subgrants of amounts in excess of 5150,000 must contain a provision that requires the non-Federal award to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders or regulations issued pursuant to the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251-1387). Violations must be reported to the Federal awarding agency and the Regional Office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 18.1.8. Debarment and Suspension (Executive Orders 12549 and 12689) - A contract award (see 2 CFR 180.220) must not be made to parties listed on the governmentwide exclusions in the System for Award Management (SAM), in accordance with the OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR part 1986 Comp., p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR part 1989 Comp., p. 235), "Debarment and Suspension." SAM Exclusions contains the names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as parties declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive order 12549. 18.1.9. Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 U.S.C. 1352) - Contractors that apply or bid for an award exceeding SlOO,OOO must file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any Federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier must 10 133 L8.2. 18.3. also disclose any lobbying with non-Federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the non-Federal award. 18.1.10. Local Government will comply with 2 CFR S 200.323. 18.1.11. Local Government will comply with 2 CFR 5 200.216. 78.L.I2. Local Government will comply with 2 CFR S 200.322. Drug-Free Workplace. The Local Government will comply with the Drug-Free Workplace requirements under subpart B of 49 C.F.R. Part 32. Title Vl/Non-discrimination Assurances. The Local Government hereby agrees that, as a condition of receiving any Federal financial assistance under this Agreement, it will comply with Title Vl of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252,42 U.S.C. 5 2000d), related nond iscrimination statutes (i.e., 23 U.S.C. S 324, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975), and applicable regulatory requirements to the end that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Local Government receives Federal financial assistance. The Local Government hereby agrees to comply with all applicable US DOT Standard Title Vl/Non- Discrimination Assurances contained in DOT Order No. 1050.2A, and in particular Appendices A and E, which can be found at: httos://edocs- oublic.dot.state.mn.us edocs oublic/DMResultSet/download?docld=11149035. lf federal funds are included in any contract, the Local Government will ensure the appendices and solicitation language within the assurances are inserted into contracts as required. State may conduct a review of the Local Government's compliance with this provision. The Local Government must cooperate with State throughout the review process by supplying all requested information and documentation to State, making Local Government staff and officials available for meetings as requested, and correcting any areas of non- compliance as determined by State. 18.4. Buy America. The Local Government must comply with the Buy America domestic preferences contained in the Build America, Buy America Act (Sections 70901-52 of the lnfrastructure lnvestment and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58) and as implemented by US DOT operating agencies. 18.5. Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) 18.5.1. This Agreement requires the Local Government to provide supplies and/or services that are funded in whole or in part by federalfunds that are subject to FFATA. The Local Government is responsible for ensuring that all applicable requirements, including but not limited to those set forth herein, of FFATA are met and that the Local Government provides information to the MnDOT as required. a. Reporting of Total Compensation of the Local Government's Executives. b. The Local Government shall report the names and total compensation of each of its five most highly compensated executives for the Local Government's preceding completed fiscal year, if in the Local Government's preceding fiscalyear it received: i. 80 percent or more of the Local Government's annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards); and ii. 525,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts), and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act (and subawards); and 11 MnDOT Contract No. 1052066 134 MnDOT Contract No. 1052066 72 iii. The public does not have access to information about the compensation of the executives through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the lnternal Revenue Code of 1986. (To determine if the public has access to the compensation information, see the U.5. Security and Exchange Commission total compensation filings at https ://www.sec.eov/a nswers/execom p. htm). Executive means officers, managing partners, or any other employees in management positions. c. Total compensation means the cash and noncash dollar value earned by the executive during the Local Government's preceding fiscalyear and includes the following (for more information see 17 CFR 229.402(c)(2)): i. Salary and bonus. ii. Awards of stock, stock options, and stock appreciation rights. Use the dollar amount recognized for financial statement reporting purposes with respect to the fiscal year in accordance with the Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 (Revised 2004) (FAS 123R), Shared Based Payments. iii. Earnings for services under non-equity incentive plans. This does not include group life, health, hospitalization or medical reimbursement plans that do not discriminate in favor of executives, and are available generally to all salaried employees. iv. Change in pension value. This is the change in present value of defined benefit and actuarial pension plans. v. Above-market earnings on deferred compensation which is not tax qualified. 18.5.2. Other compensation, if the aggregate value of all such other compensation (e.g. severance, termination payments, value of life insurance paid on behalf of the employee, perquisites or property)for the executive exceeds $10,000. 18.5.3. The Local Government must report executive total compensation described above to the MnDOT by the end of the month during which this Agreement is awarded. 18.5.4. The Local Government will obtain a Unique Entity ldentifier number and maintain this number for the term of this Agreement. This number shall be provided to MnDOT on the plan review checklist submitted with the plans for each Project. 18.5.5. The Local Government's failure to comply with the above requirements isa material breach ofthis Agreement for which the MnDOT may terminate this Agreement for cause. The MnDOT will not be obligated to pay any outstanding invoice received from the Local Government unless and until the Local Government is in full compliance with the above requirements. ITHE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE HAS INTENTIONALTY BEEN LEFT BTANK.I 135 MnDOT Contract No. 1052066 City of Chanhassen Local Government certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the contract on behalf of the Local Government as required by applicable articles, bylaws, resolutions or ordinances. By: Title: Date: Title Date DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By Date: COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION By By Date 13 Title: 136 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Resolution #2023-XX: Appoint the Water Resources Engineer to serve on the Wetland Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) and to serve as the City's Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) Agent File No.N/A Item No: E.16 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Stacy Osen, Administrative Support Specialist Reviewed By Charlie Howley SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution appointing the Water Resources Engineer, or his assigned designee, to the Technical Evaluation Panel; and for that person to serve as the City's Wetland Conservation Act Agent." