Ordinance IndexORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 1 An Ordinance Extending the Corporate Limits of the Village of Chanhassen to Include Certain Unincorporated Unplatted Land Not Exceeding 200 Acres In Area Abutting Upon the Village Limits. 1J An Ordinance Relating to the Dust Treatment of Streets. 2 An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor and Providing A Penalty for Violation. 2A An Ordinance Amending Section I, Subdivision 2 of Section 3, .and Subdivision 6 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 2, Adopted July 17, 1967, and Entitled "An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor and Providing a Penalty for Violation. 2B An Ordinance Amending Section I, Subdivision 5,.6, and 7 of Section 5, and Section 15 of the Chanhassen Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance As Amended. 2C An Ordinance Amending the Chanhassen Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance As Amended. 2D An Ordinance Amending Section 13, Subdivision 1 and Adding a Subdivision 18 to Section 5 of Ordinance No. 2 (Removal of Open Bottles From Licensed Premises. 2E An Ordinance Amending Section 6 of the Chanhassen Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance As Amended. 2G An Ordinance Amending Section I, of the Chanhassen Intoxicating Liquor Ordinance As Amended. 2H An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor and Providing a Penalty for Violation thereof. 2I An Ordinance Amending Sections 5, 8, 9, and of Ordinance 2-H, An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor and Providing a Penalty for Violation thereof. 2J An Ordinance Amending Section 7 of Ordinance No. 2-H, An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor and Providing a Penalty for Violation thereof. 3 An Ordinance Regulating the Use of Highways Within the Village of Chanhassen I Incorporating Provisions of the State Highway Traffic Regulation Act By Reference and Imposing a Penalty for the Violation thereof. 3A An Ordinance Regulating the Use of Streets and Highways Within the Village of Chanhassen, Incorporating Provisions of the State Highway Traffic Regulation Act By Reference; and Imposing a Penalty for the Violation thereof. 3B An Ordinance Amending Section 1 of Ordinance No. 3-A, Adopted January 19, 1970, and Regulating the Use of Streets and Highways Within the Village of Chanhassen Incorporating Provisions of the State Highway Traffic Regulation Act By Reference; and Imposing a Penalty for the Violation thereof. 3C An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 3-A, Regulating the Use of Streets and Highways Within the Village of Chanhassen. 3D An Ordinance Regulating the Use of Streets and Highways Within the City of Chanhassen, Incorporating Provisions of the State Highway Traffic Regulation Act By Reference; and Imposing a Penalty for the Violation thereof. 3E An Ordinance Amending Section 3 and Adding a Provision Relating to "U-Turns. 3F An Ordinance Prohibiting Parking On Part of Powers Boulevard. 3G An Ordinance Prohibiting Parking On Part of Chan View. 3H An Ordinance Regulating the Use of Streets and Highways Within the City of Chanhassen, Incorporating Provisions of the State Highway Traffic Regulation Act By Reference, and Imposing a Penalty for the Violation thereof. 3I An Ordinance Amending Section 11 of Ordinance 3-H, Adopted On August 1, 1977, Entitled An Ordinance Regulating the Use of Streets and Highways Within the City of Chanhassen, Incorporating Provisions of the State Highway Traffic Regulation Act By Reference, and Imposing a Penalty for the Violation thereof. 3J An Ordinance Amending Section 11.01 of Ordinance 3-H Which Regulates the Use of Streets and Highways Within the City of Chanhassen, Incorporating Provisions of the State Highway Traffic Regulation Act By Reference, and Imposing a Penalty for the Violation thereof. 4 An Ordinance Establishing Truck Routes and Regulating the Movement of Trucks Within the Village. 5 An Ordinance Regulating Connection to the Sanitary Sewer System of the City and Establishing Rates and Charges therefore. 5A An Ordinance Regulating Operation and Maintenance of 201 Program Sewer Systems. 6 An Ordinance Regulating Connection to the City Water Supply System and Establishing Rates and Charges therefore. 7 An Ordinance Establishing Date of Regular Village Election. 7A An Ordinance Establishing the Biennial Election System. 8 An Ordinance of the Village of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, Granting to the Minnesota Natural Gas Company, a Minnesota Corporation, Its Lessees, Successors, and Assigns, a Non-Exclusive Franchise to Operate a Gas System Within the Village of Chanhassen and to Supply Gas to the Inhabitants thereof; and to Otherwise Regulate Such Business Operations. 9 An Ordinance Prohibiting the Discharge of Firearms Within the Village of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, and for the Promotion of Safety and General Welfare of the People. 9A An Ordinance Prohibiting the Discharge of Firearms and Weapons Within the City of Chanhassen and for the Promotion of Safety and General Welfare of the People. 9B An Ordinance Prohibiting the Discharge of Firearms and Weapons Within the City of Chanhassen and for the Promotion of Safety and General Welfare of the People, and repealing Ordinance 9A. 9C An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 9-B Entitled An Ordinance Prohibiting the Discharge of Firearms and Weapons Within the City of Chanhassen and for the Promotion of Safety and General Welfare of the People - Adopted On August 3, 1981. 10 An Ordinance Regulating the Installation, Construction, Alteration, Extension, Repair, and Maintenance of Individual Sewage Disposal Systems; Requiring Permits for, and Licensing of Persons Engaged In the Construction thereof; Providing for Inspection; Prescribing Penalties; and Adopting By Reference the 1962 Minnesota Individual Sewage Disposal System Code. 10A An Ordinance Amending Section 4.01 of Ordinance No. 10 of the Individual Sewage Disposal System Code. 10B An Ordinance Regulating the Design, Location, Installation, Construction, Alteration, Extension, Repair, Use and Maintenance of Individual Sewage Treatment Systems; Requiring Permits for, and Licensing of Persons Engaged In the Design, Construction, to Be Necessary for the Protection of the Health, Welfare and Safety of the Public and Preservation of the Environment. Maintenance thereof Or Performing Percolation Tests and/Or Soil Evaluations for Individual Sewage Treatment Systems; Payment of Fees; Providing for Inspection; Penalties for Failure to Comply; Issuing, Denying, Modifying, Imposing Conditions Upon, Suspending Or Revoking Permits Or Licenses; and Other Matters As Determined 11 An Ordinance Adopting a Fire Prevention Code Prescribing Regulations Covering Conditions Hazardous 'Io Life and Property From Fire Or Explosion, and Establishing a Bureau of Fire Prevention and Providing officers therefore and Defining their Powers and Duties. 12 An Ordinance for the Organization and Regulation of Volunteer Fire Department. the Village Council of Chanhassen Ordains. 12A An Ordinance for the Organization and Regulation of Volunteer Fire Department. the Village Council of Chanhassen Ordains. 13 An Ordinance Regulating the Presence of Minors Under the Age of Eighteen Years On Streets Or In Public Places Between Certain Hours, Defining the Duties of Parents and Others In the Care of Minors, and Providing for Arrest and Penalties for Violation thereof. 14 An Ordinance Requiring the Dedication of Land for Public Recreation Use, Or Cash Payment In Lieu thereof. PAGE 1 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 14A An Ordinance Which Recognizes the Need for Neighborhood Parks, Establishes Standards and Improvement Guidelines for Such, and Provides Methods of Acquisition and Development. 14B An Ordinance Amending Sections 1.04, 1.06, 1.07, 6.01 and 6.02 of Ordinance No. 14-A, the Chanhassen Neighborhood Park Charge Ordinance, and Adding thereto Section 4.09. 14C An Ordinance Amending Section 4.09 of Ordinance 14-A, the Chanhassen Neighborhood Park Charge Ordinance and Adding thereto Section 6.03, and Amending Sections 4 and Section 7.03 (E) of Ordinance 33, the Chanhassen Subdivision Ordinance. 15 An Ordinance Regulating the Use, Administration, Maintenance and Operation of Private Or Public Dumping Grounds. 16 An Ordinance Defining Disorderly Conduct and Providing for Punishment thereof. 17 An Ordinance Establishing a Park and Recreation Commission for the Village of Chanhassen, Minnesota. 18 An Ordinance Providing for the Abolition of the office of Village Constable and for the Performance of Powers and Duties of the Constable By Certain Village Police officers. 19 An Ordinance Providing for Civil Defense and for Protection and of Chanhassen During Civil Defense Emergencies. Promotion of Public Safety, Health, and Welfare In the Village, the Village Council of Chanhassen Ordains. 20 An Ordinance Providing for the Permanent Registration of Qualified Voters In the Village of Chanhassen. 21 An Ordinance Relating to the Elimination of Weeds From Public and Private Property. 22 An Ordinance Defining Nuisances, Prohibiting their Creation Or Maintenance and Providing for Abatement and Penalties for Violation thereof. 22A An Ordinance Amending Section 9 and Subsection 12 of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 22, the City of Chanhassen Nuisance Ordinance. 22B An Ordinance Amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 22, the Chanhassen Nuisance Ordinance. 23 An Ordinance Regulating the Erection, Construction, Enlargement, Alteration, Repair, Moving, Removal, Conversion, Demolition, Occupancy, Equipment, Use Height, Area, and Maintenance of Buildings Or Structures In the .Village of Chanhassen, Minnesota; Providing for the Issuance of Permits and Collection of Fees therefore; Declaring and Establishing Fire Districts; Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof, and Repealing All Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances In Conflict therewith. 23A An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 23, the Chanhassen Building Code, to Delete there from Subparagraph (E) of Subsection F of Section 3. 23B An Ordinance Adopting the Minnesota State Building Code; Providing for Its Administration and Enforcement; Fixing Fees for Building Permits; Repealing All Ordinances and Parts of Ordinances In Conflict therewith, Including Ordinances No. 23 and 23-A. 23C An Ordinance Adopting the 1982 Edition of the Uniform Building Code, Including Specific Chapters of the UBC Appendix, By Amending Section 1, Section 2.1, Section 3.3, and Section 3.6 of Ordinance No. 23-B. 24 An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Dogs, Providing for Impounding Dogs, and Prescribing a Penalty for Violation. 24A An Ordinance Amending Section 19 and Section 21 of Ordinance No. 24 Adopted March 4, 1968, and Entitled An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Dogs, Providing for Impounding Dogs, and Prescribing a Penalty for Violation. 24B An Ordinance Amending Section 2, Section 8, and Section 12 of Ordinance No. 24, Adopted March 4, 1968, and Entitled" An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Dogs, Providing for Impounding Dogs, and Prescribing a Penalty for Violation. 24C An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Dogs and Cats, Providing for Impounding Dogs and Cats, and Prescribing a Penalty for Violation. 24D An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Dogs and Cats, Providing for Impounding of Dogs and Cats, and Prescribing a Penalty for Violations. 24E An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 24-D Entitled An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Dogs and Cats, Providing for Impounding of Dogs and Cats, and Prescribing a Penalty for Violations. 25 An Ordinance Regulating and Controlling the Ignition and Maintenance of Fires Within the Village of Chanhassen. 26 An Ordinance Providing for the Establishment of Planned Industrial Districts and Defining and Regulating the Uses Permitted therein. 26A An Ordinance Amending Chanhassen township Ordinance No. 1, Zoning Ordinance, to Rezone From Farm Residence District to Planned Industrial District; and Amending Chanhassen Village Ordinance No. 26, Planned Industrial Districts, Establishing a Planned Industrial District. 26B An Ordinance Amending Chanhassen township Ordinance No. 1, Zoning Ordinance, to Rezone From Farm Residence District to Planned Industrial District, Business District and Residence District "C "; and Amending Chanhassen Village Ordinance No. 26, Planned Industrial Districts, Establishing a Planned Industrial District. 26C An Ordinance Amending Chanhassen township Ordinance No. 1, Zoning Ordinance, to Rezone From Farm Residence District to Business District. 26D An Ordinance Amending Chanhassen township Ordinance No. 1, Zoning Ordinance, to Rezone From Farm Residence District to Residence District "A" and Residence District "C”. 27 An Ordinance Regulating the Installation of Utilities and Underground Construction. 28 An Ordinance Establishing a Planning Commission to Plan for the Physical Development of the Village and to Recommend a Zoning Plan. 28A An Ordinance Establishing a Planning Commission to Plan for the Physical Development of the City and to Recommend official Controls. 29 An Ordinance Setting forth Urban and Rural Service Districts In the Village of Chanhassen, Minnesota, and Relating to Taxation of Lands Which Are Rural In Character and Not Developed for Commercial, Industrial Or Urban Residential Purposes, All Pursuant to Authority of Chapter 712, Laws 1965. 29A An Ordinance Amending Sections 4 and 6 of Ordinance No. 29, Adopted July 1, 1968, and Entitled An Ordinance Setting forth Urban and Rural Service Districts In the Village of Chanhassen, Minnesota, and Relating to Taxation of Lands. 30 An Ordinance Regulating the Installation, Alteration, Extension and Repair of Plumbing Systems; Requiring Permits therefore; Licensing of Persons Engaged In the Installation thereof; Providing for Inspection; Prescribing Penalties; and Adopting By Reference the Minnesota Plumbing Code. 30A An Ordinance Amending Section 5.01 of Ordinance No. 30, the Plumbing Code of the Village of Chanhassen. 30B An Ordinance Amending Sections I, 4 and 7 of Ordinance No. 30, the Chanhassen Plumbing Code. 30C An Ordinance Amending Section 5.01 of Ordinance 30-A of the Chanhassen Plumbing Code. 31 An Ordinance Establishing An Industrial Commission to Achieve An Industrial Climate Conducive to the Retention and Expansion of Existing Industries and the Location of New Industries Within the Village. 32 An Ordinance Relating to the Consumption and Display of Intoxicating Liquor In Private Clubs and Public Places, and Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof. 33 An Ordinance Establishing the Village Council As the Platting Authority of the Village, Establishing Regulations and Procedures for the Subdivision and Platting of Land Within the Village, and Providing Penalties for the Violation of This Ordinance. 33A An Ordinance Amending Sections 6.01 (K), 7.02 (F), 7.02 (H), 8.03 (H), 8.04(A), 8.05(B), and 18, of the Subdivision Ordinance of the Village of Chanhassen and Adding thereto Sections 7.02 (K), 7.03 (I) and 7. 04 (H). 33B An Ordinance Amending Section 13.01 of the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Chanhassen. PAGE 2 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 33C An Ordinance Amending Sections 4 and 7.03(E) of Ordinance No. 33, the Chanhassen Subdivision Ordinance. 33D An Ordinance Establishing Subdivision Regulations In the City of Chanhassen. 33E An Ordinance Amending Sections 5.3(6) and 9.2(7) of Subdivision Ordinance Number 33-D. 34 Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors. 34A Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors. 34B Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors. 34C Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors. 34D Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors. 34E An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Sale and Consumption of Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquors and Providing a Penalty for the Violation thereof; and Repealing Ordinances 34, 34a, 34b, 34c, and 34d. 35 An Ordinance relating to the sale and consumption of intoxicating liquor and non-intoxicating malt liquor, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. 36 Sign Ordinance 36A Sign Ordinance 36B Sign Ordinance 36C Sign Ordinance 36D Sign Ordinance 36E An Ordinance Amending Sections 3.13 and 5.01 of Ordinance No. 36, As Amended Heretofore, and Entitled "An Ordinance Regulating and Providing for the Licensing of Signs. 37 An Ordinance Prescribing the Maximum Penalty for Ordinance Violations. 38 An Ordinance to Provide a Uniform System for Naming and Numbering Streets and Numbering Properties and Principal Buildings In the Village of Chanhassen. 39 An Ordinance, Establishing a Human Rights Commission for the Village of Chanhassen. 40 An Ordinance Relating To The Location, Size, Use And Arrangement Of Buildings, And The Issuance Of Permits Therefore, On Lots In The Village Of Chanhassen And For The Purpose Of Promoting The Public Health, Safety, Order, Convenience, Prosperity And General Welfare Of The Said Village. 41 An Ordinance Regulating the Installation, Construction, Alteration, Extension, Repair, Operation and Maintenance of Individual Domestic Water Supply and Distribution Systems; Requiring Permits for and Licensing of Persons Engaged In the Construction thereof; Providing for Inspection; and Prescribing Penalties. 42 An Ordinance Regulating the Manufacture, Storage, Handling, Use and Sale of Explosives and Providing a Penalty for Violation thereof. 43 An Ordinance Regulating the Presence of Minors Under the Age of Eighteen Years On Streets Or In Public Or Quasi- Public Places Between Certain Hours, Defining the Duties of Parents and Others In the Care of Minors, and Providing for Arrest and Penalties for Violation thereof. 43A An Ordinance Regulating the Presence of Minors Under the Age of Eighteen Years On Streets Or In Public Or Quasi-Public Places Between Certain Hours, Defining the Duties of Parents and Others In the Care of Minors, and Providing for Arrest and Penalties for Violation thereof. 44 An Ordinance Regulating the Operation of Snowmobiles. 45 An Ordinance Establishing Regulations For The Development Of Areas Not Served By Public Sanitary Sewer, And Providing Penalties For The Violation Thereof. 46 An Ordinance Prohibiting the Operation of Motorboats On Lake Ann and Providing a Penalty for Violation thereof. 47 An Ordinance To Promote The Health, Safety, Order, Convenience And General Welfare By Regulating The Use Of Land, The Location And The Use Of Buildings And The Arrangement Thereof On Lots, And The Density Of Population In The Village Of Chanhassen, Minnesota. 47A An Ordinance Amending Sections 19.10(1) , And 19.16(1), Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance And Adding Thereto Sections 10 .10(1), 12.12 (1), 13, 19.18,19.19,23.06(5) And 23.10. 47AA An Ordinance Amending Section 16.09 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47AB An Ordinance Amending Section 4.02, 5, 6.04, 7.04 And 14.04 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47AC An Ordinance Amending Section 5.01 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47AD An Ordinance Amending Section 6.04 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47AE An Ordinance Amending The City Of Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance By Establishing Design And Construction Standards For Residential Buildings Constructed In Any Residential Zoning District. 47AF An Ordinance Amending The City of Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance by Establishing the R-lMH, Single Family Manufactured Housing District. 47AG An Ordinance Amending Sections 4.02, 6.02, 7.02, 8.02, 14.02, 15.02, And 16.02 Of Zoning Ordinance No. 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. 47AH An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 47, The City's Zoning Ordinance. 