Letter from neighbor BequetteFrom: bryonbequette@gmail.com <bryonbequette@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 1:30 PM To: Young-Walters, MacKenzie <mwalters@chanhassenmn.gov>; Potter, Jenny <jpotter@chanhassenmn.gov> Cc: dbequette@comcast.net Subject: Hearing on 6621 Minnewashta Pkwy, Jan 17, 2023 Ms. Potter and Mr. Young-Walters: We are sending this note in response to the proposed variance being reviewed by the Planning Commission this evening for 6621 Minnewashta Parkway. We live adjacent (North) to this property and have done so for several years. As such, we have intimate knowledge of the day-to-day management of the site as well as some of the challenges experienced living on the Parkway. We reviewed the proposed site plan with Keri and Cordell Mack, and we are supportive of the requested variances. A few things of substance that should be noted during the Planning Commission’s deliberation include: 1. All of the homes to the east of the Parkway have inherent setback challenges as you are well aware. The proposed setbacks and site lines are comforting to us and will enhance the neighborhood. 2. Our property shares a side lot set back with 6621, and snow removal management is of particular importance. We both end up using part of our hardscape in accommodating snow build up as the Parkway hinders effective snow removal to other parts of our yard. Effectively, part of our driveway is used for snow storage (as it is for 6621). 3. Our homes are on the east, non-sidewalk side of the Parkway so our yards take a significant hit with snow accumulation from routine Parkway plowing. The snow accumulations in the right of way create site line challenges and safety concerns upon exiting the property. I know this is a concern for Keri and Cordell with a newer driver in the family. 1. There should be some accommodation on hardscape coverage to effectively manage snow as the Parkway creates challenges not present with other Chanhassen homeowners on a typical residential street. 4. All of the homeowners on the Parkway have to make certain accommodations to ensure safety of family and guests. Without access to street parking, you are simply left with your driveway and lot to manage not only the parking but also the logistics to assure no one backs onto the Parkway upon exiting. This requires adequate driveway square footage unique to the properties east of the Parkway. I believe all of the existing homes have some accommodation in driveway design to allow vehicles to maneuver and exit forward. 1. Keri and Cordell’s daughter, Lauren, uses our driveway to park a vehicle thus affording greater flexibility with the 6621 driveway. We often see Keri and Cordell out moving cars or assisting family and friends with safe exits from the property. Some practical accommodation is required as the site simply tries to afford what others have access to in terms of street parking. 2. In essence, driveways on the Parkway need to be large enough to accommodate some movement of vehicles on the property to ensure safety and compare reasonably to street parking accommodations afforded to other homeowners. 5. Finally, all of these site limitations are further exacerbated with the Parkway itself, including the overall amount of traffic, the type of heavy industrial usage on the road, and frankly the excessive speeds that persist despite ongoing policing. In summary, we have reviewed the plans in detail, and feel that they are well thought out and truly make sense based on the situation and we wholly support the variances requested. We would be happy to discuss any of these points with you further. Please represent our perspective and comments with the Planning Commission and in turn the City Council. Sincerely, Bryon & Debbie Bequette Bryon Bequette Attorney at Law Bequette & Associates 6601 Minnewashta Pkwy Chanhassen, MN 55331 (612) 850-2322 bryonbequette@gmail.com Website: Bequetteandassociates.com