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY Section 20-409 of the Chanhassen City Code states that the City Council shall appoint a person to serve on the Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP). This city position has been recently renamed (previously Water Resources Coordinator) and thus a new appointment is necessary. BACKGROUND The TEP is a multi-jurisdictional body that reviews and recommends items related to the protection and management of wetlands per the requirements of the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). DISCUSSION 137 N/A BUDGET N/A RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution appointing the Water Resources Engineer to the TEP. ATTACHMENTS Resolution 138 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: January 9, 2023 RESOLUTION NO: 2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE WATER RESOURCES ENGINEER, OR HIS ASSIGNED DESIGNEE, TO THE TECHNICAL EVALUATION PANEL FOR WETLAND PROTECTION; AND TO SERVE AS THE CITY’S WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT AGENT WHEREAS,TheCity of Chanhassen has previously made Chapter 20, Article 20-VI Wetland Protection, Sec 20-409 part of the City Code; and WHEREAS,the code states “The city council shall appoint a person to serve on the technical evaluation panel."; and WHEREAS,the code further states “The person must be a technical professional with expertise in water resources management.”; and WHEREAS,the Water Resources Engineer is typically assigned the duties of implementing the city’s requirements governed by the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that the Water Resources Engineer, or his assigned designee, be appointed to the Technical Evaluation Panel for Wetland Protection; and to serve as the City’s Wetland Conservation Act agent. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 9 th dayof January2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 139 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Approve Contract for 2023 City Tree Contractor with Shadywood Tree Experts File No.Item No: E.17 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Reviewed By Charlie Howley SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution approving a contract with Shadywood Tree Experts as the 2023 City Tree Contractor." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Asset Management SUMMARY In order to effectively and efficiently handle annual tree removals, clearance pruning along streets and trails, and designated pruning within parks and on streets, staff proposes hiring a Tree Contractor to address tree removal and pruning needs for 2023. To maximize the impact of an annual tree work contract, the city is split into three districts to ensure a three-year rotation for routine pruning. In 2023, District 2 will have focused pruning. That district covers the city area west of Powers Boulevard and north of Highway 5. BACKGROUND In 2022, the city hired a City Tree Contractor to complete public tree removals and pruning projects. This was done to optimize efficiency for the tree removal work, secure fair pricing, and reduce staff time spent on bidding separate tree work orders throughout the year. Shadywood Tree Experts was awarded the contract and performed tree work for the city from May through December 2022. During 140 that time, Shadywood did 86 tree removals and performed 84 hours of pruning work along streets and trails. The contract work was completed effectively and efficiently without any issues. Staff discussions endorsed securing a City Tree Contractor for 2023. DISCUSSION A City Tree Contractor is sought for tree work due to the scale of the projects and the time limitations of city staff to complete the projects. Tree removals on streets and in parks may involve very large trees with significant technical aspects to the removal. These projects require professional arborists and tree workers to complete them safely. Climbing and roping are technical skills requiring professional training in tree work. Since the city does not have a Forestry Department, these skills are not routine training for Public Works/Parks Maintenance staff and therefore much of the needed tree work is contracted out. Pruning projects also require a skill set. An improper pruning cut can later become a point of decay causing the entire tree to lose vigor and eventually require removal. This can all be due to a simple pruning cut done improperly. Hiring out pruning work to professional tree workers protects and enhances the investment the city made when planting and providing care for the trees. Trees are part of the city's green infrastructure and as such need to be routinely maintained and cared for. Since trees can potentially live a hundred years or more, proper care of them is an investment that can last for generations and benefit the city for decades upon decades. BUDGET The Contract is written on a Not-To-Exceed (NTE) basis where the contractor will get paid for work done, with all work being directed by city staff. The NTE fee is $120,000. This work is currently part of the 2023 budget as follows: Fund Fund Number Amount Forestry 720-7202-4300 $70,000 Surface Water 720-0000-4300 $25,000 Parks Maintenance 101-1550-4300 $25,000 TOTAL $120,000 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adopting a resolution approving a contract with Shadywood Tree Experts for the 2023 City Tree Work. ATTACHMENTS Resolution Professional Services Agreement 141 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: January 9, 2023____RESOLUTION NO: 2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT WITH SHADYWOOD TREE EXPERTS AS 2023 CITY TREE CONTRACTOR WHEREAS,the city contracts street, trail, and park pruning within District 2 and tree removals throughout the city in 2023; and WHEREAS,boulevard and park trees are considered green infrastructure and an asset to the community. Proper maintenance can provide public safety, long-term health, and increased value to the community; and WHEREAS,this year’s scheduled pruning includes streets, parks and trails west of Powers Boulevard and north of Highway 5; and WHEREAS,the City received three quotes for this year’s work and funding will come from the City's Forestry Management Fund and the Park Maintenance Fund.The agreement will be set at a not-to-exceed amount of $120,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chanhassen City Council hereby authorizes entering into a contract with Shadywood Tree Experts for 2023 City Tree Work. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day of January2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 142 DocuSign Envelope lD: 92736DAF-6995-447 2-A387-F91 90E234884 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AGREBMENT made this 9th day of January 2023, by and between the CITY OF CHAI\HASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and SHADYWOOD TREE EXPERTS & LANDSCAPING COMPANY ("Contractor"). IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The City retains the Contractor for 2023 Tree Pruning and Removal Services. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shall be referred to as the "Contract Documents," all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: This Professional Services Agreement; Request for Quote ("RFq", including project specifications dated November 22,2022; Contractor's proposal, December 19,2022, for Tree Removal and Pruning Services (o'Proposal") for the City of Chanhassen. In the event of conflict among the provisions of the Contract Documents, the order in which they are listed above shall control in resolving any such conflicts, with Contract Document "A" having the first priority and Contract Document "C" having the last priority. 4. COMPLETION DATE. The Work must be completed and in accordance with the Contract Documents by December 31,2023. 5. CHANGE ORDERS. All change orders, regardless of amount, must be approved in advance and in writing by the City. No payment will be due or made for work done in advance of such approval. A. B. C I 3. COMPENSATION. Contractor shall be paid by the City for the pruning and removal services described in the Proposal a not to exceed fee of One hundred twenty thousand Dollars ($120,000.00), inclusive of expenses. Pruning and tree removal services as described in the RFQ shall proceed as directed and prioritized by the city, subject to the not to exceed fee. The not to exceed fee and expenses shall not be adjusted even ifthe estimated hours to perform a task, or any other estimate or assumption is exceeded. Contractor shall bill the City as the work progresses. Payment shall be made by the City within thirty-five (35) days of receipt of an invoice. 