47AI An Ordinance Amending Section 14.11 Of Ordinance 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance," Adopted February 8, 1972. 47AJ An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 47, The City's Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 33, The City's Subdivision Ordinance, And Repealing Ordinances No. 45, 64, 64a And 64b. 47AK An Ordinance Amending Section 14.11 Of Ordinance 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted February 8, 1972. 47AL An Ordinance Amending Section 22 (Board Of Adjustments And Appeals; Variances) Of Ordinance No. 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. 47AM An Ordinance Amending Section 7.08 Of Ordinance 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted February 8, 1972. 47AN An Ordinance Amending Section 22 (Board Of Adjustments And Appeals; Variances) Of Ordinance No. 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. 47AO An Ordinance Amending Section 7.04, Subsection 11 (Uses By Conditional Use Permit) Of Ordinance 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. 47AP An Ordinance Amending Section 6.04 (Uses By Conditional Use Permit Within An R-1a, Agricultural Residence District) Of Ordinance 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. 47AQ An Ordinance Amending Section 7.08 Of Ordinance 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted February 8, 1972. 47AR An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 47, The City's Zoning Ordinance, By Adding Wetland Protection Regulations. 47AS An Ordinance Amending Section 10.10 Of Ordinance No. 47 Entitled "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted February 8, 1972. 47AT An Ordinance Amending Section 4 (Rules And Definitions) And Section 6.04 (Uses By Conditional Use Permit Within An R-Ia, Agricultural Residence District) Of Ordinance 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. 47AU An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09 Of Ordinance 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted February 8, 1972. 47AV An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 47 The City's Zoning Ordinance. 47AW An Ordinance Amending Section 11.04 (Uses By Conditional Use Permit Within The C-3, Commercial Services District) Of Ordinance 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. 47AX An Ordinance Amending Section 7.08 Of Ordinance 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted February 8, 1972. 47AY An Ordinance Amending Section 4 (Rules And Definitions) And Section 6.04 (Uses By Conditional Use Permit Within R-La, Agricultural Residence District) Of Ordinance 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. PAGE 3 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 47AZ An Ordinance Amending Section 4 (Rules And Definitions) And Section 6.04 (Uses By Conditional Use Permit Within R-1a, Agricultural Residence District) Of Ordinance 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. 47B An Ordinance Amending Sections 6.02,6.04,7.04,7.08,14.11,16.02, And 4.02 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47BA An Ordinance Amending Section 4 (Rules And Definitions) And Section 6.04 (Uses By Conditional Use Permit Within R-1a, Agricultural Residence District) Of Ordinance 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. 47BB An Ordinance Amending Section 10.10 And Section 14.11 Of Ordinance No. 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted On February 8, 1972. 47BC An Ordinance Amending Section 17.02 Of Ordinance 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted February 8, 1972. 47BD An Ordinance Amending Section 14 (Planned Residential Development District) Of Ordinance 47 As Amended Heretofore And Entitled "Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47. 47BE An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09 Of Ordinance 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted February 8, 1972. 47BF An Ordinance Amending Section 6.04 Of Ordinance No. 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted February 8, 1972. 47BG An Ordinance Amending Section 19.03 Of Ordinance No. 47 "The 'Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted February 8, 1972. 47BH An Ordinance Amending Sections 6.04 7.04, 14.04 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47BI An Ordinance Amending Section 14.11 Of Ordinance No. 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted On February 8, 1972. 47BJ An Ordinance Amending Section 14.11 Of Ordinance No. 47 "The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance" Adopted On February 8, 1972. 47BK An Ordinance Amending The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance By Adding Provisions Concerning Grading And Erosion Control. 47BL An Ordinance Amending Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 47, Repealing Section 19.13 And Amending Sections 14.01 - 14.07 And Repealing Section 15 To Provide For Planned Unit Development Regulations. 47C An Ordinance Amending Sections 11.04 And 11.07 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47D An Ordinance Amending Section 13.05 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47E An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance 47-D Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47F An Ordinance Amending Sections 4.02 And 6.04 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47G An Ordinance Amending Section 5.01 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance And Adding Section 7A Thereto. 47H An Ordinance Amending Section 7 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47I An Ordinance Repealing Subsection No.1, Noise, Of Section 12.07, Performance Standards, Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance And Adding Thereto Section 19.20, Noise Standards. 47J Amending Section 19.15, Zoning Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance By Section 2 Lot Limitation, Of The Adding Thereto Sub-Section 2. 47K An Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting Construction Or Development Within The Chanhassen Housing And Redevelopment Authority's Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. 47K3 An Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting Construction Or Development Within The Chanhassen Housing And Redevelopment Authority's Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. 47K4 An Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting Construction Or Development Within The Chanhassen Housing And Redevelopment Authority's Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. 47K6 An Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting Construction Or Development In Areas Influencing The Chanhassen Housing And Redevelopment Authority's Downtown Redevelopment Project Area. 47K7 An Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting The Construction Of Fast Food Restaurants Within Certain Areas Of The City. 47K8 An Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting The Construction Of Fast Food Restaurants Within Certain Areas Of The City. 47K8a An Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting The Construction Of Fast Food Restaurants Within Certain Areas Of The City. 47L An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 47, The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47M An Ordinance Amending Section 14.11 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47N An Ordinance Amending Section 14.11 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47O An Ordinance Amending Section 14.11 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47P An Ordinance Amending Section 14.11 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47Q An Ordinance Amending Section 13.05 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47R An Ordinance Amending Section 17.09 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47S An Ordinance Amending Section 12.03 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47T An Ordinance Amending Section 13.05 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47U An Ordinance Amending Section 7.08 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47V An Ordinance Amending Section 9.10 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47W An Ordinance Amending Section 7.08 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47X An Ordinance Amending Section 14.11 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47Y An Ordinance Amending Section 6.08 Of The Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 47Z An Ordinance Amending Section 16.02. 48 An Ordinance Relating to Wrecked, Abandoned, Partially Dismantled Vehicles, Declaring the Same to Be a Nuisance, Providing for the Removal of Such Vehicles From Public and Private Property and Imposing Penalties. 49 An Ordinance Regulating Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants; Requiring Licenses; and Establishing Penalties. 50 An Ordinance Relating to the Control and Prevention of Dutch Elm Disease Within the Village of Chanhassen. 51 An Ordinance Providing for and Regulating the Disposal of Refuse and Garbage. Licensing Refuse and Garbage Collectors, and for the Alleviation of Air Pollution and Repealing Ordinance No. 25. 52 An Ordinance Establishing Compensation for Members of the Chanhassen Village Council. 52A An Ordinance Establishing Compensation for Members of the Chanhassen City Council. 52B An Ordinance Amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance No. 52-A, Adopted October 18, 1976, and Entitled "An Ordinance Establishing Compensation for Members of the Chanhassen City Council. 52C An Ordinance Amending Sections 1 and 2 of Ordinance 52-B, Adopted April 9, 1980, and Entitled "An Ordinance Establishing Compensation for Members of the Chanhassen City Council. 53 An Ordinance to Require a License for Utility Installers to Make Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer Connections; Providing a Fee; Bonding; Insurance; and Penalty for Violation; and Repealing Section 3.01 of Ordinance No. 5--D and Sections 1. 07, 1. 08, and 1. 09 of Ordinance No. 6. 54 An Ordinance Granting Permission to Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative, An Incorporated Cooperative Association, Its Successors and Assigns, to Construct, Operate, Repair, and Maintain, In the Village of Chanhassen, Minnesota, An Electric Distribution System and Transmission Lines, Including Necessary Poles, Pole Lines, and Fixtures and Appurtenances, for the Furnishing of Electric Energy to the Village and Its Inhabitants, and Others, and Transmitting Electric Energy Into and Through the Village and to Use the Streets, Alleys, and Public Grounds of Said Village for Such Purposes. 55 An Ordinance Providing for the Partial Prepayment of Public Improvement Special Assessments. 56 An Ordinance Establishing Regulations for the Keeping, Raising Or Boarding of Horses Within the City and Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof. PAGE 4 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 57 An Ordinance Relating to the Sale and Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor and Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor, and Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof. 57A An Ordinance Relating to the Sale and Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor and Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor and Providing Penalties for the Violation thereof. 58 An Ordinance Relating to the Control and Prevention of Dutch Elm and Other Arboreal Diseases. 58A An Ordinance Relating to the Control and Prevention of Dutch Elm and Other Arboreal Diseases. 58B An Ordinance Relating to the Control and Prevention of Dutch Elm and Other Arboreal Diseases. 59 An Ordinance Relating to the Control and Prevention of Dutch Elm and Other Arboreal Diseases. 60 An Ordinance Prohibiting the Excavation and Grading of the Earth and the Opening of Pits Without First Obtaining a Permit therefore, Providing for the Issuance of Permits, and Providing Penalties for the Violation of This Ordinance. 61 An Ordinance Granting to Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns, Permission to Construct, Operate, Repair, and Maintain In the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, An Electric Distribution System and Transmission Lines, Including Necessary Poles, Pole Lines, and Fixtures and Appurtenances: for the Furnishing of Electric Energy to the City and Its Inhabitants, and Others, and to Use the Streets, Alleys, Public Ways and Public Grounds of Said City for Such Purposes. 62 An Ordinance Adopting the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code By Reference. 62A An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 62 Entitled An Ordinance Adopting the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code By Reference. 63 An Ordinance Relating to the Duties of the City Clerk (Under Optional Plan B form of Government. 64 An Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting Construction Or Development Within the Areas of Chanhassen Not Served By City Sanitary Sewer, and Providing a Penalty for the Violation thereof. 64 A Amending 64 – Construction in Non-Sewer Areas. 64B Prohibiting construction or development not served by city sewer 65 Interim Ordinance for the Management of Shore land Areas of the City of Chanhassen. 65A An Ordinance for the Management of Shore land Areas of the City of Chanhassen. 66 An Ordinance Establishing An Industrial Sewer User Strength Charge to Recover Operation and Maintenance Costs of Waste Treatment Services Attributable to the Strength of the Discharge of Industrial Waste Into the City Sanitary Sewer System and Providing for the Collection of Such Strength Charge. 67 An Ordinance Establishing Rules of Procedure for the Conduct of City Council Business. 67A An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 67 Adopted On May 24, 1976, and Entitled An Ordinance Establishing Rules of Procedure for the Conduct of City Council Business. 67B An Ordinance Establishing Rules of Procedure for the Conduct of City Council Business. 68 Flood Plain Management Ordinance. 69 An Ordinance Providing for the Collection of Charges for Performance of Services Relating to Sidewalks, Weed Elimination, Removal of Public Health Or Safety Hazards, Water Service Lines, Dust Treatment of Streets, Tree Care and Removal, and Street Lighting. 70 An Ordinance Establishing a Police Liaison Commission for the City of Chanhassen. 70A An Ordinance Establishing a Public Safety Liaison Commission for the City of Chanhassen. 70B An Ordinance Establishing a Public Safety Liaison Commission for the City of Chanhassen. 71 An Omnibus Ordinance Providing Fees for Review and Investigation of Certain Applications. 71A An Ordinance Amending Section 3.02 of Ordinance No. 71 Entitled An Omnibus Ordinance Providing Fees for Review and Investigation of Certain Applications Adopted On March 1, 1982. 72 An Ordinance Regulating Alarm Systems. 73 An Ordinance Relating to the Use of Surface Waters and Adjoining Shoreline In the City of Chanhassen Within Its Legal Boundaries. 73A An Ordinance Amending Section 3.04 of Ordinance No. 73 Relating to the Use of Surface Waters and Adjoining Shorelines. 74 An Ordinance Licensing and Regulating the Conduct of Bingo and Gambling Adopting State Law and Providing for a License and License Fees. 75 An Ordinance Authorizing the Housing and Redevelopment Authority In and for the City of Chanhassen to Exercise, On Behalf of the City of Chanhassen, the Powers Conferred By Minnesota Statutes, Section 462c.0l to 462c.08. 76 Mechanical Amusement Device Ordinance. 77 Cable Television Franchise Ordinance. 78 An Ordinance Establishing An Administrative Code for the City of Chanhassen, Establishing Department and officers. 79 An Ordinance Establishing a City Cemetery and Providing for the Control, Management and Operation of Such Cemetery. 80A An Ordinance Amending Article Ii, Definitions and Article V, Section 9 (11) of the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 80, Adopted February 19, 1987 80B An Ordinance Amending Article Vi, Supplementary Regulations, of the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 80, Adopted February 19, 1987. 80C An Ordinance Amending Article V, Section 24 (13) (3) of the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 80, Adopted February 19, 1987. 80D An Ordinance Amending Article V, Section 14 (2) of the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 80, Adopted February 19, 1987. 80E An Ordinance Amending Article V, Section 3 (4) of the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 80, Adopted February 19, 1987. 80F An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 80, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Chanhassen. 80G An Ordinance Amending Article V, Section 11 (4) of the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance No. 80, Adopted February 19, 1987. 81 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 5 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Animals By Adding Provisions Concerning Dangerous Animals. 82 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, Article II of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning the Uniform Building Code. 83 An Ordinance Adopting and Enacting a New Code for the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; Providing for the Repeal of Certain Ordinances Not Included therein; Providing a Penalty for the Violation thereof; Providing for the Manner of Amending Such Code; and Providing When Such Code and This Ordinance Shall Become Effective. 84 An Ordinance Amending the Certain Sections of the Chanhassen City Code. 85 An Ordinance Amending the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Park Land Dedication Requirements. 86 An Ordinance Approving the Sale and Transfer of Ownership In Cable System and Transfer of Cable Franchise of Dowden Cable Partners, L.P. to Triax Midwest Associates, L.P. 87 An Ordinance Amending Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code. 88 An Ordinance Amending Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code. 89 An Ordinance Regulating the Parking of Boat Trailers On South Shore Drive, South Shore Court, and Hill Street. 90 An Ordinance Amending the Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Various Zoning Ordinance Regulations. 91 An Ordinance Amending Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code. 92 An Ordinance Amending Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code. 93 An Ordinance Amending Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code. 94 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20, the Zoning Ordinance, of the City of Chanhassen Code Concerning Setback Requirements for Building and off-Street Parking. 95 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the Chanhassen City Code Authorizing Certain officials to Enforce the City Code and to Issue Citation. PAGE 5 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 96 An Ordinance Amending Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code. 97 An Ordinance Amending Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code. 98 An Ordinance Amending Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code. 99 An Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting Issuance of Land Use Approvals and Building Permits for Convenience Stores In the CBD, BH, and BN Zoning Districts. 100 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Acceptance of Gifts. 101 An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 80, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Chanhassen. 102 An Ordinance Amending the City Code of the City of Chanhassen By Adopting Minnesota Rules Parts 7005.0700 to 7005.082 (formerly APC 8) Open Burning Restrictions and Permitting Requirements By Reference. 103 An Ordinance Amending the Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the City's Zoning Ordinance. 104 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 15 of the City Code Relating to official Maps and their Effect and Providing Procedures In Connection therewith. 105 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 15 of the City Code Relating to official Maps. 106 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20, Section 20-237 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Conditional Use Permits. 