PC SUM 2007 04 17
APRIL 17, 2007
Fountain Conference Room
Chairman McDonald called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Mark Undestad, Jerry McDonald, Kathleen Thomas, Kurt Papke,
Kevin Dillon and Dan Keefe
: Debbie Larson
Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director, Bob Generous, Senior
Planner; Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner; and Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineer
Rick Dorsey
Kevin Dillon and Dan Keefe completed their oaths of office for their new terms as Planning
Commissioners from April 2007 to April 2010.
Kurt Papke moved and Kathleen Thompson seconded a motion to approve the Planning
Commission Bylaws as presented by staff. The motion passed six for and none against.
Jerry McDonald was nominated for Chair. No other nominations were made. The Planning
Commission voted six for and none against to appoint Jerry McDonald as chair of the Planning
Kurt Papke was nominated for Vice-chair. No other nominations were made. The Planning
Commission voted six for and none against to appoint Kurt Papke as Vice-chair of the Planning
Kevin Dillon moved and Kathleen Thomas seconded a motion approving the Planning
Commission Minutes dated March 20, 2007 and April 3, 2007. The motion passed six for and
none against.
Jerry McDonald Adjourned the meeting at 7:07 p.m.
Planning Commission Summary – April 17, 2007
Kate Aanenson presented a general outline of the timeframe for review of the Comprehensive
Drafts of the various elements of the comprehensive plan should be prepared by early June.
Open houses will be held on Wednesday, June 27, 2007, at the Chanhassen Library and
Thursday, June 28, 2007, at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Staff members and possibly city
consultants will be available at individual tables to answer questions and present information.
Greeters, Karen Engelhardt on one night and Kim Meuwissen on the other, will be there to help
people sign in and hand out comment cards.
The City must follow the Metropolitan Council’s Planning Handbook and System Statements in
the preparation of their comprehensive plans.
Kate Aanenson pointed out that the City will be relying on Carver County Community
Development Agency for the review and preparation of much of the housing element. The City
currently is a participate in the Metropolitan Councils Livable Communities Act. As part of that,
the City has negotiated goals and policies for housing including a mix of owner and rental
housing, affordable housing and lifestyle housing choices.
Kate Aanenson stated that the City has hired the consultants SRF to prepare a Water Plan and
WSB to prepare a Sewer Plan. As part of the plan, the plans will look at system design, reducing
demand, the preparation of maps, system phasing and estimates of costs. The City also has
approximately 500 individual sewage treatment system (ISTS). Finally, the plan will address
infiltration and inflow problems within the sewer lines.
Alyson Fauske added that as part of the Water Plan the City looks at trying to loop the water
system to provide better water pressure as well as a back up if a pipe should break in an area.
Kate Aanenson pointed out that the City has hired Hoisington Kogler Group, Inc. to prepare an
update to the park plan. Initially, the city will inventory al its facilities and look at the service
areas. The primary emphasis of the consultants work will be on southern Chanhassen. The City
will also look at other recreational services that may be appropriate in the community, e.g., disk
golf, dog parks, etc.
A question came up regarding Bluff Creek Golf Course. It was pointed out that the long term
future of the golf course would also be an issue that will need to be addressed.
Planning Commission Summary – April 17, 2007
The Parks & Recreation Commission will review the plan and make a recommendation to the
Planning Commission. The Planning Commission would then review the element of the
comprehensive plan and make their recommendations to City Council.
Kate Aanenson presented a Power Point presentation of the natural resources element of the
plan. The presentation provided a list of systems within the natural environment including
wetland, creeks, lakes, rivers, groundwater, trees, natural areas and bluffs. It was pointed out
that for this round of the comprehensive plan update, the City has more information included
within our GIS system and more tools to analyze the ecological community.
Items that need to be included within the element include the Wetland Conservation Act, Shore
land management and watershed district rules. In 2006, the City updated its surface water
management plan. Additionally, the City will be looking at adding natural resources
management plan, urban forestry management plan, overlay districts for Assumption Creek and
the Seminary Fen and a wetland banking program.
Sharmeen Al-Jaff presented a power point presentation on historic preservation.
Historic Preservation
is the act of maintaining and repairing existing historic materials and the
retention of a property's form as it has evolved over time. When considering the United States
Preservation calls for the existing form, materials,
Department of Interior's interpretation: "
features, and detailing of a property to be retained and preserved. This may include
preliminary measures to protect and stabilize it prior to undertaking other work--or
protection and stabilization may be an end in itself, for example, in an archeological
". Historic Preservation is a vital tool in the effort to save historic buildings and locales.
It helps maintain a communities historical roots and provides various educational opportunities.