143 DocuSign Envelope lD: 92736DAF-6995-447 2-A387-F91 90E234884 6. COMPLIAI\CE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In providing services hereunder, Contractor shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of services to be provided. 7. CONTRACTOR,S REPRESENTATIONS. Contractor has exAMiNEd ANd carefully studied the Contract Project Specifications Document and other related data identified in the Contract Documents. Contractor has visited the Sites and become familiar with and is satisfied as the general, local, and Site conditions that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. Contractor is familiar with and is satisfied as to all federal, state, and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress, and performance of the Work. Contractor shall abide by and employ all necessary and standard traffic safety measures along city roads and trails. Contractor will have an ISA Certified Arborist on site with all crews during all work. The Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance and fumishing of the Work. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. Contractor shall indemnifr and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, including costs and attomey's fees, arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the services provided for herein and further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder. g. INSURANCE. Contractor shall secure and maintain such insurance as will protect Contractor from claims under the Worker's Compensation Acts, automobile liability, and from claims for bodily injury, death, or property damage which may arise from the performance of services under this Ageement. Such insurance shall be written for amounts not less than: A. B. C D E Commercial General Liability Automobile Liability Professional Liability $2,000,000 each occurrencel aggregate $2,000,000 combined single limit $2,000,000 each occurrence/aggregate The City shall be named as an additional insured on the general liability policy on a primary and non- contributory basis. Before commencing work, the Contractor shall provide the City a certificate of insurance evidencing the required insurance coverage in a form acceptable to City' 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The City hereby retains Contractor as an independent contractor upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Contractor is not an employee of the City and is free to contract with other entities as provided herein. Contractor shall be responsible for selecting the means and methods of performing the work. Contractor shall fumish 2 144 DocuSign Envelope lD: 92736DAF-6995-4472-A387-F91 90E234884 any and all supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary for Contractor's performance under this Agreement. City and Contractor agree that Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Contractor or any of Contractor's agents or employees are in any manner agents or employees of the City. Contractor shall be exclusively responsible under this Agreement for Contractor's own FICA pa),rynents, workers compensation payments, unemployment compensation payments, withholding amounts, and/or self-employment taxes if any such payments, amounts, or taxes are required to be paid by law or regulation. 11. SUBCONTRACTORS. Contractor shall not enter into subcontracts for services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City. Contractor shall comply with Minnesota Statutes $ 471 .425. Contractor must pay subcontractors for all undisputed services provided by subcontractors within ten (10) days of Contractor's receipt of payment from City. Contractor must pay interest of one and five-tenths percent ( I .5%) per month or any part of a month to subcontractors on any undisputed amount not paid on time to subcontractors. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or more is Ten Dollars ($10.00). 12. CONTROLLING LAWNENUE. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Carver County Minnesota. 13. MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. Contractor must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (l) all data provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by Contractor pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Govemment Data Practices Act, including but not limited to the civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08, as if it were a government entity. In the event Contractor receives a request to release data, Contractor must immediately notify City. City will give Contractor instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. Contractor agrees to defend, indemnifu, and hold City, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any claims resulting from Contractor's officers', agents', city's, partners', employees', volunteers', assignees' or subcontractors'unlawfuldisclosure and/or use of protected data. The terms of this paragraph shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. 14. COPYRIGHT. Contractor shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or software license by reason of the use or adoption of any software. designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it" and it shall hold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting therefrom. 15. PATENTBD DEVICBS, MATERIALS AND PROCESSES. If the Contract requires, or the Contractor desires, the use of any design, devise, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade name, the Contractor shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the City. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the Contractor shall indemnify and J 145 DocuSign Envelope lD: 92736DAF-6995-447 2-A387-F91 90E234884 hold harmless the City from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented designed, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copyright in connection with the services agreed to be performed under the Contract, and shall indemnify and defend the City for any costs, liability, expenses and attorney's fees that result from any such infringement. 16. RECORDS. Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records of hours worked and number of crew involved in the performance of services for each work location. 17. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, or any interest arising herein, without the written consent of the other parry. 18. WAMR. Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect, in any respect, the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The entire agreement of the parties is contained herein. This Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties, unless otherwise provided herein. 20. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by the City for any reason or for convenience upon written notice to the Contractor. In the event of termination, the City shall be obligated to the Contractor for payment of amounts due and owing including payment for services performed or furnished to the date and time of termination. Dated 2023. CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Elise Ryan, Mayor BY: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager Dated U312023 2023. S TREE EXPERTS & LANDSCPING BY: jake nitz Operations manager 4 Its 146 DocuSign Envelope lD: 92736DAF-6995-4472-A387-F91 90E234884 1t.r.Supplcmcntal [nformation Name of Contractor Shadywood Tree Expcrts Address: 402 I lth Ave S, Hopkins MN 55343 Name Mike Harmon Chuck Madscn Dave Andcrson Chad Moren Tanner Homme Luke Tavernier Lucas Percz , Steve Sather Does your firm have Municipal or County Tree Work Service experience withinthc last five (5) years? yES NO A. Municipality/County: City of Chanhasscn Description of work: winter Tree prunine contracts and rree Removal Datc(s) of work: 2018 (Removal),2020.