Waiver for 60 day Appeal 22-17\\'AIYER APPLICANT Mirmesota Statute Section 15.99, a copy of which is attached, requires the City of Chanhassen ("City") to approve or deny a zoning related application within 60 days of receiving a completed 4plication. The City may extord the timeline by an additional 60 days by providing the applicant with written notice before the end of the original 60day period. The City received your application for a variance on December 16,2022. On January 20, 2023 yott appealed the variance granted by the Planning Commission during its J al:r.tary 17 ,2023 meeting. On February l, 2023 you requested that your appeal be removed from the February 13,2023 City Council agend4 and be rescheduled for an rmspecified March City Council MeAing. Staffinformed you that this action may prevent the variance from being resolved within the requked 60 day rwiew period which will end on February 14, 2023. Since the City is not exercising its right to an additional 60 day review period, extension beyond the initial 60 day review period must be approved by the applicant. You have requested an extension beyond February 14, 2023 to allow for you to work with City staff to address issues raised by the Planning Commission and City Staffwith your requested variance. The deadline for City action is hereby agreed to be extended to June 30, 2023 BY SIGNING THIS WAIVER YOU ACKNOWLEDGE: RECETVING A COPY OF MINNESOTA STATT]TE SECTION 15.99; THAT YOU WERE ADVISED THAT THIS WAN'ER AIFECTS YOI-]R PROPERTY RIGHTS AND THAT YOU MAY WANT TOREVIEW ITWITH AN ATTORNEY; YOU HAVE AGREED TO THE EXTENSION; AND YOU WAIVE ALL RIGHTS UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTE SECTION 15.99. SIGNATTIRE: PRNT NAME: Cordell Mack POSITION HELD WITH APPLICANT:Owner A. B. C. D. behalf of the above-named applicant. certify that I am authorized to execute this waiver on /az/ DATE: 212/2023 L