Preliminary Plat 8.5x11 c 11 ~ Ii ~ ~ g_N..,.... In 00"" VI ~~>-l:i 2<0::>- W~..ca.1- V10Z0< ~~~U~ I-Xd<...J ~gg:b~ ~t5~~E ZVl~-O w5 ow ~~~~~ g:C1~< ~~ 2i ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION PlAT FILE NO. RT Doc. NO. CR Doc. NO. kNOW ALL IIIEH BY 11€SE PRESEJrI1S: 1hat 0taIk0 on.a, P.tMn ~ PcrinInhIp, . ~to ~ PcrtMr*.. ... "'*'. of the fallowtng deKrhd proptrl,lItucrt.lId .. the Count, of Ccnw. StGt8 of wm.ota. to wit: 1hGt ~ 01 Ou1Iot C. NalORE1\JIIIlUSINESS p.wc. I)OlI _ tho """_ _ 01 tho _ _. _ 'I, T_1p 111, _ 23, -<hi to tho......... plot _ TCII'fWW c.trnoot. No. JOIS1A ... 1hGt ~ 01 Ou1Iot C. NalORE1\JIIIlUSINESS p.wc. I)OlI _ tho """_ _ of tho _ _. _ 11, T_1p 111, _ 23, -<hi to tho......... plot _ Hail CllII...:I tho ... to be ......)IIlCI _ platted . ARBORE'1UU IUSIIESS PARK 71H ADDI11CIl1 _ ... ..__, cIcIrIcM ...d dedIocItII to the publlo far publ50 u.. fcnwr the -..nente tor ..... -"' utIIty ~ 01 IIMwn on 1M IMt- ~ wItn_ ........, Mid 0I01lca Dat.ewaJ' Par1n.. Untted Pcrin<<'IhIp. . wm-to UnIted ~ "01 caIMd "'- rw-wte to .. ...... -., Ita P"II*' ofllcer th.. day of . 2D-. S1GNEIl: atASKA GAlEWAY PAR'DERS LAI1'm p~. . ........ L.mIt.d ~ ., S1IINElI llE\<l.CIAlEHT. ..... . _ _ _ _ ., .no STAlE OF' .....:sofA c:cum Of' the ~ liI'Ietr'YrMnt .. ............ bnIrw mil thII *' of 2D- III, the of .... DwIIoprMnt. NC.,. . ~ CorparatIan eN ... ....-aI penn. of 0I01lca Oat..,- P..... UnIted ~ . IAIr.-tG Untt..d ~ en IMhatf of h ....... -.... .......- w, eomm_ _ c..",,,,__ 20_ I ...., .nrty that I how. ...."... w platted the propII"t)' ..... on thII pkd _ NI8ClRE"NU BJSIIESS PARK 71H ADOI1ICJI; that the plat II . oornct. ~totIon of .,. IUfW); that .. ..... .. ......., .... .. the picrt h fMt and .......... of . foot that.............to..1Io .......,_.. tho......-l. _. __ to __ __ __02, _" that tM aut.W. boundary an. .. OCIIT.tIy ~ In the pkd and that theA; .. no .... .. _ ...... h un..ota stcrtut.. Section 505.D2. s..w. 1 .. pubIIo Ns#l1NlJll to .. ~ other .... 01 --.. DonIoI"_Land~ ......... Uo.n. No. 118J1 STAlE OF' IIIfiI€SOTA c:cum Of' 1M ....... IMtrurMnt .. ............ .... 1M .... _ *'1 of _ Land~. 2D- It, o..w Go .......- W,__ c..",,,,_ 20- a.om-.. IlNOOTA thill plat of ARBDRE1\AI BUSINESS PARK Tnt ~ ... CIpIlf'OWd aMI ~ted III, the at)' Councl of the at)' of Ch~ Mmeeota. at . ,...... ....... ....d ... _ day of 20_ eM III h ~ wtth tho ~. of ........ S'tatut.