107 An Ordinance Granting to Minnesota Valley Electric Company, a Minnesota Corporation, Its Successors and Assigns, Permission to Construct, Operate, Repair, and Maintain In the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota, An Electric Distribution System and Transmission Lines, Including Necessary Poles, Pole Lines and Fixtures and Appurtenances, for the Furnishing of Electric Energy to the City and Its Inhabitants, and Others, and to Use the Public Ways and Public Grounds of Said City for Such Purposes. 108 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance. 109 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 6 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Boats and Waterways. 110 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance. 111 An Ordinance Amending Section 20 of the Chanhassen City Code. 112 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 10 of the Chanhassen City Code By Adding Provisions Regulating the Sale of tobacco Products. 113 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 16 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Solid Waste. 114 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 15 of the City Code Relating to official Maps. 115 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 1 0, Article Ii of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Alcoholic Beverages. 116 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code By Adding Provisions Concerning Convenience Stores and Motor Fuel Stations. 117 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance. 118 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, Article II of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning the Building Code. 119 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance. 120 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code By Adding Provisions Concerning Interim Use Permits. 121 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance Concerning Recreational Beach lots. 122 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance. 123 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code. 124 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance. 125 An Ordinance Amending Section 18-57 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Streets. 126 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 16 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Solid Waste. 127 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance Dealing With Neck/Flag Lots and Access By Private Driveways. 128 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7 and Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code Pertaining to Excavating, Mining, Filling, and Grading. 129 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of' the Chanhassen City Code, the City's Zoning Ordinance. 130 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Certificates of Occupancy. 131 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance, Concerning Variances. 132 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 19 of the Chanhassen City Code By Adding An Article Establishing a Surface Water Management Utility. 133 An Ordinance Amending Title 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the City's Zoning Ordinance, Concerning Wetland Regulations. 134 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 14 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Parks and Recreation. 135 An Ordinance Amending Section 18-57, Subdivisions, of the Chanhassen City Code. 136 An Ordinance Amending Sections 20-695, 20-715, 20-735, 20-755, 20-774 and 20-815 Regarding Parking Setbacks and Buffer Yards. 137 Division 4. Standards for Business, office, Institutional and Industrial Districts. 138 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 9, Article III of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning the Fire Code. 139 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance, Concerning Criteria for Amending the Zoning Ordinance. 140 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code Article X, A2, Agricultural Estate District. 141 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the City Code, the Zoning Ordinance, Concerning Variances. 142 An Ordinance Amending Article Ii, Administration and Enforcement and Article V, Flood Plain Overlay District. 143 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance, Concerning Variances. 144 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance. 145 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance. 146 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Recreational Beach lots. 147 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 19 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning the City's Storm Water Utility. 148 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance, Concerning the Designation of the Zoning Administrator. 149 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance. 150 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 14 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Rules In City Parks. 151 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, Zoning Ordinance Concerning Bed and Breakfast Establishments. 152 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Zoning Ordinance. 153 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 18 and Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance. 154 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, the City's Zoning Ordinance, By Rezoning Certain Property (Timberwood Estates, Sun Ridge, Pioneer Hills, Lake Riley Woods, Lake Riley Woods 2nd Addition, Deerbrook, The Hesse Farms). 155 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 10 of the Chanhassen City Code By Adding Provisions Regulating the Sale of tobacco Products. 156 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 10 of the Chanhassen City Code By Adding Article 5 Regulating Lawful Gambling. 157 Amends Chapter 20 of the City Code By Rezoning Certain Property (Ersbo Addition). PAGE 6 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 158 Amends Chapter 10, Art. Ii, Concerning Liquor Licenses. Re: Application and Investigation Hearing. 159 Amends Chapter 13 of the City Code By Adding Provisions Regulating Noise. 160 Amends Chs. 6 and 20 of the City Code Concerning the Mooring of Watercraft. 161 Amends Chapter 20 of the City Code, the City's Zoning Ordinance, Section 20-122. 162 Amends Chapter 12 of the City Code Concerning Parking of Motor Vehicles. 163 Amends Chapter 20 of the City Code Concerning Non-Conforming Beachlots. 164 Amends Chapter 20 of the City Code, the City's Zoning Ordinance. 165 Amends Chapter 20 of the City Code Concerning Non-Conforming Uses, Structures and Lots. 166 Amends Chapter 2, Art. Vi of the City Code Concerning the City's Public Safety Liaison Commission. 167 Amends Chapter 7 of the City Code Concerning Buildings and Building Regulations. 168 Amends Chapter 19 of the City Code Concerning Water, Sewage and Sewage Disposal. 169 Amends Ch 20 Sec 20 of the City Code Pertaining to Mining and Earth Work. 170 Amends Lot Requirements and Setbacks, "A-2" & "RR". 171 Amends Ordinance 160 of the City Code, Sect. 6-27(B) Concerning the Mooring of Watercraft. 172 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code By Rezoning Certain Property (Bluff Creek Estates). 173 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code Concerning Allowed Uses In BH District. 174 Grants Minnegasco, Inc. a Nonexclusive Franchise. 175 Amends Chapter 10 of the City Code Concerning the Sale of Intoxicating Malt Liquor. 176 Amends Chapter 7 of the City Code Concerning Building and Building Regulations. 177 Amends Chapter 20, Zoning, By Rezoning Certain Property (Chanhassen Retail Addition). 178 Amends Chapters 18 and 20 of the City Code Concerning Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control. 179 Amends Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning Residential PUD's. 180 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code Concerning Wetlands. 181 Amends Chapter 20 of the City Code's Zoning Ordinance, Concerning Height and Location of Fences. 182 Amend Chapter 18 of the City Code Concerning Subdivisions. 183 Amending Chapter 5, Section 5-73 of the City Code Concerning the Euthanizing of Animals. 184 Amending Chapter 20 and Chapter 6 of the City Code Concerning Dock Setbacks. 185 Amends Chapter 12 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Winter Parking Regulations. 186 Amends Chapter 10, Article Iv of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Peddlers, Solicitors, and transient Merchants. 187 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code, Zoning Ordinance, Re: Rezoning Certain Property. Windmill Run 188 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code, Zoning Ordinance, Re: Rezoning Certain Property. Chanhassen Business Center 189 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code, Zoning Ordinance, Re: Rezoning Certain Property. Stone Creek 190 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code, Zoning Ordinance, By Rezoning Certain Property - Trotters Ridge. 191 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code By Rezoning Certain Property. (Royal Oak Estates) 192 No Ordinance assigned. 193 Amends Chapter 10 of City Code Defining, Licensing, Requirements, Restrictions, and Penalties for Violations for Sexually Oriented Businesses. 194 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code, Zoning Ordinance, Re: Lot Setbacks. 195 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code, the Zoning Ordinance, Concerning Landscaping Standards. 196 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code, Zoning Ordinance Amendment Regarding: Variances Associated With Platting 197 Amends Chapter 20 of City Code, Re: Rezoning Certain Property in West One Addition to PUD. 198 Amends Chapters 14 & 18 of City Code Concerning Park Dedication Requirements 199 Rezones the Property At the Southeast Corner of the Intersection of Highway 5 and Galpin Boulevard From A2 to OI, New Chanhassen Elementary School Site. 200 Amending Chapter 16 Concerning Hours of Collection for Mixed Municipal Solid Waste (4-11-94). 201 Amending Chapter 10 Concerning Intoxicating Liquor (off-Sale Establishments May Not Be Located Within 500 Feet of Each Other and Only 4 Licenses May Be Issued In the City). (4-11-94) 202 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning Ordinance, Regarding Wetland Protection (4-25-94). 203 Amending Chapters 18 and 20, Zoning Ordinance, Concerning Subdivision Data Requirements and Site Plan Applications Site and Building Plans (Computer Aided Graphics) (5-9-94). 204 Amending Chapters 18 and 20, Zoning Ordinance, Concerning Trees and Landscaping (5-9-94). 205 Amending Section 19-44 Prohibiting Discharges Into the Sanitary Sewer Systems (5-9-94). 206 Rezoning All Property From A2 and RR to PUD for the Meadows At Longacres (5-9-94). 207 Amending Chapter 11 Concerning Firearms (6-13-94). 208 Rezoning All Property From A2 to PUD for the Woods At Longacres (Song Property) (6-27-94) (Published 8- 11-94). 209 Amending Chapters 18 and 20 Concerning Standards for Private Streets and off Street Parking and Loading (6-27-94) - Summary Published. 210 Water Use Restriction (6-27-94) 211 Rezoning All Property From R-12 to PUD for Oak Ponds (Approved 12-12-14-92) (Published 7-14-94) 212 Amending Chapter 20 Establishing Highway Corridor Districts - Hc 1 and Hc2 (7-11-94) (Published 7-21-94) 213 Amendment Regarding Cable TV Rate Regulation (7-11-94) (Published 7-21-94) 214 Amending Chapter 20 to Allow Schools As a Permitted Use In the CBD District (7-11-94) (Summary Published 7-21-94) 215 Amending Chapter 20 Concerning Accessory Structures Section 20-904(C) (8-8-94) (Published 8-18-94). 216 Rezoning All Property From A2 to RSF Contained Within Minger Addition (8-8-94) (Published 8-18-94). 217 Adopting Shoreland Overlay District Regulations (8-12-94) (Published Summary On 9-8-94). 218 Adopt the Definition of Bluff to Include City-Wide (8-22-94) (Published On 9-8-94). 219 Amending Chapter 20-1181(B) Regarding Interior Landscaping for Vehicular Use Areas (9-12-94) (Published On 9-22-94). 220 Amending Bf, Fringe Business District By Adding Additional Permitted and Conditional Uses (9-12-94) (Published 9-22-94). 221 Rezoning All Property From RR to RSF Contained Within Shadow Ridge (9-12-94) (Published 9-22-94). 222 Amending Chapter 13 Concerning Weeds and Grass (9-26-94) (Published 10-6-94). 223 Rezoning All Property From RR to RSF Contained Within Brenden Pond (9-26-94) (Fp On 11-14-94 Published 10-13-94). 224 Rezoning All Property From RSF to PUD Contained Within the Plat of Mission Hills (10-24-94) (Published 12- 29-94). 225 Amend Chapter 18, City Code Adopting the Surface Water Management Ordinance (10-24-94) (Published 11-3-94). 226 Temporary On-Sale Liquor License Limiting the Number to 3 Per Organization (10-24-94) (Published 11-3- 94). 227 Amend Chapter 20, City Code Adopting the Surface Water Management Ordinance (10-24-94) (Published 11-17-94). 228 Ordinance Concerning the Compensation of the City Council (10-24-94) (Published 11-3-94). PAGE 7 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 229 Ordinance Relating to Control and Prevention of Dutch Elm Disease and Other Arboreal Diseases (11-28- 94) (Published 12/8/94). 230 Ordinance Allowing Gazebos On Recreational Beachlots (1-9-95)(Published Summary On 1-19-95). 231 Ordinance Amending City Code Regarding the Sign Ordinance (1-9-95)(Published Summary On 1-19-95). 232 Amending Chapter 20 Concerning Grading and Erosion Control (2-13-95) (Published 3-9-95). 233 Amending Chapter 14 Concerning Animals Taken Into Parks (2-27-95) (Published 3-9-95). 234 Amending Chapter 1 Concerning Rules of Construction and Definitions (2-27-95) (Published 3-9-95). 235 Amending Chapter 10 Concerning Sales of Intoxicating Liquor (2-27-95) (Published 3-9-95). 236 Amendment Establishing Typical Connection Charges for Sanitary Sewer and Water Service (3-27-95) (Published 4-6-95). 237 Amending Chapter 7 of City Code Concerning Buildings and Building Regulations (4-10-95) (Published 4-20- 95). 238 Rezoning All Property From A2 to RSF Contained Within the Plat of Creekside Addition (5-8-95) (Published 5-18-95). 239 Rezoning All Property From RR to RSF Contained Within the Plat of Pointe Lake Lucy - Mason Homes (4-10- 95) (Published 6-1-95). 240 Amending Chapters 18 and 20 - "Glitch" (7-24-95) (Published Summary 8-3-95). 241 Amending Chapter 5 Concerning Horses (Published Summary On 8-24-95) Adopted On July 24, 1995. 242 Rezoning All Property From A2 to PUD Contained Within the Plat of Autumn Ridge Addition (8-14-95) (Published 8-24-95). 243 Amending Chapter 20 Concerning Temporary Outdoor Sales (8-25-95) (Published 10-5-95). 244 Rezoning All Property From A2 to RSF Contained Within the Plat of forest Meadow (10-9-95) (Published 10- 26-95). 245 Amending Chapter 2, Article III Concerning Urban and Rural Service Districts (Published 11-30-95) 246 Rezoning All Property From A2 to RSF Contained Within the Plat of Dempsey Addition (1-22-96) (Published 2-1-96). 247 Amendment to Allow Commercial Stables and Kennels In the Bf District (3-11-96) (Published 3-21-96). 248 Amendment to Chapter 20 Relating to Retail Nurseries and Garden Centers (3-11-96) (Published 3-21-96). 249 Amendment to Chapter 20 Concerning Bluff Protection/Side Slope Setbacks (4-8-96) (Published Summary On 4-18-96). 250 Amendment Concerning Landscaping & Tree Removal for Transitional Buffering Between Uses (4-8-96) (Published Summary 4-18-96). 251 Amendment Regarding Removal Or Alteration of Vegetation In the Shoreland District (4-8-96) (Published Summary 4-18-96). 252 Amendment Concerning Development and Area Identification Signs (4-8-96) (Published Summary 4-18- 96). 253 Rezoning All Property From R12 to PUD-R Contained Within the Plat of North Bay 2nd Addition and Outlots B and D, North Bay Addition (4-22-96) (Published 9/19/96) 254 Ordinance Amendment Chapter 14 Concerning Park Rules Allowing Police K-9 Dogs In City Parks (6-24-96) (Published 7-18-96). 255 An Ordinance Amending Chapters 18 and 20 Concerning Fences to Screen Residential Developments From Industrial Or Commercial Development (7-22-96) (Published 8-1-96). 256 Amendment to Section 10-128c Concerning Cigarette Dealers (8-26-96) (Published 9-12-96). 257 Amending Chapter 9 Concerning the Volunteer Fire Department (9-9-96) (Summary Published 9-19-96). 258 Rezoning All Property From Iop and RSF to PUD-R Contained Within the Plat of Villages On the Ponds (9- 23-96) (Published 2-20-97) 259 Amending Chapter 20 Regarding Antennas and towers (11-12-96) (Published Summary 11-21-96) 260 Amending Chapter 20 Prohibiting Chemical Treatment of the Algae In Wetlands (1-27-97) (Published Summary 2-6-97). 261 Amending Chapter 19 Regarding Lateral Utility Connection and Trunk Utility Hookup Charges (1-27-97) (Published Summary 2-6-97). 262 Rezoning All Property From Rural Residential (RR) to Single Family Residential (RSF),?Contained Within the Plat of Woodridge Heights Addition (3-10-97) (Published 4-17-97). 263 Amending Section 20415 In Regard to Extensions of Wetland Alteration Permits (3-24-97) (Published 4-3- 97). 264 Rezoning the Property At the Intersection of Great Plains Blvd and Chan View From R-12, Multi-Family to OI, office Institutional (former Country Cleaners Property) (3-24-97) (Published 4-3-97). 265 Rezoning All Property From Single Family Residential (RSF) to Planned Unit Development ?Contained Within the Plat of townhomes At Creekside (Approved 10-28-96) (Published 5-22-97). 266 Rezoning All Property From A2 to Planned Unit Development-Residential Contained Within the Plat of Springfield Addition (Approved 5-12-97) (Published 8-7-97) 267 Amendment to City Code Section 20-405 In Regard to Wetland Alterations and the Chemical Treatment of Wetlands (Approved 5-12-97) (Summary Published 5-22-97) 268 Approve City Code Amendment Concerning the Makeup of the Public Safety Commission (Approved 5-12- 97) (Published 5-22-97) 269 Rezoning All Property From A2 to Planned Unit Development-Residential Contained Within the Plat of Walnut Grove (Approved 5-27-97) (Published 8-7-97) 270 Rezoning All Property From A2 to Planned Unit Development Contained Within the Plat of Arboretum Business Park (Approved 7-28-97) (Published 8-14-97) 271 Rezoning All Property From RR to RSF Contained Within the Plat of Highover Addition (Approved 8-11-97) (Published 8-21-97) 272 Emergency ordinance amending Chapter 6, Article III, concerning watercraft operating regulations - Slow No Wake Operations (approved 8-25-97) (published 9-4-97). 273 Ordinance requiring developers to reimburse the city for updating GIS system and approving resolution (Res. No. 97-69) establishing a fee schedule - prepared by Roger’s office #50802.02 (approved 9/8/97) (published 9/18/97). 274 Amendment to Prohibit Encroachments on Setbacks that have been granted for Variances approved 9/22/97 (published summary 10/9/97). 275 Amendment to Article XXX, towers and Antennas to allow for temporary mobile towers - approved 10/13/97 (Published summary 10/30/97). 276 An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company a franchise agreement to construct, operate, repair and maintain an electric distribution system and transmission lines including necessary poles, lines, fixtures and appurtenances, for the furnishing of electric energy to the city and to use the public ways and public grounds of the city for such purposes - approved 1/12/98 (Published summary 1/29/98). 277 An ordinance amendment to allow fast food restaurants without a drive-through as part of a shopping center in BN District - approved 1-26-98 (published 2/5/98) 278 Ordinance Amending City Code Sections 19-21, 23, 27, 43, 46 and 49; Terms and Criteria for Establishing Number of Hookup Units - prepared by Roger’s office Doc. 60106 - approved March 9, 1998 (Published Summary 4/9/98). 