01-23-2023 City Council Work Session MinutesCHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL
JANUARY 23, 2023
COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Ryan, Councilman McDonald, Councilman von Oven,
and Councilman Kimber.
COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Schubert.
STAFF PRESENT: Laurie Hokkanen, City Manager; Matt Unmacht, Assistant City Manager; Charlie
Howley, City Engineer/Public Works Director; Kelly Grinnell, Finance Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Park
& Recreation Director; Rick Rice, IT Manager; Ari Lyksett, Communications Manager; and Kim
Meuwissen, City Clerk.
Mark Nordland, Level 7 Development (via Teams)
Brian Hartjes, HKGi
Jessica Cook, Ehlers Public Finance Advisors
Kyle Sawyer, Ehlers Public Finance Advisors
Bill Maloney, 7211 Frontier Trail
Mayor Ryan called the Work Session to order at 5:30 p.m.
Mark Nordland of Level 7 Development presented a proposal for a recreational facility to be located in
the southeast corner of the Avienda project site. He gave an update on the development status of the
project. The project anchor will be a sporting complex to include two to three ice rinks and a field house.
There is a restaurant proposed to be attached to the facility but also open to the public. A 130-room hotel
is also proposed to correlate with the sports complex. A medical office building (orthopedic) is proposed
to the west of the sporting complex with potential sponsorship. Convenient traffic and pedestrian flow is
proposed as well as adequate parking for the sporting complex. One of the ice rinks would be a premier
facility with seating for 3,000. A walking track is proposed throughout the facility as well as a climbing
wall, turf, general fitness area. Community room space is proposed above the restaurant. Free open skate
with skating lessons similar to a program at Braemar Arena in Edina. A mezzanine space is proposed
above the field house for a hockey academy which would utilize weekday ice time. Below grade parking
is also shown as an option. A cross section was shown looking from east to west. The sporting complex
would be built into the slope making the ice rinks 8-feet below street grade. A birds-eye view was
shown. A revised proposal with two sheets of ice was presented with the possibility of adding a third
sheet of ice.
Mayor Ryan asked Mr. Nordland to provide next steps in the process. Mark is working on getting
pricing which will drive what can be built all at once or in stages. Refine pricing, refine what can be
delivered, work with all project stakeholders. Working on other funding sources, charitable and for
profit. Most of these facilities are significantly subsidized by the cities they are located in. Also working
on row home plat to be submitted shortly, working with retailers and grocery store as well as the large
apartment complex on the site.
City Council Work Session Minutes – January 23, 2023
Brian Hartjes from HKGi presented his agenda which included context/background, Summary of Joint
Work Session feedback, discussion and preferred concept direction, and next steps. The project area
focuses on the area surrounding existing city hall and the library. Guiding principles of the 2017
Downtown Vision Plan was reviewed. Existing conditions were shown. Project phasing was discussed.
Potential program shift includes no change to the vet memorial or the library. Potential to relocate
parking, skate park, hockey rink, and plaza space. Joint work session concept review of five concepts.
Recapped concept feedback from the joint work session. Discussed shared potential program elements.
Potential concept direction was shared. Next steps are to finalize preferred concept direction,
procurement of construction manager and design team, design process, construction start, and project
Council discussed the concepts and the potential location for city hall and the senior center.
Jessica Cook from Ehlers reviewed changes since 2020 recommendations. CIP increased, staff costs
have been reallocated, two growth scenarios (w and w/o Avienda). Direction from 1/9 to keep rate
increases in 2023 and reduce annual increases in future years. Current recommendation for water is 5%
per year increases and reduce bonding and position city for future capital years. Sanitary sewer
recommendations 8.5% per year increases beginning in 2023. Storm water recommendation 15%
increases in 23-25, 14% in 26, 8.25% in 27-29, and 5% per year thereafter. Sample residential and
commercial quarterly bills were shown from 23-27. Proposed 23 hookup fees and future annual
increases. Next steps would be to adopt proposed 23 rate increases, then monitor rates and update rate
study if Avienda development changes, capital improvement costs…
Date Item
February 13 • Carver County Environmental Services Discussion
• Civic Campus Update
February 27 • Commission Interviews
March 13 • Commission Interviews
March 20 •
The work session adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
Submitted by Laurie Hokkanen
City Manager
Prepared by Kim Meuwissen
City Clerk