Final Plat 8.5x11 I L ~ THE PRESERVE A T BLUFF CREEK 2ND ADDITION I PLA T FILE NO. I C.R. DOC. NO. ItNOfI AU. tIICN .., DttSC PtfC$C1IIfS: Thot Th. R)fand Croup, Inc.. 0 Mcryland cOI'poralior>, tee oomet" 01 Ih/l fOllo..ing described property situated in the County of Carver. Stote 01 lJi""es%, to ..it: CHMrftttSStN. ...sorA This plot of 1HC I'RCSC1fVC AT IJLUfT CRCC1t 1ND A/JCI1IOII ..os approved ond OCcept~ by the Cily Council Of ChonhosSM. Minnesoto. at 0 regvlar meeting /flt~r~' held thi, _ day o( 200~ and is in complionr:fl ..itll Ihft provisior>s of Uinnltsoro Sic/utes, 5ectiOfl 505. OJ, Suodivision 2. All monum~ls will be set os specified by the Cily Council OIId os stoled on Ihis plot, according to "'irmesota Stotules, SeenOf'! 505.02, 5vbdivision I, Outlot A OfId Outlot c. me PRESERV!: A r BLUFF" CREEK 157 AOOlnON. accOI'dirlg to the recorded plot thef"ltof. Cor-_ County. Minnesota_ 0"" CDtM:It Of' CHANHA.SSrN. ~$O'A ~ o ~ ~ U ~ a: Hos r:avsltd the some to bft surWJ~d and plotted os H PffCSCtfVC AT ."JlT CRCCIt ~ AlJOt1lON and does hereby donote and dedicatfl to tllfl public for public use fO<'ever thfl driWlS, and oIso dedicates tile flaSerrt4'flts os sho.n on this plot lor drainagfl and utility pvrposes C1'IIy. 8y Mayor 8y Cleric In .itness whereol said Thlt R"OIId Croup, Inc., 0 l/arylOlld corpO<'otion, haS cQ(J,fI(/ these presents to bf! S;9'!ed by its proper officer this _ doy 01 200_. 1HC A'1'tAM) GI"Q.IlI'. INC. COUNTY surw:n:w. Carver County. I/innesota Purwont to Chopt", )95, I/innesota La.s 01 '971, this plat hos beef! opproWld this _ day of 200_" 8y JolIn C. Freerrtyf!f. CO<'_ County Sur"'yor 8y We"'fI Soojon. Vic" Prfls.dent COfMN AtO~ CO<'wr County. Minnesota I her<<Jy c.tily that taxes payobllt in _ and prior years haOff! beef! paid lor land described on this plat. Datfl(/ this _ day 01 200_. SIAl[' or MWC'SOIA CO<Mrt or The loregoing instrumef!t was odlno.ledged before me this _ day of 200_, by It'a)fle Soo;an, Vice President 01 The Ryland Group, Inc., 0 Maryland corporation, on br:nolf 01 the cO<'pO<'otion. 8y Morl< Lundgren, Cor~ County AuditO<' 8y Notary Public, County. Minnesota lJy Commiuion expires COUNTY~, Corwr County. lJinnesoto I her<<Jy certify that this plot of 1HC PIlCSCIlVC Ar a.C17 CRCt1f INO AOa-nav 11'0$ filed this _ day 01 200-, at _ o'clock _.1.1. os Oocumllflt No. I hereby certify that' 1'10.. surWl~ ond plaHed the property described on this plat os 1HC I'IfCSCIt'K Ala.UfT CRCOt ~ AOOIIION; thaI this plot is 0 CorrKt r~esentation 01 th" WfWlY; thot on distonces ore CorrKtly sho"'" on tile plot in feel and hundredths of 0 foot; that ofl monUffl4'flts ",ill b" CotTKtly placed in Ih" ground os sho""'. in occordonc" to Minnesota Statutfl$, SKtiQ(l 505.02, Subd. I; that the outside bOUfldOl'y lines ore correctly dttsignoted Q(l the plo!; and that there orfl no .flt/ands os defined in Minnesoto Statutes, Section 505.0Z, Subd , ar public highwoY' 10 bfl designated ather than os sho""'. 8y Carl It' Hanson Jr., CorVf!f County Recorder 8y Rob.t L. Houle, Land Sur..yor I/innesoto LicfmSft No. 4J999 SIAl[' or .....-soIA CO<Mrt or The loregoing SurWl)'Of"S Certlficot" .os acknowledged befor" mfl this _ day 01 Robert L Houle, Land SurWlytJr, lJitlnesoto UC4'flse No. 4J999 200-, by 8y Notary Public, My Commiuiol! Cxpires County. Minnesota CITY ORF CHANHASSEN ECE/VED APR 1 1 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT WESTWOOD Professiol!oJ Ser.,;ces, Inc. Sh~t , 01 J sheets ~ I I~ ~ l,1b, 6 ~ ~ () u ~ L .. . I I I I I I I 'C)' ~ c,~ ,I, .,(,,\,,/ , ~ :, <l t!.l t l~ it : 11 ~ I; ~~}.. ~~ :l ... :! ~ ~: i~ ~~ ~iii ~~-' ,g~ ~~ .~ ~ i~_ : ..