279 Ordinance amending Chapter 10, Division 3, Concerning Intoxicating Liquor, stating the managing partner must be a resident of Minnesota - prepared by Roger’s office - Doc. 61115, approved April 13, 1998 (published 5/14/98). PAGE 8 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 280 Adoption of Cable Television Regulatory Ordinance and Renewal of Cable Television Franchise Agreement approved on May 26, 1998. Ordinance and Agreement prepared by Moss & Barnett -- summaries approved June 8, 1998 (published June 25, 1998). 281 Rezoning all property from A2 to PUD contained within the plat of Bluff Creek Corporate Center (approved 6-22-98) (published 7-9-98). 282 Ordinance amending Section 20-796, office Institutional District, by adding temporary classroom structures (approved 6-22-98) (published 7-16-98). 283 Ordinance amending Section 9-42, 9-43, 9-44, 9-48, and 9-49 adopting the MN 1998 Uniform Fire Code by reference prepared by Roger’s office doc. #6081.04 (approved 8-24-98) (published 9-10-98). 284 Rezoning of (2.75+ ac.) property from R-12 to OI and (3.58 ac.) from R-12 to PUD-R contained within the plat of Saratoga 3rd Addition (Santa Vera / Doug Hansen) (approved 8-10-98) (published 10-28-99). 285 Ordinance amending Section 20-265, Standards for Golf Driving Ranges, to allow a retail pro shop, (approved 7-13-98) (published 11-12-98). 286 Amendment to Chapters 18 & 20 establishing a Bluff Creek Overlay District approved 12-14-98) (summary published 12-30-98). 287 Rezoning all property from RR to RSF contained within the plat of Lake Lucy Estates A.K.A. Whitetail Cove (approved 12-14-98) (published 2-26-99). 288 Amend Article II, City Cemetery, Chapter 8-21 (d), Monuments, markers and plantings generally, to allow installation of upright monuments in the Chanhassen Pioneer Cemetery (approved 2-8-99) (published 2-18- 99). 289 Amendment to Chapter 19, Article IV, Concerning Individual Sanitary Sewage Treatment Systems (approved 2-8-99 - 2nd reading waived) Approved summary for publication 2-22-99 (published 3-4-99). Prepared by Roger’s office #69714.01 290 Amendment to Section 20-913 of City Code regarding Lighting approved 2-22-99 with summary for publication - (published 3-4-99). 291 Ordinance Repealing Chapter 10, Art. III Concerning Licensing Cigarette Dealers approved first and second reading waived on 4-12-99 (published 5-6-99). Prepared by Roger’s office #70473.01. 292 Ordinance amending Chapter 20, Designating the Planning Commission as the Board of Adjustments and Appeals (approved April 26, 1999) (published 4-29-99) prepared by Roger’s office #71197. 293 Rezoning from A-2, Agricultural Estate District to PUD-R, Planned Unit Development-Residential (6.39 acres) Lynmore Addition (approved 7-12-99) (published 10-28-99) 294 Amend Section 20-265 (6), Golf Driving Ranges to allow 3.2 malt liquor sales (approved 8-23-99) (published 9-16-99). 295 Amend Section 10-55(b), Non-intoxicating Malt Liquor, to allow golf driving ranges and golf courses eligible to hold liquor licenses (approved 9-13-99, 2nd reading waived, published 9-23-99). 296 Amendment to Permit Automobile Rental In the BH District (approved 2-14-00, summary published 2-24- 00). 297 Amendment Adopting Roberts Rules of Order to Govern City Council Procedure (approved 2-14-00, published 2-24-00). 298 Amendment deleting all reference to Public Safety Director (approved 2-14-00, published on 2-24-00). 299 Amends Chapter 10 by adopting Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340A in its entirety, as well as sets guidelines for the issuance of liquor licenses in the city (approved 3-13-00, published 3-30-00). 300 Amend PUD zoning for Outlot A, Lake Susan Hills (Powers Ridge Apartments) approved March 13, 2000 and published 4-6-00. 301 Rezoning 3.98 acres from A-2, Agricultural Estate District to IOP, Industrial office Park for property located in the S1/4 of the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Sec. 15, Stone Creek office Building approved May 8, 2000 and published May 25, 2000. 302 Amendment is to regulate home occupations in residential zoning districts to ensure that they are incidental to the primary residential use of the property and to establish standards by which home occupations can be conducted without compromising the character of the residential neighborhood, approved May 8, 2000 and summary published May 25, 2000. 303 Amendment to allow homes built prior to February 19, 1987 to add an open porch as an architectural feature to define the entrance into a residence or update a front elevation, approved May 8, 2000 and summary published May 25, 2000. 304 Amending the definition of “private kennel” approved June 26, 2000, and published July 13, 2000. 305 Amendment to Chapters 5 & 14 concerning animals in a park approved July 10, 2000, published July 27, 2000. (RNK 86846.03) 306 Amendment to allow petting farms as an interim use permit in A2 Districts approved July 24, 2000 and published August 3, 2000. 307 Amend Chapter 20-906 Alternate lot size requirements in A-2 and RR regarding one-unit per ten-acre density approved July 24, 2000, published August 3, 2000. 308 Amend Chapter 13 regarding nuisance light ordinance approved July 24, 2000 and published August 3, 2000. 309 Amend Article XXV, Section 20-1176, Landscaping & tree removal to change buffer yard requirements for new developments, approved August 14, 2000 and published summary August 31, 2000. 310 Rezoning from A2, Agricultural Estate, to PUD-R, Planned Unit Development- Residential for 5 acres to be known as Summerfield 2nd Addition (approved 9-11-00) (published 12/7/00). 311 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 13, Adding Article V, Graffiti (approved 10/23/00 and published on 11/23/00 summary). 312 Rezoning from RSF to OI for Minnewashta Fire Station located at 6400 Minnewashta Parkway (approved 12-11-00) (published 12/28/00). 313 Rezoning property from RR to RSF located at 1916 Crestview Circle (approved 2-13-01) (published 2/22/01). 314 Amending Sections 30-1301, 20-1303, 20-1304, Signs Allowed In Specific Districts By Permit (approved 3- 26-01) (published 4-5-01). 315 Amending Section 20-505 & 20-508, Planned Unit Development District and Sec. 20-109 (typographic errors) (approved 3-26-01) (published 4-5-01). 316 Rezoning property Pulte, Arboretum Village (approved 3-12-01) (published May 31, 2001). 317 Amending Chapters 7 & 20, relating to Building permits and Grading and erosion control approved April 23, 2001 and published summary on May 3, 2001. 318 Amending Chapters 18 and 20 regarding grading and erosion control approved April 23, 2001 and published summary on May 3, 2001. 319 Amending Sec. 20-1 definitions approved May 29, 2001 and published June 14, 2001. 320 Amending Sec. 20-406, wetland buffer strips approved May 29, 2001 and published June 14, 2001. 321 Amending Sec. 20-1124 and 20-1118, regarding accessible parking spaces and computing requirements approved May 29, 2001 and published June 14, 2001. 322 Amending Sec. 20-481 regarding lakeshore setback requirements approved June 25, 2001 and published on July 5, 2001. 323 Amending Sec. 12-52 and Sec. 12-53 regarding parking for selling vehicles and merchandise and material and equipment parked on streets approved June 25, 2001 and published on July 5, 2001. 324 Amending Chapters 1, 7, 7.5, 12, 13, 18, and 20 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Definitions, Private and Public Streets, and Flag Lots (approved July 9, 2001 and published summary July 19, 2001). 325 Amending Chapter 7 adding Section 7.21, As-built surveys, approved August 13, 2001 and published August 30, 2001. PAGE 9 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 326 Rezoning property from Rural Residential District (RR) to office and Institutional (OI) for Westwood Community Church, approved August 27, 2001 (published 12/6/01) 327 Amending Chapter 20, Article XXIII By Adding Division 7 Concerning Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial, and office Institutional Developments approved 9/24/01 published summary ordinance 11-1-01. 328 Amendment clarifying that 2/3 majority vote of the City Council required to rezone parcels (approved 10-8- 01 and published 10-18-01). 329 Amendment clarifying procedures for administrative subdivisions (approved 10-22-01 and published 11-1- 01). 330 Amendment to Sec. 20-1122. Access and Driveways approved 11-13-01 and published 12-6-01. 331 Rezoning property from RR to RSF for Ashling Meadows (approved 4-9-01) (published 12/13/01). 332 Amending Sec. 20-575 and 20-595, regarding the one unit per ten acre requirement (approved December 10, 2001 and published December 20, 2001.) 333 Amending Chapter 2 of the City Code Concerning Compensation of the City Council approved January 14, 2002 and published January 24, 2002. 334 Rezoning property from A2 to PUD contained in Galpin Business Park approved February 25, 2002 and published April 25. 334A Amending Chapter 19 Concerning Radio Read Water Meters adopted on March 3, 2002 and published on February 10, 2005 (This ordinance was mistakenly not published after its adoption and it was not discovered until February 2005.) 335 Rezoning property from RR to RSF contained in Lake Lucy Ridge approved April 8, 2002 (final plat approved 5/28/02) and published 9/5/02. 336 Franchise Ordinance for Reliant Energy Minnegasco approved May 13, 2002 and published on June 6, 2002. 337 Ordinance to license and regulate fireworks approved 5/28/02 and published 6/6/02. 338 Ordinance amending Chapter 10 regarding sale and display of lawn fertilizer containing phosphorus approved July 22, 2002 and published 8/8/02. 339 Rezoning property from A2 to PUD and R-4 contained in Vasserman Ridge approved July 22, 2002 and published 3/27/03. 340 Amending Chapter 7 to regulate Property Maintenance approved October 14, 2002 (published summary 10/31/02). 341 Amending Chapter 10 concerning licensing of Rental Properties within the City approved October 14, 2002 (published summary 10/31/02). 342 Amending Chapter 18 permits the city to charge developers the costs of environmental studies (approved 4/14/03 and published 4/24/03). 343 Rezoning 5.08 acres? from RSF, Single Family Residential and OI, office Institutional, to A2, Agricultural Estate District for St. Hubert’s Cemetery located at 381 West 78th Street approved 5-27-03 and published August 28, 2003. 344 An ordinance amending chapter 11 of the Chanhassen City code establishing income limits for housing developments within Tax Increment Financing District No. 8 (approved 7-14-03 and published 7-24-03) 345 Amending Chapters 11 and 14, concerning the discharge of bows approved September 8, 2003 and published September 18, 2003. 346 An ordinance Amending a PUD for Hidden Valley – for daycare facility – Approved August 11, 2003 and published October 23, 2003. 347 An ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article III, Financial Affairs – approved October 27, 2003 and summary ordinance published on November 6, 2003. 348 An ordinance amending Chapter 4 concerning License and Permit Fees. Approved on November 10, 2003 and summary ordinance published on November 26, 2003. 349 An ordinance amending Chapter 1 concerning General Provisions. Approved on November 24, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 11, 2003. 350 An ordinance amending Chapter 5 concerning Animals and Fowls. Approved on November 24, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 11, 2003. 351 An ordinance amending Chapter 7 concerning Buildings and Building Regulations. Approved on November 24, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 11, 2003. 352 An ordinance amending Chapter 7.5 concerning Cable Communications. Approved on November 24, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 11, 2003. 353 An ordinance amending Chapter 8 concerning Cemeteries. Approved on November 24, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 11, 2003. 354 An ordinance amending Chapter 15 concerning Planning & Development. Approved on November 24, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 11, 2003. 355 An Ordinance amending Chapter 1 concerning General Provisions, Definitions. Approved on December 8, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 25, 2003. 356 An Ordinance amending Chapter 6 concerning Boats & Waterways. Approved on December 8, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 25, 2003. 357 An Ordinance amending Chapter 9, Fire Prevention & Protection. Approved on December 8, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 25, 2003. 358 An ordinance amending Chapter 10, Article VII, Rental Dwelling Licenses. Approved on December 8, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 25, 2003. 359 An ordinance amending Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles & Traffic. Approved on December 8, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 25, 2003. 360 An ordinance amending Chapter 14, Parks & Recreation. Approved on December 8, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 25, 2003. 361 An ordinance amending Chapter 17, Streets & Sidewalks. Approved on December 8, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 25, 2003. 362 An ordinance amending Chapter 19, Water, Sewers & Sewage Disposal. Approved on December 8, 2003 and summary ordinance published on December 25, 2003. 363 An ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Administration (Creating Departments and Commissions). Approved on January 12, 2004 and summary ordinance published on January 22, 2004. 364 An ordinance Amending Chapter 20, Article XXXI, Bluff Creek Overlay District. Adopted on January 12, 2004 and summary ordinance published on January 22, 2004. 365 An ordinance Amending Chapter 4, Establishing Surface Water Management Fees. Adopted on January 12, 2004 and summary ordinance published on January 22, 2004. 366 An ordinance Amending Chapter 4, Establishing Park Dedication Fees. Adopted on January 12, 2004 and summary ordinance published on January 22, 2004. 367 An ordinance Amending Chapter 4, Establishing Fees for Property Owners Lists for Development Applications. Adopted on January 12, 2004 and ordinance published on January 22, 2004. 368 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4, Establishing Fees for Sewer & Water Hook-up Fees and Utility Rates. Adopted on January 26, 2004 and ordinance published on January 29, 2004. 369 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions. Adopted on February 23, 2004 and summary ordinance published on March 18, 2004. 370 Rezoning 3.09 acres? from A2, Agricultural Estate District to RSF, Single Family Residential for Walnut Grove 2nd Addition approved April 12, 2004 and published May 6, 2004. 371 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 10, Licensing approved on April 26, 2004 and summary ordinance published on May 6, 2004. 372 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 11, Miscellaneous Provisions and offenses approved on April 26, 2004. The entire ordinance was published on May 6, 2004. 373 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 13 concerning Nuisances approved on April 26, 2004. The summary ordinance was published on May 6, 2004. 374 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 5 regulating Kennels approved on April 26, 2004. Summary Ordinance published on May 6, 2004. 375 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 10 regulating Sexually Oriented Businesses approved on May 10, 2004. the summary ordinance was published on May 20, 2004. PAGE 10 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 376 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 16 concerning Solid Waste approved on May 10, 2004. Summary ordinance published on May 20, 2004. 377 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 20, Zoning approved on May 24, 2004. the summary ordinance was published on June 10, 2004. 378 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 18, Tree Preservation approved on May 24, 2004. the summary ordinance was published on June 10, 2004. 379 Rezoning 5.08 acres? from RSF, Single Family Residential District to PUD-Mixed Use, Planned Unit Development-Mixed Use for property legally described as all of west half of the northwest quarter of section 24, township 116, range 23, lying southerly of the right-of-way for TH 312 and easterly of right-of- way line of realigned TH 101, and north of the right-of-way for Lyman Boulevard, approved on June 28, 2004. The summary ordinance was published July 15, 2004. 380 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 4, License and Permit Fees, approved on June 28, 2004 and published on July 15, 2004. 381 Rezoning 6.52 acres of property zoned A2, Agricultural Estates, to PUD-R, Planned Unit Development - Residential within the plat of Highlands at Bluff Creek approved June 14, 2004 and published July 22, 2004. 382 Rezoning 44.6 acres of property zoned A2, Agricultural Estates to RSF, Residential Single Family within the plat of Settlers West. Approved by the Council on May 10, 2004 and published in the Villager on August 19, 2004. 383 Changing the name of Pauly Drive to Market Street – Approved by the Council on August 23, 2004 and published in the Chan Villager on September 2, 2004 384 Changing the name of Golden Glow Court to Golden Court – Approved by the Council on August 23, 2004 and published in the Chan Villager on September 2, 2004 385 Amending Chapter 20, Article XXIII, General Supplemental Regulations, by adding Division 9 – Design Standards for Multi-Family Developments, approved November 8, 2004. the summary ordinance was published November 18, 2004. UDES ALL ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 385 386 Amending Chapter 2 Concerning the Mayor’s Term of office. Approved on December 13, 2004 and Published on December 23, 2004. 387 Amending Chapter 4, 2005 Fee Schedule. Approved on December 13, 2004 and published on December 23, 2004. 388 Amending Chapter 4, Establishing Sewer & Water Rates. Approved on January 10, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 20, 2005. 389 Amending Section 18-63 Regarding Surface Water Management Fees. Approved on January 10, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 20, 2005. 390 Amending Chapters 1 and 20 Regarding Electric Substations. Approved on March 14, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 24, 2005. 391 and Published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 7, 2005. 392 Amending Chapter 18, Section 41 Concerning Reimbursement of Environmental Reviews. Approved by the City Council on April 11, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 21, 2005. 393 Rezoning 35.79 acres of property zoned RR, Rural Residential, to RSF, Single Family Residential District within the plats of Highcrest Meadows, Highcrest Meadows 2nd Addition and Highcrest Meadows 3rd Addition. Approved by the City Council on February 28, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 5, 2005. 394 Amending Chapter 20, Article XXXI, Bluff Creek Overlay District. Approved by the City Council on April 25, 2005 and published in the Villager on May 5, 2005. 395 Amending Chapters 1, 10, 13, 18, 19; Correcting State Citation References. Approved by the City Council on May 9, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 19, 2005. ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 395 396 Amending Chapter 10, Article IV; Solicitors Ordinance Concerning License Fees and Criminal Records. Adopted by the City Council on June 27, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 7, 2005. 397 Rezoning of property located at the northwest intersection of the future alignment of Highway 101 and Lyman Boulevard with an approximate area of 24 acres from RSF, Residential Single Family, to PUD-Mixed, Planned Unit Development-Mixed Use, incorporating the design standards as specified in the staff report dated June 7, 2005. Approved by the City Council on June 27, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 14, 2005. 398 Rezoning 62 acres of property zoned RR, Rural Residential, to RSF, Single Family Residential District within the plat of Lake Harrison. Approved by the City Council on May 9, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 21, 2005. 399 Rezoning all property within the Chanhassen West Business Park from A2, Agricultural Estate District, to PUD, Planned Unit Development (office/Industrial) District. Approved by the City Council on August 22, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 13, 2005. 