-. SectIon 505.QJ. SUML 2. AI rnonut'Mnb .. be ..t 01 ipeeIfIed b, tM at, CouncI cn:I 011 MoUld an .... plot. -<hi to ....._ __ !lO5.O2, ..... ,. .. .- ., ...... CAIMR CXlU<TY SUIM"/llII P\nucnt to Chaptr 3115" WInMeotct L.crn of 11171, ttl.. plat hoe b.-n approwd ttl.. _ do, of ""- ., oklhn Eo rr-n.,.., Count)' .....,. CAIMR c:cum AIJOITCA I Mnb, ...,. that tt.w en no ~t ... far II )IWW prtar to _ far kind ct.atMd an ttl.. plat .-w.I tnrI.fw --..s. Dated... _ day of 20_ ., ...............c..",............ CAIMR c:cum TREA!UlER I Mnb)' owtItJ that the t-. ,.... far h ~ ~'JICIrllhawl:l-. paIcIan"_dayof far !eN ~ an IhIII p1crt .. ~ BUSINESS PARK 7TH ""- .. Tom k.... Count)' rr-.w CAIMR c:cum RECORllER I Mnb, ...,. thot .... plat .f ARIIK1UW BIJSIr€SS PARk 7TH ADDI1K>>I .. tied thIII _ day of 2D- at _ o'dock -Y. .. Docurn.lt No. .. ......_....c..",..._ CAR'tO ccuny REQSTRAR CF lI1LES I Mnb, ...., that ..... plat .f .t.R8CK'TUW BUSIfr€SS PARk 7TH ~ WCII tied thIII _ day of 2D- at _ oOdoc* -Y. .. Docurn.lt No. ., Cart .. Hmwan. ~.. ....... of nu. CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED APR 1 3 2007 CHANHASSEN PLANs'CHOal MADSON PLANNING · ENGINEERING · SURVEYING SHEET 1 OF' 2 !HE1S SCANNED c 11 z c II ~ ~ ~~"'''''''''''''Ul''''' VI I" o z w ~ '" ... o w u ~ 0- ~ ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDITION " ~ ~--<\.) \'\1\ ....., (/ \ ~ f' '\, v .....,\,..J...-...) ~ v, \.-) _...,.on: -... 1'\ . -"'- II # ~ sq!,~-........_- I I NJ i 'eo --"'.... ~ . ' ""~"'- II -1'/ /'t... 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L.U 1 ~r- " - ~L_ I A / 'I" /"\ r- u,- ~ 1\ A I " VY ~ I A , I 'I" /"\ r- U,- ~c.-/' _L_,-". ,. n::' v 1'1, '-"L.')., / I {.O)., I CITY OF C REC~tv~~SSEN APR 1 3 2007 CHANHASSEN PIA NNING DEPr /) 249.90 PLAT NOD...-r .... m.....rM ~ ~ . . , -~~1r--~ ClVrLOT A r---, / All OF OUn.OTAIS \ ( =~r""D u,.m ) { I 4>"" J \_---~._-~- 'C__-L-~ /' DlIl-.o<<.IITlJTYlA!DIDlT_"/ _n.l!'OOOIHliII'l~I'U.,t:/F " :' ~lMH5i"_ ~.o~ --;oo:,~ ... -- SENTUR'( aOuLE'v'ARD:i1 I .-"'L \ { - - ~\- <" ~ \' ."J I' , ~ , ~ h , v, T\AJ~) I YV I ~ "- ~ h v, L)I"c.- 1 \. \.J L_. 'J":; L-'~ 1 ~ ~. i' __~ /A..... I 4<l r 351 · 't I. I -J ,~ I I .~ I r2 a ~ ~- g' (fJ I .1 & :1 r ~, I ., 01 -{t -p . ..- . c-.r- " ro I ' ~ 1 '40~ 35 ~II ~ ~ III I ~f'! I 'tIIEST OUARltR' CORHDl rs I SEe. 111, TO'/IINSHIP 111, -RANGE 2J PlAT FILE NO. RT DOC. NO. CR Doc. NO. __ and Utllty ~t.o..