(Prunrng),2021 (Pruning), 2022 (pruning anrl Removals) B. Municipality/County City of St- Louis park Description of work: Private & public fiee removal & stump grinding Date(s) of Work 2019.2020/021,2022 (Removals only) C. MunicipalityiCounty: City of Bloomington_ Description of Work: Stump grinding contract Dates(s) of Work: 201 8, 201 q. 2020,2021 ,2022 2. List Business Owner and employees by Name, Position and Licenses: Position/Years Lrccnsc(s o s Co-Owner/7 years PHC M t2 ISA ,, MN-0129A/Csrtilied PHC Tcch Arborrsls/PllC Tcch/Crcw-l I years ISA#MN,t|4AlCcrrilied PHC Tccb ISA #Wr-076tA 5 Crcw Foreman - 2 Tree Crew/ 5 years Pl{C Tcch/Trcc CrcMArbonsr - 8 ycars IL #5lssfuCertified PI'IC Tech Keith Curtis Co-Owncr/15 ISA Cert. #4130A , Arborrsts/Productton Crcw/4 ycarsJake Nitz Tree Crew/ 4 City ot Chonhossen - RFP forTree Work Services I I 147 DocuSign Envelope lD: 92736DAF-6995-4472-A387-F91 90E234884t (tntnrc[(]r Itt rvrdc all tlcnl\ lt\ ll thc il'icll rr I r\:tl Districl 2 Sln"et, "lYril unrl Park Pnrning - Ilourlv Rutc $.1{5 ptr hour District 2 Strer.t. "l'nril nnd l'rrrk Pruniug - Crr:rv Sizc .l Itcrson crcrv tlnil pricc Stump Crind, clcanup and rc-secd Trce Rcnrovnl lice Schcrlulc tlnit tlnit Price sr l0'ltcc Rcnrov:rl 2" - 6" Dilmetcr st00 Each $450 $210 Tbec Rcmoval 13" - 18" Diameler Elch $735 $3r0 slr65 $435Trec Rcmoval 19" - 2{' Diamctcr Each $1695 $625Trcc Rcmoval 25' - 30* Diamctcr Bach $2 175 s825BachTrec Removal 31" - 36" Dilmeter Each $3000 $925Tfee Removal 36" - {0" Diametcr Each $5198 $12r5Tree Rentoval {l'r+ Diametcr i"arcs 'lhc ciry is a t&\-cxcmpt cntirv. n Ul"\-uxglpt ccrtilicatc is avuilahlc upon ruqu_cst. r)atcd this.dayor-. 2022. l?J \ of ( Ir"- B.{ >,c2A Cttn lnc'tor l{r:pr u-sc n tl t iv r: S i gna tu, .- Jo.rg L iVtV Cily of Chonhossen - RFP for lree Work Services I 1.3. STATEMENT OF CONTRACTOR'S QU ALI FICA IIONS I I I Enclt Thce Renroval 7" - 12" Di:rmetcr 148 DocuSign Envelope lD: 92736DAF-6995-4472-A387-F91 90E234884 I I J. S'I'ATEMENT OF CON'T'RACTOII'S QUALI}'ICATIONS All questions nrust be answered and the data given must bc clear and comprehensive. Qucstions nlay be ansrvcred on separate attached sheets. l'he Contractor may submit any additional information they desire. t. Company Name C lft VtName of Company Representative PhoneNumber btl SlLl >@b 2. Permanent addrec Wh f(,:. Number of years in business .t. Provide a description of your understanding of the proposed work to be performed along rvith a schedule of how the work may proceed throughout the year in order to complete all iterns. This will be a combination of removal and pruning as part of the contract, all removals rvill be Marked by the city Trees will be completed with full cleanup. The current plan may be subject to change rvould be to devote approximately one rveek a month to this project taking into account that some of the oaks and elms will have to wait until dormant season. Prices of enclosed are based on rree condition being safe. If the condition of the tree Is deemed hazardous or unsafe due to major strucrural defects or site conditions those particular trees We reserve the right to decline or re-bid on an individual basis where we may need to use cranes or other equipment to safely remove these trees. Emergency rvork will not be part of this contract. The undersigned hereby authorizes and requests any person, firm or corporation to lirrnish an1' informationrequested by the Owner in verification of the recitals comprising this Staternent of Contractor's Qual i fi cations. Name of Company By: VerT)#*.*x-fo ,).r k l,/,? rn : )[k Clttu-5 lnNv,rt ct er IfcrT;ti,i7q"nr'f- Date a* ni, ,llfhoay or-{k3/Nzdozz. ,.1) hc /, 149 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Designating Official Authorized to Declare Official Intent Under Reimbursement Bond Regulations File No.Item No: E.18 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution declaring the official intent to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the City." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Financial Sustainability SUMMARY The Treasury Department has issued regulations that, for the purpose of determining whether interest on certain obligations of a state or local government is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, permit the use of the proceeds of tax-exempt obligations to reimburse capital expenditures made prior to the date of such obligations are issued only if the state or local government, within 60 days of the date of expenditure, declares its official intent to reimburse the expenditure with proceeds of a borrowing. The Reimbursement Bond Regulations require that if a current expenditure is to be permanently financed by a later issue of tax-exempt obligations a state or local government must declare its intention to reimburse itself for the expenditure from proceeds of borrowing within 60 days from when the expenditure is made (the “Declaration of Official Intent”). The Reimbursement Bond Regulations permit a local government to designate an official or employee 150 to make Declarations of Official Intent on its behalf. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the Finance Director to make Declaration of Official Intent on its behalf when the City reasonably expects to reimburse itself from the proceeds of borrowing for certain expenditures for a specific project from which it pays from other funds prior to the receipt of the proceeds of the borrowing with respect to such expenditures. The attached resolution authorizes the designation of the Finance Director and prescribes the form to be used for the Declaration of Official Intent. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET Bonds may be issued for the special assessment and utility portions of 2023 annual street reconstruction project. RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution designating an official authorized to declare official intent under reimbursement bond regulations. ATTACHMENTS Resolution 151 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: January 9, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO DECLARE OFFICIAL INTENT UNDER REIMBURSEMENT BOND REGULATIONS WHEREAS,the Department of the Treasury has issued final regulations (Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2) (the “Reimbursement Bond Regulations”) that, for the purpose of determining whether interest on certain obligations of a state or local government is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, permit the use of the proceeds of tax-exempt obligations to reimburse capital expenditures made prior to the date of such obligations are issued only if the state or local government, within 60 days of the date of expenditure, declares its official intent to reimburse the expenditure with proceeds of a borrowing; and WHEREAS, the Reimbursement Bond Regulations require that if a current expenditure is to be permanently financed by a later issue of tax-exempt obligations a state or local government must declare its intention to reimburse itself for the expenditure from proceeds of a borrowing within 60 days from when the expenditure is made (the “Declaration of Official Intent”); and WHEREAS,the Reimbursement Bond Regulations permit a state or local government to designate an official or employee to make Declarations of Official Intent on its behalf; and WHEREAS,the City Council (the “Governing Body”) of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota (the “Issuer”) deems it to be necessary, desirable, and in the best interest of the Issuer to authorize an official or employee of the Issuer to make Declaration of Official Intent on its behalf when the Issuer reasonably expects to reimburse itself from the proceeds of a borrowing for certain expenditures for a specific property, project, or program from which it pays from other funds prior to the receipt of the proceeds of the borrowing with respect to such expenditures; and WHEREAS,the Governing Body hereby finds and determines that designating an official or employee with the authority to make Declarations of Official Intent will facilitate compliance with the Reimbursement Bond Regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Governing Body of the Issuer, pursuant to Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2(e)(1), that: Section 1. Authorization to Declare Official Intent.The Finance Director is hereby authorized and designated to make Declarations of Official Intent on behalf of the Issuer pursuant to the above-referenced Reimbursement Bond Regulations. Section 2. Form of Declaration.Any such Declaration of Official Intent shall be made in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. 