Appplication Narrative 746 Carver Beach RdEebruar5r 15,3025 Cityof Chanhassen Community Development Department Plannjng Division - I would like to utilize a small area of my property to upgrade the usability of tJre extenior space by instaJlin€ a small pool and new retainingf walls. As shown on the existin€ conditions survey, I harl done, a large portion of the property is part of the bluff. Within 50- foot bluff setback area, there are cumently several retaining walls a.nd concrete patio. Silce these items are atready in ttre setba,ck area, I arn proposing the pool to be installed essentla,Ily where the current concrete patio is. fhe retaining walls are old and in poor condition as part of tJris improvement, I would have tJ:e walls rebuilt to better support tJrc glades. Ttlese new retaining walls would also be within the same location as ttrre existin€ retaiiningwalls. Since these proposed landscape improvements have thoughtfuIy been designed to be within the same area already impacted by the current structures, I arn hopefirl you will allow this varia,nce request so that I A.m able to utifize a portion of myback5rard. Thankyou, Suzette B. Bel€larde Eebruary 17, 2023 City of Chanhassen Community Development Department Varj-ance Application Checkl,ist My ori-gina1 landscape plans were quite extensive and would have gone into the bluff area. I received the surveyed drawings of the bluff location and setback. After learning of thi-s I worked wi-th the landscaper to modify plans that wou1d not alter the essential character of the locaIity. The original house, decks and retaining wa11s were built, installed before I took ownership of the property. The smaller therapeutic, fitness pool will help with my degenerative arthritis as f age and with be placed within the existing condition area. I woufd be putting in an iron pool fencing on three sides of pool area. I wi-Il be proposing a new 6-foot privacy fence on the south side of the property. A fence is already in place and in poor condition. S j-ncereJ-y, Suzette B Belgarde