400 Amending Chapter 2 Concerning Disposal of Unclaimed Property. Approved by the City Council on September 29, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 13, 2005. 401 Amendment to Chapter 6, Article III Concerning Watercraft Operating Regulations, Requiring Water Ski Observers. Approved by the City Council on September 29, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 13, 2005. 402 Amending Subdivision Ordinance Concerning Arterial and Collector Roadways. Approved by the City Council on September 29, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 13, 2005. 403 Rezoning all property within the plat of Market Street Station from BG, General Business District, to CBD, Central Business District. Approved by the City Council on October 13, 2003 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 13, 2005. 404 Amending Chapter 10 Concerning Intoxicating Liquor eliminating the limit of off-sale liquor licenses. Approved by the City Council on October 10, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 20, 2005. 405 Amending Chapter 1Concerning the definition of Sign, Business Directory. Approved by the City Council on December 12, 2005 and published December 22, 2005. 406 Amending Chapter 7 Concerning Grading and Erosion Control. Approved by the City Council on December 12, 2005 and published December 22, 2005. 407 Amending Chapter 13 Concerning Noise-Construction Hours. Approved by the City Council on December 12, 2005 and published December 22, 2005. 408 Amending Chapter 4 Concerning Fees. Approved by the City Council on December 12, 2005 and published December 22, 2005. 409 Amending Chapter 20 Concerning Zoning Permits, OHW for Lake Harrison, Simple Majority Vote for Concept Plan Approval, Lot Frontage, Gas Pipeline Easement Setbacks, Driveway Setbacks, and Multi- Tenant Building Signage. Approved by the City Council on January 9, 2006 and published January 19, 2006. 410 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions, Concerning requirements for community sewage treatment systems; requirements for plans submitted to the City; requiring that digital files must be in the Carver County coordinate system; specifying a maximum distance for cul-de-sac lengths; construction of temporary cul- de-sacs; maintenance and repair of private utilities in private streets; lot sizes; minimum diameter of trees to be inventoried be revised to ten (10) inches; increase the persons per household for single family homes; and collection of park fees. Approved by the City Council on January 23, 2006 and published February 2, 2006. 411 Amending Chapter 4, Fees and Chapter 19, Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal Concerning Surface Water Management Fees. Approved by the City Council on January 23, 2006 and published February 2, 2006. 412 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions, Concerning Park Land Dedication Requirements. Approved by the City Council on February 13, 2006 and published February 23, 2006. PAGE 11 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 413 Amending Chapter 1, Definitions and Chapter 9, Article III, Fire Code, Concerning Fire or Cooking Devices on Balconies or Patios. Approved by the City Council on February 13, 2006 and published February 23, 2006. 414 Changing the Name of Hemlock Lane in the Pinehurst Development to Chestnut Lane. Approved by the City Council on February 27, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 9, 2006. 415 Rezoning all property within Liberty on Bluff Creek from A2, Agricultural Estate District, to PUD-R, Planned Unit Development-Residential. Approved by the City Council on October 10, 2005 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 23, 2006. 416 Rezoning all property within Stonefield from A2, Agricultural Estate District, to RSF, Single Family Residential District. Approved by the City Council on January 9, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 20, 2006. 417 Amendment to Chanhassen West Business Park Planned Unit Development Design Standards, Setbacks from Lyman Boulevard. Approved by the Council on April 10, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 4, 2006. 418 Amending Chapter 6, Article III, Watercraft Operating Regulations, Section 6-49, creating Automatic Slow- No Wake on Lotus Lake. Approved by the City Council on May 8, 2006. Summary ordinance approved on May 22, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 22, 2006. 419 Amending Chapter 6, Article III, Watercraft Operating Regulations, Section 6-49, creating Automatic Slow- No Wake on Lake Susan. Approved by the City Council on May 22, 2006. Summary ordinance approved on May 22, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 27, 2006. 420 Amending Chapter 20, SouthWest Village Planned Unit Development Design Standards. Approved by the City Council on June 12, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 29, 2006. 421 Amending Chapter 10, Concerning Licensed Premises for Sale of Fireworks. Approved by the City Council on June 26, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 6, 2006. 422 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions, Concerning Retaining Wall Standards and Required Improvements. Approved by the City Council on June 26, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 6, 2006. 423 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning general conditions for granting variances, nonconforming uses and structures, side yard setbacks in RLM District, single-family dwellings, outdoor storage, fences in bluff setback, on-site parking spaces, signs allowed with permit, prohibited signs, and individual dimensional letters on signage. Approved by the City Council on June 26, 2006 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 6, 2006. 424 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning Electronic Message Center Signs. Approved by the City Council on July 24, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 3, 2006. 425 Rezoning approximately 43 acres of property within the Plat for Pioneer Pass except for Outlots A, B, E, F and G, Pioneer Pass, from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Residential Low and Medium Density District, RLM. Approved by the City Council on April 24, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 5, 2006. 426 Rezoning approximately 13 acres of property within the Plat for Boulder Cove, from Single Family Residential District, RSF, to Residential Low and Medium Density District, RLM and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 5, 2006. 427 Amending Chapter 1, Definitions, Adding definitions for Candela, Golf driving range, Nit, and Sight Distance Triangle, and amending the existing definition of Residential district to include the RLM District. Approved by the City Council on September 25, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 5, 2006. 428 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit, and Administrative Fees, Concerning administration fees for the installation of improvements. Approved by the City Council on September 25, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 5, 2006. 429 Amending Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations, Concerning Building Demolition. Approved by the City Council on September 25, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 5, 2006. 430 Amending Chapter 13, Nuisances, Concerning clarification of the hours of operation for household construction noises. Approved by the City Council on September 25, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 5, 2006. 431 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning the intent of the RLM District; Electronic message center sign LED display use; and Sign placement on public property. Approved by the City Council on September 25, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 5, 2006. 432 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions, Concerning clarification of electronic format submittal requirements and that the city will prepare the mailing list and install the notification sign; to add maintenance responsibility to retaining walls built in conjunction with a subdivision; to add the RLM district to the standards for streets and private streets; to clarify when the area of a private street will be included in lot area and lot coverage calculations; to require that 75% of the replacement trees be overstory species; and to include site grading as an improvement that first requires the developer to provide a letter of credit or cash escrow before beginning. Approved by the City Council on September 25, 2006 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 5, 2006. 433 Amending Chapter 13, Nuisances, Concerning hourly restrictions on certain operations. Approved by the City Council on October 23, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on November 2, 2006. ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 433 434 Rezoning 26 acres of property within the Plat for Lakeside, from High Density Residential District (R12) to Planned Unit Development - Residential (PUD-R). Approved by the City Council on July 24, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on November 2, 2006. 435 Rezoning approximately 80 acres of property within the Plat for the Preserve from Agricultural Estate District (A-2) to Planned Unit Development - Residential (PUD-R). Approved by the City Council on May 8, 2006, and published in the Chanhassen Villager on November 30, 2006. 436 Amending Chapter 4, Fees. Approved by the City Council on December 11, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 21, 2006. 437 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions, Concerning Final Plat Application. Approved by the City Council on December 11, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 21, 2006. 438 Changing the name of Lake Riley Road lying north of Lyman Boulevard to Lakeview Road East. Approved by the City Council on December 11, 2006 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 21, 2006. 439 Rezoning the western portion of the property of Autobahn Motorplex site from Agricultural Estate District, A2, to Industrial office Park, IOP. Approved by the City Council on December 11, 2006, and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 21, 2006. 440 Amending Chapter 1, Definitions, Adding definitions for Boardwalk, Erosion Control, GIS, Hardcover, MPCA, NPDES permit, Sediment control, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP). Approved by the City Council on February 12, 2007, and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 22, 2007. 441 Amending Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations as it pertains to the Second Generation Surface Water Management Plan. Approved by the City Council on February 12, 2007, and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 22, 2007. 442 Amending Chapter 13, Nuisances as it pertains to the Second Generation Surface Water Management Plan. Approved by the City Council on February 12, 2007, and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 22, 2007. 443 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions as it pertains to the Second Generation Surface Water Management Plan. Approved by the City Council on February 12, 2007, and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 22, 2007. PAGE 12 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 444 Amending Chapter 19, Water, Sewers & Sewage Disposal as it pertains to the Second Generation Surface Water Management Plan. Approved by the City Council on February 12, 2007, and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 22, 2007. 445 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning as it pertains to the Second Generation Surface Water Management Plan. Approved by the City Council on February 12, 2007, and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 22, 2007. 446 Rezoning the Chanhassen High School Site from Agricultural Estate District, A2, and Planned Unit Development, PUD, to office and Institutional District, OI. Approved by the City Council on March 26, 2007, and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 6, 2007. 447 Amending Chapter 10, Licenses as it pertains Non-intoxicating Malt Liquor, to allow golf driving ranges and golf courses to hold liquor licenses. Approved by the City Council on April 9, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 19, 2007. 448 Amending Chapter 1, Definitions, as it pertains to the Surface Water Management Plan. Approved by the City Council on May 14, 2007 and Summary Ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 24, 2007. 449 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, as it pertains to Wetlands. Approved by the City Council on May 14, 2007 and Summary Ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 24, 2007. 450 Rezoning all of the property within the Plat of the Arbors, from Rural Residential District (RR) to Single Family Residential District (RSF). Approved by the City Council on January 22, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 7, 2007. 451 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, adding Bluff Creek Boulevard to the list of Collector Streets, adding 3.2 malt liquor license requirements to the golf course conditional use permit criteria, correctly citing landscaping regulations adjacent to parking lots on commercial and industrial property, adding the A2, RR and RLM Districts to the 1,000 square-foot accessory structures restriction, adding electric fences as permitted in agricultural districts, providing criteria for lighting of window signs, clarifying the additional setback requirements in the HC-2 District, and requiring telecommunication equipment within 150 feet of residential buildings to be located within a building. Approved by the City Council on May 29, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 7, 2007. 452 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, adding driveway expansions and patios to the list of required structures for a zoning permit, allowing exceptions to the façade requirements for expansions to existing buildings or based on design and use of the building, adding minimum design standards for driveway expansions, and clarifying the square footage of monument signs in the IOP district along the State Highway corridors. Approved by the City Council on July 9, 2007 and Summary Ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 19, 2007. 453 Amending Chapter 4, Fees, Establishing Rate for Bulk Water Sales. Approved by the City Council on July 9, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 19, 2007. 454 Amending Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations, Adopting the 2007 Minnesota State Building Code and to Re-Adopt Minnesota Rules, Chapter 1306. Approved by the City Council on July 9, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 19, 2007. 455 Amending Chapter 4, Fees, Establishing Connection Fee and Amending Hook-up Fee. Approved by the City Council on July 23, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 2, 2007. ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 455 456 Changing the Name of the portion of Great Plains Boulevard (Old TH 101) from Lake Susan Drive north to future cul-de-sac to Waters Edge Drive. Approved by the City Council on September 24, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 4, 2007. 457 Amending Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations, Concerning Landscaping Requirements. Approved by the City Council on September 24, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 4, 2007. 458 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions, Concerning Restricted Trees and Canopy Coverage. Approved by the City Council on September 24, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 4, 2007. 459 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning Employment Opportunity Signs and Ground Low Profile Business Signs. Approved by the City Council on September 24, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 4, 2007. ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 459 460 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Lakeside Planned Unit Development Design Standards Section c Setbacks. Approved by the City Council on November 26, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 6, 2007. 461 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Section 20-1515 - Antennas Mounted on Roofs, Walls, and Existing Towers. Approved by the City Council on December 10, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 20, 2007. 462 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees - Surface Water Management Fees (Water Quality and Water Quantity), Sewer and Water Fees, Utility Rates, and Surface Water Management Utility Fees. Approved by the City Council on December 10, 2007 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 20, 2007. 463 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Chanhassen Gateway Planned Unit Development Design Standards. Approved by the City Council on March 10, 2008. Summary Ordinance approved by the City Council on May 12, 2008 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 22, 2008. 464 Amending Chapter 13, Nuisances, Concerning Weeds. Approved by the City Council on June 9, 2008 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 19, 2008. 465 Amending Chapter 11, Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses, Concerning Firearms. Approved by the City Council on July 28, 2008 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 7, 2008. 466 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, Concerning Fees for Firearm (Bow and Shotgun) Permits. Approved by the City Council on July 28, 2008 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 7, 2008. 467 Amending Chapter 19, Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Concerning Water Use Restrictions. Approved by the City Council on July 28, 2008 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 7, 2008. 468 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning Signs. Approved by the City Council on August 11, 2008. Summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 21, 2008. 469 Amending Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl, Concerning owner liability for all fees and charges related to an animal and it’s impound. Approved by the City Council on August 25, 2008 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 17, 2009. 470 Amending Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations, Concerning Landscaping Security. Approved by the City Council on August 25, 2008 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 17, 2009. 471 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions, to require that the lowest building opening must be minimum one foot above the emergency overflow; to note that custom graded lots may be allowed subject to the City Engineer's approval; to require a copy of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP); and to state that park land calculations and dedication shall be based on buildable land and replace the term plat with subdivision. Approved by the City Council on August 25, 2008. Summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 17, 2009. 472 Amending Chapter 19, Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Concerning Emergency Overflow. Approved by the City Council on August 25, 2008 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 17, 2009. 473 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Arboretum Village Planned Unit Development Design Standards. Approved by the City Council on October 13, 2008 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 23, 2008. PAGE 13 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 474 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, to require pre-application meetings for all development review applications (site plan review, variances, CUP, IUP), required setbacks for planned unit developments (PUD), increasing the height limitation in the Neighborhood Business (BN) District, addressing buffer yard requirements in commercial districts, incorporating language for accessory structures to coincide with the Freedom to Breathe Provision, and develop standards for Drive-Thru’s. Approved by the City Council on October 13, 2008 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 23, 2008. 