152 2 Section 3. Public Availability. Any Declaration of Official Intent shall be maintained in the files of the Issuer and shall be made available for public inspection in compliance with applicable State law governing the availability of records of official acts of the Governing Body. Section 4. Further Authorizations.The official or employee authorized and designated above is hereby further authorized to take such other actions as may be necessary or desirable to comply or evidence compliance with the Reimbursement Bond Regulations. Section 5. Effective Date.This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day of January2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 153 3 EXHIBIT A DECLARATION OF OFFICIAL INTENT This is a Declaration of Official Intent of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota (the “Issuer”) to reimburse expenditures with proceeds of borrowing or borrowings authorized by the Issuer. This Declaration is made under and pursuant to Treas. Reg. § 1.150-2. The undersigned has been designated as an official or employee authorized by the Issuer to make this Declaration of Official Intent pursuant to Resolution 2023-____ adopted on January 9, 2023. This Declaration of Official Intent is a public record maintained in the files of the Issuer and is available for public inspection pursuant to Minnesota State Statutes. The undersigned hereby declares that it is the reasonable expectation of the Issuer to use proceeds of a borrowing or borrowings to be incurred by the Issuer to reimburse expenditures for the property, project, or program from the fund(s)/account(s) described below: 1. _______________________________________________________________ The maximum principal amount of the borrowing or borrowings to be incurred to reimburse expenditures for the above-described purposes is reasonably expected, on the date hereof, to be $________________. The Issuer intends to reimburse itself from borrowed funds within eighteen (18) months (or three (3) years if the City is considered a small government issuer for the calendar year, i.e., no more than $5,000,000 of government bonds is expected to be issued in the calendar year) after the later of (a) the date the expenditure is paid or (b) the date the facility is placed in service, but in no event, more than 3 years after the expenditure is paid. No money from sources other than the anticipated borrowing or borrowings is or is reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside by the Issuer with respect to the expenditure, pursuant to the budgetary and financial circumstances of the Issuer as of the date of this Declaration. Dated this 9th day of January, 2023. CITY OF CHANHASSEN By: ____________________________ Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director Attest: ____________________________ Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk 154 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Resolution 2023-XX: Declaring Official Depositories for City Funds File No.Item No: E.19 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director Reviewed By Laurie Hokkanen SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council adopts a resolution declaring official depositories for City Funds." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Financial Sustainability SUMMARY Each year the City typically designates official depositories for City funds pursuant to Minnesota State Statute. The attached resolution provides for this designation. BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION 155 ATTACHMENTS Resolution 156 1 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: January 9, 2023 RESOLUTION NO:2023-XX MOTION BY: SECONDED BY: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS SECTION 1. BE IT RESOLVED, That the following institutions are hereby designated as depositories for the funds of the City of Chanhassen: Americana Community Bank 4M Fund Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Northland Securities SECTION 2. RESOLVED ALSO, That before any deposits are made that exceed the amount that is guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the depository must supply to the City a corporate surety bonds in the amount of at least 10 percent more than the amount on deposit at the depository’s cutoff hour. The bond is subject to the approval of the City Council. The surety bond must be conditioned to repay the above amount or any part thereof upon proper demand therefore and to perform such other duties in connection with the deposit as the Council may require. SECTION 3. RESOLVED FURTHER, That, in lieu of the above bond, the depository may furnish collateral in the manner and to the extent permitted by law. All such collateral must be approved by the Council and accompanied by a written assignment providing that, upon default, the financial institution shall release to the City on demand, free of exchange or any other charges, the collateral pledged. SECTION 4. RESOLVED FURTHER, All collateral must be placed in safekeeping in a restricted account at either a Federal Reserve Bank or in an account at a trust department of a commercial bank or financial institution that is not owned or controlled by the financial institution that is furnishing the collateral. The selection must be approved the City Council. In case of default upon the part of the depository, the Council of the City shall have full power and authority to sell such collateral or as much may be necessary to realize the full amount due the City over such federal guarantee. 157 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Chanhassen City Council this 9th day of January2023. ATTEST: Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk Elise Ryan, Mayor YES NO ABSENT 158 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item Approve Professional Services Agreement with HKGI for Design and Permitting of the Lake Ann Park Preserve File No.Item No: E.20 Agenda Section CONSENT AGENDA Prepared By Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director Reviewed By Jerry Ruegemer SUGGESTED ACTION "The Chanhassen City Council accepts and approves a Professional Services Agreement with HKGI for Design and Permitting of the Lake Ann Park Preserve in the amount of $246,600." Motion Type Simple Majority Vote of members present Strategic Priority Operational Excellence SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION City Council along with staff have been discussing the merits of a Parks Referendum for quite some time. The City Council appointed a Park Referendum Task Force which through a series of meetings identified a number of community priorities which included park facility improvements and most importantly the completion of the Lake Ann Park Preserve Project. The Park Referendum Task Force along with the Park and Recreation Commission hosted an Open House on September 27 which Council felt imperative to check back in with our community to see if 159 the priorities identified within the public engagement of the 2019 Lake Ann Park Feasibility Study still were valid. The Open House confirmed that many of the priorities established in 2019 were still a priority with for the community. Key Takeaways Most people envision a preserved natural area (keep it the way it is) Desire trails and a long-term loop connection around Lake Ann Excitement about improved access, particularly from the west Project Priorities Provide pedestrian access from the southwest, northwest, and east to better connect users to existing natural surface trails Other improvements could also occur within the park if they are not impacted by future phases Habitat enhancements, interpretation, secondary narrow boardwalks Paved trails could potentially be a future phase if the initial improvements are designed to account for the future construction access needed