__ REAR YARD l..NE c c --"--11--=- ..lERIOR YMS) LtIE ___-1 L___ o c F'Ra'llT YARD L.N: BeIng 10 fMt t'l wktttl and od,*~'llOJ ~~=:':.:c- and ~1nIan;t= lot ..... __ othrne IncIoated. . - o.not. 0 founcI 1/2 h:tI hln p~ moflUlMl'lt C, - Denote. a ..t 1/2 hch . 14 Indl hln mClnUnlWlt wtth a p1o.t1c oap rnarUd R.L.5. No. 18838. Tho IIOUth h of Outlot Co AR8ORET\.IIlI BUSINESS PARK. .. ~rMd to beer South 8815"M" Ea.t. '<ICNTY IIAP + SCHOELL MADSON PLANNING · ENGINEERING · SURVEYING SHEET 2 OF 2 !HE1S SCANNED / / ~~'- I \ I I \ I \ if'I/II'II/ I I 1.1 / I \ I \ \ \ III~II//;!/ I I I r; ;-f.r-r-t \ \ IIIIIIF;!/ I I I I y. 1 0.' ''-I r. \ ':;: \ I~/~/~F( ( I ( ( / tV '-\U {L.l;"' t[, \ -(' .... , \ \ /-- CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED APR 1 {) 2007 --- --- CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT PREUMINARY PLAT: ARBORElUM BUSINESS PARK 7TH ADDI110N -.v_ 0llIiII C. ........ __ ....... ..... .. .. ,.... ... .... 0.- o-tJ, ......... =::...~ ~,,".."'-=-Cl o.w " ..... '" ,... u.. .... 13) ""- ........ (_ .. ... ,.. " ... 0llIiII C .................................. o.w " ..... 'Ir. ..... n.. .... U) -- ....- lIlT DrWUI'WfT..-cT ttC).4~y.O\BIU.'t.-..::Ta 'AIl'UU.y ..... 10-1 ..,. CJUJC ,.,." tMJUT ...:1' , l"MUU.y ..... .,...IIUR CIIaK IIlXIClM'l' CMJIlLAT -..:T I ~..........D.:.-..::'=' ~- ~ PMIfT YAM>> LIe ~~IJI................ ~::r :5.,......:;: M.L01tvt.DTAlO....... _1fIUTY_ -- LCIf\.ILOCIC' "...._n.Clt4..MllID Lara. aoac t 1Z7,8U _ n. CltIUJ IICIID CMlDTA __ IQ.nClla.o:lllCNS 1aTM. mE ua.-. m. n. .. 1U1 AalD ............... --- "0 o..tr ..... .... 101 .... =--.:..~ ........ -- IlIOllO D'lII "- ... ..".............., -.....- -................... -,,- 'tOTAL ~ MCJ. NaMf. " CIIiII:11't CCMIUC '-.-art _...n. .... - ~~ -... .... --........... PRELIMINARY PLAT ~~ ~ ... Jf:lif""" - --- WI1IfIl:AIIllli ......,....,......,..,- ~~~--~~....... .... " ... ..... III ....... =tJWlI OUTLOT C ARBORETUM BUSINESS PARK ........................... ...........-...... ."'- ~ Schoell Madson [!!!] P\lnIong E~ng $<r.....ng ~~_ ~.__.,.'1 n\,,-'.......~ .,.....'~..-'l S!.o....._N~",...'''' T'~;_"'."''''' ',bl""'''' ., JOlI IlOOK ..-.. f1O.D BOOK: 705l PAtE:. 7 ....... ....... .............. S".I. PRo..ECT NO. 81809-020 .- .0. .............. . ......~~..... III ..... ....... ..... . .....-- II ................ . ......~..... III ..... ... ... ... : ==~-- o ..........__ ~ =::,':....... - ..... .. .. --- o ..... ....... .. .. ............. 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