475 Amending Chapter 4, Fees, amending Building Permit and Fire Prevention Fees, Sewer and Water Fees, Utility Rates, and Surface Water Management Fees. Adopted on December 8, 2008 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 18, 2008. 476 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Arboretum Village Planned Unit Development Design Standards. Approved by the City Council on January 12, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 29, 2009. 477 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning Conditional Use Permits and Interim Use Permits. Approved by the City Council on January 26, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 5, 2009. 478 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning structures located within drainage and utility easements. Approved by the City Council on June 22, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 2, 2009. 479 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning light-emitting diode (LED) lights. Approved by the City Council on June 22, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 2, 2009. 480 Amending Chapter 1, Definitions and Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning farm animals. Approved by the City Council on June 22, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 2, 2009. 481 Amending Chapter 1, Definitions. Approved by the City Council on August 10, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 20, 2009. 482 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning Electronic Message Center Signs. Approved by the City Council on August 10, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 20, 2009. 483 Amending Chapter 6, Boats & Waterways and Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning Structures, Boats & Waterways. Approved by the City Council on August 10, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 20, 2009. 484 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Chanhassen Business Center Planned Unit Development Design Standards. Approved by the City Council on August 10, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 10, 2009. 485 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning signs. Approved by the City Council on October 12, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 22, 2009. 486 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning bluff protection. Approved by the City Council on October 12, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 22, 2009. 487 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, adding Article XVIII-A creating Community Commercial “CC” Zoning District. Approved by the City Council on November 23, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 3, 2009. 488 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning Regional/Lifestyle Center Commercial Planned Unit Developments. Approved by the City Council on November 23, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 3, 2009. 489 Amending Chapter 4, Fees, concerning Liquor License Fees; Surface Water Management Fees; Sewer and Water Fees; Park and Recreation Fees; and Utility Rates. Approved by the City Council on December 14, 2009 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 25, 2009. ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 489 490 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Market Square Planned Unit Development Agreement Special Provisions, Section 3. Zoning. Approved by the City Council on February 8, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 18, 2010. 491 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the West One Planned Unit Development Agreement Section 6. Zoning. Approved by the City Council on February 8, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 18, 2010. 492 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Chanhassen Retail Center Planned Unit Development Standards, Sections a. Intent, c. Setbacks, d. Development Standards Tabulation Box, and Lighting 1. Approved by the City Council on February 8, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 18, 2010. 493 Rezoning from General Business District (BG) to Central Business District (CBD) on property located on Lot 4, Block 1, West Village Heights 2nd Addition and Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, West Village Heights 3rd Addition; Rezoning from General Business District (BG) to Agricultural Estate District (A2) on property located on Outlot A, Crossroads Plaza Addition; and Rezoning from Highway and Business Services District (BH) to Agricultural Estate District (A2) on property located on Outlot B, Crossroads Plaza Addition and Lot 3, Block 2, Frontier Development Park. Approved by the City Council on February 8, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 18, 2010. 494 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Chanhassen Gateway Planned Unit Development Standards, Sections a. Intent, and k. Lighting 1. Approved by the City Council on March 8, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 18, 2010. 495 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the SouthWest Village Planned Unit Development Standards, Sections a. Intent, and j. Lighting 1. Approved by the City Council on March 8, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 18, 2010. 496 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Vasserman Ridge Planned Unit Development Standards, Section a. Intent. Approved by the City Council on April 12, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 22, 2010. 497 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Arboretum Village Planned Unit Development Standards, Section a. Intent. Approved by the City Council on April 12, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 22, 2010. 498 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Galpin Business Park Planned Unit Development Standards, Sections A. Intent, and G.2. Lighting. Approved by the City Council on April 12, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 22, 2010. 499 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Lakeside Planned Unit Development Standards, Sections a. Intent, b. Permitted Uses, and c. Setbacks. Approved by the City Council on April 12, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 22, 2010. 500 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Arboretum Business Park Planned Unit Development Design Standards, Sections a. Intent, and h2. Lighting. Approved by the City Council on May 10, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 20, 2010. 501 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Bluff Creek Corporate Center Planned Unit Development Design Standards, Sections a. Intent, and h2. Lighting. Approved by the City Council on May 10, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 20, 2010. 502 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Chanhassen Business Center Planned Unit Development Design Standards, Section h2. Lighting. Approved by the City Council on May 10, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 20, 2010. 503 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Chanhassen West Business Park Planned Unit Development Design Standards, Sections a. Intent and h2. Lighting. Approved by the City Council on May 10, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 20, 2010. 504 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Eckankar Religious Campus Planned Unit Development Design Standards, Section a. Intent. Approved by the City Council on May 10, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 20, 2010. 505 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Villages on the Ponds Planned Unit Development Design Standards, Sections a. Intent and h2. Lighting. Approved by the City Council on May 10, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 20, 2010. 506 Amending Chapter 1, General Provisions, Amending the definition for Automotive repair/body shop and deleting the definitions for Auto services center and Body shop. Approved by the City Council on June 28, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 8, 2010. PAGE 14 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 507 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending identification of arterial and collector streets; calculating parking stalls; computing requirements for parking spaces; access and driveways; off-premise directional signage; corporate flags; and monument sign requirements. Approved by the City Council on June 28, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 8, 2010. 508 Amending Chapter 10, Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Business Regulations, Section 10-23 Liability Insurance, to reference state statute. Approved by the City Council on August 9, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 19, 2010. 509 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, Section 4-30 (c) 5 Sewer and Water Fees, providing clarification of the term “hook-up” fee. Approved by the City Council on August 9, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 19, 2010. 510 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Section 20-1255 (1) e. to permit political campaign signs 46 days before the state primary. Approved by the City Council on September 13, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 23, 2010. 511 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Section 20-312 Temporary Outdoor Sales, renumbering this section of the code to Section 20-964 under General Supplemental Regulations; including events as a permitted activity; and increasing the number of days per calendar year per property or center from 60 to 120. Approved by the City Council on October 11, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 21, 2010. 512 Amending Chapter 1, General Provisions, amending the definition of private kennel, and Chapter 20, Zoning, repealing Section 20-287(9). Approved by the City Council on November 22, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 2, 2010. 513 Amending Chapter 16, Solid Wastes, Section 16-33(2) Operating Requirements, concerning hours of collection. Approved by the City Council on November 22, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 2, 2010. 514 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning permitted and accessory uses in the Central Business District. Approved by the City Council on November 22, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 2, 2010. 515 Amending Chapter 19, Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, concerning utility billing. Approved by the City Council on December 13, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 23, 2010. 516 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, concerning utility rates. Approved by the City Council on December 13, 2010 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 23, 2010. 517 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, Section 4-15(e) establishing dog and cat impounding fees; and Amending Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl, Article 2, Division 3 requiring vaccination and identification of dogs and cats. Approved by the City Council on January 10, 2011 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 20, 2011. 518 Amending Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl, Article 2, Division 5 concerning dangerous dogs and potentially dangerous dogs. Approved by the City Council on January 10, 2011 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 20, 2011. 519 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, concerning SAC fees. Approved by the City Council on January 10, 2011 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 20, 2011. 520 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, concerning Recreation Center Fees. Approved by the City Council on January 24, 2011 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 3, 2011. 521 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, by Rezoning the following properties to Planned Unit Development (PUD): Ches Mar Farm, Ches Mar Farm 2nd Addition, and Ches Mar Trails). Approved by the City Council on January 24, 2011 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 3, 2011. 522 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions: Section 18-57 re: Streets; and Chapter 20, Zoning: Section 20-407(3) Wetland Protection, Section 202-505(e) Hard Surface Coverage; Section 20-1502(b) Building Permits. Approved by the City Council on May 23, 2011 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 2, 2011. 523 Amending Chapter 19, Article IV, Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems. Approved by the City Council on May 23, 2011 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 2, 2011. 524 Amending Chapter 7, Section 7-22; Chapter 18, Section 18-62; and Chapter 19, Section 19-145 concerning erosion control. Approved by the City Council on June 27, 2011 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 7, 2011. 525 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning Variances. Approved by the City Council on June 27, 2011 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 7, 2011. 526 Amending Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations, concerning electrical regulations. Approved by the City Council on July 11, 2011 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 21, 2011. 527 Amending Chapter 11, Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses, and Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning Gun Ranges. Approved by the City Council on August 22, 2011 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 20, 2011. 528 Amending Chapter 10, Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Business Regulations, concerning Rental Dwelling Licenses. Approved by the City Council on December 12, 2011 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 22, 2011. 529 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, concerning Fees. Approved by the City Council on December 12, 2011 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 22, 2011. ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 529 530 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Arboretum Village to Planned Unit Development-Residential; and Planned Unit Development within Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Arboretum Shopping Center to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on May 14, 2012. Summary ordinance for publication purposes approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 7, 2012. 531 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Highlands of Bluff Creek to Planned Unit Development-Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on May 14, 2012. Summary ordinance for publication purposes approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 7, 2012. 532 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Liberty on Bluff Creek to Planned Unit Development-Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on May 14, 2012. Summary ordinance for publication purposes approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 7, 2012. 533 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Section 20-910(7) Concerning Recreational Vehicles; and Section 20- 913(c)(2) Concerning the Height of Recreational Facility Lights. Adopted by the City Council on May 29, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 7, 2012. 534 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Chanhassen Vista, Chanhassen Vista 2nd Addition, Chanhassen Vista 3rd Addition and Chanhassen Vista 4th Addition to Planned Unit Development - Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 14, 2012. 535 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Chaparral, Chaparral 2nd Addition and Chaparral 3rd Addition to Planned Unit Development - Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 14, 2012. PAGE 15 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 536 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Fox Hollow, Fox Hollow 2nd Addition, Fox Hollow 3rd Addition and Fox Hollow 4th Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 14, 2012. 537 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Laredo Lane Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 14, 2012. 538 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within the following plats to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development: Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 2nd Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 3rd Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 4th Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 5th Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 6th Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 7th Addition, Chestnut Ridge at Near Mountain 8th Addition, Summit at Near Mountain, Summit at Near Mountain 2nd Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 2nd Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 3rd Addition, Trappers Pass at Near Mountain 4th Addition. Approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 14, 2012. 539 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Oak Ponds, Oak Ponds 2nd Addition, Oak Ponds 3rd Addition and Oak Ponds 4th Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 14, 2012. 540 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Pheasant Hills, Pheasant Hills 2nd Addition, Pheasant Hills 3rd Addition and Pheasant Hills 4th Addition to Planned Unit Development - Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 14, 2012. 541 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Lot 2, Block 1, Saratoga 3rd Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on May 29, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 14, 2012. 542 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning Planned Unit Developments. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 543 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning Non-Conforming Lots of Record. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 544 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning Sign Illumination. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 545 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning Regulating Permit for Temporary Signs, Searchlights, Banners, etc. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 546 Changing a Street Name: “Highland Court” from Lakeview Road East to its terminus is changed to “Reflections Road”. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 547 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Blocks 2 and 3, Mission Hills, from Planned Unit Development - Residential (PUD-R) to Single Family Residential (RSF). Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 548 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning the following to Planned Unit Development – Residential: All property within Mission Hills except Blocks 2, 3 and Outlot E; Mission Hills 2nd Addition; Mission Hills Villas, A Condominium, Common Interest Community No. 8, 9th Supplemental filed April 10, 1996; Mission Hills Villas, A Condominium, Common Interest Community No. 8, 10th Supplemental filed April 10, 1996; Mission Hills Villas, A Condominium, Common Interest Community No. 8, 11th Supplemental filed May 7, 1996; Mission Hills Villas, A Condominium, Common Interest Community No. 8, 12th Supplemental filed May 20, 1996; and Rezoning Outlot E, Mission Hills to Planned Unit Development. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Summary ordinance approved by the City Council on July 23, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 2, 2012 549 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Saratoga 1st Addition, except Lots 1 – 3, Block 1, and Saratoga 2nd Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 550 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within South Lotus Lake and South Lotus Lake Second Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 551 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within South Lotus Villas to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 552 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Triple Crown Estates to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 553 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Walnut Grove to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 554 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Western Hills Addition, Western Hills First Addition and Western Hills 2nd Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 555 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within WillowRidge, WillowRidge 2nd Addition and WillowRidge 3rd Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2012. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2012. 556 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Meadows at Longacres, Meadows at Longacres 2nd Addition, Meadows at Longacres 3rd Addition and Meadows at Longacres 4th Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on July 23, 2012. Summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 2, 2012. 557 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within The Woods at Longacres, The Woods at Longacres 2nd Addition, The Woods at Longacres 3rd Addition, The Woods at Longacres 4th Addition, The Woods at Longacres 5th Addition and The Woods at Longacres 6th Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on July 23, 2012. Summary Ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 2, 2012. 558 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Minnewashta Creek 1st Addition, Minnewashta Creek 2nd Addition, Minnewashta Creek 3rd Addition, and Minnewashta Creek Hill to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on July 23, 2012. Summary Ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 2, 2012. 559 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Red Cedar Cove to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on July 23, 2012. Summary Ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 2, 2012. PAGE 16 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 560 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Autumn Ridge, Autumn Ridge 2nd Addition, Autumn Ridge 3rd Addition, and Common Interest Community Number 25 to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on August 13, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 23, 2012. 561 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Chanhassen Hills, Chanhassen Hills 2nd Addition and Chanhassen Hills 3rd Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on August 13, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 23, 2012. 562 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Lynmore Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on August 13, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 23, 2012. 563 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within North Bay, North Bay 2nd Addition and North Bay 3rd Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on August 13, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 23, 2012. 564 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within The Preserve at Bluff Creek 1st Addition, The Preserve at Bluff Creek 2nd Addition, The Preserve at Bluff Creek 3rd Addition and the Preserve at Bluff Creek 4th Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on August 13, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 23, 2012. 565 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Springfield 1st Addition, Springfield 2nd Addition, Springfield 3rd Addition, Springfield 4th Addition, Springfield 5th Addition, Springfield 6th Addition, Springfield 7th Addition and Summerfield 2nd Addition to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on August 13, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 23, 2012. 566 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Townhomes at Creekside to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on August 13, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 23, 2012. 567 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Trotters Ridge to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on August 13, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 23, 2012. 568 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Hidden Valley to Planned Unit Development – Residential to incorporate the zoning standards for the development. Approved by the City Council on September 10, 2012 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 20, 2012. 569 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Fox Chase from Planned Unit Development – Residential (PUD-R) to Single Family Residential (RSF). Approved by the City Council on September 10, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 20, 2012. 570 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Orchard Hills from Planned Unit Development – Residential (PUD-R) to Single Family Residential (RSF). Approved by the City Council on September 10, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 20, 2012. 571 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Sunrise Hills 4th Addition from Planned Unit Development – Residential (PUD-R) to Single Family Residential (RSF). Approved by the City Council on September 10, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 20, 2012. 572 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Waldrips Second Addition from Planned Unit Development – Residential (PUD-R) to Single Family Residential (RSF). Approved by the City Council on September 10, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 20, 2012. 573 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Whitetail Ridge from Planned Unit Development – Residential (PUD-R) to Single Family Residential (RSF). Approved by the City Council on September 10, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 20, 2012. 574 Amending Chapter 1, Definitions; Chapter 4, Fees; and Chapter 20, Zoning Concerning Senior Living Facilities. Approved by the City Council on October 22, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on November 8, 2012. 575 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Outlot B, Reeds Orchard Ridge from Single Family Residential District (RSF) to Mixed Medium Density Residential District (R-8). Approved by the City Council on October 22, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on November 8, 2012. 576 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, concerning Fees. Approved by the City Council on December 10, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 20, 2012. 577 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning Arterial and Collector Streets. Approved by the City Council on December 10, 2012 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 20, 2012. 578 Amending Chapter 9, Fire Prevention and Protection, deleting Article II. - Fire Department. Approved by the City Council on March 11, 2013 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 21, 2013.3/11/2013 3/21/2013 579 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Chanhassen Gateway Planned Unit Development Design Standards, Section a. Intent, Section b. Permitted Uses, Section d. Prohibited Ancillary Uses, and Section e. Setbacks, Approved by the City Council on March 25, 2013 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 11, 2013. 3/25/2013 4/11/2013 580 Amending Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl, Concerning Animal Impoundment and Redemption. Approved by the City Council on April 8, 2013 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 18, 2013.4/8/2013 4/18/2013 581 Amending Chapter 2, Administration, Concerning Senior Commission Membership. Approved by the City Council on April 8, 2013 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 18, 2013.4/8/2013 4/18/2013 582 Amending Chapter 2, Administration, Concerning Park & Recreation Commission Youth Membership. Approved by the City Council on April 22, 2013 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 2, 2013.4/22/2013 5/2/2013 583 Amending Chapter 19, Article IV, Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems. Approved by the City Council on May 13, 2013 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 23, 2013.5/13/2013 5/23/2013 584 Amending Chapter 10 – Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Business Regulations, adding Article VIII concerning Massage Therapy Business Licensing. Approved by the City Council on November 25, 2013. Summary ordinance approved by the City Council on December 9, 2013 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 19, 2013. 11/25/2013 12/19/2013 585 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning the Bluff Creek Cottages site from Agricultural Estate District, A-2, to Mixed Medium Density Residential, R-8. Approved by the City Council on August 12, 2013, and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 22, 2013. 8/12/2013 8/22/2013 586 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Bluff Creek Woods from Agricultural Estate District, A-2, to Single-Family Residential District, RSF. Approved by the City Council on August 12, 2013, and published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 5, 2013. 8/12/2013 9/5/2013 587 Changing and Adding a Street Name in the plat of Camden Ridge: “Jeurissen Drive” from Henry Court to its cul-de-sac end is changed to “Camden Ridge Drive”; and the unnamed street stub extending north from River Rock Drive South to the Camden Ridge north property line shall be named “Miranda Way”. Approved by the City Council on October 14, 2013. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 24, 2013. 10/14/2013 10/24/2013 PAGE 17 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 588 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, concerning Fees. Approved by the City Council on December 9, 2013 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 19, 2013.12/9/2013 12/19/2013 589 Amending Chapter 19, Water, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, concerning the interest rate for assessed water and sewer connections. Approved by the City Council on December 9, 2013 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 19, 2013. 12/9/2013 12/19/2013 590 Granting a franchise to Mediacom Minnesota LLC to construct, operate, and maintain a cable system in the city of Chanhassen, Minnesota; setting forth conditions accompanying the grant of the franchise; providing for regulation and use of the system; and prescribing penalties for the violation of its provisions. Approved by the City Council on December 9, 2013 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 19, 2013. 12/9/2013 12/19/2013 591 Repealing Chapter 7.5, Cable Communications. Approved by the City Council on December 9, 2013 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 19, 2013.12/9/2013 12/19/2013 ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 591 592 Amending Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations, concerning As-Built Grading Survey Escrows. Approved by the City Council on February 10, 2014 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 20, 2014. 2/10/2014 2/20/2014 593 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Camden Ridge PUD Development Design Standards, Section c. Setbacks. Approved by the City Council on March 10, 2014 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 20, 2014. 3/10/2014 3/20/2014 594 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Chanhassen West Business Park PUD Development Design Standards, Section d. Development Standards Tabulation Box. Approved by the City Council on March 24, 2014 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on April 3, 2014. 3/24/2014 4/2/2014 595 Amending Chapter 1, General Provisions, to add definition of Expansion and add schematic to Flag lot definition; Amending Chapter 18, Subdivision, concerning trees and landscaping; and Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, concerning docks as accessory structures, architectural elements, principal structure, and to specify the most recently adopted surface water management plan. Approved by the City Council on May 12, 2014 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 22, 2014. 5/12/2014 5/22/2014 596 Amending Chapter 10 Concerning Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants regarding eliminating fee and deposit, requiring ID badge to returned within 10 days of expiration, reducing threshold on theft as a reason for denial, requiring permit holders to carry a driver’s license or State/Federal ID at all time while soliciting, and soliciting prior to issuance of permit is grounds for denial of the application for that year. Approved by the City Council on May 27, 2014 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 5, 2014. 5/27/2014 6/5/2014 597 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 1 within Arbor Cove from Office and Institutional District (OI) to Single-Family Residential District (RSF). Approved by the City Council on April 28, 2014, and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 26, 2014. 4/28/2014 6/26/2014 598 Amending Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl, Concerning Dangerous and Potentially Dangerous Dogs. Approved by the City Council on July 14, 2014 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 24, 2014.7/14/2014 7/24/2014 599 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Preserve at Rice Lake from Single Family Residential (RSF) and Mixed Low Density Residential (R4) to Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD- R). Approved by the City Council on August 12, 2013, and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 18, 2014. 8/12/2013 12/18/2014 600 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, concerning Fees. Approved by the City Council on December 8, 2014 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 18, 2014.12/8/2014 12/18/2014 601 Amending Chapter 2, Administration, concerning City Council Compensation. Approved by the City Council on December 8, 2014 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 2, 2015.12/8/2014 1/2/2015 602 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property within Vistas at Bentz Farm from Agricultural Estate (A2) to Residential-Low & Medium Density (RLM). Approved by the City Council on September 22, 2014, and published in the Chanhassen Villager on January 1, 2015. 9/22/2014 1/1/2015 603 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, allowing golf courses located in the agricultural Estate District (A2) to serve wine. Approved by the City Council on February 23, 2015 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 5, 2015. 2/23/2015 3/5/2015 SUPPLEMENT 8 INCLUDES ALL ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 603 604 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all the property with Seven Forty-One Crossing from Neighborhood Business District (BN) to Planned Unit Development (PUD). Approved by the City Council on December 8, 2014 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 28, 2015. 12/8/2014 5/28/2015 605 Amending Chapter 10 concerning hours of liquor sales on Sundays to conform with state law. Approved by the City Council on June 8, 2015 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on June 18, 2015.6/8/2015 6/18/2015 606 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, rezoning property for Children’s Learning Adventure from Agricultural Estate (A-2) to Planned Unit Development (PUD). Approved by the City Council on May 26, 2015. Summary ordinance approved on June 22, 2015 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 2, 2015. 5/26/2015 7/2/2015 607 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, amending the Villages on the Ponds PUD Development Design Standards, Section g. Signage, concerning Sign Criteria. Approved the City Council on July 27, 2015. Summary ordinance approved on August 10, 2015 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 20, 2015. 7/27/2015 8/20/2015 608 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, rezoning all the property within Glaccum Highlands from Rural Residential District, RR, to Single-Family Residential District, RSF. Approved by the City Council on July 27, 2015 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 24, 2015. 7/27/2015 9/24/2015 609 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, rezoning all property within Lot 1, Block 1, BeeHive Home 2nd Addition from Single Family Residential District (RSF) to Mixed Medium Density Residential District (R-8). Approved by the City Council on June 8, 2015 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 8, 2015. 6/8/2015 10/8/2015 610 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, concerning Fees. Approved by the City Council on December 14, 2015 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 24, 2015. 12/14/2015 12/24/2015 611 Amending Chapter 1, General Provisions concerning the definition of Open Fences, and Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations, concerning incorporation of the Minnesota State Building Code. Approved by the City Council on December 14, 2015 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 24, 2015. 12/14/2015 12/24/2015 612 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivisions, and Chapter 20, Zoning as follows: Section 18-78 (b) (11), to clarify that wetlands may also be dedicated as part of the plat; Section 20-28 (b) (2) to note that the standard of review is practical difficulty in granting variances; Section 20-91 (a) to note that sheds in excess of 200 square feet and retaining walls less than four feet in height require zoning permits; Section 20-122 to note that security is required for site plans and means to reduce the security; Section 20-616 (1) to reference Chapter 5, Article III; Section 20-1001 (3) to clarify that farm animals may be permitted on A-2 and RR properties with 10 acres or more; Sections 20-1117 (3) and (4) to provide standards for uses that are appropriate for shared parking; Section 20-1122 (2) to allow the City Engineer to permit driveway grades in excess of 10 percent and to provide criteria for such deviation; Section 20-1124 (2) r. to provide parking standards for different types of restaurants; and Section 20-1124 (2) v. to provide parking standards for shopping centers. Approved by the City Council on December 14, 2015 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 24, 2015. 12/14/2015 12/24/2015 613 Amending Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations, concerning incorporation of the Minnesota State Building Code. Approved by the City Council on March 14, 2016 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 24, 2016. 3/14/2016 3/24/2016 PAGE 18 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED SUPPLEMENT 9 INCLUDES ALL ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 613 613A Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all of Foxwood Addition except for Outlots A, C, D, E and F from Agricultural Estate District (A-2) to Residential Low and Medium Density (RLM)6/27/2016 2/16/2023 614 Amending Chapter 20-904(f), to read as follows: Pursuant to authority granted by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.3593 subdivision 9, the City of Chanhassen opts-out of the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.3593. Approved by the City Council on August 23, 2016 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on September 1, 2016. 8/23/2016 9/1/2016 615 Amending Chapter 10-19(c) concerning the alcohol content of wine. Approved by the City Council on October 10, 2016 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on October 20, 2016.10/10/2016 10/20/2016 616 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning rezoning Lot 11, Block 1, Chanhassen Lakes Business Park from Industrial Office Park (IOP) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) to facilitate the use of the building as a museum. Approved by the City Council on October 24, 2016 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on November 3, 2016. 