to pave the trails Next Steps Identified Preliminary Design and Engineering Develop a logical and efficient phasing approach and related schedule that aligns with available funding Initiate Permit Process Permitting will require 60% complete design documents for whatever elements we want permitted Agencies include the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, MN DNR, Army Corp of Engineers, Met Council Once permitted, the permits remain valid for 3 years (+ potential 1-year extension) Corp of Engineers (COE) permit can take 3-6 months A Professional Consulting Services Contract was developed by HKGI that identified greater project detail that will guide the city through the initial project stages and will set the preferred direction and phasing for the Lake Ann Park Preserve Project, get the project through permitting, and set up the next step of 100% Construction Drawings for the first phase of improvements. The project scope identifies additional community engagement tasks that may not be contracted for. The city will pay only for work that is performed. BUDGET The City Council has reserved $1.2M in ARPA dollars to begin the Lake Ann Park Preserve project that will be used to fund this work. Additional funding will be required to complete the full construction project in the future. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council accept and approve a Professional Services Agreement with 160 HKGI for Design and Permitting of the Lake Ann Park Preserve in the amount of $246,600. ATTACHMENTS HKGi Agreement and Scope 161 ‐ 1  HKGi Agreement – City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Improvements AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MN AND  HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP INC. FOR DESIGN AND ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATED TO  PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AT LAKE ANN PRESERVE    This Agreement outlines a Scope of Services, Fee Schedule and other elements which together  constitute an agreement between the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation  hereinafter  referred  to  as  the  CLIENT,  and Hoisington  Koegler  Group  Inc.,  a  Minnesota  corporation, hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT for professional services related to  landscape architecture, geotechnical, engineering, and permitting services, hereinafter referred  to as the PROJECT.    The CLIENT and CONSULTANT agree as set forth below:    A. TERM AND BASIC SERVICES    The schedule for the project is to start within 7 days of the execution of the agreement  and be substantially complete with the scope of services in (12) months.  Schedule  adjustments may occur if agreed upon by both parties.  The CONSULTANT will not be held  to the completion schedule if delays are caused by factors beyond their control.      Basic Services for the PROJECT are identified in the attached letter  –  Professional  Consulting Services Proposal (EXHIBIT A) dated 12/16/2022.        B. FEES FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES    The  CONSULTANT  agrees  to  complete  the  services  as  outlined  in  Section  A  of  this  Agreement  for  an  overall  project  fee  of $246,600.  The  CLIENT  agrees  to  pay  the  CONSULTANT for PROJECT services rendered based on the tasks identified in Exhibit A.   Invoices will be based on the progress of each task completed during the duration of the  PROJECT and will be submitted electronically (PDF form) by the CONSULTANT to the CLIENT  monthly throughout the duration of the PROJECT.  Invoices shall be payable within 30  days in accordance with this Agreement.    C. SUBCONSULTANTS    1. To complete engineering, surveying and geotechnical aspects of the project as described  in EXHIBIT A, the CONSULTANT will retain the services of SEH (Short Elliot Hendrickson  Inc.).  The CONSULTANT shall not add other Sub‐Consultants without the consent of the  CLIENT.  2. Except as otherwise provided herein, CONSULTANT shall not enter into subcontracts for  services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the  Client.  CONSULTANT shall comply with Minnesota Statute s §471.425.  CONSULTANT  must pay subcontractors for all undisputed services provided by subcontractors within  162 HKGi Agreement – City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Improvements 2 ten (10) days of CONSULTANT’S receipt of payment from City.  CONSULTANT must pay  interest of one and five‐tenths (1.5%) percent per month or any part of a month to  subcontractors on any undisputed amount not paid on time to subcontractors.  The  minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of One Hundred  Dollars ($100.00) or more is Ten Dollars ($10.00).      D. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS    Project specific original engineering documents, drawings, modeling, and specifications  prepared by the CONSULTANT as part of the services for the PROJECT shall become the  property of the CLIENT when CONSULTANT has been compensated for all services or the  PROJECT rendered, provided, however, that CONSULTANT shall have the unrestricted  right to their use. CONSULTANT shall provide original documents created during services  for  the  PROJECT  rendered  to  the  CLIENT  upon  request  after  PROJECT  completion.  CONSULTANT shall, however, retain its rights in its standard details, specifications, data  bases, computer software, and other proprietary property. Rights to intellectual property  developed, utilized, or modified in the performance of the services for the PROJECT shall  become the property of the CLIENT.     E. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS    In providing all services hereunder, CONSULTANT shall abide by all statutes, ordinances,  rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of services to be provided.    F. CONTROLLING LAW VENUE    This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the  State of Minnesota. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District  Court of the State of Minnesota for Carver County.    G. COPYRIGHT OR PATENT INFRINGEMENT    CONSULTANT shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or  patent by reason of the use or adoption of any designs, drawings or specifications  supplied by it, and it shall hold harmless the CLIENT from loss or damage resulting  therefrom.    H. STANDARD OF CARE    CONSULTANT shall exercise the same degrees of care, skill, and diligence in the  performance of the services as is ordinarily possessed and exercised by a professional  consultant under similar circumstances.  No other warranty, expressed or implied, is  included in this Agreement.  CLIENT shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies  163 ‐ 3  HKGi Agreement – City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Improvements in the accuracy of CONSULTANT’S services.    I. INSURANCE    CONSULTANT shall maintain insurance of the kind and in the amounts shown below for  the life of this Agreement. Certificates for General Liability Insurance should state that the  CLIENT, its officials, employees, agents and representatives are Additional Insureds. The  CLIENT reserves the right to review CONSULTANT’S insurance policies at any time to verify  that contractual requirements have been met.    1. Commercial General Liability Insurance  $2,000,000 per occurrence  $3,000,000 general aggregate  $300,000 damage to rented premises  $15,000 medical expenses  2. Umbrella Liability  $1,000,000 per occurrence  $1,000,000 general aggregate  $10,000 self‐insured retention    3. Worker’s Compensation and Employer’s Liability  a. Worker’s Compensation per Minnesota Statutes  b. Employer’s Liability  $500,000 per accident;  $500,000 per employee;  $500,000 per disease policy limit.    4. Professional Liability Insurance  $2,000,000 per claim  $4,000,000 annual aggregate    J. NONDISCRIMINATION    The CONSULTANT agrees not to discriminate by reason of age, race, religion, color, sex,  national  origin,  or  handicap  unrelated  to  the  duties  of  a  position,  of  applicants  for  employment or employees as to terms of employment, promotion, demotion or transfer,  recruitment, layoff or termination, compensation, selection for training, or participation  in recreational and educational activities.    K. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY    During the performance of this Agreement, the CONSULTANT, in compliance  with  Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Order 11375 and Department of Labor  164 HKGi Agreement – City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Improvements 4 regulations 41 CFR Part 60, shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for  employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The CONSULTANT shall  take affirmative action to ensure that applicants for employment are employed, and that  employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion,  sex or national origin.  Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following:  employment,  upgrading,  demotion, transfer;  recruitment  or  recruitment  advertising;  layoff or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for  training, including apprenticeship.  The CONSULTANT shall post in conspicuous places  available to employees and applicants for employment notices to be provided by the  Government  setting  forth  the  provisions  of  this  nondiscrimination  clause.  The  CONSULTANT  shall  state  that  all  qualified  applicants  will  receive  consideration  for  employment  without  regard  to  race,  color,  religion,  sex,  or  national  origin.  The  CONSULTANT shall incorporate the foregoing requirements of this paragraph in all of its  subcontracts for program work and will require all of its sub‐consultants for such work to  incorporate such requirements in all subcontracts for program work.    L. INDEMNIFICATION    1.  Except for any willful misrepresentation or any willful or wanton misconduct or any  negligent act or omission of the CLIENT and the governing body members, officers, and  employees thereof (“Indemnified Parties”), CONSULTANT releases from, and  covenants and agrees that the Indemnified Parties shall not be liable for, and agrees to  indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties for damages that arise  out of the negligent acts, errors and omissions of CONSULTANT and its employees;  provided that the indemnity shall not apply to the extent such loss or damage is  caused by the CLIENT.     2. The Indemnified Parties shall not be liable for any damage or injury to the persons or  property of the CONSULTANT, its officers, agents, servants or employees or any other  person who may assist with the services for the PROJECT, to the extent such damage  or injury is due to any act of negligence of any person, other than any act of negligence  on the part of any Indemnified Party or its officers, agents, servants or employees.  Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver or limitation of any immunity or  limitation on liability to which the CLIENT is entitled under Minnesota Statutes,  Chapter 466 or any other law, legislative or judicial, which limits government liability.    M. TERM, TERMINATION, SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS    1. The Term of this Agreement shall be concurrent with the work authorized and shall  be in accordance with the schedule to be established between the CLIENT and the  CONSULTANT.    165 ‐ 5  HKGi Agreement – City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Improvements 2. Either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to the other party  at its address by certified mail at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of  termination.    3. Neither the CLIENT nor the CONSULTANT shall assign, sublet or transfer its interest  in this Agreement without the written consent of the other.    4. The time schedule shall not apply and/or time extensions will be allowed for  any circumstances beyond the control of the CONSULTANT.    5. This Agreement shall be governed by all applicable laws.    6. Upon termination, the Consultant shall  be entitled to fees earned through the  effective date of termination.    N. DISPUTES    In the event the CLIENT and the CONSULTANT are unable to reach agreement under the  terms of this Agreement, disputes shall be submitted to mediation prior to either party  commencing suit regarding same.    O. REVOCATION    If this Agreement is not signed and accepted by both parties within 90 days of its date, it  shall become null and void.    P. DATA PRACTICES    All data collected, created, received, maintained, or disseminated for any purposes by the  activities of the CONSULTANT because of this Agreement is governed by the Minnesota  Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as amended (“MGDPA”),  the Minnesota Rules implementing such act now in force or as adopted, as well as federal  regulations on data privacy.  Most data created or provided by the CONSULTANT to the CLIENT will be considered to  be public data under the MGDPA, with the exception of trade secret data as it is defined  by Minnesota Statutes Section 13.37, subdivision 1 (b) and subdivision 2.  Should the  CLIENT receive a request for data that CONSULTANT wishes to assert is trade secret data,  CONSULTANT shall immediately notify the CLIENT of its assertion and the reason for its  assertion.  The CONSULTANT shall be responsible for the costs of defending the assertion  should it be challenged.      Q. RECORDS ‐ AVAILABILITY AND RETENTION    166 HKGi Agreement – City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Improvements 6 The CONSULTANT agrees that the CLIENT or any of its duly authorized representatives at  any  time  during normal business hours and as often as they may reasonably deem  necessary, shall have access to and the right to examine, audit, excerpt, and transcribe any  books, documents, papers, records, etc., which are pertinent to the accounting practices and  procedures of the CONSULTANT and invoice transactions relating to this Agreement.    The CONSULTANT agrees to maintain these records for a period of six (6) years from the  date of termination of this Agreement.    R. MERGER AND MODIFICATION    It is understood and agreed that the entire Agreement between the parties is contained  here and that this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between  the parties relating to the subject matter. All items referred to in this Agreement are  incorporated or attached and are deemed to be part of this Agreement.    Any  material  alterations,  variations,  modifications,  or  waivers  of  provisions  of  this  Agreement shall be valid only when they have been reduced to writing as an amendment  and signed by the parties.    M.  INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR  All services provided pursuant to this Agreement shall be provided by the CONSULTANT  as an independent contractor and not as an employee of the CLIENT for any purpose.  Any  and all officers, employees, subcontractors, and agents of the CONSULTANT, or any other  person engaged by the CONSULTANT in the performance of the services pursuant to this  Agreement, shall not be considered employees of the CLIENT.  Any and all actions which  arise as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the CONSULTANT, its  employees, subcontractors, or agents, or other persons engaged by the CONSULTANT in  the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement, shall not be the obligation or  responsibility of the CLIENT.  The CONSULTANT, its employees, subcontractors, or agents  shall not be entitled to any of the rights, privileges, or benefits of the CLIENT’s employees,  except as otherwise stated in this Agreement.    N.  AUTHORIZATION    IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  CLIENT  and  the  CONSULTANT  have  made  and executed  this Agreement for Professional Services.    This ______ day of _____________, 2023.     CLIENT:    City of Chanhassen  167 ‐ 7  HKGi Agreement – City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Improvements    ______________________________    ______________________________     Printed Name: _____________________    Printed Name:  _________________      Title:______________________________    Title:__________________________    CONSULTANT:    Hoisington Koegler Group Inc.                