01-09-2023 City Council Work Session MinutesCHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION MINUTES JANUARY 9, 2023 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Schubert, and Councilman von Oven. COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Charlie Howley, City Engineer/Public Works Director; Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Park & Recreation Director; Rick Rice, IT Manager; Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager; and Kim Meuwissen, City Clerk. PUBLIC PRESENT: Jessica Cook, Ehlers Public Finance Advisors Kyle Sawyer, Ehlers Public Finance Advisors Bill Maloney, 7211 Frontier Trail Wesley Erpelding, 9061 Springfield Drive Bryan Harjes, HKGi Mayor Ryan called the Work Session to order at 5:30 p.m. UTILITY RATE STUDY PRESENTATION Public Works Director/City Engineer Charlie Howley introduced Jessica Cook and Kyle Sawyer from Ehlers Public Finance Advisors. Ms. Cook has worked with the city for the past 20 years conducting the rate study annually and the city has followed recommendations which kept the city in a really good financial position. This year there have been some changes as a result of the city desiring to accomplish more road projects, which also includes more utilities. Ms. Cook shared a PowerPoint presentation and stated that the purpose of utility rate study is to fund road projects, ensure utilities are self-sufficient, model Avienda development, and estimate bill impacts. She reviewed the 2020 rate study recommendations and outlined what has changed since then. The Capital Improvement Plan has increased mostly due to road projects, and staff costs have been studied and reallocated from the general fund to utilities according to time spent, with the biggest impact being to the Storm Water Fund. Growth assumptions were updated and two growth scenarios were analyzed, with and without SAC units in the Avienda development. Ms. Cook shared a slide showing the impact of growth assumptions to hook-up fees and user revenues. Growth generates hook-up fees to pay for expanding infrastructure and water treatment plant debt service, and more user revenues are generated with new customers. Higher revenues from growth lessens rate increases and also impacts debt needed to finance capital projects. Other key assumptions included a 6% annual increase in Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) charges, a personnel cost increase of 5% annually, and an increase to non-personal operating costs of 3% annually. This analysis did not review the current water rate structure, just inflationary increases only as the current rate structure is consistent with industry standards. Ms. Cook shared Ehlers’ rate recommendations for the water, sanitary sewer, and storm water utility rate increases and provided graphs showing projected year end cash balances for each. Sample residential and commercial utility bills were also presented showing what charges would be with and without the City Council Work Session Minutes – January 9, 2023 2 Avienda development. Proposed 2023 hook-up fees were presented as well as future annual increases of 3.5% for water and sewer. A community comparison was also shared for hook-up fees. Following her presentation, Ms. Cook outlined the following next steps: • Obtain council feedback on the proposed rates. • Adopt the proposed 2023 rate increases. • Refine the rate study based upon council direction and schedule a future meeting to review rates for 2024 and beyond. Council asked questions and discussed the results of the utility rate study. City Manager Laurie Hokkanen mentioned that adoption of an ordinance establishing the 2023 city fee schedule is currently scheduled on the January 23, 2023 city council agenda. The council requested staff present comparisons of different cost options to the utility rate study for council to review at the January 23 city council work session prior to adopting the 2023 fee schedule ordinance. DISCUSS LEGISLATIVE REQUESTS AND PROCESS City Manager Laurie Hokkanen stated that the city has hired Lockridge, Grindal, Nauen to represent Chanhassen at the legislature on the following legislative priorities: • Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) to fund a public-private partnership for a recreational facility at Avienda. The next steps include: o Adopt a resolution on January 23, 2023 o Developer Mark Nordland to attend the January 23 work session to discuss the Avienda project o Consider adopting LOST resolution on January 23 o FlashVote survey on desired amenities • Seek sales tax exemption on construction materials for the civic campus project. The League of Minnesota Cities is currently seeking a local government sales tax exemption for construction materials and are optimistic for approval this year. • Bonding bill request for possible state capital contribution to the Avienda recreational facility. Ms. Hokkanen provided a list of 21 cities that had sales tax ballot questions in 2022. Voters approved 18 of the 21 projects. DISCUSS CITY COUNCIL VACANCY Mayor Ryan explained the selection process to fill the current city council vacancy created by former Councilmember Lucy Rehm being elected to the house of representatives. A total of 11 applications were received. Mayor Ryan polled the council on their top candidates. Council selected the following candidates to be interviewed at a special city council meeting on January 18 starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Fountain Conference room: • Mark Randall • Josh Kimber • Luke Bame • Kelsey Alto City Council Work Session Minutes – January 9, 2023 3 Ms. Hokkanen stated she would contact the applicants selected to be interviewed and schedule the 30- minute interviews on January 18. She will also contact the remaining applicants. Interview questions will be provided for council review prior to January 18. Appointment will occur at the January 23 city council meeting. FUTURE WORK SESSION SCHEDULE Date Item January 23 • Avienda Recreational Facility Discussion • Civic Campus Update • Utility Rate Study Discussion February 13 • February 27 • Commission Interviews March 13 • Commission Interviews March 20 • The work session adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen City Manager Prepared by Kim Meuwissen City Clerk