10/24/2016 11/3/2016 617 Amending Chapter 4, License, Permit and Administrative Fees, concerning Fees. Approved by the City Council on December 12, 2016 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 22, 2016.12/12/2016 12/22/2016 618 Amending Chapter 10 removing on-sale intoxicating Liquor License Food to Liquor Sales Ratio Requirements. Approved by the City Council on January 23, 2017 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on February 2, 2017. 1/23/2017 2/2/2017 619 Amending Chapters 1, 4, 18, and 20 concerning Chemical Toilets at Special Events, Limits on Maximum Cul- de-sac length, Hardcover on Flag Lots, Multiple Buildings as a Conditional Use, Reclassification of Streets, Update Sections Referencing Temporary Events, and New Regulations for Special Events. Approved by the City Council on February 27, 2017 and Summary Ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 9, 2017. 2/27/2017 3/9/2017 620 Amending Chapter 4, Fees removing renewal fee for liquor license background investigations. Approved by the City Council on March 13, 2017 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 23, 2017.5/13/2017 5/23/2017 SUPPLEMENT 10 INCLUDES ALL ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 620 621 Amending Chapter 1, General Provisions, Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl, and Chapter 20, Zoning concerning stables. Approved by the City Council on May 8, 2017. Summary Ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 18, 2017. 5/8/2017 5/18/2017 622 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning amending the Mission Hills PUD Development Design Standards in its entirety. Approved by the City Council on May 8, 2017. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on May 18, 2017. 5/8/2017 9/21/2017 623 Amending Chapter, 20, Zoning, rezoning all of the property within the Fawn Hill development (Lots 1-4, Block 1 and Lots 1-6, Block 2) from Agricultural Estate (A-2) to Residential-Low & Medium Density (RLM). Approved by the City Council on August 14, 2017. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 24, 2017 8/14/2017 8/24/2017 624 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning rezoning all of the lots, blocks, and outlots within the plat of West Park from Residential Single Family (RSF) and Planned Unit Development-Mixed Use (PUD) to Planned Unit Development-Residential (PUD-R), incorporating design standards. Approved by the City Council on July 10, 2017. Summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 3, 2017. 7/10/2017 8/3/2017 625 Amending Chapter 20, rezoning all of the lots, blocks, and outlots within the plat of Avienda from Agricultural Estate District (A2) to Planned Unit Development-Regional Commercial (PUD-RC). Approved by the City Council on July 10, 2017. Summary ordinance approved for publication by the City Council on July 24, 2017 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 3, 2017. 7/10/2017 8/3/2017 626 Amending Chapter 2, Administration, allowing city staff to enforce Minnesota State Statutes. Approved by the City Council on July 24, 2017. Published in the Chanhassen Villager on August 3, 2017.7/24/2017 8/3/2017 627 Amending Chapter 4-Fees. Approved by the City Council on December 11, 2017 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 21, 2017.12/11/2017 12/21/2017 628 Amending Chapter 1-General Provisions, Chapter 6-Boats and Waterways, Chapter 7-Building and Building Regulations, Chapter 13-Nuisances, Chapter 14-Parks and Recreation, Chapter 18-Subdivisions, and Chapter 20-Zoning . Approved by the City Council on December 11, 2017 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 21, 2017. 12/11/2017 12/21/2017 629 Amending Chapter 17-Streets & Sidewalks concerning Small Cell Wireless Facilities. Approved by the City Council on December 11, 2017 and summary ordinance published in the Chanhassen Villager on December 21, 2017. 12/11/2017 12/21/2017 SUPPLEMENT 11 INCLUDES ALL ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 629 630 Amending Paisley Park PUD 1/8/2018 1/18/2018 EMAILED MUNICODE ON 2/20/18 AUTHORIZING SUPPLEMENT #11 631 Amending Arbor Glen PUD. Approved by the City Council on February 26, 2018 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on March 8, 2018.2/26/2018 3/8/2018 632 Amending Chapters 1, 4, 10, and 20 concerning 1) Craft Alcohol Production; 2) Adult Daycare in OI Districts; and, 3) Onsite Pickup/Drive Up Signs. Approved by the City Council on June 11, 2018 and summary ordinance published in the Chanahssen Villager on June 21, 2018. 6/11/2018 6/21/2018 633 Amending Chapters 1, 7, 18, and 20 concerning Permeable Pavers. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2018 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2018.6/25/2018 7/5/2018 634 Amending Chapters 5 and 20 concerning Beekeeping. Approved by the City Council on June 25, 2018 and published in the Chanhassen Villager on July 5, 2018.6/25/2018 7/5/2018 XXX Franchise Fees 11/26/2018 N/A 635 Amending Chapter, 20, Zoning, rezoning all of the property within the Holasek Business Park from Agricultural Estate (A-2) to Industrial Office Park (IOP). 12/10/2018 12/20/2018 636 Amending Chapters 1 and 20, updating Flood Plain Protection Ordinance 12/10/2018 12/20/2018 637 Amending Chapter 4 Concerning Fees 12/10/2018 12/20/2018 EMAILED MUNICODE ON 12/17/2018 AUTHORIZING SUPPLEMENT #12 638 Amending Paisley Park PUD 1/14/2019 1/24/2019 639 Amending Chapters 4, 5, and 20: -Permitting backyard chickens in residential districts -Revising the Community Commercial District Section's formatting -Allowing Continuing Care Retirement Facilities in High-Density Residential Districts -Update Sign Design and Construction Standards Reference -Clarifying Trash Storage Enclosure Exemption 3/11/2019 3/21/2019 SUPPLEMENT 12 INCLUDES ALL ORDINANCES UP TO AND INCLUDING 639 640 Amending Chapter 20, Galpin Site PUD (The Park)3/11/2019 6/6/2019 641 Amending Chapters 18, 19, and 20: -Permitting Pet Kennels in Industrial Office Park Districts -30-20-10 Tree Diversity Standards for Subdivision -Designation of Alternate Front Yards 5/13/2019 5/23/2019 642 Amending Chapter 6 concerning Slow-no wake areas 6/10/2019 6/20/2019 643 Amending Chapter 2 establishing an Economic Development Commission 6/10/2019 6/20/2019 644 Amending Chapter 9 adopting the Minnesota State Fire Code, revising the Fire Code Appeals Process, and Establishing Recreational Fire and Burn Permit Standards; and Amending Chapter 18 adopting Design Standards for Street and Fire Apparatus Access Roads 8/12/2019 8/22/2019 645 Minnesota Valley Electric Franchise Ordinance 10/28/2019 11/7/2019 646 Minnesota Valley Electric Fee Ordinance 10/28/2019 11/7/2019 647 Xcel Energy Franchise Ordinance 10/28/2019 11/7/2019 648 Xcel Energy Fee Ordinance 10/28/2019 11/7/2019 649 CenterPoint Energy Franchise Ordinance 10/28/2019 11/7/2019 650 CenterPoint Energy Fee Ordinance 10/28/2019 11/7/2019 PAGE 19 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 651 Amending Chapters 2, 4, and 20 concerning -Remove Standard Specification and Detail Plate Requirement for Permeable Paver Systems -Clarify Language Governing Recreational Beach Lots -Require Traffic Studies as Part of Site Plan Reviews -Adopt Zoning Standards for Solar Energy Systems -Correct a Typographical Error in the Interim Use Statute -Restrict Merchandise Sold at Temporary and Special Events to Goods Normally Sold on Site -Adopt Minimum Driveway Configuration Standards -Require Single-Family Homes to have Walkways and Concrete Pads for Stairs and Landings -Adopt Airport Zoning Standards -Remove Obsolete Parking Lot Configurations Graphic 12/9/2019 12/19/2019 652 Amending Chapter 4, Fees 12/9/2019 12/19/2019 EMAILED MUNICODE ON 12/16/2019 AUTHORIZING SUPPLEMENT #13 653 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all of the property within the Moments of Chanhassen from Rural Residential District (RR) to High Density Residential District (R-16)4/13/2020 4/23/2020 654 Amending Chapter 20 of the Chanhassen City Code, Zoning , by Amending the Paisley Park Planned Unit Development 5/26/2020 6/4/2020 655 Amending Chapter 6, Boats and Waterways of the Chanhassen City Code Concering Slow-no wake areas 5/26/2020 6/4/2020 656 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning to remove residential restrictions for Regional/Lifestyle Center Planned Unit Developments 6/22/2020 7/2/2020 657 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning 188+/- acres from A-2 to PUD Regional Commercial (Avienda)7/13/2020 7/29/2021 658 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, PUD Amendment for Chaparral, Chaparral 2nd Addition and Chaparral 3rd Addition 7/27/2020 8/6/2020 659 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, to remove 1"=200' Scale Mylar Requirement 9/28/2020 10/8/2020 660 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, IOP District Permitted Accessory Uses Numbering 9/28/2020 10/8/2020 661 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, to permit the construction of certain structures on outlots 10/12/2020 10/22/2020 662 Amending Chapter 1, General Provisions, Chapter 2, Administration, Chapter 7, Building and Building Regulations, and Chapter 19, Water, Sewers, And Sewage Disposal, of The Chanhassen City Code 12/7/2020 12/17/2020 663 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning approximately 9.03 acres to Planned Unit Development- Residential. (Lake Lucy Island)12/14/2020 12/23/2020 664 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Gateway of Chanhassen PUD to allow an automotive repairs shop with standards 12/14/2020 12/23/2020 665 Amending Chapter 4, Fees 12/14/2020 12/23/2020 MUNICODE PUBLISHED SUPPLEMENT #14 ON 03-01-2021 666 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning Deer Haven Addition to Single-Family Residential (RSF)1/11/2021 5/20/2021 667 Amending Chapter 18, Subdivision and Chapter 20, Zoning, of the Chanhassen City Code 3/22/2021 4/1/2021 668 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning Golf Driving Ranges 5/10/2021 5/20/2021 669 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning Identification of Arterial and Collector Streets 5/24/2021 6/3/2021 670 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning Required Number of Parking Spaces for a Shopping Center or Multi-Tenant Buildings 5/24/2021 6/3/2021 671 Amending Chapter 1, General Provisions and Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl Concerning Number of Chickens Allowed 5/24/2021 6/3/2021 672 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning Mobile Food Vending (Food Trucks)6/14/2021 6/24/2021 673 Amending Chapter 4, Fees, Correcting Top Tier Commercial Water Utility Rates 7/26/2021 8/5/2021 674 Amending Chapters 1 and 20, Defining and Regulating Agritourism Use 8/9/2021 8/19/2021 675 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Eagle Bluff Addition to Single-Family Residential District (RSF) from Agricultural Estate District (A-2)8/9/2021 8/19/2021 676 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning Lots 1 through 17, Block 1, and Lots 1 through 5, Block 2, Erhart Farm Addition to Single-Family Residential District (RSF) from Agricultural Estate District (A-2)8/9/2021 677 Amending Chapter 2, Administration, adding a youth commissioner to the Environmental Commission 8/23/2021 9/2/2021 678 Granting a Cable Television Franchise Agreement to CMN-RUS, Inc. (MetroNet)8/23/2021 9/2/2021 679 Amending Chapter 13, Nuisances, Concerning Noise 8/23/2021 9/2/2021 680 Amending Chapter 9, Fire Prevention and Protection, Section 9-3 Technical Standards 11/22/2021 12/2/2021 681 Amending Chapter 4, Fees 12/13/2021 12/23/2021 682 Amending Chapters 1, 5, and 20 Concerning Private Kennel Licenses 1/10/2022 1/20/2022 683 Amending Chapters 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Fees.1/10/2022 1/20/2022 684 Establishing the City Fees and Charges for 2022 (Fee Schedule)1/10/2022 1/20/2022 685 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning Reclassifying Certain Uses Within the Fringe Business District 1/24/2022 2/3/2022 686 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning Concerning Notification Requirements and Public Hearing Timelines 3/14/2022 3/24/2022 687 Amending Chapter 2, Administration Concerning Economic Development Commission Membership Terms 3/21/2022 3/30/2022 688 Amending Chapter 1, General Provisions and Chapter 10, Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Business Regulations to add Community Festival as a type of liquor license 4/25/2022 5/5/2022 689 Revising 2022 City Fees and Charges 5/9/2022 5/19/2022 690 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all property within the Erhart Farm Development from Agricultural Estate (A-2) to Single-Family Residential (RSF)5/9/2022 7/21/2022 691 Amending Chapter 1, General Provisions and Chapter 20, Zoning Regulating Outdoor Storage of Watercraft 5/9/2022 5/19/2022 692 Amending Chapter 13, Nuisances, and Chapter 20, Zoning 6/13/2022 6/23/2022 693 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning Concerning Permitted Accessory Uses in an IOP District (Commercial Kitchen operated in conjunction with a brewery taproom or microdistillery cocktail room)7/11/2022 7/21/2022 694 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning Concerning Setback from any gas transmission pipeline easement; and Improvements and Encroachments in Public Easements 8/8/2022 8/18/2022 695 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all property within the Flying Cloud Center Development from Fringe Business District (BF) to Planned Unit Development (PUD)9/12/2022 9/22/2022 696 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the Avienda Planned Unit Development Design Standards 9/12/2022 697 Revising 2022 City Fees and Charges 9/26/2022 10/6/2022 698 Amending Chapter 1, General Provisions, and Chapter 20, Zoning Concerning Short-term Rentals 10/10/2022 10/20/2022 699 Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting Medical Cannabis Manufacturing And Distribution Facilities 10/10/2022 10/20/2022 700 Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting the Manufacture, Testing, Distribution, and Sale of Cannabinoids 10/10/2022 10/20/2022 701 Amending Chapter 2, Administration, Concering changing the name of the Senior Commission to the Commission on Aging 10/24/2022 11/3/2022 702 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, of the Chanhassen City Code Concerning Extensions to Variances 11/14/2022 11/24/2022 703 Establishing the City Fees and Charges for 2023 1/23/2023 2/2/2023 704 Amending City Code Chapter 2, Administration, adding Code Enforcement Specialists to Enforcement of City Code; Chapter 10, Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Business Regulations removing the 30-day period for temporary liquor licenses; and Chapter 14, Parks and Recreation Concerning Animals in City Parks 3/13/2023 3/23/2023 705 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Amending the SouthWest Village Planned Unit Development Design Standards, Sections b. Permitted Uses, and i. Signage.4/10/2023 4/20/2023 PAGE 20 of 21 ORDINANCE INDEX updated 1/29/2025 NO.DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED DATE PUBLISHED 706 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Rezoning all property within the Xcel Service Center property described in the attached Exhibit A, from Agricultural Estate (A2) to Planned Unit Development (PUD)4/10/2023 4/20/2023 707 Amending Article 10-IV of The Chanhassen City Code Concerning Peddlers, Solicitors, and Transient Merchants 4/24/2023 5/4/2023 708 Amending Chapter 2, Administration, adding a youth commissioner to the Economic Development Commission 5/8/2023 5/18/2023 709 Amending Chapter 7, Buildings and Building Regulations, Chapter 12, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, Chapter 13, Nuisances, Chapter 17, Streets and Sidewalks, and Chapter 19, Water, Sewers, and Sewage Disposal of the Chanhassen City Code 5/22/2023 6/1/2023 710 Amending Chapter 13, Nuisances, Chapter 18, Subdivisions, and Chapter 20, Zoning, of the Chanhassen City Code concerning Standards for Model Homes, Nuisance Light and Lighting Standards, and Final Plat Requirements 6/5/2023 6/15/2023 711 Amending Chapter 16, Solid Wastes, Section 16-33 Operating Requirements, removing monthly reporting requirement on mixed recyclables.6/26/2023 7/6/2023 712 Interim Ordinance Temporarily Prohibiting Development in a Designated Area of the City of Chanhassen (Central Business District)7/17/2023 7/27/2023 713 Amending Chapter 14, Parks and Recreation, Concerning Smoking in City Parks 8/14/2023 8/24/2023 714 Amending Chapter 11, Miscellaneous Provisions and Offenses, Concerning the use of Cannabis in Public 8/14/2023 8/24/2023 715 Amending Chapter 20, Zoning, Concerning the Central Business District 9/25/2023 10/5/2023 716 Amending Chapter 10, Licenses, Permits, and Business Regulations, Concerning Regulation of Lawful Gambling 10/9/2023 10/19/2023 717 Amending Chapter 1, Definitions, relevant to the Central Business District Zoning District 10/30/2023 11/9/2023 718 Amending Chapter 7-III Excavating, Mining, Filling, and Grading, adding exceptions for Interim Use Permits for Grading Activites in excess of 1,000 cubic yards 10/30/2023 11/9/2023 719 Amending Chapter 20, Section 20-1124 Concerning Required Number of Parking Spaces 11/13/2023 11/22/2023 720 Establishing the City Liquor License Fees and Charges for 2024 12/11/2023 12/21/2023 721 AMENDING CHAPTER 20, ZONING, OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE AMENDING LOT COVER STANDARDS IN THE SHORELAND OVERLAY DISTRICT 1/22/2024 2/1/2024 722 AMENDING CHAPTER 20, ZONING, OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE AMENDING LOT COVER STANDARDS IN THE RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY (RSF) ZONING DISTRICT 1/22/2024 2/1/2024 723 AMENDING CHAPTER 1, CHAPTER 13, AND CHAPTER 20 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE LAWN MAINTENCE STANDARDS IN THE A-2, RR, AND RSF 4/15/2024 4/25/2024 724 AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, THE CITY’S ZONING ORDINANCE, BY REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT 4/15/2024 4/25/2024 725 AMENDING THE 2024 CITY FEES AND CHARGES SCHEDULE 4/22/2024 5/2/2024 726 AMENDING CHAPTER 20, ZONING OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE FOR SHORT TERM RENTALS 5/13/2024 5/23/2024 727 GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO COMCAST OF ARKANSAS/ LOUISIANA/MINNESOTA/MISSISSIPPI/TENNESSEE, LLC TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A CABLE SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS ACCOMPANYING THE GRANT OF THE FRANCHISE; PROVIDING FOR REGULATION AND USE OF THE SYSTEM AND THE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREIN. 5/13/2024 5/23/2024 728 AMENDING THE CITY FEES AND CHARGES FOR 2024 6/24/2024 7/4/2024 729 AMENDING CHAPTER 20 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE FOR LOT REQUIREMENTS 6/24/2024 7/4/2024 730 AMENDING CHAPTER 20 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE FOR CONDITIONAL USE 6/24/2024 7/4/2024 731 AMENDING CHAPTER 20 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE - DESIGN STANDARDS 7/22/2024 8/1/2024 732 AMENDING THE CHAPARRAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 658 8/12/2024 8/22/2024 733 AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE RELATING TO COMPENSATION OF CITY COUNCIL 9/23/2024 10/3/2024 734 AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE RELATING TO REGULATION OF LAWFUL GAMBLING 9/23/2024 10/3/2024 735 AMENDING THE CHILDREN’S LEARNING ADVENTURE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 606 10/28/2024 11/7/2024 736 AMENDING CHAPTER 10 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE CONCERNING CANNABIS BUSINESSES 12/9/2024 12/19/2024 737 IMPOSING LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX 12/9/2024 12/19/2024 738 ESTABLISHING THE CITY FEES AND CHARGES FOR 2025 1/13/2025 1/23/2025 739 AMENDING CHAPTER 20 OF THE CHANHASSEN CITY CODE, THE CITY'S ZONING ORDINANCE, REZONING PROPERTY (Seven and 41 Crossing)1/13/2025 1/23/2025 740 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 20 CHANHASSEN CITY CODE (Group homes)1/13/2025 1/23/2025 PAGE 21 of 21