Conservation Easement 4-11-07 I / /20 i I i i I I~/ w I I I l 40 100 Conservation Easement Exhibit PROPOSED CONSERVA 110N EASEMENT: An easement for conservation purposes o~ under. and across Lots 1, 2, ~ 4, 5, 7. 8, and 9, all In Block 1 of THE ARBORS, Carver County, Minnesota, according to the record plat thereof, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwesterly comer of sold Lot I; thence on an assumed bearing of South 74 degrees 27 mInutes 10 seconds East. along the Northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 180.12 feet to the point of beginning of the easement to be descnbed; thence : -- __ 'Sa'2 South 29 degrees 09 mInutes 51 seconds West. a distance of 79.40 feet; thence South 26 I \\. ---.: -- degrees 05 minutes 56 seconds East, a distance of 60.68 feet; thence South 67 degrees 29 r ...... minutes 55 seconds East. a distance of 37.10 feet; thence South 56 degrees 15 minutes 21 "- Nw'erly comer of 1 --.~......... S?4~..,.,., seconds East. a distance of 144.29 feet; thence South 19 degrees 54 minutes 03 seconds \ Lot 1, Block I, . ~ ./ '" '0';: East. a distance of 95.17 feet to the Westerly line of said Lot 5; thence South 11 degrees THE ARBORS I :..,' / / / / .584.28 14 minutes 26 seconds West, along sold Westerly line, a distance of 30.00 feet; thence \ N'erly line of _: ~lrj~ / / / / / / / / South 79 degrees 26 minutes 49 seconds East, a distance of 108.17 feet; thence North 34 Lot 1, Block 1, ~"or /' / / / / / / ~/ degrees 09 mInutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 162.93 feet; thence North 11 degrees THE ARBORS t// / / / / / / / ./ / / / >:' / / 4O.r 08 minutes 16 seconds East, a distance of 116.02 feet to the Northerly line of sold Lot 9; \ " I / / / / / / / t / / -1 / / / / / / / .SO thence North 74 degrees 27 minutes 10 seconds West, along the Northerly lines of said I ; / -/ / / / / ,/ / / / / /1/ )- / / / / / / Lots 9, 8, and I, a distance of 403.80 feet to the point of beginning. /'/ //~/ ///i-r '-./// /// \ ~. \ / ;.~ '/ / / ; ; / / / ..\- ; ; / / / ; ; J / / /' ; ; /' / / -"'-..., <G-<S\ / / / '" / / ~ ./ / / / / " / / / " -........ -'. -9 / /( '" / / .r .. ",,/ / x / / -1 '" / / ' / / "'~. - - _ ~~~ /' / '( / / / / / '7 / / / ~ -;:;-- / / / / A / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /' .:, \ --'" ~::~-kL;": :-: /X :: :: :: :: 1; ; ; ; / ; ; ; ; / / ; ; ') / / / ; I -- \ /~/ / 7"-Z-L-V--;; _/. /' / / / /' /' / / / / k/ / " \-... / ~ /"';-:.~ //" /"''' /"'" // '" ~7';_ '. ...- / '" " / .Pc "/ '" " / ./. " '" / '" / \ S6';><s~~ ",..., / / ; ; ; ; / / / 'y~ ( ; f~ /- /'!~~: / ; ; ; :0 / &.~ \ 2 ////;;/////;////;;~///;;/////~ ///;//'//~;/////f////////// ~ \ //;;;;*/ ;;;;~~~;:;:;;;; j\ ................ / / ~ / / / / '" / ':J" ./ / " r<" /' / / / \- - - - - - - - - - -.-: / / / / / / ;, / / ,y->:.~ ;"'/ / / / . \ \ ///';/<///;/1//'~-<~/ \ / //v/ /~// // \:!l / / / / \., / / .// / / / - ~~// /~~ //// / \ ...) ~~ / / / -r- 7' /' / / / / A cl"'4 /-e-~;/~/////// \ ~\ / ;r- / Y / / / / /' ./.: :':>,~ -... / / / / / \. - / / / / r.J.,~;.r;:j - - ~ \. / / / /\. / / , ~JS \ _ _ ,,:SO:" / /' / / / " / / "" - - ~~ ..' / / /'/'. X / / ~ _ - ~~<;:./ ..c.....?- )'/erjy Ii", of ,/ ,/ / \- _ - !::'i ". / / ,/ },o( 5( BIOc)- !r (;; \ \ / / o <( ~ o o o ~ o o A 40t -7 / "- "- '" r- J -- r---__ i :'- N'erly line of Lot 9, Block 1, THE ARBORS -- -- -- \ \ \ \ \ \ .... u V' CIiY OF CHANHAS9EN RECEIVED APR 1 6 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANNlN~ D.~ thereby certi that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Ucensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the s~~ Paul E. _ gtto Date: ~-//,..() 7 Ucense' 40062 . o denotes iron monument found denotes iron pipe set and marked as shown: Requested By: Carlson Custom Homes Date: Drawn By: Scale: 1 "=60' Checked By: T.A.B. s ~ denotes soil boring denotes percolation test hole D~N.A 3/6/07 Revised: Web Site: www.ottoassociates.com 9 West Division St. Buffalo, MN 55313 Job No. Ph: (763)682-4727 SSOCIATES Fax: (763)682-3522 2-06-0J35 Engineers and land Surveyors, Inc.