<'-.. I ,~"fP:') I .j1',;<{l i".'~ I /' +f)~," : ' ',:::~~~;f'~1T I I I I I I .-oJ ....... ... '\ f. IlE"rLNI/') \ \ '- .. 1\ '1 i>'~"r~ ""....... " :'LM.O .. ( I I I ~~ I I ~'; ~~ I'" "l/: ill 0; (51 B '" ill 'lJ i - _ .J It . l5 ~ ~ :t 0:../':-:'0-;- ~ N OI'O,'lre 2&1.'-1 r_t I... of tIl, C '/2 0' Ill. ,'/ SC 1/4, s.c. 22. '., /16. R~. lJ NOlO"",,' C a_NO/"9"J" .0....50.00. l.'''.I6-..... R_'lJO,OO ," OUTLOT 8 NO,'05',rr .~~,,'''~J THE PRESERVE A T BLUFF CREEK 2ND ADDITION PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. , ..... \. ~...< '" ..... .... , ,.,~C.oI 4:::' ""krnd " OUTLOT A ~""":/'CI:it~ ,<,. 01 Outlol A ,<,":" ,,' r~~) C/ /' ,,' (~'<' \OUTLOT H ~"Utilily C"um..to_oII o/o..llo/If \ '..\ I~\ I \ '- ,-" " -=< ..~~ N 01 06'07" C '-"""',ofOuHoIA,1HCPflCSCRIIC AT8LUFTCRCCK 'S'ADOI~ ,.~~I I.., of Qul/ot A. THe PRrSER'IIC " ATtJt.UIT' CRC:CK 1ST AOOIT/OI>I -< " , (' , ..;;\ . .' ~ ~ I . " .~~ ila .' t <l-'" ,<, '(::~~ .. , i-' '00 1"'"""""""'1 Scale ~ """'z 100 200 100 'tlflt Scole: , inch_ '00 fut o Denotes set '/2 inch x ,.. inch copped ron rebor morlced by LiCense No_ 4J999 . Denotes found '/1 inch x t4 inch Copped iron rebor marked by LiCens. No. 2J021 ~. t::,ie:,~~~io::nf!O~:^:~ebr;~ ~~= ; ~/~~d Sec. 22, ,..p. 116, Rge 2J, rrhich is ossumed to bllar N 01006'0'- C, .e,er,'" ("\,' ~;l .),"iI 20,9 ~2 .." t/2 ,AA. NC/5OO8'J8"c N08" J5 '26 _ " ,- "'.'2 _. .' ,...52 \ \ If' \ ~o \ \ ~~. \ \ '~~ ':-_1. " "," \ : r",!..~ \ ~'''' \ ~;; \ "'.... rot OJOO....,. 'If JOo'.,5J --- ~~-c., 01 ,,\~_ ("...... ..., '-' <:\) \ ... -~'-.,/ , IJ' , ... ...' ~,/ -,\' lOa ~g 1 .. " --- ---... , ... .. ... 2556.21 '-'-""".0' _c 1/20"'" sc lit. s.c. 22. r. "il. R~. 2.1 -<'.J (l "1:-,..),. V r II ;-"...\ \ \ \ I .. OUTLOT A t::..,":,"0:1i~ / 0'0..1101 A /' ... .. I / ,/ ~ <:;~ \ 'Z. \~ \ .. -~ \..jJ \ ~ f;~ \ ~ .~\ \ <) '" ~', \ - '1''1 ~ ii, \ .. ,> \ \ .. \ ~",'" \ I '<o.'&., "I ..~. t- .~ '.. / C., 01.... """"'d~y , /' ". /' -<,p' ('\ \ IJJ "r- I NIJ8"08',O"w, $1,116-<' >. ,,/ -' _,".....'o..,,..,~... tHe PflCSCR'rC AT alS'f' CReCK Isr ADDmOl~ WESTWOOD ProfessiOf'lol Services. Inc. Sh..t 2 of J Sheets ~ .;- I L . ~ THE PRESERVE AT BLUFF CREEK 2ND ADDITION INSET A (From sheet 2 of J sheets) PLA T FILE NO. C.R. DOC. NO. s: ~ ' I ~ ;;, u s1 ~~ ...... <e'l;j ,'... l::: .2.. ~! ~~ ~ ~ ,~ is ~::i~ !~ " ~ i;.J !~ .}f##:#######J ,., $9.,J'OO. C .'.20 N 116.'...,].", ~ N(I!J-,,',.r.. r- - _~'!.'?..________ , -, .' I ~I I r::.;;J I :. f I ...../ I ~ I , 1 ~----------n66---------_J ~5.f.'..J.'..'6________7 3,/ 2 /l I I I I L--------,a~---------J r- _NJC5....J.:.:K_______7 / I "lQ I I ~''', I'~ ~:~I 3 / ~ W I I I L------NM~~r.----- J I.H-JO , r - -, r :: 2:: I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I J ~8 ~ I ~I I~ '" 2 :~ ~ (~ ,- ~ I ~ I ~ I I I , I I I I I I I I , I I I I 1 I I I I L______.J L________--' ~ 3 '"'' 1L () NU.'4'" -", ',,",," Drainoge OI'ld Utility CQS~~ts ore ,harm thus: I I -l I " I - I _____l____J o Oflflotes SIft 1/2 inch. '4 inch copp~ iron r~or m",*~ by LicflflsfI No. 2.102' 5 1-5 I I " I - l____l_____ . Df'ltotfls focmd 1/2 inch. '4 inch CappN iron ,..bor m",*~ by Lic"",. No. 2.1021 JO 1"'"""""""1 Scalf! JO 60 90 Scale' , inch_ JO 'flet 8eing .5 le"t in width, unless otherwise indicated, and adjoining lot lines, and 10 feet in width, unless alherwistl indicated, and adjoining strut right-of-way lines, outlot lines and reO!' lot fines os shown on the p/ol. Thtl orientation of this beorin9 system is based on the west line of the C 1/2 of the ~ 1/4, Sec. 22, Twp. 116, Rge. 2J, whiCh is assumed to bear N 01006'Or C, WESTWOOD Professional StP'lI'ices. Inc. Sheet J of J shtltlts ~