August 16, 2002
Co-Chairperson Jean Mancini called the meeting to order at lO:OOa.m.
MEMBERS 'PRESENT: Tom Faust, Bobbie Headla, Sherol Howard, Jean Mancini, Mel
Kurvers and Albin Olson.
STAFF PRESENT: Kara Wickenhauser, Senior Center Coordinator.
APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: Commissioner Sherol Howard moved to approve
the agenda. Commissioner Mel Kurvers seconded the motion. All voted in favor and the
motion carded.
CONGREGATE DINING & MEALS ON WHEELS: Numbers are at a slight
decrease. Average number of meals prepared and served everyday are about 15. This
includes Congregate Dining and Meals on Wheels.
MINNESOTA BOARD ON AGING SURVEY: A lengthy discussion took place
regarding this survey. Main discussion points included the process of how we distribute
and collect these surveys and the quality of this survey - does it really access the needs of
Chanhassen? Commissioner Tom Faust agreed to distribute surveys to his neighbors in
Mission Hills. Commissioner Jean Mancini offered to contact Byefly's to see if the
Commissioners could have a table to market this survey and in turn have people fill them
out. Every commissioner also agreed to take an additional ten surveys and have their
friends fill them out. This would help target any seniors in the Chanhassen Community
that don't attend the Senior Center. Another idea included a pancake breakfast at the
Senior Center (fill out the surveys for a free breakfast). There were also questions
additional questions about the survey:
· Do you need to be a Chanhassen resident to fill this survey out?
· Is there a deadline for the surveys to be completed?
· How many surveys do we ideally want to collect?
Kara Wickenhauser left a message with Maureen Melgaard-Schneider about these
inquiries and will report the answers at the next meeting. All commissioners were asked
to bring in their surveys by the next meeting on September 20, 2002.
MAAA NEWSLETTER- Main discussion circled around the article "How To Develop
Affordable Assisted Living and Housing with Services Using Public Funding." All
commissioners felt that a representative from the Chanhassen City Council should attend
this seminar if at all possible. It was also suggested to invite the council members to
come together with the Senior Commission to discuss this topic. All Senior
Commissioners voted to approve a memo to be written to the City Council in regards to
affordable housing seminar. All voted in favor and this motion.
UPDATE ON SENIOR ACTIVITIES: Commissioner Sherol Howard reported on the
Senior Center activities for the month of August & September. Upcoming events
· August 20th -- 4 Hour Defensive Driving Class 9a.m. - 2p.m.
· September 2nd - LABOR DAY - Senior Center Closed.
· September 9th - Craft Day (Scarecrow Hats & Clay Pot Yard Scarecrow)
9:30a.m.- 11:30a.m.
· September 11th - Minnesota Twins Game 10:20a.m.-4:30p.m.
· September 14th - Harvest Potluck & Cards 12 noon - 2:00p.m.
· September 21st- Gardens & Belgians Trip 9a.m.-4p.m.
· September 25th - Mille Lacs Grand Casino Trip 8:45a.m. - 6:15p.m.
· October 15th - Flu & Pneumonia Shots from l:00p.m. - 3:15p.m.
Chanhassen Senior Newsletter will be sent out the week of August 19th - August 23rd.
Kara Wickenhauser asked if the Senior Commission or the Senior Advisory Board should
handle the proceeds of the Senior Awareness Bake Sale. A special bank account should
be set up if the group would like to save the money for 2003. Commissioner Jean
Mancini felt the Senior Commission should handle this money. This topic will be
brought to a vote and handled at the next meeting.