Appplication Narrative 1085 Holly LaneFebruary 13th,2023 Ryan Herm, PLA Urban Ecosystems Landscape Architects 2500 University Ave W Ste. C8 Saint Paul, MN 551 14 RE: Christmas Lake Access Variance, 1085 Holly Lane Dear Zoning Administration, On behalf of David and Ashley Pinckney, the residents of 1085 Holly Lane, we propose to improve an existing lake access path and are requesting a variance to the following zoning code: 1 ) Sec 20-61 5 Lot Requirements and Setbacks Existing conditions The shape of 1085 Holly Lane is atypical and unique to other properties in Chanhassen (see exhibit 1A). The property is a flag lot that exists in wvo primary components: a western section and eastern section straddled across a shared, private driveway in between. The western section (approximately 0.75 acres) holds the domicile and the majority of the property. The eastern secion is a 10'wide corridor that runs across the shared driveway and 375'eastward toward the lake. While this corridor was presumably platted to provide access to Christmas Lake, it presents multiple permitting challenges in doing so. The access corridor currently contains a constructed access path of gravel and landscape edging as well as two sections of wooden boardwalk structure as you near the shoreland area. The boardwalk was approved and permitted by the City in 1998 (see exhibit 2A). We are proposing to replace these access materials to provide a safe and comfortable journey to the lakefront. Without a structured path, the lakefront would not be safely accessible from this parcel. While these particular elements may constitute nonconformities, as they are built within a setback and an existing drainage and utility easement, we are also proposing to follow the proper encroachment agreement process with city staffin addition to the variance process. We propose to construct a path ofturfstone pavers in the upland portions and replace boardwalk over the seasonally-wet areas. The turfstone pavers will allow for more vegetation within the path zone than the gravel currently does. For the boardwalk section, we propose to utilize ground screws that "floaf'the walkway rather than resting atop the soil. This allows more sunlight to access the vegetation below, helping keep the native plant community intact. No lights or lighting system is proposed. Please see exhibit 3A - Drawings with Proposed lmprovements for more specific information. Justifi cation of findings a) We believe this variance request to be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Code because the proposed access path is designed to be visually inconspicuous and largely out of view from neighboring properties. The intent ofthe Code is likely to protect neighbors from any form of visual nuisance in the setback areas, the Owners of 1085 Holly Lane are open to funher interventions that further protect their neighbors from any perceived nuisance. b) We find the following to be practical difficulties: First, the access corridor is 10' wide, thus the entire corridor lies within a side-yard setback as well as a drainage and utility easement. Second, a portion ofthe access corridor is seasonally-wet and requires a boardwalk to safely access the lakefront. The owners must utilize a structured path, within the setback, in order to access the lakefront. c) The purpose ofthe variation is based on use rather than economics alone. The owners would like to use their property as their neighbors do. d) This circumstance was created bythe platting of this parcel to include a 10'wide lake access corridor that is encumbered by setbacks and easements. e) The owners are proposing additional efforts to restore native plant communities on the property and keep the corridor in a natural condition, creating a natural buifer for any neighbors who view the access path. The essential character ofthe locality will not be changed. We do not dispute the conditions of the March, 27,1995 City Council decision stating that a "dock, mooring, or boat liff'would not be permissible on this lot. The owners understand this limitation and only wish to reconstruct the access path that already exists. With the granting of this variance, the Owners will be allowed to use the lake access in a manner that is similar to that of surrounding homes (minus motorized boats and a dock in the water). The project is designed to be visually inconspicuous, environmentally sensitive, and will be an ecological improvement to the vegetative quality of the shore and upland areas. We hope that the commissioners will find this variance request to be in harmony with surrounding landscape as well as with what is considered to be a reasonable use of a lake access corridor. Thank you, Ryan Herm, PLA Urban Ecosystems Exhibits: 1A - Certificate of Survey 'l B - Certificate of Survey with Photos 2A - Council Approval of Lakeshore Access 34 - Preliminary Permit Drawings 4A - City Council Decision on Docks, Boat Storage