For our purposes, we want to look at buildings that are unique, time sensitive, culturally or
socially important, or architecturally significant.
Map showing age of homes divided by decades. 1860 - 1956
Governor Lind's Mansion in 1929, Built in 1860
Bluff Creek Inn Built in 1864
Straw Hill Farm Built in 1872
Create a Historic Overlay District
The process of Old Town to create a historic district. Dec. 3, 1997-Apr. 27, 1998
The “Old Town” neighborhood boundaries extend from West 77th Street on the north, the
railroad tracks to the south, the Chanhassen Dinner Theater to the west and the St. Hubertus
subdivision on the east.
Planning Commission Summary – April 17, 2007
Originally, the town consisted of a few simple buildings. Family farms occupied the land on the
periphery. St. Hubertus, the residential portion, consisted of small lots in a grid pattern.
Neighborhood Opposition:
Property Owners opposed restrictions imposed upon their properties.
Limitation on exterior improvements and remodeling
They welcomed guidelines but not Ordinances.
Rely on Carver County and State of Minnesota Historic Preservation Society Offices.
State is in charge of making recommendations of properties that are worthy of nominations. The
recommendation is forwarded to the Keeper of the National Registrar of Historical Places.
The County’s Role and Mission is to Collect and Preserve artifacts and objects.
Encourage Developers to save historic structures
Shenandoah Ridge 8565 Alisa Ct
Bluff Creek Estates 8640 Audubon Rd
Encourage Development of buildings that complement historic buildings
Old St. Huberts Church, Old City Hall, the ReMax building, Goddard School and Old Railroad
Recognize structures on voluntary bases
Encourage property owners to apply for historic designation.
City generate a list and recognize historic sites.
Bob Generous presented a list and map of transportation system deficiencies. The City is relying
on the Carver County traffic study to provide us with additional facility information, since most
of our roadways under review are county roads.
The intersection deficiencies relate generally to peak hour delays, left turn conflicts/delays and
lack of signalization. The intersections include:
TH 7/Minnewashta Parkway
TH 5/Minnewashta Parkway
TH 5/Lone Cedar Lane
TH 5/Crimson Bay Road/Minnesota Landscape Arboretum entrance
TH 41/Lake Lucy Road.
Planning Commission Summary – April 17, 2007
TH 41/W. 78 Street
TH 5/TH41
TH 41/Water Tower Place
Market Blvd/Market Street
TH 101/Pleasant View Rd
TH 101/Kurvers Point Rd./Valley View Rd.
TH 101/96th Street
TH 101/Flying Cloud Drive
Road Capacity/Alignment/Connections
These deficiencies relate to a need for addition traffic lanes, sharp horizontal and/or vertical
curves and roadways that have not been constructed yet.
TH 5
TH 41
TH 101 North of TH 5
TH 101 South of Lyman Boulevard to the Scott County Border
Pleasant View Road
Powers Boulevard (CSAH 17)
Bluff Creek Boulevard
2005 MUSA North/South Collector Street Connections
Lyman Boulevard (CSAH 18)
Crimson Bay Road and Dogwood Road
Timberwood Drive and Stone Creek Court
Additionally, Kate Aanenson added that the 2010 MUSA area must look at connections to TH
101, Pioneer Trail and, potentially, Powers Boulevard. Along Flying Cloud Drive the City will
investigate the potential for a frontage road serving properties north of the roadway to reduce and
control access. Finally, the City will need to look at the potential of a roadway system through
Bluff Creek Golf Course if it redevelops in the future.
Jurisdictional Continuity
Within the city, Powers Boulevard and Galpin Boulevard have adequate right-of-way, sight
distance, grades and setbacks to maintain a 45 to 50 mile per hour speed limit. North of
Chanhassen, however, this road takes a different form as it enters Shorewood and Excelsior.
For the Truck Highway system, Chanhassen will need to continue to work with MnDOT and
adjacent municipalities to ensure that the highways continue to function at the highest feasible
level of service.
For the county road system, Chanhassen will need to continue to work with Carver County and
adjacent municipalities to ensure that the county road system continues to function at the highest
feasible level of service.
Planning Commission Summary – April 17, 2007
CSAH 17 (Powers Boulevard)
CSAH 117 (Galpin Boulevard)
TH 5
TH 7
TH 41
TH 101
CSAH 17 (Audubon Road)
CSAH 18 (Lyman Bulevard
CSAH 18 (Pioneer Trail)
US 212/Flying Cloud Drive
The meeting ended at 8:30 p.m.
Submitted by Kate Aanenson
Community Development Director Prepared by Bob Generous