Xcel Energy_Chanhassen Co Location Analysis In partnership with Xcel Energy, Motorola Solutions has performed a high-level viability analysis for co-locating their Land Mobile Radio communication equipment from their existing Shorewood Service Center site to the proposed Crown Castle site located at 1455 Park Road. After Motorola Solution’s analysis, it was determined the Chanhassen Crown Castle site is not practical to co-locate for the following reasons:  A coverage study was ran on the proposed Chanhassen Crown Site and outbound coverage is the limiting factor for this simulcast cell. Outbound coverage includes destructive time domain interference inherent with simulcast systems. The same launch delay timing, antenna system type, and effective radiating power used at the current Shorewood Site was used to conduct the study in order to support an equivalent comparison.  The antenna center of radiation height used for the Shorewood Xcel Energy Service Center Site was 120 ft. The center of radiation for the Chanhassen Crown Site was 80 ft. And the center of radiation at the new Chanhassen Xcel Energy Service Center Site was 140 ft. Coverage modeling shows the loss of coverage at the Chanhassen Crown Site. The Chanhassen Xcel Energy Service Center Site is recommended under this aspect as the height will best clear local general clutter.  Please note the existing Shorewood antenna is a single dual-fed transmit/receive model and is quite long. If the Chanhassen Crown Site is used, separate transmit and receive antennas may be required due to space limitations. Use of separate antennas, and their required vertical separation, would likely cause additional system performance issues should one antenna need to be mounted at a height to accommodate the existing cellular arrays.  It may be possible to extend the height of Chanhassen Crown Site monopole , but this would require a structural evaluation and possible mechanical strengthening of the pole and its foundation by Crown Castle to meet the latest TIA-222 standards. Further evaluation under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) with an Environmental Assessment (EA) preparation, as well as FAA evaluation and local AM detuning analysis would also be required.  The ground elevation determined for the Shorewood Xcel Energy Service Center Site was 961 ft, the Chanhassen Crown Site was 935 ft, and the new Chanhassen Xcel Energy Service Center Site was 952.5 ft. The new Chanhassen Xcel Energy Service Center Site is recommended under this aspect as the ground elevation there closely aligns with the current Shorewood Xcel Energy Service Center Site.  The antenna Height Above Average Terrain (HAAT) determined for the Shorewood Xcel Energy Service Center Site was 140 ft, the Chanhassen Crown Site was 110 ft, and the new Chanhassen Xcel Service Center Site was 183 ft. The new Chanhassen Xcel Service Motorola Solutions Confidential Restricted Center Site is recommended, as it will provide the most effective site contribution to the overall simulcast cell.  After reviewing site images and speaking with Crown Castle, the ground space at the Chanhassen Crown Site appears to be crowded. With the standard 11 ft by 16 ft Xcel Energy equipment shelter, an external generator, and fuel tank, ground space does not appear to be available within the current site compound. Crown Castle would need to rearrange the compound or expand it which will likely need a modified agreement with t he landowner, if possible. As a new build, ground space at the new Chanhassen Xcel Energy Service Center Site compound can be planned or the equipment can be placed inside of the main building, as it is now at Shorewood, depending on the desired configurat ion.