Printed Name: Paul Paige   Title: President    168 HKGi Agreement – City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Improvements 8 EXHIBIT A    December 16, 2022 Jerry Ruegemer, Park and Recreation Director City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317   Re: Professional Consulting Services Proposal ‐ Design and Permitting of the Lake Ann Park Preserve    Dear Jerry,  HKGi, with SEH, is pleased to provide the City of Chanhassen with this proposal to provide professional  consulting services for the 60% Design and related permitting of trail, boardwalk, pedestrian bridge, and  natural resource‐related improvements within the Lake Ann Park Preserve.   This project is the advancement of decades of planning and vision to create an unmatched natural public  space for the community of Chanhassen. HKGi and SEH are proud to have been a part of the master  planning and feasibility study work that is guiding the ultimate development of this site. Our experience  with the project will allow us to hit the ground running with an understanding of the background and  direction of development.   We understand that the ultimate buildout of the park will be phased, and the first priority is to provide  community access to the parkland. This will require working with various regulatory agencies to  complete permitting. In order to approve and issue permits, the agencies will need to understand the  final direction of the proposed park improvements, requiring us to bring the design sets up to a 60%  level. This includes:   Geotechnical Borings   Completion of soil sampling in the forested areas and wetlands to determine the engineering  design of the boardwalks, bridges, and trails. This should be completed this winter to minimize  impacts to the site including existing wetlands where some of the soil borings will occur.   Survey and Background Mapping  Identification and mapping of the site’s topography, parcels, public waters, wetlands, and other  key features. This is necessary to determine and set key elevations related to water resources  (wetlands, waterways, floodplain) and to better understand viable stormwater management  strategies to incorporate into the project. The survey will also locate predetermined trail routes  so that the new trails will be designed to best fit the site topography and existing significant  trees, and to minimize impacts to the site topography, wetlands, and soils.   Landscape Architecture, Park Planning, and Design  To verify and refine the overall Preserve Master Plan, layout trail locations, and develop options  and preliminary plans for the Greenwood Shores Park improvements:  o Validation and Refinement of Elements identified in Master Plan and Feasibility Study  o Trail Layout and approach to construction of paved and natural trails  o Overlook, Bridge, and Boardwalk Aesthetics  o Natural Resources Enhancements and Restoration  o Signage and Wayfinding  169 ‐ 9  HKGi Agreement – City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Improvements o Parking lot design and trail connections at Greenwood Shores Park  o Develop potential alternatives for the north trail entry including reviewing the feasibility  of a pedestrian bridge in lieu of the current boardwalk approach.   Engineering and Design  To design the boardwalks, bridges, and trails for compatibility with existing conditions,  regulatory requirements, safety considerations, and to accommodate future uses including City  vehicles  o Compatibility with FEMA floodplains and elevations  o Ensure safe and sustainable treatment and movement of stormwater including use of  culverts, necessary volume storage and discharge  o Alignments and typical cross sections of trails  o Support engineering related to the study of potential alternatives for the north trail entry  including reviewing the feasibility of a pedestrian bridge in lieu of the current boardwalk  approach.  o Locations and design of boardwalks and bridges, top/bottom of deck elevations,  engineering of helical piers, and size/locations of abutments  o Development of a 60% plan set and Engineers Opinion of Probable Cost Estimate   Permitting  To obtain regulatory approvals to build the park features:  o Ensure stormwater engineering and ecological enhancements meet the needs and  requirements of regulatory agencies  o Ensure trail, bridge, and boardwalk designs meet setbacks, elevations, constructability,  and other standards for permitting  o Coordination with MPCA, City of Chanhassen, US Army Corps of Engineers, MNDNR, Riley  Purgatory Creek Watershed District, and Metropolitan Council for submission of permit  applications   Project Coordination  Coordination of City, Consultants, and Regulatory Agencies to keep the project on schedule and  budget  o Coordination with Gopher State One  o Coordination and meetings with Regulatory Agencies  o Development of construction schedule and phasing to meet seasonal timing  requirements  o Recurring meetings with the project team and the City of Chanhassen  o Project team communications   Public Engagement  Open house and online survey to solicit feedback from the community and keep local  stakeholders updated and aware of the project direction  o Review of findings from previous community engagement  o One open house to review and provide feedback on 60% designs  o Use of online engagement such as SurveyMonkey or Social Pinpoint to review and  provide feedback on 60% designs  o Up to 3 meetings with the Park and Recreation Commission and/or City Council    170 HKGi Agreement – City of Chanhassen Lake Ann Preserve Improvements 10 As a follow up step to this project, the 60% designs will be able to be easily transitioned into final (100%)  design drawing sets to be used for construction. Because the findings of the 60% designs will inform the  extent of the first phase of construction, the 100% design set and construction administration are not  included in this proposal.     The HKGi/SEH team proposes to accomplish the above‐described scope of services for the following fees  by task:  Geotechnical (SEH):            $33,350   Survey and Background Mapping (SEH):         $34,425  Engineering, Permitting, and Project Coordination Tasks (SEH/HKGi) :      $109,075  Landscape Architecture, Project Management/Coordination,   and Engagement Tasks (HKGi):           $69,750  Total Project Cost:        $246,600*  *inclusive of reimbursable expenses of mileage and printing    We look forward to discussing this proposal and appreciate the opportunity to contribute toward such  an important community project.   Sincerely,  Paul Paige, President HKGi paul@hkgi.com 612-940-5285   171 City Council Item January 9, 2023 Item 2022 Building Permit Activity File No.Item No: K.1 Agenda Section CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION Prepared By Jenny Potter, Sr. Admin Support Specialist Reviewed By SUGGESTED ACTION Correspondence Motion Type N/A Strategic Priority N/A SUMMARY BACKGROUND DISCUSSION BUDGET RECOMMENDATION ATTACHMENTS 2022 Building Permit Activity December Year to Date 172 2022 Building Permit Activity December YTDCity of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chan-hassen, MN 55317 952-227-1100 48l49l5l0Residential Single-Family 0000 00000Aparhents/Senior Facilities 48t4915Total Residential 2I0INew 00000Redeveloped 59'7l0l5Remodeled '7 6l2516Total Commercial '75 6988'77Single-Family Los 535353Residential Townhome Lots 122l.t I 128130Total AYailable Lots Available [,ot Inventory (end of Quarter) l'r Quarter 2d Quarter 3d Quarter 4t Quarter 98 4768494055Single-Family 000181256Torrthomes t10 002680Apartrnents/Senior Facilities 616674626tCommercial 282 108134431120134Total Number of All Permits Total Permit Historv 2022 g:\adminfoms\building peflnit activity 2022 )'td.doc \t fl[ 0\ = 4 \tY Residential Building Permits l't Qurrter 2"d Quarter 3d Quarter 46 Qurrter Total YTD Residential Townhomes 0 t0 Commerciel Building Permits l"t Quarter 2od Quarter 3'd Quarter 4'b Quarter Total YTD 0 l0 53 2017 2018 2019 20212020 0 58 173 IIIt30II3=E iI I a €d !Is II I 3 T 'G aIt a a ?9 1 2 :3 ! : ! e'e =?- - 3 ? j C = ?: 8 I F 3 := 9 = II I II I illlt III iltl llll lill E II ll II a==:1.{ i<t;,'- , j! i 2 zz??^! 18._. i.:3 L -.- == - - 3.-jj 174